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Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 9:08pm On Apr 16, 2016 |
JABATA AND HADITH al-THAQALAIN (Part I) In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful THE CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad Alī Jabata, in his recorded lecture, entitled How to take and use evidence from Quran and Sunnah -Ibadan lecture day 1 – 2, makes the following claims (from 01:13 mins to 02:29 mins): https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jbt-evidence2.mp3 "We have seen the ḥadīth of the Prophet which tells us that he gave us testamentary instructions concerning “the Book of Allāh and my Ahl al-Bayt. Take care of the Book of Allāh and my household.” This ḥadīth is truly authentic. It is the Shī’ah who have misunderstood it. They have misunderstood it, and they are misusing it. The ḥadīth is the ṣaḥīḥ version. The ḥadīth which says “Hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh” is ḍa’īf. That one is ḍa’īf. However, as for “Hold fast to my Sunnah and my Ahl al-Bayt. I remind you, with Allāh, concerning my Ahl al-Bayt” – the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet, we must take care of them. The Prophet truly said it. But, who are the Ahl al-Bayt? They are the family of ‘Abbās, the family of ‘Alī, the family of ‘Aqīl, and the family of Ja’far. These are the household of the Prophet. You Shī’ah who say nonsense, if you truly love the Ahl al-Bayt as you claim everywhere, the family of ‘Alī are not the only members of the Ahl al-Bayt. How come you do not talk about the family of Ja’far? You do not talk about the family of ‘Abbās. Why do you not talk about the family of ‘Aqīl? You are cheaters. It is actually we who love the Ahl al-Bayt. But, we are not told to place them at the level of Allāh. You have placed Ḥusayn at the level of Allāh. You invoke Ḥusayn, and you invoke ‘Alī." OUR INVESTIGATIONS Shaykh Jabata quotes this ḥadīth in Arabic, and calls it ḍa’īf: عليكم بسنتي و سنة رسول الله "Hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh." The hard truth, of course, is that this ḥadīth, with this text, does not exist in any ḥadīth book at all. It was clearly forged by the Shaykh himself. Whosoever disagrees with this conclusion is CHALLENGED to produce any ḥadīth with that text from any ḥadīth book – whether a Sunnī book, or a Shī’ī one or otherwise. Another ḥadīth, which Shaykh Jabata fabricated and also quoted in Arabic, is this: عليكم بسنتي و أهل بيتي أُذكِّركُم الله في أهل بيتي "Hold fast to my Sunnah and my Ahl al-Bayt. I remind you, with Allāh, concerning my Ahl al-Bayt." This one too does not exist. It is the second forgery by the Shaykh. Interestingly, he claimed that it is ṣaḥīḥ, and that the Prophet “truly” said it! Lastly, Shaykh Jabata always claims that he bases everything in the religion upon the Qur’ān and Sunnah only. Here, he has defined the term “Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet” as “the family of ‘Abbās, the family of ‘Alī, the family of ‘Aqīl and the family of Ja’far.” Can the Shaykh or his followers show us where the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him and his family, ever defined his Ahl al-Bayt in that manner? Needless to say, they will never be able to do that. In conclusion, within just one minute and some seconds, Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata fabricated two ḥadīths and also gave a definition which has no basis in the Qur’ān and Sunnah. This is why we are not surprised when he forged one more lie about the Shī’ah: he claimed that they invoke al-Ḥusayn and ‘Alī. It is nothing but another desperate forgery from him. Abu Fatima Muhammadi al-Ilory |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 9:19pm On Apr 16, 2016 |
JABATA, SAUDI SHI'AH AND IRANIAN SUNNIS In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata made these series of claims in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 00:56 secs – 02:58 mins: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "Our topic are the Shī’ah. The Shī’ah are present in all countries. They are not limited to Nigeria. In Saudi Arabia, they are at the border areas. We may even say that they are not in Saudi Arabia. But, in all other countries, they are present everywhere. But, the place where they have chosen as their base, as their home, where they openly reveal their ‘aqīdah, and where others are not allowed to reveal his ‘aqīdah, is Iran. No Sunnī can live in Iran. They would kill him. One of their scholars repented from their ‘aqīdah of kufr, and he wrote a book on it. So, they killed him. That is their base. Iran is their base. They are also present in Iraq in truth. However, since Saddam Hussein was killed, Iraq has been divided. There are Shī’ah there. There are non-Shī’ah there. They are in Bahrain. They are everywhere. They are in Jordan. They are in Syria. They are in Lebanon. They are many there. Whatever the case, they are in Nigeria as well, in the North, and they are in Ilorin here." OUR INVESTIGATIONS Shaykh Jabata admits that there are some Shī’ah in Saudi Arabia, in the border areas. However, he wants to emphasize how insignificant their number is, by adding: “We may even say that they are not in Saudi Arabia.” This suggests that they are so few that their existence equals their non-existence. This can be the case only if they are a few hundreds or thousands. So, we decided to find out how many Shī’ah are really in the Arabian kingdom. The Global Security website gives us an overview: "Although estimates of the Shi'a population ranged from 5 to 20 percent, more reliable statistics put the figure at 10 to 15 percent. Shia are concentrated primarily in the Eastern Province, where they constituted perhaps 33 percent of the population, being concentrated in the oases of Qatif and Al Ahsa. Maintaining peace in the Eastern Province, where most Saudi Shias live, is a top propriety for the Saudi government and the outside world that depends on Saudi oil. Nearly all of Saudi Arabia’s oil — about one fifth of the global supply — comes from the Eastern Province." In other words, the most accurate statistics on the population of Shī’ah in Saudi Arabia put their figure at 10-15% of the Saudi population. Moreover, almost of Saudi Arabia’s oil comes from the lands of these Shī’ah. Meanwhile, concerning the religious freedom of Saudi Shī’ah, Global Security adds: "Freedom of religion is neither recognized nor protected under the law and is severely restricted in practice. The country is an Islamic state governed by a monarchy; the king is head of both state and government. Sunni Islam is the official religion. The country's basic law declares the Holy Qur'an is the constitution, and the legal system is based on the government's application of the Hanbali school of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. The government claims to provide for and protect the right to private worship for all, including non-Muslims who gather in homes for religious services. This right was not always respected in practice and is not defined in law. The government enforces its official interpretation of Sunni Islam. Some Muslims who did not adhere to this interpretation face SIGNIFICANT political, economic, legal, social, and religious discrimination, including limited employment and educational opportunities, underrepresentation in official institutions, restrictions on the practice of their faith, and on the building of places of worship and community centers. " The US-based think-tank, Council on Foreign Relations, also gives this assessment of the population of Shī’ah in Saudi Arabia: "An estimated 120 million Shiites live in pockets scattered across the globe. But the bulk of them reside in the Middle East. Shiites make up strong majorities in Iran (90 percent), Bahrain (75 percent), and Iraq (close to 60 percent); Lebanon, too, is primarily Shiite. Small but potentially powerful Shiite are found throughout the Gulf States, as well as in Pakistan (17 percent), Saudi Arabia (15 percent), and India (around 2 percent). Many of the Persian-Gulf-based Shiites, particularly those in eastern Saudi Arabia and southern Iraq, inhabit lands rich in oil, which has created tension between the Shiites and their Sunni neighbors." So, the Shī’ah are actually 15% of the Saudi population. Meanwhile, the current population of Saudi Arabia is 32 million. This means that there are 4.8 million Shī’ah in Saudi Arabia, in the East of the country where most of its oil is. Now, contrast this reality with Shaykh Jabata’s claim that “we may even say that they (i.e. Shī’ah) are not in Saudi Arabia”! In our view, the Shaykh deliberately misrepresented the truth in order to perpetuate the ignorance of his followers. If they found out that the “Sunnah” country has almost 5 million Shī’ah – despite Āl al-Sa’ūd’s violent anti-Shī’ī policies – they might get really confused and shaken up. Shaykh Jabata further claims that Sunnīs cannot live in the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to him, any Sunnī who dares to live in Iran is executed, simply on account of his Sunnī faith. But, how true are these statements? First, this is Article 12 of the Iranian constitution: "The official religion of Iran is Islam and the Twelver Ja'fari school [in usual al-Din and fiqh], and this principle will remain eternally immutable. Other Islamic schools, including the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali, and Zaydi, are to be accorded full respect, and their followers are free to act in accordance with their own jurisprudence in performing their religious rites. These schools enjoy official status in matters pertaining to religious education, affairs of personal status (marriage, divorce, inheritance, and wills) and related litigation in courts of law. In regions of the country where Muslims following any one of these schools of fiqh constitute the majority, local regulations, within the bounds of the jurisdiction of local councils, are to be in accordance with the respective school of fiqh, without infringing upon the rights of the followers of other schools." Apparently, Shaykh Jabata has lied again! Moreover, a Sunnī Muslim from Egypt, Ahmad Mustafa, has produced a documentary on the Sunnīs of Iran. They live peacefully there, with full religious freedom, and are friendly towards their Shī’ī compatriots. The documentary is available on YouTube for anyone who is interested in knowing about the genuine conditions of Iranian Sunnis. Finally, Shaykh Jabata claims that a Shī’ī scholar in Iran “repented” from Shī’īsm, wrote a book on this, and was thereby executed. He tactically avoided mentioning the name of this “repenter” or the title of his book. Of course, he omitted them because the whole tale is just one laughable cock-and-bull story! Abu Fatimah Muhammadi Al-Ilory |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 7:53am On Apr 17, 2016 |
