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When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom - Romance - Nairaland

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When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 9:20pm On Dec 10, 2015
This will be a very controversial one but as i always maintain...IT IS MY OPINION.

This is not about encouraging any unmarried lady to have unprotected sex with any man but its about letting ladies understand what goes through the mind of most guys when they use a latex on a them.

But before i go on,i would like to ask this simple question..Why do we use a condom?

While the answer to that can be too exhausting i believe that many guys will say they use condoms to prevent stds and pregnancy but after marriage they will not even think about using it on their wives but would prefer the lady to use other birth control methods.

Yes condom is for protection against stds and unwanted pregnancy but i believe this is only a terrible fallacy to boost the sale of the devil's tool.

What is the guaranty that even in marriage,a man or woman can't bring std home to the spouse? What makes it different if a man decides to have a condomless sex with his wife but uses it on a mistress?

It may interest every lady reading this to know that even most single guys usually have a mindset concerning a special lady in their life and they never use condoms on such lady because to them,such girl is too special and so cherished that they will prefer raw sex with.

This leaves me with one answer to why a man will use a condom on a lady and that is because he sees you as an object of a quick and cheap sex,untrustworthy and a potential std carrier and of-course has no deep respect and affection for the lady since he only believes at that point that all you are worth is the sex...This is what goes through the mind of guys in most cases. The most unfortunate twist is that many ladies willingly allow these randy guys to have them at will since there is always a condom to use..how pathetic.

As a lady stop deceiving yourself thinking the guy wants to protect you by using a condom on you but he is only trying to protect himself.

A real sexually decent lady will never allow a man sleep with her before marriage let alone use a condom on her So any lady that allows a man use condom on her is sexually reckless and should be placed side by side with the LovePeddler in the brothels and you can as well ask him for payment after the act.....quote me anywhere...condom is mainly for casual sex with a casual lady a man has no deep respect or affection for.

If a man truly wants you and not just your goody bag,he will not be doubtful to make you his wife rather than use a latex on you severally all in the name of protected casual sex.

If i were a lady,i would rather not have sex at all than have a man stick a latex inside me.If he truly wants me then let him put a ring on it and then we can start making love the way it was originally designed by GOD.

My candid opinion.

364 Likes 53 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by nonesense: 9:21pm On Dec 10, 2015

604 Likes 37 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Omotayor123(f): 9:22pm On Dec 10, 2015
@Toks2008 the way you ended your write up sweet my Belle! cheesy

It's better to abstain totally till marriage than having an unprotected sex just because you love each other. Even if both party are free from STD there's still risk of Unwanted pregnancy.. I call it unwanted pregnancy because * if you both want a baby then you wouldn't mind getting married*

But you don't have to condemn those who use Condom since they cannot abstain, it's better that they protect themselves. Prevention is better than Cure.

I think only a man who cannot procreate will find it easy and safe to have premarital sex without protection especially if he's not ready for Marriage!

Abstinence Remains the best method! cheesy

63 Likes 4 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Khd95(m): 9:23pm On Dec 10, 2015
I came to read commentsgrin


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by agarawu23(m): 9:25pm On Dec 10, 2015
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ssoftappless(m): 9:25pm On Dec 10, 2015
hmmmmm @OP i am 100% fully with you, u see a condom is the devils's way of promoting fornication and adultry thereby making us believe that we are protecting ourself, a condom are only used on cheap sluts and prostitutes, "if u marry a woman then there is no need for condoms during sex.

34 Likes 2 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Khez: 9:26pm On Dec 10, 2015
See question o

Op don't you use the said condom too?

Abi you nor dey bleep? You be SU?

The reason you dey use am, na same reason almost everyone dey use am too

Abi you be gal, they hide under the change mantra of a man.....

The poster below will add volumes... grin

9 Likes 3 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by MRBrownJ: 9:31pm On Dec 10, 2015
This will be a very controvercial one but as i always maintain...IT IS MY OPINION.

But before i go on,i would like to ask this simple question..Why do we use a condom?

While the answer to that can be too exhausting i believe that many guys will say they use condoms to prevent stds and pregnancy but after marriage they will not even think about using it on their wives but would prefer the lady to use other birth control methods.

This leaves me with one answer to why a man will use a condom on a lady and that is because he sees you as cheap,untrustworthy and a potential std carrier and ofcourse has no deep respect and affection for the lady.

So any lady that allows a man to use condom on her is sexually reckless and cheap...quote me
anywhere...condom is mainly for casual sex
with a casual lady you have no deep respect or affection for.

My candid opinion.

TRUST and a clean bill of heath is not handed freely to every strangers, so YES, until you can trust her and her status is revealed to you, there is NO WAY you should have unprotected sex with anyone.

23 Likes 1 Share

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 9:32pm On Dec 10, 2015

condom is used for protection and i personally think,a guy who care about you will insist on using it since it more reliable,pills can fail but the possibility of condom breakage is thin if properly used.

What you wrote there is one of the tactics used by guys on gullible gurls all in d name of b.f and g.f afffair.

Abstainence is still the best.

