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If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by analice107: 7:41am On Jun 21, 2017
Two women were spoken of in Revelation 17:1-3 and 21:9-10, one is called the great harlot(false church)
and the other is called the bride(the church of Christ)
Let's look briefly at the harlot.the harlot spoken of in Rev.17 and 18 is Babylon.
The name Babylon originates from "Babel." Which in terms speaks of the tower of Babel in Genesis and the principle of the tower of Babel involves the attempt to build up something from earth to reach unto heaven. When men built this tower, they used bricks. There is a basic difference between brick and stone. Stone is made by God, and bricks are made by man. Bricks are a human invention, a human product. The meaning of Babylon relates to man's own efforts to build a tower to reach unto heaven. Babylon represents man's ability. It represents a false Christianity, a Christianity which does not allow the Holy Spirit to have authority. It does not seek the Holy Spirit's guidance; it does all things by human effort. Everything consists of bricks baked by man; everything depends upon man's action. Those who are according to this principle do not see that they are limited; rather, they attempt to do the Lord's work by their own natural ability. They do not stand in a position where they are truly able to say, "Lord, if You do not give us grace, we cannot do anything." They think that man's ability can suffice for spiritual things. Their intention is to establish something upon the earth that will reach to heaven.
God, however, can never accept it.
The principle of second also comes to mind.the first are always according to the flesh but the second according to the Spirt.
So the towel is man made church.
You just described the Catholic Church. Having a form of godliness but denying the Power.
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by Martinez19(m): 3:01pm On Jun 21, 2017
Two women were spoken of in Revelation 17:1-3 and 21:9-10, one is called the great harlot(false church)
and the other is called the bride(the church of Christ)
Let's look briefly at the harlot.the harlot spoken of in Rev.17 and 18 is Babylon.
The name Babylon originates from "Babel." Which in terms speaks of the tower of Babel in Genesis and the principle of the tower of Babel involves the attempt to build up something from earth to reach unto heaven. When men built this tower, they used bricks. There is a basic difference between brick and stone. Stone is made by God, and bricks are made by man. Bricks are a human invention, a human product. The meaning of Babylon relates to man's own efforts to build a tower to reach unto heaven. Babylon represents man's ability. It represents a false Christianity, a Christianity which does not allow the Holy Spirit to have authority. It does not seek the Holy Spirit's guidance; it does all things by human effort. Everything consists of bricks baked by man; everything depends upon man's action. Those who are according to this principle do not see that they are limited; rather, they attempt to do the Lord's work by their own natural ability. They do not stand in a position where they are truly able to say, "Lord, if You do not give us grace, we cannot do anything." They think that man's ability can suffice for spiritual things. Their intention is to establish something upon the earth that will reach to heaven.
God, however, can never accept it.
The principle of second also comes to mind.the first are always according to the flesh but the second according to the Spirt.
So the towel is man made church.
Allegories and metaphors. The way christians try to make sense out of absurd biblical stories. undecided
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by Nobody: 4:11pm On Jun 21, 2017
Why did God stop the Tower of Babel from reaching Heaven but didn't stop spaceships from being launched into space? and if heaven is the sky as the Bible claims,then why don't we see heaven when we go to space?

You ve just disappointed any who taught you Gods word, if any did teach you that.

First, God confused there language so that people will expand and occupy the whole earth. The goal of the builders were so that humans cluster in one location. That is against Gods will.

Secondly, there are spiritual heavens and physical heavens. No one can approach spiritual heaven with a spacecraft.