JABATA AND HIS IMAGINARY “SHI'I QUR'AN” In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 12:16 mins – 12:35 mins, says about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "They do not accept this Qur’ān of ours. They have their own special Qur’ān. They have their own special Qur’ān in Iran. There, they do not accept this Qur’ān. Because they do not accept this Qur’ān, if you want to quote it to them, they will say: “No. You are quoting an incomplete Qur’ān. It is not correct.” OUR INVESTIGATIONS Shaykh Jabata claims that the Shī’ah have their own special “Qur’ān,” and that they do not believe in the Qur’ān that all Muslims know. Yet, he fails to show us a copy of that “special Qur’ān.” We CHALLENGE the Shaykh and his followers to produce a copy of the said “Shī’ī Qur’ān.” Or, they may instead direct us to any bookshop in Nigeria or in any other country where we can find this “Qur’ān.” Alternatively, they should tell us the Shī’ī (or even Sunnī) websites where this “Shī’ī Qur’ān” can be downloaded or read. After all, all Shī’ī books are now available on the internet. That should not be difficult for them to do. Qur’ān 2:111 says: قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ Say, ´Produce your evidence if you are telling the truth.´ So, if Shaykh Jabata does not provide a copy of that “Shī’ī Qur’ān,” then he is a liar. Well, there is no doubt about this. He is indeed a liar. There are millions of Sunnīs in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon. In each of these four countries, the Shī’ah are the majority. However, millions of Sunnīs live with them, and even intermarry with them. Yet, no Sunnī from these countries has ever seen any “special Qur’ān” of the Shī’ah. Moreover, there are millions of Shī’ah in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Nonetheless, the Salafīs of these two countries have never seen any “Shī’ī Qur’ān” either. In Bahrain, the majority of the population are Shī’ah but the royal family are Sunnīs. Interestingly, the Bahraini royal family too – with all their power, wealth, connections and reach – have never seen any “Shī’ī Qur’ān.” But, our one and only Shaykh Jabata in Ilorin has seen it. Lā ḥawla walā quwwata ilā billāh! We swear by Allah in Whose Hand our lives are, Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata is a liar. The Shī’ah have no special Qur’ān. They have no different Qur’ān. They have and follow the same Qur’ān as the rest of the Islāmic Ummah. Jabata has never seen any “Shī’ī Qur’ān” – and no human being has ever seen it – because it does not exist. Iranians participate in international Qur’ān recitation competitions. For instance, according to the report ( of the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) of 15th June, 2015, a Shī’ī qārī from Iran won Malaysia’s 57th International Holy Qur’ān Competition: Mohsen Hajihassni Kargar from Iran won the first rank in the recitation category of Malaysia’s 57th International Holy Quran Competition. According to IQNA dispatches, the competition’s jury panel selected the Iranian Qari as the top winner in the recitation category. The Malaysian organizers were Sunnīs. Yet, they gave the first global position in Qur’ān recitation to a Shī’ī reciter (may Allah’s mercy be upon him) from Iran. We ask Shaykh Jabata and his followers: which Qur’ān did this Shī’ī qārī recite at the competition? Was he reciting the one in your hallucinations and wild dreams? Anyway, in case you are wondering, this is the Shī’ī reciter during the competition: Does that look like another “Qur’ān,” Shaykh Jabata and his followers? Shaykh Jabata further claims that the Shī’ah do not accept the Qur’ān of the Ummah as evidence! According to him, whenever someone quotes the Qur’ān to a Shī’ī, he will reject it and will say: “No. You are quoting an incomplete Qur’ān. It is not correct.” We ask the Shaykh. Which Shī’ī has ever said or did this? Tell us their names? Tell us when and where they said or did that. Show us books or articles of the Shī’ī ‘ulamā where they have written or done that. Show us video clips of Shī’ī scholars where they have said or done that. Or stop telling lies! The only reason Shaykh Jabata has gone this far in his lies is only to “prove” that the Shī’ah are kuffār. There is no other reason. He is desperate. So, he forged childish lies, and attributed them to the Shī’ah. May the eternal curse of Allāh be upon the liars. Now, let us help the Shaykh a little bit. You need someone to call a kāfir? Well, here he is. Imām al-Ṭaḥāwī (d. 361 H), in his Sharḥ Mushkil al-Athār (Beirut: Muasassat al-Risālah; 1st edition, 1415 H) [annotator: Shu’ayb al-Arnaūṭ], vol. 4, p. 249, documents: حدثنا ابن أبي مريم قال : حدثنا الفريابي قال : حدثنا سفيان عن شعبة عن جعفر بن إياس عن مجاهد عن ابن عباس في قوله عز وجل : }لا تدخلوا بيوتا غير بيوتكم حتى تستأنسوا وتسلموا على أهلها{ قال :أخطأ الكاتب إنما هو }حتى تستأذنوا{ Ibn Abī Maryam – al-Firyābī – Sufyān – Shu’bah – Ja’far b. Iyās – Mujāhid: Ibn ‘Abbās said concerning His Statement, the Almighty, the Most Glorious {You who have īmān! do not enter houses other than your own until you have asked permission [tasta-nisū] and greeted their inhabitants} [24:27]: “The scribes made a mistake. It is only {until you have asked permission [tasta-dhinū]}.” Shaykh al-Arnaūṭ says about the report: إسناده صحيح على شرط الشيخين Its chain is ṣaḥīḥ upon the standard of the two Shaykhs. Here, Ibn ‘Abbās said that Qur’ān 24:27 contains a mistake, an error. He even gave the “correct” version of that āyah, and it is different from what we have today in the Qur’ān. We CHALLENGE Shaykh Jabata and his followers to answer the following questions: 1. If someone claims that there is an error in the Qur’ān, is he a Muslim or a kāfir? 2. Ibn ‘Abbās claimed that there is an error in the Qur’ān, was he a Muslim or a kāfir? We further CHALLENGE you to produce sound, verifiable evidence to back up every single claim you make in reply to these questions. Our advice to the followers of Shaykh Jabata is only this verse (49:6): يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ You who have īmān! If a fāsiq brings you a report, scrutinize it carefully in case you attack people in ignorance and so come to greatly regret what you have done" Abu Fatima Muhammadi Al-Ilory |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Empiree: 7:44pm On Apr 17, 2016 |
I agree with some Jabata's understanding and I also disagree with him on others. *On ruqya, I agree with his initial understanding with refrence from hadith. *I disagree with calling those who take ruqya as center of iwosan as mushrik. If there are people abusing it, it should rather be properly coordinated. They should be licensed as well. *I certainly disagree with his view on Shia's belief in another Quran. I need to watch that part again cus I felt asleep. *I agree with his view on "omo ale", illegitimate children. His view is in harmony with Quran. A baby born out of wedlock is innocent of parents' inappropriate behaviour. This is contrary to Sheik Aboto's. The Sheik in his explanation is so scary. He didnt give much of evidence to back up his claims. He made it s scary that there is no way the baby will enter janna even if he/she is righteous. *Sheik Akindele is Salafi but Jabata critizised him of ruqya. I dont blame him actually. Unless if he's referring to another Sheik Akindele *I am surprised Sheik Jabata considers hadith (of two weighty things) to be sahih. And I think he makes some point with respect to Shia not honoring other household. But I am yet to understand if he agrees with hadith of two "weighty things" over "Quran and sunnah" This is the first time I listened to Sheik Jabata at length. He's not that bad as many people proclaimed. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 8:11pm On Apr 17, 2016 |
Empiree: @bold, that's why we challenge him and whoever hold his view that he should show us sahih hadith where the holy Prophet ever introduced his Ahlulbayt as "Jafar, Aqil, Abbas and their offspring". Just one hadith reported from the lip of Nabi. What is clearly proven is his introduction of Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein, and his offspring as his Ahlulbayt. Empiree: His understanding of hadith Thaqalain (just like majority of the so-called salafiyyah) is that Nabi only commanded us to follow Quran but not his Ahlulbayt. On the contrary, they argued we are only commanded to "love" and "respect" them not to follow them. Empiree: Jabata is worse. He's a full blown heretic. Even the rest of his Salafiyyah compatriots have labeled him Khawarij. Obviously you have not hear anything from his lectures. Though he talks sense sometimes. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Empiree: 8:32pm On Apr 17, 2016 |
AlBaqir:Perhaps, they fall under the offspring like "extended" relatives?. Isnt that sufficient? His understanding of hadith Thaqalain (just like majority of the so-called salafiyyah) is that Nabi only commanded us to follow Quran but not his Ahlulbayt. On the contrary, they argued we are only commanded to "love" and "respect" them not to follow them.This is just a little misunderstanding btw Sunni and Sha as far as I know. If we are commanded to love and respect them, since they are muslims, are Sunnis not following them as well?. We pray the way they prayed. Succession is the only ting i think is debateable here. Jabata is worse. He's a full blown heretic. Even the rest of his Salafiyyah compatriots have labeled him Khawarij. Obviously you have not hear anything from his lectures. Though he talks sense sometimes.Yea, I havent listen to much of his lectures. This is the first. I wnt deny he's heretic because salafi shuyuk, Sheik Akindele and his bestie accused him of possessing khawarij attributes. He called Sheik Akindele mushrik for bowing to elders according to Sheik AKindele himself. Sheik Akindele himself called some Sufis mushrik. So i guess it is a tit for tat |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 9:21pm On Apr 17, 2016 |
