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When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 11:37pm On Dec 10, 2015
i cucuma dey sideline dey observe ooo,btw,na he opinion be dat.we all are entitled to our own opinion you know but am kinda surprised tho,all i know is that condom is used for protection.,

no condom,no sex until maybe after marriage and the two parties inovled are tested hiv free even at that one cant really say for sure talkmore of ordinary b.f and g.f.

which kin yeye useless opinion be that,he is confusing those immatured boys that don"t think straight and the foolish girls that falls for love in Tokyo and gets dumped and passed onto the next guy that will.still use this same i love you i trust you so i can't use condom lies

girl abstinense is a different topic entirely and if anyone want to contribute to this arrant nonsense of a thread we should be reasonable
because this OP is clearly interchanging and confusing abstinense with use of condom

even if a guy forgot to use condom a health conscious girl should require the use of condom for sex,unless she has alterior motives, its not only a guy that needs to be protected,girls protect themselves too coz this guys are not to be trusted,HIV can be contacted from other means apart from sex

in the case of pregnancy

making use of birth control pills or other family planning methods is not adviceable for a woman that has never given birth.....(google this i can't type much)

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 11:38pm On Dec 10, 2015

you are not addressing the circumstances I gave.. but let me leave that to your conscience.

if you go through your posts, you've contradicted yourself

* you want us to abstain and still have unprotected sex even outside marriage..

@emboldened, I disagree with that totally

if I use latex for a lady I love, the message m passing is [\b]' I want you protected just like I want to. we both are not ready to raise kids, so this act between us is just a way of consuming our love for each other. I care for a perfect future for the both of us, a future with no STDS.'[b]


as we can't abstain, we gotta prevent

If una like make una interpreete am as una want.

All i know is that condom use is between a LovePeddler and her client and that was the original purpose. So any lady who allows any guy stick that thing in her is eiether sexually reckless or has a slutty minset.

How many guys will use a condom on their wives? But you can use it for casual sex with a casual partner.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 11:40pm On Dec 10, 2015


I understand you perfectly well.

1) they are not married and doesn't want to bear d consequences
2) he is sleeping with a prostitute or a runs girl
3)he's married and about to cheat
4)he sees free kitten on social media eg. Nairaland he wants to sharpaly smash

etc. etc.
C'mon married people don't need condom... either d husband or wife could get sterilized and datz all...
they can fvck all they want till end time grin who carez

For the first time someone reasonable understands my point.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 11:41pm On Dec 10, 2015

I will send a Christmas gift to you.

Now lets be real for once...if you feel you cant wait til marriage and you must sin as in fornicate at least it will take nothing to know the status of the guy and yours and yes we have other birth control pills or methods that can prevent pregnancy.

But then why the rush?must you make love by fire by force? if you really love each other go get married or stay away from sex.

Condom is a tool between a LovePeddler and her customers and any man who uses a condom on you is indirectly telling you your status.If una like make una abuse me or call me names...Awon omo oni doti
hehehehehe calling you names is out of it since you are only expressing yourself and what you think.

Well,i think condom is more reliable than other birth control method hence the preference.

Now,you will agree with me that,in this present generation,trusting people especially in b.f &g.f affair is extremely dangerous because even after the test you dnt know who that same guy wil sleep with the next minute ,little wonder a guy who is tested hiv- this month can be tested hiv+ next month even when he has a regular g.f hence the importance of condom can not be overemphasized.

The primary aim of condom is for protection,btw a guy can dig a gurl raw without any itom of affection for her,so i will urge you to have a rethink about this topic.

Abstainence is the best but in the abscence of that,dont forget condom can save one from a whole lot of stress.

Thank yhu.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 11:46pm On Dec 10, 2015

gangan! koda ki chen-fu ma binu... cheesy

thanks for this little piece ma'am.. I hope he listens..
listen you say,the man/boy is so obssessed with his chauvinistic self that he will make sure he runs his life that way
now that is even his business its his life...

the problem am having is the useless 2+2 boys and girls that he has posted this thread before because this is a public forum and some ediots actually believes everything they see hook line and sinker

because it seems OP just created this thread for laughs...because all i see here is him preaching indirect abstinense,encouraging boys and girls to have without condom on the basis of innocent looks and trust and he is even encouraging the use of family planning method for woman who have not given birth before which can lead to infertility......

