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Please A Word Of Advice. - Romance - Nairaland

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Bizarre... This Woman Was Born With A Third Vagina And She Has A Word For Men / A Piece Of Advice To Iamkingzlee / He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls (2) (3) (4)

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Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 9:12pm On Jan 06, 2016
Met, a lady through her friend on Facebook for about 7 months now, we been talking, I mean within sometime we have talked about a lot of things,told her of my feelings for her, well, she said she won't accept my proposal until we see, face to face I said okay,that's no problem, she is at PH and I at abuja, we made plans to meet all these while, but unfortunately no chance for that, but this past xmas,I came down to east, so I told her that I am, at the east, we should see, unfortunately she had an accident, that,she's going from hospital to hospital. The last time I spoke to her, she is still at the village I told her that I'll wait, here in onitsha for her, but now, I don't know what to do because last year November, I had some financial challenge, that I lost a lot of money, which I told her about, and I even told her that if we are to go ahead and have a relationship,that my condition now, won't make it easy for us, and that before I can gather my self around again,it may take a year or 2, because she will be 28 in 2weeks time...but she said that we will see first, then she can make her decisions,now I don't want a situation whereby, she may think that am a criminal or desperate, you know, because she is beautiful and rich, not super rich..she might think that am after her beauty and her money....so now I have decided to not call her again and see if she would call...or do you guys think that I should call her and see if she is in onitsha,and still interested for the planed meeting?
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Sexxkillz: 9:39pm On Jan 06, 2016
I personally do not think you have anything to lose. It's a simple yes or no. Take your chances and see what comes out of it. Call her and find out where she is and go visit her, especially now that she is ill.

Above all, it'll show her that you truly care about her health, and not her riches or physical appearance.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Nobody: 9:53pm On Jan 06, 2016
Meet the lady nah , you have nothing to lose.
If she says yes , fine If she doesn't, life goes on.

Be courageous bro cool
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:02pm On Jan 06, 2016
I personally do not think you have anything to lose. It's a simple yes or no. Take your chances and see what comes out of it. Call her and find out where she is and go visit her, especially now that she is ill.

Above all, it'll show her that you truly care about her health, and not her riches or physical appearance.
thanks bro, after reading your comment I had to call her not long ago, well, she is in onitsha now, and I asked her if we can see this weekend, she said she have no idea yet, well I told her, I'll still call her again....
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:09pm On Jan 06, 2016
Meet the lady nah , you have nothing to lose.

If she says yes , fine
If she doesn't, life goes on.

Be courageous bro cool
yeah, you are very right...called her this night and she said that she is in onitsha now, I asked her, that could we see this weekend she said she doesn't know yet, I said okay that I'll still call her again, that might be on Friday...
I can't even combine words to say to her like before, because I don't know where I dey go with her, maybe seeing her will decide, how I live with her....you get?
Thanks anyway!
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Sexxkillz: 10:11pm On Jan 06, 2016
thanks bro, after reading your comment I had to call her not long ago, well, she is in onitsha now, and I asked her if we can see this weekend, she said she have no idea yet, well I told her, I'll still call her again....
She may try putting you off from seeing her in that state. Gently insist you want to see her and ascertain she's ok from her accident. Never ever mention that you want to see her because you want to discuss if your relationship would still be possible. Show a genuine concern in her well being first, and then other things would naturally follow.

If she agrees to meet, buy simple stuff when going, like fruits. Nothing extravagant. And never spend more than 30 mins with her, even if she insists. Use that opportunity to get another date!
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:27pm On Jan 06, 2016
She may try putting you off from seeing her in that state. Gently insist you want to see her and ascertain she's ok from her accident. Never ever mention that you want to see her because you want to discuss if your relationship would still be possible. Show a genuine concern in her well being first, and then other things would naturally follow.

If she agrees to meet, buy simple stuff when going, like fruits. Nothing extravagant. And never spend more than 30 mins with her, even if she insists. Use that opportunity to get another date!
alright, of course, well I'd with my sister's
Number when next I call her again, then I'll talk more with her, sigh* should I call her tomorrow ?
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Sexxkillz: 10:31pm On Jan 06, 2016
alright, of course, well I'd with my sister's
Number when next I call her again, then I'll talk more with her, sigh* should I call her tomorrow ?
Yes of course.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Nobody: 10:37pm On Jan 06, 2016
yeah, you are very right...called her this night and she said that she is in onitsha now, I asked her, that could we see this weekend she said she doesn't know yet, I said okay that I'll still call her again, that might be on Friday...
I can't even combine words to say to her like before, because I don't know where I dey go with her, maybe seeing her will decide, how I live with her....you get?
Thanks anyway!
I wish you luck bro.

The kingdom of God sufferth violent, only the violent takes it by force grin grin grin

with sexkillz second advice, you are good to go wink
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by herboshedhe(f): 10:51pm On Jan 06, 2016
[color=#770077][/color]Eleyigidi gan nii o
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:52pm On Jan 06, 2016
Yes of course.
thanks aplenty!
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:55pm On Jan 06, 2016
I wish you luck bro.