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Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by ichuka(m): 5:05pm On Jun 21, 2017
Allegories and metaphors. The way christians try to make sense out of absurd biblical stories. undecided
grin grin
Dude that's the bible for you man.it has nothing to do with gns101.
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by ichuka(m): 5:09pm On Jun 21, 2017

You just described the Catholic Church. Having a form of godliness but denying the Power.
Not just the catholic,but also Pentecostal,cc,baptist etc
All works of the flesh goes no were.
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by analice107: 5:22pm On Jun 21, 2017
Not just the catholic,but also Pentecostal,cc,baptist etc All works of the flesh goes no were.
Since all are disqualified, that means Christ is left without a flock abi?
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by Martinez19(m): 5:23pm On Jun 21, 2017

grin grin
Dude that's the bible for you man.it has nothing to do with gns101.
what is gns101?
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by ichuka(m): 7:19pm On Jun 21, 2017
what is gns101?
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by ichuka(m): 7:38pm On Jun 21, 2017

Since all are disqualified, that means Christ is left without a flock abi?
No not all but anything made of brick in the church goes nowhere
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by analice107: 7:45pm On Jun 21, 2017

No not all but anything made of brick in the church goes nowhere
Oh, there's a misunderstanding here. You take buildings/Structures to be Churches, I take people/individuals to be Churches.
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by ichuka(m): 11:52pm On Jun 21, 2017

Oh, there's a misunderstanding here. You take buildings/Structures to be Churches, I take people/individuals to be Churches.
You aren't getting me.see,all man's endeavours to build something from earth to heaven by human ability is bricks.
Some smart/intelligent people after studying little theology now thinks they can preach without direction or revelation of the Holy Spirit,Bricks that's what it is.
Because someone is a bank manager,he now managers the affairs of the church without directive from the Spirit?Bricks!
Wizz kid/davidio heading/leading praise and worship in service with no directive from Him?Bricks!!
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by LEAFLET(m): 4:21am On Jun 22, 2017

You ve just disappointed any who taught you Gods word, if any did teach you that.

First, God confused there language so that people will expand and occupy the whole earth. The goal of the builders were so that humans cluster in one location. That is against Gods will.

Secondly, there are spiritual heavens and physical heavens. No one can approach spiritual heaven with a spacecraft.

This is where Africans fail woefully.. You first of all called me a disspointment for doubting stuffs that I was brainwashed into believing, Now that I'm an adult and trying to seek answers, You are finding it hard to take.

So there's spiritual heavens and physical heavens?? Wow that's a first time for me, that means there is spiritual hell and physical hell then. Let me tell you the concept of hell fire was invented by man, right from my high school days I've questioned a lot of stuffs and have even engaged reverend fathers into conversations and their final answer normally is that one shouldn't doubt and that seeking knowledge about God is like the experience of one augustine at the river side.. ask yourself this question: Romans in the olden days killed millions of people in the name of Christianity and the pope that's supposedly the head of the church was the head and supported each and every move, If he was very sure of hell and where he's going after death, He wouldn't have ordered the slaying of millions of women and kids and forcibly take over the lands and it's resources as he knows that that's a sure way to hell..
Re: If You Can Defend This Then You are a real Christian!!!(photo) by Nobody: 10:09pm On Jun 23, 2017

This is where Africans fail woefully.. You first of all called me a disspointment for doubting stuffs that I was brainwashed into believing, Now that I'm an adult and trying to seek answers, You are finding it hard to take.

So there's spiritual heavens and physical heavens?? Wow that's a first time for me, that means there is spiritual hell and physical hell then. Let me tell you the concept of hell fire was invented by man, right from my high school days I've questioned a lot of stuffs and have even engaged reverend fathers into conversations and their final answer normally is that one shouldn't doubt and that seeking knowledge about God is like the experience of one augustine at the river side.. ask yourself this question: Romans in the olden days killed millions of people in the name of Christianity and the pope that's supposedly the head of the church was the head and supported each and every move, If he was very sure of hell and where he's going after death, He wouldn't have ordered the slaying of millions of women and kids and forcibly take over the lands and it's resources as he knows that that's a sure way to hell..

Gen 27:28 "Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of corn and wine:" see also matt 6:26: "Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value then they?(ASV).

Which heaven do you think this place refer?

Hellfire does not exist, although I dont agree with ur logic with which you disprove it.

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