BRUH i just weak right now.....egbon to create thread yi kan ma kowe bi arindin nigbami


Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Sijo01(f): 11:49pm On Dec 10, 2015
That's your moniker!

@op, I can't help but agree with you.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by flokii: 11:49pm On Dec 10, 2015

For the first time someone reasonable understands my point.


I understood you well from d beginning..

our society has changed... gone are those days when people have morals and respect them

the world has gone crazy
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 11:51pm On Dec 10, 2015

which kin yeye useless opinion be that,he is confusing those immatured boys that don"t think straight and the foolish girls that falls for love in Tokyo and gets dumped and passed onto the next guy that will.still use this same i love you i trust you so i can't use condom lies

girl abstinense is a different topic entirely and if anyone want to contribute to this arrant nonsense of a thread we should be reasonable
because this OP is clearly interchanging and confusing abstinense with use of condom

even if a guy forgot to use condom a health conscious girl should require the use of condom for sex,unless she has alterior motives, its not only a guy that needs to be protected,girls protect themselves too coz this guys are not to be trusted,HIV can be contacted from other means apart from sex

in the case of pregnancy

making use of birth control pills or other family planning methods is not adviceable for a woman that has never given birth.....(google this i can't type much)

hmmmm@immature boys,a guy who isnt matured should not bother having sex at all.(like they will listen).

Love is one of the tactics used by guys to lure gullible gurls into bed without any form of protection.

Btw,i wouldnt av say it better,kudos,if gurls like make dem dey do without protection by the time they are faced with unwanted pregnany dem go knw hw fa abi no be gurl wen guy proffess undying love for dey hospital cos of man so?

Whatever they choosed to believe is their choice.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 11:51pm On Dec 10, 2015
hehehehehe calling you names is out of it since you are only expressing yourself and what you think.

Well,i think condom is more reliable than other birth control method hence the preference.

Now,you will agree with me that,in this present generation,trusting people especially in b.f &g.f affair is extremely dangerous because even after the test you dnt know who that same guy wil sleep with the next minute ,little wonder a guy who is tested hiv- this month can be tested hiv+ next month even when he has a regular g.f hence the importance of condom can not be overemphasized.

The primary aim of condom is for protection,btw a guy can dig a gurl raw without any itom of affection for her,so i will urge you to have a rethink about this topic.

Abstainence is the best but in the abscence of that,dont forget condom can save one from a whole lot of stress.

Thank yhu.

I agree with you in totality but the point remains tyhat when a guy uses a condom on a lady,ask the guy to state the truth..and you will understand my point.

So im noy asking any lady to abstain from premarital sex if that is what rocks her boat but all i want her to know is that allowing a guy to use a condom on her is demeaning to her.

If the guy truly wants you and you also want him,ask him to do the right thing even if he is he is 20 and enjoy each other.If he says he is too young to commit himself then he should be too young to commit his dck into your core.

What i write is too hard for pervert and deluded generations to agree with.

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Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 11:54pm On Dec 10, 2015
hmmm. I'm learning alot from jolllyjoy and misspicy here.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Toks2008(m): 11:54pm On Dec 10, 2015

That's your moniker!

@op, I can't help but agree with you.

I am happy a decent lady understands.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by bqlekan(m): 11:56pm On Dec 10, 2015

listen you say,the man/boy is so obssessed with his chauvinistic self that he will make sure he runs his life that way
now that is even his business its his life...

the problem am having is the useless 2+2 boys and girls that he has posted this thread before because this is a public forum and some ediots actually believes everything they see hook line and sinker

because it seems OP just created this thread for laughs...because all i see here is him preaching indirect abstinense,encouraging boys and girls to have without condom on the basis of innocent looks and trust and he is even encouraging the use of family planning method for woman who have not given birth before which can lead to infertility......