Empiree: Ahlulbayt introduced by the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wa Ahli, were in reference to Ayat Tathir (verse of purification), Ayat Mubahala (verse of maledictions), Hadith Thaqalain (narration of two weighty things) and Hadith Khalifatain (narration of two Caliphs). Any other extended family were absolutely distanced from these. Empiree: # Kindly tell me how exactly Sunni follow the Ahlulbayt in their Aqaid and fiqh?! The entire Sahih Muslim and Bukhari only contain 20 hadiths from Ali ibn Abi Talib, 2 ahadith from Fatima, less than 10 from Hassanian and less than 0.05 from Ali ibn Hussein. Abu Hurairah have thousands of ahadith in the Sahihain. Ali spent more than 30 years with the Prophet while Abu Hurairah barely know him. # Prophet called it "al-Thaqalain (Two weighty things)"! Do you love and respect Quran but do not follow it? Whatever apply to Quran applies to Ahlulbayt. The only reason why Sunni are hell-bent on that weird interpretation is to justify the legitimacy of the first three Khulafa. Hadith Thaqalain and Khalifatain clearly stated the successor to the Prophet. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 12:22pm On Apr 18, 2016 |
JABATA AND “SHAYKH AL-KILINI” In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 12:35 mins – 14:10 mins, talks about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "They do not believe in aḥādīth. Both al-Bukhārī and Muslim are kuffār, according to them. But, they have a book which they believe. They rely on that book. It is a very important book for them, and none of them can deny it. I will be quoting their words from it. It is al-Jāmi’ al-Kāfī by Kilīnī. If you ask them, they will not deny it at all. It is like Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī in their view. They cannot deny it at all. Do you know this book? He will say: “I know it well.” Let me say it again: Kitāb al-Kāfī by Muḥammad b. Ya’qūb al-Kilīnī al-Rāzī. This is their Bukhārī." OUR INVESTIGATIONS First and foremost, we CHALLENGE Shaykh Jabata and his followers to quote where our ‘ulamā have declared al-Bukhārī and Muslim as kuffār. Name a single Shī’ī scholar who has done that. This, again, is one of the Shaykh’s innumerable lies. Secondly, Shaykh Jabata claims that the Shī’ah do not believe in aḥādīth. Then, seconds later, he states that they believe in Kitāb al-Kāfī, which is a ḥadīth book. Is that not a self-contradiction? So, which one should we believe? That the Shī’ah do not believe in aḥādīth? Or that they believe in Kitāb al-Kāfī? Interestingly, Shaykh Jabata gives the name of the author of Kitāb al-Kāfī as al-Kilīnī. Alas, there is no one with that name among the Shī’ī ‘ulamā! The actual name of the author was al-Kulaynī, not al-Kilīnī. Kilīnī koo, cleaner ni. This fact is very telling about the Shaykh’s deep ignorance about the book and its noble author, may Allah be pleased with him. Then, Shaykh Jabata claims that the Shī’ah consider Kitāb al-Kāfī to be like Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. He is suggesting here that they accept everything in it as ṣaḥīḥ, in the same way that Sunnīs accept everything in their Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. But, is this true? Or, is it yet another lie of the Shaykh? Sayyid Murtaḍā al-Askarī, a Shī’ī scholar, in his Mu’ālim al-Madrasatayn, vol. 3, p. 282, tells us about how the Shī’ah treat Kitāb al-Kāfī: ان مدرسة أهل البيت لم تعتبر جميع أحاديث الكتب الأربعة : الكافي والفقيه والاستبصار والتهذيب ، صحيحة كما هو الشأن لدى مدرسة الخلفاء بالنسبة إلى صحيحي مسلم والبخاري ، وان أقدم الكتب الأربعة زمانا وأنبهها ذكرا وأكثرها شهرة هو كتاب الكافي للشيخ الكليني ، وقد ذكر المحدثون بمدرسة أهل البيت ان فيها خمسة وثمانين وأربعمائة وتسعة آلاف حديث ضعيف من مجموع 16121 حديث ، وإذا رجعت إلى شرح الكافي المسمى بمرآة العقول وجدت مؤلفه المجلسي - احد كبار علماء الحديث - يذكر لك في تقييمه أحاديث الكافي ضعف ما يراه منها ضعيفا ، وصحة ما يرى منها صحيحا ، ووثاقة ما يرى منها موثقا أو قويا باصطلاح أهل البيت . Verily, the school of the Ahl al-Bayt do NOT consider all the aḥādīth in the Four Books – al-Kāfī, al-Faqīh, al-Istibṣār and al-Tahdhīb – as authentic, as the School of the Caliphs view Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim. The oldest of the Four Books, and the most quoted among them, and the most famous of them is Kitāb al-Kāfī of Shaykh al-Kulaynī. Yet, the ḥadīth scholars of the School of the Ahl al-Bayt have mentioned that there are 9,485 weak aḥādīth in it from a total of 16121 aḥādīth. When you check the commentary of al-Kāfī named Mir-āt al-‘Uqūl, you will find that its author, al-Majlisī – one of the greatest scholars of ḥadīth – has mentioned for you his grading of the aḥādīth in al-Kāfī. He declares as ḍa’īf whatever he sees as ḍa’īf in it, and declares as ṣaḥīḥ whatever he sees as ṣaḥīḥ, and he declares as muwaththaq whatever he sees as muwaththaq or qawī, based on the terminologies of the Ahl al-Bayt. Then, Sayyid al-Askarī concludes: وما ذكرناه يدلك على أن مدرسة أهل البيت لا تعتبر أي كتاب حديث لديها صحيحا ، سواء الكافي منها وما دونها شهرة ، وبعدها زمانا . وانها تؤمن بأن كتاب الله القرآن وحده صحيح من الجلد إلى الجلد ولا شريك له في الصحة . What we have mentioned proves to you that the School of the Ahl al-Bayt do not consider ANY book of ḥadīth with them as all-ṣaḥīḥ, whether it is al-Kāfī from them or any other less popular or later one. They believe that the Book of Allāh, the Qur’ān alone is all-ṣaḥīḥ from cover to cover, and it has no partner in terms of authenticity. Apparently, Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata has lied once again! |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Empiree: 5:17pm On Apr 18, 2016 |
AlBaqir:One Doesnt Need Phd To Figure Out He's Wrong On This. Does He Sniff Igbo?
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Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 8:09pm On Apr 19, 2016 |
[size=15pt]JABATA, THE SHI'AH AND THE SAHABAH (Part I)[/size] In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 16:34 mins – 16:56 mins, talks about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "They do not accept al-Bukhārī. And they believe that all the Ṣaḥābah, who narrated the aḥādīth in al-Bukhārī, were all kuffār and apostates, except for only five people, whose names I will give. And they do not accept the words of a kāfir." OUR INVESTIGATIONS The Shaykh claims that the Shī’ah consider all the Ṣaḥābah to be kuffār and apostates, with the exception of only five of them. Is this claim true? Or is it another lie from the pockets of the Salafī shaykh? The first question to ask is: who is a Muslim according to the Shī’ah? Well, the Shī’ah differentiate between īmān and Islām. So, to the Shī’ah, every mūmin is also a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a mūmin. They derive this from the Qur’ān (49:14): "The desert Arabs say, ´We have īmān.´ Say: ´You do not have īmān. Say rather, "We have become Muslim," for īmān has not yet entered into your hearts. If you obey Allāh and His Messenger, He will not undervalue your actions in any way. Allāh is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful.´" Those Ṣaḥābah referred to in the āyah were Muslims, but they were not mūminūn. This is in the Book of Allāh. Meanwhile, Āyatullāh Muḥammad Riḍā Golpāyaghānī (may Allāh be pleased with him), in his Taqrīrāt al-Ḥuddūd wa al-Ta’zīrāt, vol. 2, p. 114, quotes this Shī’ī ḥadīth (from Kitāb al-Kāfī, vol. 2, pp. 24-25) which explains when a person becomes a Muslim: In the report of Sufyān b. al-Simṭ: "A man asked Abū ‘Abd Allāh (i.e. Imām al-Ṣādiq), peace be upon him, about Islām and īmān, saying: “What is the difference between them?” But, he did not answer him. Then, he asked him again, but he did not answer him. Then, they both met on the way while he was about to leave. Abū ‘Abd Allāh, peace be upon him, said to him, “It seems you are about to leave?” He said, “Yes.” He said, “In that case, let us meet at the house.” So, he met him and asked him about Islām and īmān: “What is the difference between them both?” He (i.e. Imām al-Ṣādiq) said: “Islām is the outward practice of the people: the testimony that there is no god but Allāh Alone and that Muḥammad is His slave and messenger, to perform ṣalāt, to pay the zakāt, to do the Ḥajj of the House, and to fast in the month of Ramaḍān. This is Islām.” Then, he said: “Īmān is to acknowledge this affair (i.e. to follow the Ahl al-Bayt) in addition to all that. Therefore, if someone accepts them all, but does not acknowledge this affair (i.e. does not follow the Ahl al-Bayt), he is a Muslim, but he is misguided.” Then, the noble Āyatullāh comments: "The reports on this are very many. Refer for that to the Chapter of al-Tawḥīd in Kitāb al-Biḥār. These reports, with their great number and their tawāttur, do not differentiate between saying the two Shahādahs sincerely or saying them in dissimulation, or for ostentation, or intending their meaning, or not intending their meaning. The universal tone (of the aḥādīth) covers all of that. For this reason, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, accepted the Islām of the hypocrites as we have mentioned despite knowing of their actual kufr and shirk." So, the ḥadīth is mutawātir ma’nawī. Moreover, it proves that anyone who says the two Shahādahs, performs ṣalāt, pays zakāt, does Ḥajj if he has the capability, and fasts in Ramaḍān, is a Muslim. It does not matter whether his two Shahādahs and other acts of ‘ibādah are genuine or fake. Even if we know that he is a munāfiq or a mushrik, as long as he does those things, we must accept him as a Muslim and leave his judgment to Allāh in the Hereafter. This is the Sunnah of Muḥammad and his family, peace and blessings of Allāh be upon them all. Clearly, there is no doubt that the generality of the Ṣaḥābah declared the two Shahādahs and performed ṣalāt, paid zakāt, did Ḥajj and fasted in the month of Ramaḍān. Therefore, most of them – if not actually all of them – were surely Muslims, according to mutawātir Shī’ī aḥādīth. However, were they also mūminūn? Only a person who follows the Ahl al-Bayt after the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) can be a mūmin; and this is a different matter. The fact that a Ṣaḥābī did not follow the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) did not make him a kāfir. He was a Muslim, even if we find any evidence of nifāq or shirk on his part. He was still a Muslim, and he died a Muslim. So, one more time, Shaykh Jabata has told another lie. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 4:39pm On Apr 20, 2016 |