The kingdom of God sufferth violent, only the violent takes it by force grin grin grin

with sexkillz second advice, you are good to go wink
smiles* I salute! God bless*
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:56pm On Jan 06, 2016
[color=#770077][/color]Eleyigidi gan nii o
you can say that again...
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Nobody: 10:59pm On Jan 06, 2016
thanks smiles* I salute! God bless*
you are welcome smiley
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 10:59pm On Jan 06, 2016
you are welcome smiley
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 12:03am On Jan 10, 2016
Yes of course.
well, I called her again for 3 days now I got no reply, wetin man go do, but to look ahead and like she said she's got just tomorrow to stay here and then return to her base.... Make I go make money, may be that did me in....
Hmmm! Thanks anyway...
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Sexxkillz: 12:09am On Jan 10, 2016
well, I called her again for 3 days now I got no reply, wetin man go do, but to look ahead and like she said she's got just tomorrow to stay here and then return to her base.... Make I go make money, may be that did me in....
Hmmm! Thanks anyway...
Text her and ask about her health. In this case, you have to exhaust all means to get through to her until it's obvious to the blind that she isn't interested.

If she replies your text flatly, and doesn't mention the missed calls you left her, that may be a sign to move on. But, until then, exhaust all options.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 12:33am On Jan 10, 2016
Text her and ask about her health. In this case, you have to exhaust all means to get through to her until it's obvious to the blind that she isn't interested.

If she replies your text flatly, and doesn't mention the missed calls you left her, that may be a sign to move on. But, until then, exhaust all options.
I have asked her about her health already, nothing from her, I don't know what she wants me to do,again sometimes I wonder why can't people be honest, with things like this, truly sad you know....
I am pained, because I expected yes, I expected better stuffs from her than this hide and seek.....kai!
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Sexxkillz: 12:35am On Jan 10, 2016
I have asked her about her health already, nothing from her, I don't know what she wants me to do,again sometimes I wonder why can't people be honest, with things like this, truly sad you know....
I am pained, because I expected yes, I expected better stuffs from her than this hide and seek.....kai!
Seize contact for a while. If she doesn't make an attempt to contact you, let her go.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 12:41am On Jan 10, 2016
Seize contact for a while. If she doesn't make an attempt to contact you, let her go.
yeah, whatever she decides is her luck.....I have a feeling that its because of my recent financial challenges, na hin she dey act, like to say na mistake telling her..some girls don't even deserve to be told the painful truth.....
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by joliyp(f): 12:46am On Jan 10, 2016
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 12:54am On Jan 10, 2016
yeah, hmmm.. I wish I can read a meaning, what this your 'hmmm' mean? Abi tell me nah?
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Nobody: 4:27pm On Feb 08, 2016
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by Nealo(f): 5:10pm On Feb 08, 2016
I personally do not think you have anything to lose. It's a simple yes or no. Take your chances and see what comes out of it. Call her and find out where she is and go visit her, especially now that she is ill.

Above all, it'll show her that you truly care about her health, and not her riches or physical appearance.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 6:01pm On Mar 21, 2016
Good evening repogirl, how are you today? please ma'am I'd want you to start from here? Though I still have some of my recent conversions with her,that I'll share with you, after you may have finish reading this one, thanks..

repogirl. no vex if I dey disturb you.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by repogirl(f): 6:35pm On Mar 21, 2016
Frakdon, you are clearly over thinking things and it seems you're also suffering a blow to your self esteem as a result of your financial challenges.

Call her, visit her or go on a date and see where this leads. Don't over think it, just take it as it comes.

You are jumping into dangerous conclusions when you are not even in her head.

For her to agree to a meeting with you clearly means you might stand a chance with her.

So...just see where it goes.

Hope this helps.

P.S. you're not disturbing me, I'm very glad to be of help. Goodluck!
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 7:04pm On Mar 21, 2016
Frakdon, you are clearly over thinking things and it seems you're also suffering a blow to your self esteem as a result of your financial challenges.

Call her, visit her or go on a date and see where this leads. Don't over think it, just take it as it comes.

You are jumping into dangerous conclusions when you are not even in her head.

For her to agree to a meeting with you clearly means you might stand a chance with her.

So...just see where it goes.

Hope this helps.

P.S. you're not disturbing me, I'm very glad to be of help. Goodluck!
yeah, thanks..
Well, I'd called her last night, but I would want to tell you what we discussed privately?
Let me send an email to you?
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by repogirl(f): 7:11pm On Mar 21, 2016
yeah, thanks..
Well, I'd called her last night, but I would want to tell you what we discussed privately?
Let me send an email to you?
okay then.
Re: Please A Word Of Advice. by frakdon(m): 7:59pm On Mar 21, 2016
okay then.
thanks please check your mail.....

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