BRUH i just weak right now
as in ehn.. I pity the lots of those who reads sh*ts on here and follows blindly.. The dude should be stopped from spreading craps like this..
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 11:57pm On Dec 10, 2015
hmmm. I'm learning alot from jolllyjoy and misspicy here.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:02am On Dec 11, 2015
hmmmm@immature boys,a guy who isnt matured should not bother having sex at all.(like they will listen).

Love is one of the tactics used by guys to lure gullible gurls into bed without any form of protection.

Btw,i wouldnt av say it better,kudos,if gurls like make dem dey do without protection by the time they are faced with unwanted pregnany dem go knw hw fa abi no be gurl wen guy proffess undying love for dey hospital cos of man so?

Whatever they choosed to believe is their choice.
ko ni da fun aye love......infact i want to.ask.the OP a.question,is relationships based on sex alone?

how can you say using condom that is used for protection is demeaning to a particular gender,wait is it only females that wear the condom? what of the male that wear the condom? what of gays that are both males?

jeez inu den ro mi fun opolo kukuru ti agbalagba mii gbe sori.....lori pe e fe so fun wa pe okunrin ni yin?

HIV that some people get thru hair cut,1 night stands,knife cut,blade cut even hospital syringe o.....someone will now take a risk on the basis of true love like seriously?

even if they go for test and know their HIv and other STDs status how many people go for the three three months test which is the best way to test against this disease

so because i want to show that am faithful and trusted i will now encourage my boyfriend who likely has other girlfriends and side chicks the sex without condom? because my so called boyfriend loves and respect me,i will gladly get infected? because i want to be tagged a decent lady? ko ni da fun aiye decent

Jesus shocked
ori mi ngbona i swear
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:09am On Dec 11, 2015
as in ehn.. I pity the lots of those who reads sh*ts on here and follows blindly.. The dude should be stopped from spreading craps like this..
No need to stop him biko

any reasonable human being that values their lives and do not joke with their health will not make use of such baseless excuse to spread HIV and unwanted pregnancies and uncared for children up and down

Decency,morality, and trust is a different topic that should not in anyway be linked to the use of condom

if you want to be decent and morality upright do notengage in sex till marriage

if you think the use of condom is demeaning keep yourself from sex till marriage

instead of spreading hogwash and diseases in the name of decency

any body who engages in sex is not likely to get married to their first sexual partner and such they can contact STDs if they go by this useless.morals induced thread

1 Like

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:10am On Dec 11, 2015
hmmm. I'm learning alot from jolllyjoy and misspicy here.
Do you have any contribution?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Alhajipaulo(m): 12:12am On Dec 11, 2015
I be like

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 12:16am On Dec 11, 2015

Do you have any contribution?
I'm here to learn.. I'm a novice
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:17am On Dec 11, 2015
hmmmm@immature boys,a guy who isnt matured should not bother having sex at all.(like they will listen).

Love is one of the tactics used by guys to lure gullible gurls into bed without any form of protection.

Btw,i wouldnt av say it better,kudos,if gurls like make dem dey do without protection by the time they are faced with unwanted pregnany dem go knw hw fa abi no be gurl wen guy proffess undying love for dey hospital cos of man so?

Whatever they choosed to believe is their choice.
you dey mind the hypocritic eediots? as if the useless love will stop him from dumping them.after he is fed up of their punny or that love will stop him from cheating if he wants and he will still bring the d!ck he used in cheating and put it direct inside them and give them STD all in the name of you are decent and they will say he respects them and is not demeaning them,while he gives them as many STDs as possible....awon ode

if you want to be decent abstain from sex,be a virgin.....lobatan
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by bqlekan(m): 12:18am On Dec 11, 2015

No need to stop him biko

any reasonable human being that values their lives and do not joke with their health will not make use of such baseless excuse to spread HIV and unwanted pregnancies and uncared for children up and down

Decency,morality, and trust is a different topic that should not in anyway be linked to the use of condom

if you want to be decent and morality upright do notengage in sex till marriage

if you think the use of condom is demeaning keep yourself from sex till marriage

instead of spreading hogwash and diseases in the name of decency

any body who engages in sex is not likely to get married to their first sexual partner and such they can contact STDs if they go by this useless.morals induced thread

you said it all ma'am, I just decided not to reply him again... he should come with another thread..
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:21am On Dec 11, 2015