[size=15pt]JABATA'S POLITICAL IDEOLOGY[/size] In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful In this article, we will be exploring the political ideology of Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata. The Qur’ān and Sunnah have mentioned terms like Amīr, Imām, Khalīfah, Ḥākim and Sulṭān. What do they mean? For instance, Imām Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal, in his Musnad, vol. 4, p. 96, # 16922 records: Narrated Mu’āwiyah: The Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, said: “Whosoever dies without an Imām, dies a death of Jāhiliyyah.” The Salafī ḥadīth expert, Shaykh Shu’ayb al-Arnaūṭ, says about this ḥadīth: It is a ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth, and this chain is ḥasan. So, what does the word “Imām” mean in this ḥadīth? Shaykh Jabata will explain to us. Imām Aḥmad also reports this ḥadīth, in his Musnad, vol. 5, p. 92, # 20890: Narrated Jābir b. Samurah: I heard the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, saying: “There will be after me Twelve Khalīfahs. All of them will be from Quraysh.” Again, Shaykh al-Arnaūṭ says: A ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth. Shaykh Jabata will also be telling us who these khalīfahs are. [size=13pt]So, let us start[/size]: The Shaykh states in his lecture entitled Protest against Government Authority is a way and Methodology of the Hizbiyyoon (Khawarij) pt 2 (4:51 mins – 06:28 mins): https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/protest11oct1.mp3 "The sulṭān is the one who is currently ruling, and that is Buhari. He is the sulṭān. He is the amīr. He is the khalīfah. He is the ḥākim. He is the Imām. I am not talking about the prayer-leader here. We can revolt against the prayer-leader. We can criticize him if he does anything wrong. We can condemn him if he commits bid’ah, kufr and so on. He is not the one meant here. The Imām in this ḥadīth is as I mentioned, such as Buhari, or each of the governors in his state. This explanation is important for the Muslim so that he does not become part of the Khawārij. Alḥamdulillāh, now we are recognizing the Khawārij. It is not difficult at all to identify the Khawārij. First, they are those who revolt against the ruler of the country or state. Second, those who vote. It is also a kind of revolt against the ruler too, since it is intended to replace the ruler. The Prophet, peace be upon him, has said in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim that we must not try to replace whoever is in government. Third, to publicly criticize him. We should be careful of things like these. If you fall into any of them, you have become part of the Khawārij." So, the Imām and khalīfah is President Buhari. He is the Imām and khalīfah of Nigeria, according to Shaykh Jabata. Therefore, whoever dies in Nigeria without him dies a death of Jāhiliyyah. Needless to say, President Buhari is not from Quraysh. Moreover, the Shaykh states that Governor Ayo Fayose is the Imām and khalīfah of Ekiti State, while Governor Ambode is that of Lagos State. Each of the governors is the Imām and khalīfah of his state, while President Buhari is the Imām and khalīfah of the whole country. Shaykh Jabata emphasizes that whoever publicly criticizes any of them, or votes against any of them in any general election, is a Khārijī. Then, he proceeds, in the same lecture (07:54 mins – 08:50 mins): "If the rulers understand things well, all those who call themselves Emirs and Sultans will find their lives difficult. If they (i.e. the rulers) understand things well, they will gather all the Emirs and kill them all if they do not change their titles. There must not be any Emir other than the overall Amīr. There must not be any sulṭān other than the overall Sulṭān. And you are even proud of it. It is really dangerous. We are only explaining. We are not killing anyone, and we do not intend to kill anyone, and we are not planning to kill anyone. When a ruler who understands things comes, no one will remind him before he kills you. There is no problem. Ours is only to explain. But, he too will have heard about how dangerous you are, and will have learnt well about you." Here, Shaykh Jabata stresses that the Emirs all over Nigeria, and the Sulṭāns of Sokoto, deserve to be killed for calling themselves Emirs and Sulṭāns. According to him, these titles belong only to the President and the governors. However, since the President and the governors do not understand things well, they are leaving the Sulṭāns and the Emirs alive. We wonder: is the Shaykh not also publicly criticizing Khalīfah Buhari and Imām Fayose here, by accusing them of not understanding things well? Shaykh Jabata also adds (29:02 mins – 30:25 mins) in the same lecture: "The kings are called Emirs. Wallāhi, it is very serious. All those kings who call themselves Emirs should abolish the practice. The MSSN which also uses the title amīr, and even amīrah, should abolish the practice. The amīrs of TMC, Ummah, Tablīgh, Izāla – all of them have amīrs! Whoever has an Amīr, he is a heretic. The Prophet called them Shayṭān. Therefore, the only true amīr is the overall Amīr, and whoever he chooses for us, and we must never revolt against him. I have already mentioned how we can revolt against him, like by criticizing or abusing him or condemning him in public. Those people who hear you will start to hate him, and they will later gather together to kill him. I explained that revolt is either by word of mouth or by the sword. If you revolt by word of mouth, you have become part of the Khawārij." In his lecture with the title Protest against Government Authority is a way and Methodology of the Hizbiyyoon (Khawarij),Dr Bukola Saraki’s stoning pt 1, he further states (06:13 mins – 08:13 mins): https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/protest4oct.mp3 "All these people, before they became governors, I spoke against them, especially when they were campaigning for elections. I spoke about their ‘aqīdah, and I mentioned that there is nothing like voting in the religion. But, as I always say, once someone has been appointed as the ruler – because the one who is called the khalīfah, the amīr, the Imām, the ḥākim, the sulṭān, is the ruler of the country or the state, the overall ruler is called all those titles, and also whoever he appoints to be governors of the various states. Let me give an example. Buhari is the ruler of Nigeria now. He appointed ‘Abdulfatai to be the governor here. ‘Abdulfatai is the ruler here. He is the amīr. He is the ḥākim. He is the khalīfah. He is the sulṭān. Abdulfatai is the ruler, the king and the amīr of the state. I am talking of the provisions in the Sharī’ah. I am not talking about democracy, and I am not talking about the culture of the people. In the Sharī’ah, if you are asked “who is the khalīfah, the head of the state?” Buhari is the overall one. He appointed the others." We know here that Governor ‘Abdulfatai of Kwara State is actually a handpicked appointee of Khalīfah Buhari. Did the people of Kwara vote? Perhaps, Shaykh Jabata was out of the state at that time. We also know now that Governor ‘Abdulfatai is equally the amīr, ḥākim, khalīfah, king and sulṭān of Kwara. This, according to the Shaykh, is the Law of Allāh. We are not sure though exactly how Governor ‘Abdulfatai is connected to the tribe of Quraysh. In this same lecture (Protest against Government Authority is a way and Methodology of the Hizbiyyoon (Khawarij),Dr Bukola Saraki’s stoning pt 1) he identifies some Khawārij (13:14 mins – 14:50 mins): "That boy who produces cassettes, Muhyideen Bello, is part of the Khawārij. Some do not know. Apart from being a Sufi, he is also part of the Khawārij. He understands nothing in the religion. He joined the Khawārij. But, he knows nothing. Ali-Agan is also part of the Khawārij. All those who publicly criticize the head of the country or the governor of the state, they are Khawārij. When you see anyone publicly criticizing the head of the country or the governor of the state, know that he is part of the Khawārij." In another lecture with the title at-Takfeer (24/11/2014) pt 2 (1:50 mins – 2:13 mins), the Shaykh identifies more Khawārij: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/aud-20141124-at-takfir-at-tabaruk-2.mp3 "Look at me. Despite that I have not fallen into any heresy, ‘Abd al-Fattāḥ (Sarumi) says that I am a Takfīrī and that I am part of the Khawārij. Look at that! Yet, he considers the MSSN as a Sunnī group. Subhānallāh! Whereas, they are actually Khawārij. Izāla too are Khawārij. But, he considers them a Sunnī group. Izāla has an amīr. He understands nothing from the manhaj of the Salaf." Then, in his lecture entitled Khawarij (02:05 mins – 02:58 mins), Shaykh Jabata tells us the status of these people: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2015/01/aud-20141216-wa0000-khawarij.mp3 "As we are explaining about the Khawārij, we see that the matter is becoming clear that the Khawārij are infidels. They are not Muslims. This is why all the ḥadīths about the Khawārij, and the judgment of the Prophet against them, and the special judgment of the Ṣaḥābī Abū Umāmah, may Allāh be pleased with him, against them, we have previously explained everything." As such, any Nigerian Muslim who criticizes the Buhari administration in any form or manner on any issue or matter is a Khārijī, and an infidel. Every Nigerian Muslim who criticized President Jonathan before the last general elections became an apostate by doing that. Every Nigerian Muslim who voted against President Jonathan in the elections is now a kāfir simply for doing that. So, what should we do with the Khawārij when we see them, if we have the required power? In his lecture entitled at-Takfeer (24/11/2014) pt 2 (32:03 mins – 33:45 mins), Shaykh Jabata tells us their fate: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/aud-20141124-at-takfir-at-tabaruk-2.mp3 'The Prophet said “If I met them, those who will revolt, I would kill them as the ‘Ād people were killed.” In another report, “as the people of Thamūd were killed.” He would have killed them as the people of Prophet Hūd were killed, and they were killed as infidels. Ask those who say that the Khawārij are Muslims: were the ‘Ād people killed as Muslims or infidels? He dares not say that they were killed as Muslims. The people of Prophet Hūd were killed as infidels, and the Prophet also said that he would have killed these ones too. Or, do they want to remove it from the ḥadīth? In another report, he said, “O you Ṣaḥābah, whenever they appear, KILL THEM. Do not look at their ṣalāt. Do not look at their fasts. Do not look at the lāilaha ilallāh which they utter. And do not fear. When you kill them, you will be rewarded.” |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 7:15pm On Apr 21, 2016 |