91 Likes 4 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ITbomb(m): 9:33pm On Dec 10, 2015
Keep showing affection till when you get the 'positive' result

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 9:34pm On Dec 10, 2015
hmmmmm @OP i am 100% fully with you, u see a condom is the devils's way of promoting fornication and adultry thereby making us believe that we are protecting ourself, a condom are only used on cheap sluts and prostitutes, "if u marry a woman then there is no need for condoms during sex.
better rephrased 'abstainence is the best" simple btw op is talking of g.f and b.f affair not married couples here.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Adasun(m): 9:35pm On Dec 10, 2015
What is a condom


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by 4kinyourgrammar: 9:35pm On Dec 10, 2015
This will be a very controvercial one but as i always maintain...IT IS MY OPINION.
My candid opinion.


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by JustHere2Observ(f): 9:37pm On Dec 10, 2015
What about preventing pregnancy?


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 9:39pm On Dec 10, 2015
Condoms are meant for protection during premarital s*x no matter how intimate it is... having premarital s*x with a lady you're not married to without a condom could make your life full of court cases e.g Chris Brown and his daughter Royalty.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 9:40pm On Dec 10, 2015
hmmmmm @OP i am 100% fully with you, u see a condom is the devils's way of promoting fornication and adultry thereby making us believe that we are protecting ourself, a condom are only used on cheap sluts and prostitutes, "if u marry a woman then there is no need for condoms during sex.
Best comment of the year


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Bambless1(m): 9:41pm On Dec 10, 2015
Your Surname Is SORRY!!!


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ssoftappless(m): 9:41pm On Dec 10, 2015
better rephrased 'abstainence is the best" simple btw op is talking of g.f and b.f affair not married couples here.
yeah we are all saying d same thing, a condom is used by people who thinks the lady they are going down with might have some kind of disease or something, taking a look at d history of condoms, it was originally produce 4 prostitutes, now countdown to this day, the men are using what was meant for cheap sluts on their girlfriends. "so its better to use pills or injection than to use condom bcaus by using a condom then ure terming ur girlfriend as a slut. "i am not saying i dont fornicate, infact i fornicated today but i have never used condoms in my life.

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ssoftappless(m): 9:43pm On Dec 10, 2015
Best comment of the year
lol shrugs, im blushing
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ssoftappless(m): 9:43pm On Dec 10, 2015
Best comment of the year
lol shrugs, im blushing
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Maxi112: 9:49pm On Dec 10, 2015
what abt people like me way no sabi wear the so called condom?


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by obiorathesubtle: 9:49pm On Dec 10, 2015

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Dongorgon5(m): 9:51pm On Dec 10, 2015
Don't mind this poster
Make sure you use condom with your gulfriend, if possible wife self.
This Biitch aint loyal @ll

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Bekwarra(m): 9:52pm On Dec 10, 2015
So OP you mean anytime I go to Calcutta in Apapa or. Goodtime in Mushin or Shadow in Isolo Road or Happyano in Olateju or Express in Itun Agan or etc etc I should not use condom for Loveth, Rosemary, Tina, Vivian, Blessing, Joy, Gift, Glory, Veronica

34 Likes 2 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 9:53pm On Dec 10, 2015
lol shrugs, im blushing
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 9:55pm On Dec 10, 2015
So OP you mean anytime I go to Calcutta in Apapa or. Goodtime in Mushin or Shadow in Isolo Road or Happyano in Olateju or Express in Itun Agan or etc etc I should not use condom for Loveth, Rosemary, Tina, Vivian, Blessing, Joy, Gift, Glory, Veronica

lol..were ni bobo yi o


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by bqlekan(m): 9:59pm On Dec 10, 2015
this dude is here again.., here is my opinion,

lets assume a dude is HIV positive, going by your opinion now, he must respect that girl and spread the disease to her.. or better still, the dude should not have sex any longer cos he is HIV positive. and that makes him less of a human...

my opinion tho...

37 Likes 5 Shares

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 10:02pm On Dec 10, 2015
yeah we are all saying d same thing, a condom is used by people who thinks the lady they are going down with might have some kind of disease or something, taking a look at d history of condoms, it was originally produce 4 prostitutes, now countdown to this day, the men are using what was meant for cheap sluts on their girlfriends. "so its better to use pills or injection than to use condom bcaus by using a condom then ure terming ur girlfriend as a slut. "i am not saying i dont fornicate, infact i fornicated today but i have never used condoms in my life.
this is myopic!!

Boo,condoms are mainly used for protection shikena,nothing like trust buha ha,i dne even know where you are getting this hoe.e mentaility from.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by ssoftappless(m): 10:06pm On Dec 10, 2015
this is a rather myopic!!

Boo,condoms are mainly used for protection shikena,nothing like trust buha ha,i dne even know where you are getting this hoe.e mentaility from.
U DEY MAD @hoes mentality

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 10:07pm On Dec 10, 2015

TRUST and a clean bill of heath is not handed freely to every strangers, so YES, until you can trust her and her status is revealed to you, there is NO WAY you should have unprotected sex with anyone.
smh@trusted g.f so you avnt heard of a situation were a guy has std even tho he never for once had indiscriminate sex abi?

Trust is too expensive to be traded.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 10:09pm On Dec 10, 2015
Best comment of the year
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 10:10pm On Dec 10, 2015
Joy, I dey see you

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