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What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? - Romance - Nairaland

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What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by zanyzara: 2:13pm On Jul 02, 2009
yeah!talk of love,HE has it.he's devoted,caring,romantic &everything a woman wants in a man but, he doesn't eat!no,  not that "eat".i mean he wont chop no matter what u cook,he wont eat lyk all men i know &that kind of makes me feel like a bad cook &i hate it.so tell me what does he/she do that you hate despite all, ?
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by gen2genius(m): 2:19pm On Jul 02, 2009
But what if you're actually a bad cook? Sorry, just wondering. Are you sure it's not about your cooking? undecided
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by zanyzara: 2:23pm On Jul 02, 2009
nah!i be original omo oko,mama taught me that if nothing else.
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by Nobody: 3:02pm On Jul 02, 2009
Maybe he thinks you want to poison him. Maybe he doesn't trust you. Again, maybe your food tastes Baaaad!!!
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by Nautillus(m): 3:51pm On Jul 02, 2009
Why don't you concentrate on knowing what he eats. . .when he does eat/ becos he has to at one point or another . . .and channel your efforts toward preparing THAT MEAL for him? ? ? . . lets say . . .someone like . . .ME . . .if you don't know to make RICE based meals well . . . .its trouble oh . . .i don't do nearly done/over done . .you have to be on point . .Rice and all that comes with it. . .and on the flipside . .if YOU as the girl . .can't step up . . .i can DO IT Myself.
I have a friend who isn't into RICE at all . . .he lives on all kinds of meat and vegies . . .so IF your B/F was this guy . .Just picture you strainning to SHOP/CLEAN/COOK all the Friedrice/chicken/fish . .blah blah. . . and he picks at it . . .lol

Just ask him what he like when it comes to food . . . wah lah . .you are sorthed . .except IF you dont know how to make what he eats oh . .thennnnn . .there is a problem
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by biola44: 4:23pm On Jul 02, 2009
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by Nobody: 8:06pm On Jul 02, 2009
i love and have accepted everything about her, and what i dont particularly like isnt a bother to me. if it really is a bother then i would have to move on.
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by Saxxychic(f): 5:50am On Jul 03, 2009
lying to me.
Re: What Do U Hate In Ur Partner(man/woman)? by iice(f): 8:19am On Jul 03, 2009
Hate? What would i be doing in a relationship with him if i hate something? undecided

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