[size=15pt]JABATA, THE SHI'AH AND THE SAHABAH (Part II)[/size] In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 16:34 mins – 16:56 mins, talks about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "They do not accept al-Bukhārī. And they believe that all the Ṣaḥābah, who narrated the aḥādīth in al-Bukhārī, were all kuffār and apostates, except for only five people, whose names I will give. And they do not accept the words of a kāfir" OUR INVESTIGATIONS As Shī’ah, we believe that the Ṣaḥābah became divided into two separate camp soon after the death of the Messenger of Allāh (peace be upon him and his family): the camp of those who remained steadfast upon the Path of Allāh and the camp of those who became innovators. Shaykh al-Kulaynī (may Allāh be pleased with him) records this ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth about this fact, in al-Kāfī, vol. 7, pp. 49-52, # 6: "Abū ‘Alī al-Ash’arī – Muḥammad b. ‘Abd al-Jabbār and Muḥammad b. Ismā’īl – al-Faḍl b. Shadhān – Ṣafwān b. Yaḥyā – ‘Abd al-Raḥman b. al-Ḥajjāj: Abū al-Ḥasan Mūsā (al-Kāẓim), peace be upon him, sent to me the will of Amīr al-Mūminīn (‘Alī b. Abī Ṭālib), peace be upon him, and this is its text: In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful... I command you, O Ḥasan, and the entirety of my family and all my descendants, and whosoever my document reaches, to fear Allāh your Lord, and do not die except as Muslims. And hold fast to the Rope of Allāh, all of you together, and do not be divided … I remind you of Allāh, I remind you of Allah, concerning the descendants of your Prophet. They must not be oppressed while you are present and you are capable of defending them. I remind you of Allāh, I remind you of Allāh concerning the Ṣaḥābah of your Prophet, those who have not invented any innovation, and who have not helped any innovator, for verily the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him and his family, gave commands concerning them and cursed the innovators among them and among others too, and also cursed the helpers of the innovators." About this ḥadīth, Shaykh Hādī al-Najafī in his Mawsū’at Aḥādīth Ahl al-Bayt, vol. 11, p. 19, # 13406 states: The report has a ṣaḥīḥ chain. So, there were upright Ṣaḥābah, and there were those who became innovators after the death of the Messenger of Allāh. According to Imām ‘Alī (peace be upon him), the Prophet cursed whoever would become innovators among the Ṣaḥābah, and also cursed whosoever would help them. So, the matter is a very serious one. Interestingly, Shaykh Jabata too agrees that there were indeed innovators among the Ṣaḥābah after the death of the Messenger. In his lecture titled at-Takfeer (24/11/2014) pt 1 (16:22 mins – 18:06 mins), he states: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/aud-20141124-at-takfir-at-tabaruk-1.mp3 'We see in the Ḥadīth of Intercession that some people will be coming to the Lake-fount, that place is also a place of intercession. They will come for the intercession of the Prophet, which he will do by giving them water to drink. But, when the Prophet will be about to intercede for them, he will be blocked from doing that, and it will be said to him, “You cannot intercede for these ones.” He will say: “But, why? What happened? They are my Ummah.” It will be said, “No. You do not know what they changed in the religion after you. They changed the religion.”' In another report: “They changed their religion completely. They left Islām.' This ḥadīth is in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim and Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. But, some claim that it applies to the Ṣaḥābah only. People are so deviated. So, there were infidels among the Ṣaḥābah, but not among us, the inferior ones?! What kind of talk is that? There were infidels among the Ṣaḥābah, but there are no infidels among us, the inferior ones?!! In comparison to the Ṣaḥābah, we are inferior. Subḥānallāh! And you dare say that it applies to all those who left the religion among the Ṣaḥābah only. But, you, the inferior ones, there are no infidels among you?!!! This is surprising. Meanwhile, another ḥadīth has stated explicitly that it refers to us both. It mentions “the Ṣaḥābah and their brothers who will come after them.” It is in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim. It says that it is referring to both groups, when they will want to drink water, it will be said: “No. These ones changed their religion.” In another report: “They left the religion.” Please, what is ambiguous in this? The Prophet will not intercede for them because they were idolaters." Shaykh Jabata apparently agrees that some of the Ṣaḥābah changed the religion after the Prophet. He also emphasizes that the followers of these Ṣaḥābah, those who come after them, will also perish with them on the Day of al-Qiyāmah. The Shaykh is obviously referring to this ḥadīth of Imām al-Bukhārī in his Ṣaḥīḥ (Beirut: Dār Ibn Kathīr; 3rd edition, 1407 H) [annotator: Dr. Muṣṭafā Dīb al-Baghā], vol. 5, p. 2407, # 6214: "Aḥmad b. Ṣāliḥ – Ibn Wahb – Yūnus – Ibn Shihāb – Ibn al-Musayyab, who used to narrate from the Ṣaḥābah of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: Some men from my Ṣaḥābah will come to my Lake-Fount and they will be driven away from it. So, I will say, “O my Lord, my Ṣaḥābah!” It will be said, “You have no knowledge of what they INNOVATED after you: they turned APOSTATES.” Imām Muslim also records in his Ṣaḥīḥ, (Beirut: Dār Iḥyā al-Turāth al-‘Arabī) [annotator: Muḥammad Fuād ‘Abd al-Bāqī], vol. 4, p. 1800, # 2304 (40): "Muḥammad b. Ḥātim – ‘Affān b. Muslim al-Ṣaffār – Wuhayb – ‘Abd al-‘Azīz b. Ṣuhayb – Anas b. Mālik: The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Some persons from among those who kept me company will meet me at the Lake-Fount. I will see them, and they will be presented to me. Then, they will be forced away from me. I will say: ‘O my Lord, my Ṣaḥābah! My Ṣaḥābah’. It will be said to me: ‘You do not know what they INNOVATED after you.’” Obviously, when a person becomes an innovator, he forfeits all his good works before Allāh, and thereby becomes an accursed deviant. This is the eye through which the Shī’ah view all the Ṣaḥābah and everyone after them. Once they see any authentic evidence of bid’ah on the part of anyone, he falls into their bad book. This manhaj is commanded by the Prophet himself and his Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them all. And this explains the negative attitude of the Shī’ah to some of the Ṣaḥābah. Imām Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal has documented this ḥadīth in his Musnad, vol. 1, p. 122, # 993, which confirms the Shī’ī manhaj: ‘Abd Allāh – my father – Yaḥyā – Sa’īd b. Abī ‘Arūbah – Qatādah – al-Ḥasan – Qays b. ‘Abbād: I went, along with al-Ashtar, to ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with him, and we said: “Did the Prophet of Allāh, peace be upon him, tell you anything which he did not tell other people?” He said: “No, except what is in this document of mine: ‘… Whosoever invents an innovation or helps an innovator, upon him is the Curse of Allāh, the angels, and all mankind altogether.’” Shaykh Shu’ayb al-Arnaūṭ comments: Its chain is ṣaḥīḥ upon the standard of the two Shaykhs. The question now is: according to the Shī’ah, were there Ṣaḥābah who never innovated? According to Shaykh Muḥammad b. Ṣāliḥ al-‘Uthaymīn in Muṣṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth (Cairo: Maktabat al-‘Ilm; 1st edition, 1415 H), p. 33, the Ṣaḥābah were 114,000 (one hundred and fourteen thousand) in number: "The Ṣaḥābah were numerous, and it is not possible to precisely state their exact number. But, it is said that their number reached approximately one hundred and fourteen thousand." They were scattered throughout Arabia, and also in Syria and Iraq. Mirzā al-Nūrī, in his Khātimat al-Mustadrak, vol. 1, p. 212, reports this ṣaḥīḥ Shī’ī ḥadīth, which tells us about some of the Ṣaḥābah from al-Makkah and al-Madīnah alone: It is recorded in al-Khiṣāl with the ṣaḥīḥ chain that Abū ‘Abd Allāh (Imām al-Ṣādiq), peace be upon him, said: "The Ṣaḥābah of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, were twelve thousand. Eight thousand were from al-Madīnah and two thousand were from Makkah, and (another) two thousand were from the al-Ṭulaqā (i.e. those who accepted Islām on the Day of the Conquest of Makkah). There were no Qadariyyah, or Murjiah, or Ḥarūriyyah, or Mu’tazilah or heretics among them. They used to weep day and night, and used to say: “(O Allah!) Take away our souls before we eat barley bread.” These were some of the Ṣaḥābah from two cities only – Makkah and al-Madīnah. They were friends of Allāh, and they were poor ascetics who did not even want to eat barley bread before their death! They were always weeping in fear of Allāh. None of them was a heretic or innovator, and their fear of Allāh was immense and intense. They were twelve thousand in number. They were righteous Ṣaḥābah. May the peace and blessings of Allāh be upon them all. People like Salmān al-Fārisī, may Allāh be pleased with him, and others who were not from Makkah and al-Madīnah were clearly not part of these twelve thousand. If we join the other friends of Allāh among the Ṣaḥābah to these twelve thousand, no doubt, we will have a much larger figure. Now, compare these facts above with this claim of Shaykh Jabata about the Shī’ah: "They do not accept al-Bukhārī. And they believe that all the Ṣaḥābah, who narrated the aḥādīth in al-Bukhārī, were all kuffār and apostates, except for only five people, whose names I will give. And they do not accept the words of a kāfir" We know here that this Salafī Shaykh has lied one more time. Abu Fatima Muhammadi Al-Ilory |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 9:12pm On Apr 23, 2016 |