I'm here to learn.. I'm a novice
I understand......always the human pleaser

sorry i don't talk to be tagged decent or seen as innocent i say it as i see it

you all are not going to marry me or give me as a bride to your family members

all what that will earn me is likes and being your NL buddy.....sorry to burst their bubble am not here to make useless buddies
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 12:31am On Dec 11, 2015

I understand......always the human pleaser

sorry i don't talk to be tagged decent or seen as innocent i say it as i see it

you all are not going to marry me or give me as a bride to your family members

all what that will earn me is likes and being your NL buddy.....sorry to burst their bubble am not here to make useless buddies
Lol. cheesy. All I will say is Sex is good, All the time.

Anyways, my mum is even reading your post and she said I should come and introduce you to her cheesy. When are u meeting her?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by BrainnewsNg(f): 12:33am On Dec 11, 2015

condom is used for protection and i personally think,a guy who care about you will insist on using it since it more reliable,pills can fail but the possibility of condom breakage is thin if properly used.

What you wrote there is one of the tactics used by guys on gullible gurls all in d name of b.f and g.f afffair.

Abstainence is still the best.

Thank you
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:38am On Dec 11, 2015

Lol. cheesy. All I will say is Sex is good, All the time.

Anyways, my mum is even reading your post and she said I should come and introduce you to her cheesy. When are u meeting her?
pretence is your Hobby

depends on the reason for the invite o

mummy are you inviting me for marriagw talks?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 12:47am On Dec 11, 2015

pretence is your Hobby

depends on the reason for the invite o

mummy are you inviting me for marriage talks?
I don't pretend.. You always see my post that I talk raw and blunt.. But on this particular topic, I'm a learner..

Yeah maybe for marriage. I showed her your pix also and she was like "Mu omo arewa yi wale kia kia" cheesy grin
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 12:52am On Dec 11, 2015

I don't pretend.. You always see my post that I talk raw and blunt.. But on this particular topic, I'm a learner..

Yeah maybe for marriage. I showed her your pix also and she was like "Mu omo arewa yi wale kia kia" cheesy grin

Ojah you are no Novice this am sure of but i understand why you mute...dont worry

am excited about something am finding it difficult to sleep

if its about marriage mummy help me talk to Ojah to wait for me a little bit biko.....
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by BamiFun: 12:54am On Dec 11, 2015
I guess we all have our opinions but what we need
is to try to note that all we do today, we reap tomorrow.

check out Hilarious videos here and UEFA Highlights

Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 12:59am On Dec 11, 2015

Ojah you are no Novice this am sure of but i understand why you mute...dont worry

am excited about something am finding it difficult to sleep

if its about marriage mummy help me talk to Ojah to wait for me a little bit biko.....
Lol cheesy.. abeg tell me why I mute abeg.. Seriously I'm learning.

@bolded, kindly gist me pls. Probably maybe on the chatroom or anywhere.. I really wanna know why she's excited.

Mummy said I should give you time as you insisted but when you're ready, lemme know
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Vince77(m): 1:00am On Dec 11, 2015
2.1bn Likes for you.
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:04am On Dec 11, 2015

Lol cheesy.. abeg tell me why I mute abeg.. Seriously I'm learning.

@bolded, kindly gist me pls. Probably maybe on the chatroom or anywhere.. I really wanna know why she's excited.

Mummy said I should give you time as you insisted but when you're ready, lemme know
lets drop that part bruh

kikikiki,i cant gist you that one on nairaland biko

okay thank you mummy smileysmileysmileysmiley God keep you for me
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by Nobody: 1:07am On Dec 11, 2015

lets drop that part bruh

kikikiki,i cant gist you that one on nairaland biko

okay thank you mummy smileysmileysmileysmiley God keep you for me
Are u on whatsapp/bbm ?.. Can we gist there?
Re: When A Guy Makes Love To You With A Condom by misspicy(f): 1:10am On Dec 11, 2015

Are u on whatsapp/bbm ?.. Can we gist there?
not right now,maybe by tomorrow,more reason why i have not given you a call,my phone has a fault

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