[size=15pt]JABATA AND SHI'I JUMA'T SERMONS[/size] In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 18:08 mins – 20:10 mins, talks about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "Thirdly, they say that all the Ṣaḥābah were kuffār, except the four or five that I will mention. But, why do they call the Ṣaḥābah kuffār? They all believe that all the Ṣaḥābah were kuffār except five people: ‘Alī, Miqdād, Abū Dharr, Salmān, and ‘Ammār b. Yāsir. Note that they have exempted al-Ḥasan and al-Ḥusayn too. But, it is only these five that have been exempted. They have not exempted Abū Bakr. They say that Abū Bakr was a kāfir. I will quote them. ‘Umar too was a kāfir, according to them. ‘Uthmān as well was a kāfir according to them. All the other Ṣaḥābah were kuffār too, according to them. They are specially opposed to Abū Bakr and ‘Umar. They curse them. They curse in the sermons of every Friday prayer. In fact, whichever mosque fails to curse Abū Bakr and ‘Umar is closed down. Anyone who fails to curse Abū Bakr and ‘Umar in the sermon is removed, and the mosque is closed down. He must curse them. After cursing them, he must also curse ‘Āishah and Ḥafṣah simply because they were daughters of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar." [size=15pt]OUR INVESTIGATIONS[/size] We have already explained who a Muslim is, according to the Shī’ah. So, let us find out who exactly is a kāfir in their view, especially with regards to the doctrine of Imāmah. For instance, if a man, who professes Islām, says “I do not believe that the Ahl al-Bayt must be followed in the religion,” is he a kāfir or a Muslim? The answer, of course, is: it depends. According to the mutawātir aḥādīth of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him), whosoever denies their Imāmah while knowing that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) truly commanded it, such a person is a kāfir. In all other cases, he remains a Muslim. The great Shī’ī ḥadīth expert, ‘Allāmah al-Majlisī (may Allāh be pleased with him) explains and summarizes what the Shī’ah aḥādīth have said on this matter in his Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 8, p. 363: "Note that what is established by the harmonization of the verses and the reports is that the kāfir who denies a necessity of the religion of Islām will stay forever in Hellfire. His punishment will not be lessened. The exception is the mustaḍ’af: who is the one with defect in his intelligence, or the one has not seen the convincing proof despite that he is not negligent in doing researches and investigations. He is deferred to the Command of Allāh, as shall be discussed in the Book of Īmān and Kufr. As for those who are not Imāmī Shī’ah, from the Sunnīs and the other Shī’ī sects, who have not denied any of the necessities of the religion of Islām, they are of two categories. One group are those who are narrow-minded and pig-headed, who have seen convincing proof, they will be forever in Hellfire. The other are the mustaḍ’afūn among them, and they are those with weak intelligence, such as the frail women, and the simpleminded people and others like them, and someone who has not seen convincing proof and he dies during a time of al-fatrah or he is at a place where information of the convincing proof does not get to him. These ones are deferred to the Command of Allāh. If He wishes, he punishes them; and if He wishes, He forgives them." In simpler words, the kāfir is only someone who has seen convincing proof for a necessity of the religion, and understands it, and yet denies it. As for someone who has not seen the convincing proof despite not being negligent in doing researches, or who has seen the convincing proof but lacks the intellectual capacity to understand it, and therefore denies a necessity of the religion, he is not a kāfir. He is only a mustaḍ’af. He has hope of Paradise if he is a righteous person. The necessities of the religion are those that are established by tawāttur in the aḥādīth of the Ahl al-Bayt – and they include the Oneness of Allāh, the Nubuwwah of the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and the Wilāyah of the Twelve Imāms (peace be upon them). Meanwhile, if what is denied is not a necessity of the religion, and the denier has seen convincing evidence for it, he is nonetheless not a kāfir. He is a Muslim, but he will burn forever in Hellfire. By contrast, a mustaḍ’af always has hope of salvation in the Hereafter. So, in order to be a kāfir, the Muslim (i) must have denied a necessity of the religion, and (ii) must have seen the convincing proof for it, and (iii) must have understood the proof. If any of these conditions is missing, he remains a Muslim. We have already provided further proofs in our previous article. It is equally noteworthy that these rules apply to all Muslims without discrimination – whether Ṣaḥābah, Tābi’īn or anyone else. Nonetheless, contrary to the lie of Shaykh Jabata, the Shī’ah believe in the existence of at least 12,000 (twelve thousand) friends of Allāh among the Ṣaḥābah. These were those who saw the convincing evidences and believed them. They obviously were unable to practise a lot of what they believed due to the deadly political climate of their time. But, Allāh is merciful, and does not punish us for whatever is beyond our capacity. At this point, we should cite this ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth documented by Shaykh al-Kulaynī (may Allāh be pleased with him) in al-Kāfī, vol. 3, pp. 246-247, # 1: A number of our companions – Aḥmad b. Muḥammad, Sahl b. Ziyād and ‘Alī b. Ibrāhīm – his father (Ibrāhīm) – Ibn Maḥbūb – ‘Alī b. Riāb – Ḍurays al-Kunāsī: "I asked Abū Ja’far (peace be upon him): “… May Allāh keep you well, what is the condition of the monotheists, who seek nearness (to Allāh) through the nubuwwah of Muḥammad, peace be upon him and his family, who are sinful Muslims and who die without having an Imām and without recognizing your authority?” He said: “As for these ones, they remain in their graves and do not come out from them. For whichever of them who did good deeds and did not show any form of hatred (towards the Ahl al-Bayt), a line will be drawn for him to the garden, which Allāh has created in the West. From it, the Spirit will come to his grave till the Day of al-Qiyāmah when he will meet Allāh. He then will judge him based upon his good deeds and his bad deeds. So, he is either sent to Paradise or to Hellfire. Therefore, these people are deferred to the Command of Allāh.” He (i.e. the Imām) said: “Allāh will do likewise with the (other) mustaḍ’afūn, the simpleminded, and the babies and children of the Muslims who died before reaching maturity.” Al-Majlisī grades this ḥadīth as ṣaḥīḥ in his Mir-āt al-‘Uqūl, vol. 14, p. 228. So, Allāh will judge the mustaḍ’afūn on the basis of their deeds, and the good doers among them may be entered into the Paradise. The fact that some of them will be in Jannah is evidence that they are not kuffār, in consideration of this āyah (7:50): "The Companions of the Fire will call out to the Companions of the Garden, ´Throw down some water to us or some of what Allāh has given you as provision.´ They will say, ´Allāh has forbidden them to the kāfirūn." Allāh has forbidden the Paradise and its provisions to the kuffār. Since some of the mustaḍ’afūn will be entering the Jannah, then they are different from the kuffār. Āyatullāh Kamāl al-Ḥaydarī (may Allāh protect him) has also explained these points, quoting other aḥādīth of the Ahl al-Bayt. As for the claim of Shaykh Jabata that some people are cursed routinely in the Jum’at sermons of the Shī’ah, this is a blatant lie. No Shī’ī does that anywhere on this planet. We ask: has the Shaykh ever visited any Shī’ī mosque? Has he ever attended any Jum’at service of the Shī’ah? Can he tell us the names of the mosques who do that anywhere on the earth? On what dates did they do it? Moreover, we need the names and locations of Shī’ī mosques closed down anywhere on this planet simply because the Imām fails to curse some certain people in his Jum’at sermon? We CHALLENGE the Shaykh and his followers to supply solid proofs for his claims. Of course, they will never be able to do that, because there is simply no evidence for them. The Shaykh made them up, all of them, for reasons best known to him. By contrast, this is the fatwa of Imām al-Khāmeneī (may Allāh protect him) concerning what Shaykh Jabata claims: Ayatollah Khamenei issued a fatwa, declared unlawful the insulting Prophet's wife Aisha, and any of the Sunni Islamic symbols. Islamic World widely welcomed the fatwa, Rohama reported. The leader of Islamic revolution in response to question announced: "insulting the symbols of the Sunni brothers, including the Prophet Muhammad's wife [Aisha] is FORBIDDEN. This includes the women of all prophets and especially the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)[/b]." And, Āyatullāh al-Sistānī (may Allāh protect him) has a similar fatwā: The Question: as-Salamu Alykum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu, A video clip has been seen several times on social network web sites showing a congregation during the martyrdom of al-Imam al-Jawad (a.s.). This group of people from the area known as al-A'dhamiyyah are shown shouting out insults upon 'Omar, A’isha, and others. Is this type of behavior condemned by the supreme religious authority, especially since it involves the insult of religious figures of our brothers of the Sunni school of thought, and it could potentially fuel unrest amongst the people of Iraq and jeopardize peace? The Answer: In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful This type of behavior is condemned, strongly denounced AND CONTRARY TO THE COMMANDS OF THE IMAMS of the Holy Household of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) to their followers. Allah is The Guide. The Office of Ayatullah Sayyid al-Sistani The Holy City of Najaf 12/2/1434 These are the two greatest religious and political authorities in the Shī’ī Muslim world. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 10:55am On Apr 25, 2016 |
[size=15pt]JABATA QUOTES AL-KILINI (PART I)[/size] In the Name of Allāh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful CLAIMS Shaykh Muḥammad ‘Alī Jabata in his taped lecture entitled ‘Aqidah Shi’a Part 1, from 20:35 mins – 23:42 mins, talks about the Shī’ah: https://voiceofthesalaf.files./2014/08/jabata-aqeedah-shia.mp3 "They rely upon a fabricated ḥadīth, a ḍa’īf ḥadīth. But, there is also a ṣaḥīḥ report which they rely upon, which they misinterpret. What is surprising is that the ṣaḥīḥ ḥadīth which they rely upon is in Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim. Yet, you believe that al-Bukhārī and Muslim were infidels. You believe that all the Ṣaḥābah who narrated the aḥādīth in them were infidels. But, because they think the ḥadīth supports what they want, that is why they accept it. It is not that they really value the ḥadīth. As for the ḍa’īf ḥadīth, they claim that Fāṭimah had a tablet. Jibrīl came down to Fāṭimah, and she was married to ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with him, and this was after the death of the Prophet. After the Prophet had died, Jibrīl came down for Fāṭimah and revealed the tablet to her. ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with him, who was her husband, was hiding behind the door, eavesdropping what Jibrīl was telling Fāṭimah. Subhānallāh! So, while Jibrīl was talking to Fāṭimah, ‘Alī was writing it where he was hiding. According to them, part of what was in it was that immediately after the death of the Prophet, ‘Alī was to become the khalīfah. This is in their book, which they place at the level of al-Bukhārī, that Kitāb al-Kāfī of al-Kilīnī, in volume 1, pages 185-186. It is there. Even you can answer him on this one, because they themselves have written in it that Jibrīl came after the death of the Prophet. And we all know there is no more waḥy (revelation) after the death of the Prophet. This is really easy. They cannot escape from this. Jibrīl does not come to anyone after the death of the Prophet. There is no one. There is no more waḥy, because the religion was already completed: “Today I have completed your religion for you.” So, what else would he be doing? This is one of their lies." [size=15pt]OUR INVESTIGATIONS[/size] Luckily, this time, Shaykh Jabata has provided a reference for his claim. So, we can easily verify it. So, let us go to Kitāb al-Kāfī of Shaykh al-Kulaynī [NOT al-Kilīnī] (may Allāh be pleased with him), volume 1, pages 185-186 to see what is written in there. We checked volume 1, pages 185-186 of Kitāb al-Kāfī, published in Beirut by Manshūrāt al-Fakhr, 1st edition, 1428 H (2007 CE), and there is no trace of that ḥadīth on either of the pages. So, we proceed to volume 1, pages 185-186 of Kitāb al-Kāfī, published in Tehran by Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmiyyah, 3rd edition. Again, it is not there. Therefore, we are convinced that Shaykh Jabata got the reference wrong. However, the ḥadīth actually exists. There are two narrations of it, and we will be quoting them. The first is this (Beirut edition, volume 1, p. 142, # 2; Tehran edition, volume 1, p. 240, # 2): A number of our companions – Aḥmad b. Muḥammad – ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz – Ḥammād b. ‘Uthmān: I heard Abū ‘Abd Allāh, peace be upon him, saying: “The atheists will appear in the year 128 H because I have found it in the Book of Fāṭimah, peace be upon her.” I said: “What is the Book of Fāṭimah?” He said: “When Allah, the Most High, took His Prophet, peace be upon him and his family, his death caused such a degree of grief to Fāṭimah, peace be upon her, that only Allāh, the Most Holy, the Most High, knows of its extent. Allāh then sent an angel to her to offer solace and speak to her. She complained about it to Amīr al-Mūminīn (Ali), peace be upon him, and he said: ‘Whenever you sense that, and you hear the voice, inform me.’ So, she informed him of it, and Amīr al-Mūminīn, peace be upon him, then wrote down all that he heard, so much so that his notes took the shape of a whole book.” Then he said: “There is nothing in it of the ḥalāl and the ḥarām. But, in it is knowledge of what will happen.’” This riwāyah is ḍa’īf according to ‘Allāmah al-Majlisī in his Mir’āt al-‘Uqūl, vol. 3, p. 56. His comment, however, is only about its sanad. We, on our part, do believe that its matn is ṣaḥīḥ, since it is corroborated. Let us compare this ḥadīth above, with how Shaykh Jabata has quoted it: {["After the Prophet had died, Jibrīl came down for Fāṭimah and revealed the tablet to her. ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with him, who was her husband, was hiding behind the door, eavesdropping what Jibrīl was telling Fāṭimah. Subhānallāh! So, while Jibrīl was talking to Fāṭimah, ‘Alī was writing it where he was hiding. According to them, part of what was in it was that immediately after the death of the Prophet, ‘Alī was to become the khalīfah. This is in their book, which they place at the level of al-Bukhārī, that Kitāb al-Kāfī of al-Kilīnī, in volume 1, pages 185-186. It is there."]} Did you notice any foul play? The Shaykh has clearly doctored the ḥadīth in very significant ways. Well, perhaps, Shaykh Jabata has merely quoted the second riwāyah? In that case, let us see it too (Beirut edition, volume 1, p. 142-143, # 5; Tehran edition, volume 1, p. 241, # 5): Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā – Aḥmad b. Muḥammad – Ibn Maḥbūb – Ibn Riāb – Abū ‘Ubaydah: One of our companions asked Abū ‘Abd Allāh about the Jafr. So, he said: “It is the skin of a bull which is full of knowledge.” He said to him, “What of the Jāmi’ah?” He said, “It is a parchment that is seventy yards long with the width of a hide like that of the leg of a huge camel. It contains all that people may need. There is no case for which there is not a rule in it. In it there is the law even to settle the compensation for a scratch caused to a person.” He (i.e. the man) said, “What of the Book of Fāṭimah?” He kept quiet for a long time. Then he said, “You ask about what you really need and what you do not need. Verily, Fāṭimah lived for seventy-five days after the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him and his family. She was severely depressed because of the death of her father. Jibrīl, peace be upon him, used to come to provide her solace and condolence due to the death of her father. Jibrīl used to comfort her soul, and also used to inform her about her father, his place, of the future events and about what would happen to her descendants. ‘Alī, peace be upon him, used to write them down. And this is the Book of Fāṭimah, peace be upon her.’” This is ṣaḥīḥ according to al-Majlisī in Mir-āt al-‘Uqūl, vol. 3, p. 59. Compare this too with how the Shaykh has quoted it: {["After the Prophet had died, Jibrīl came down for Fāṭimah and revealed the tablet to her. ‘Alī, may Allāh be pleased with him, who was her husband, was hiding behind the door, eavesdropping what Jibrīl was telling Fāṭimah. Subhānallāh! So, while Jibrīl was talking to Fāṭimah, ‘Alī was writing it where he was hiding. According to them, part of what was in it was that immediately after the death of the Prophet, ‘Alī was to become the khalīfah. This is in their book, which they place at the level of al-Bukhārī, that Kitāb al-Kāfī of al-Kilīnī, in volume 1, pages 185-186. It is there."]} With this, there is no more excuse for Shaykh Jabata. He definitely doctored the ḥadīth and inserted many things into it from his own pocket. May the curse of Allāh be upon the liars. Secondly, the fact an angel speaks to someone does not automatically mean it is bringing a new scriptural waḥy. Waḥy is of two types. The first is the scriptural waḥy, which brings new Sharī’ah or a new divine book. The Qur’ān (4:163) has mentioned it: "We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nūḥ and the Prophets who came after him. And We revealed to Ibrāhīm and Ismā´īl and Isḥāq and Ya´qūb and the Tribes, and ´Īsā and Ayyūb and Yūnus and Hārūn and Sulaymān. And We gave Dāwūd the Zabūr." This type of waḥy ended with the death of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family. The second type of waḥy – the non-scriptural waḥy - has nothing to do with any new Sharī’ah or scripture. For instance, Allāh says (5:111): And when I revealed to the disciples: “Believe in Me and My Messenger!” They said: “We believe, and bear witness that we are (Muslims) submitted exclusively to Him.” Allāh sent waḥy to the disciples of Prophet Īsā, peace be upon him, even though they were not prophets. The waḥy, of course, was not related to the revelation of any new Sharī’ah or any new divine book. It must be added, however, that this second type of waḥy is received by both prophets and non-prophets alike. An example of it, for a prophet, is in this verse (7:117): 'We revealed to Mūsā: “Throw down your staff!” and behold! It swallowed up their false devices.' The mother of Prophet Mūsā, peace be upon them both, who was NOT a prophet, also received this second type of waḥy (28:7): 'We revealed to Mūsā’s mother, “Suckle him and then when you fear for him cast him into the sea. Do not fear or grieve; We will return him to you and make him one of the Messengers.” Maryam, peace be upon her, the mother of Prophet ‘Īsā, peace be upon him, received this second type of waḥy as well, and she was not a prophet either (3:42): And when the angels said, “O Maryam, Allāh has chosen you and purified you. He has chosen you over all other women.” And, Jibrīl came to her too (19:17): "And she veiled herself from them. Then We sent Our Rūḥ to her and it took on for her the form of a handsome, well-built man." And the fact that this second type of waḥy has not ceased is in this āyah (41:30-31): The angels descend on those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then go straight: “Do not fear and do not grieve but rejoice in the Garden you have been promised. We are your protectors in the life of this world and the Next World. You will have there all that your selves could wish for. You will have there everything you demand.” So, it should not be a surprise to Shaykh Jabata and his followers that an angel – or Jibrīl – spoke with Sayyidah Fāṭimah, peace be upon her, and informed her about the ranks of her father in the Afterlife, and about some events that would happen, especially to her descendants. After all, “person pass person,” as some people say. Abu Fatima Muhammadi Al-Ilory |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 2:05am On May 30, 2017 |
Mr AhluSunnah, the challenges about Jabata are before you, kindly respond point by point (without derailing or usual abuse that is characterised by the Jabatas). Alhamdulillah you called for the challenge. However, you are free to table these challenges before Jabata himself. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 5:53pm On May 30, 2017 |
AlBaqir:Laughing.. post what you think he said wrong here and support your claim with kitab wa sunnah |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 6:11pm On May 30, 2017 |
Despite the fact that you have heard jabata lectures on aqeedah shia. . you still disbelief in ALLAH also rasulullah. you are a clear kafir. i have nothing to say with you. because you have understood jabata esxplanation and yet you decide to turn away from kitab wa sunnah. shia and every other sect are already kafir because rasulullah aqeedah and islam explanation is totally different from how each sect practisce islam. AlBaqir |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 6:46pm On May 30, 2017 |
To anyone viewing this thread... to know that this albaqir is a blatant lair and a disbeliever in ALLAH ..a disbeliever in rasulullah.. download aqeedah shia 1-8 from and listen to the lecture.. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 7:44am On May 31, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: The moment people like you are clipped, then your tail will be waggling between your legs getting confused. Declaring me disbeliever or getting ready to suck my blood can never save you from escaping from your responsibility. And that is facing the challenge you created yourself. Here's it one more time: AhluSunnah: # This thread you are in was created more than a year ago. It has clearly exposed several lies of your master, Jabata. His lecture titled Aqidat shia is full of lies and propaganda, and this thread has comprehensively point by point punctured his balloons of lies. Your responsibility as one of his brainwashed students is to counter our responds. Note that your tactics of Abusing, cursing, calling of names, declaring kufr etc won't work on me. So the earlier you start responding the better otherwise you keep mute in your little defence of Jabata. # Kindly start your defence (of your master Jabata) from the OP. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 12:26pm On May 31, 2017 |
You are a kafir. you a disbeliever in quran and hadith. your stupid shia imam changed al quran, fabricate hadiths, make takfir on all shahabs, do curse Abubakr and other khaliphs. you people make false accusation on aesha that she did adultery, so many insane things you and ur stupid kufar imams said. ali that you idiot people do raise above his status did burn your filthy first shia during ali era. better s repent and follow quran and hadith teachings. beside rasulullah said that so many sect wil come after him and all are going to hell except 1, that 1 is that people who stays on the belief and teachings of his shahabahs are that group. shia and everyother sect are absolutely not on what rasulullah and his companions are on. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 3:56pm On Jun 01, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: # Unfortunately, all the above bayan and nasia are not what we are discussing here. So I am less concern. # Again, on this forum, we discuss your master, Jabata. Again, you are the challenger that anybody with any issue against your master Jabata should submit his points. # Please don't dodge or run away or deviate from the expositions we have made of your master. Defend him point by point as we have exposed his lies. If you cannot attempt (which truly you can never attempt) any of the above exposition of your master, then you can go to your cult house for reinforcements. I shall be waiting. Again note that I am not disturbed with your ranting. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 4:14pm On Jun 01, 2017 |
AlBaqir:Laughing. u want correction? jabata has already did that in his lecture u listened to. your quran and hadith is different from our own. shia is different religion just like sufi. you people are not muslim. please do not quote me again. muslims do not make friends or talk to a kafir until he or she becomes a murg |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 4:16pm On Jun 01, 2017 |
AlBaqir:...... Becomes a muslim |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 5:15pm On Jun 01, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: # ![]() ![]() Let me remind you that Nabi, salallahu alayhi wa ahli, whom you lied to be following, engaged fully in debates and challenges even with the Kuffar, Atheist and Ahlul Kitab. Evidences of these are abound in the Quran. So who the hell are you not to engage in debate with a Shi'a? Now I realized your master Jabata's command is more directive than that of following Nabi. # Then I need to remind you of your ignorance that the shia/Rafidha your master asked you to run away from constitute the larger narrators of hadith in your Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, not to mention other Sunni books. In fact, when your troglodyte Imam Nasir din al-Albani was cornered that there are lot of Rafidha narrators in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, he quickly formulated a theory that in report of ahadith, only truthfulness and sharp memory are the requirements, not Aqeedah. ![]() So, ogbeni, again please attempt just even one of those exposition of your master. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 5:46pm On Jun 02, 2017 |
You are a shameless lair like ur imams. taqiya..stupid insane lies ur imams constituted against Ali, Abubakar,Uthman.Umar,Quran,Hadith,ALLAH,rasulullah.Aesha,Hafsah,.hussein,hassan and many rasulullah u lie against sunnah scholars that their teachings have already show that every sect that is not on what rasulullah and his companions were on are kafir. Just like sufi and other sects are kafir., you are not a muslim. if u die a shia, you wil stay in hell forever because you hate and curse abubakar and other 3 khalifas AND MANY INSANE THINGS YOUR RELIGION BELIEVES IN. BELIEVES THAT RASULULLAH KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by highque: 8:42am On Aug 03, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: Can you please emulate Rosulullah(saw) for once on this matter? 1. Going by this tread, it is obvious that you thrown an open challenge that anyone that has question or ambiguity on one Jabata should ask that you will answer. Now this was done by someone but you fail to keep to your words. Is that what the Sunna you acclaimed taught you? 2. You gave an excuse that the fellow is a Kaafir or whatever, thus, you will not discuss with him/her. However, we were given an evidence of how Rosulullah(saw) discussed and debated with Christians, Jews, Mushrikeen and Atheists, some by favour of Allah, accepted Islam by this selfless efforts. Are you still emulate the Prophet with this your excuse? 3. If truly you are what you claim and a good muslim, is it not your responsibility to be a kind of caricature Rahama to the humanity, hence, by trying to convince them from Kitab wa sunna you are shouting? Again are you a true follower of Rosulullah(saw) on this also? To me, giving a flimsy excuse is one of the feature of the Ahlul-Fitna among the Muslims. They do that to escape some of their fabrications and atrocities exposed. If you are not a Boko-Haram in making, kindly respond to all this challenges and stop addressing someone of infidelity. Aferall, some of the most fearful Kaafirs then became the propagators of true Islam and Broda, no one knows what tomorrow holds! 1 Like |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 9:44am On Aug 03, 2017 |
highque . 1. Am not defending jabata, its kitab wa sunnah i am defending. . and what was that challenge i failed to answer or defend according to sunnah? |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 11:10am On Aug 03, 2017 |
highque . rasul never did munakoshah or debate with a kafir . .\ if u are sure he did, bring the proof / RASUL only did his dawah, kafir and otherz can listen. . but debate with a kafir? thats impossible. when u are quoting quran and hadith, a kafir wil b quoting his togut.. how wil that w0rk? if u listen to the debate with abdulganiy akorede and jabata. . jabata is quoting quran and sunnah and abdulganiy is quoting alfas and qiyas . . . how will that work out. . its n0 l0nger a debate but a talk. . . .pun |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 11:15am On Aug 03, 2017 |
highque . 2. rasul never did munakoshah or debate with a kafir . .\ if u are sure he did, bring the proof / RASUL only did his dawah, kafir and otherz can listen. . but debate with a kafir? thats impossible. when u are quoting quran and hadith, a kafir wil b quoting his togut.. how wil that w0rk? if u listen to the debate with abdulganiy akorede and jabata. . jabata is quoting quran and sunnah and abdulganiy is quoting alfas and qiyas . . . how will that work out. . its n0 l0nger a debate but a talk. . . .pun . .3. so i am n0t calling them to islam abi. .am just shouting ni abi. . tshew. .MY DUTY IS TO TELL THEM THE TRUTH, TO DO DAWAH,itz n0t in my capacity for them to accept islam. . . 4. AND how am i comparable to boko haram? who do i have in c0mm0n with b0k0 haram? tshew. . . u just write up what u like, making accusations without proofs.. . . .0.. p |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 12:02pm On Aug 03, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: 1. Surah An-Nahl, Verse 125: Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortation, and have disputations with them in the best manner; surely your Lord best knows those who go astray from His path, and He knows best those who follow the right way # Don't you read that Nabi hosted the Christian of Najran (who believe in 3 in 1 God, and that Jesus is son of God) for days where he engaged them in series of discussion? When these "Kuffar" refused, then ayah 59 - 61 of sura Ahli Imran were revealed. 2. Surah Aal-e-Imran, Verse 64: Say: O followers of the Book! come to an equitable proposition between us and you that we shall not serve any but Allah and (that) we shall not associate aught with Him, and (that) some of us shall not take others for lords besides Allah; but if they turn back, then say: Bear witness that we are Muslims # Again, this is an open challenge/dialogue. 3. Surah Az-Zumar, Verse 38: " And should you ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth? They would most certainly say: Allah. Say: Have you then considered that what you call upon besides Allah, would they, if Allah desire to afflict me with harm, be the removers of His harm, or (would they), if Allah desire to show me mercy, be the withholders of His mercy? Say: Allah is sufficient for me; on Him do the reliant rely". The above ayah signify an "open dialogue" between Nabi and the Mushriqun (polytheists) of Quraysh. # If you need more, we will give you more in sha Allah. |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by AlBaqir(m): 12:25pm On Aug 03, 2017 |
AhluSunnah: @bold, # So you've added lying to your fanaticism just like your master Jabata. Here are your comments: AhluSunnah: AhluSunnah: # How did defending "allegations" against Jabata suddenly change to "defending" Kitab wa Sunnah? And you still have balls to say "you are not defending him". 1 Like |
Re: Sheik Muhammad Ali Jabata, CHECKMATED! by Nobody: 2:16pm On Aug 03, 2017 |
MR KAFIR . . AL BAQIR. . ITS NOT JABATA AM DEFENDING BUT ISLAM. JABATA HAS PROOF FOR ALL HE SAYS. . . ITS NOT JABATA PEOPLE ARE GOING AGAINST BUT KITAB WA SUNNAH. if u wana proof him wrong, u bring proof. . . . . . . . all they do is lie and go against the proof with whatever he says without them knowing that its kitab wa sunnah dey are against. . . PEOPLE BE LIKE JABATA SAID WE SHOULDNT DO NAMING CEREM0NY,THAT WE SHOULDNT DO MOULID,TAWASUL,JOIN ANY SECT,USE TESUBAH,PREACH AT BURIAL AND WALIMATU NIKAH and so on. . . and they wil be abusing him and be saying lot of insane words to him . . . its n0t jabata people are actually abusing but rasul . . me that am defending rasul is actually going to look like am defending jabata. . if he say s0mething or anything without delil, if people are against him and dey are proving him wr0ng with kitab wa sunnah, i wil also say ihe is wr0ng and c0rrect him. .i w0nt f0llow him but kitab wa sunnah . . do u understand? |
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