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FG Scores Low On Agric Sector - Politics - Nairaland

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FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Emmysteve(m): 3:50am On May 23, 2016
AT independence in 1960, agriculture was the largest contributor to the Nige­rian economy, accounting for about 63 per cent to the nation’s Gross Domes­tic Product (GDP), which is typical for developing agrarian nations.

As at that time incomes were derived from the ex­port of major cash crops like rubber, cocoa, palm oil, cashew nuts, ground­nut and cotton, cassava among others and provid­ed about 70 per cent of ac­tive labour for Nigerians. But from the 2013 rebased figures the agricultural sector contributed 21.97 percent or N17.625 trillion ($112.26 billion) of the to­tal N80.22 trillion ($510 billion). This compares with N14.71 trillion ($93.7 billion) in the old non-re­based estimates for 2013.

With the inauguration of President Muhammadu Buhari administration on May 29, 2015, farmers were optimistic that the agricultural sector would experience the much awaited change, expected to transform the sector.

Though, President Mu­hammadu Buhari, has con­tinued assuring the nation that developing the sector and ensuring food security in the country remained a priority to his administra­tion. One year under the President’s watch, agri­culture has experienced tremendous set back as the prices of farm produce have gradually become out of reach for consumers of fresh tomato, rice and gar­ri among others.

The prices of some ag­ricultural items have sky­rocketed across the major markets in the country.

For instance between 2014 and April 2015, the price of rice was stable in the market even dur­ing the Christmas period, when it sold for N9,000. Today however, a bag of rice is being sold for about N17,000 while one bas­ket of tomato that used to sell for about N4000, to N6000 before is now be­ing sold for N12,000 and a custard plastic of garri that sold for N250, now sells for N750 over night.

However, some stake­holders and farmers who spoke to Daily Sun scored Buhari’s administration a lean 5 per cent in agricul­ture sector, just because of his appointment of Chief Audu Ogbeh as the Minis­ter of Agriculture and Ru­ral Development.

Yet other stakeholders in support of President Muhammadu Buhari in­sist that one year in office was not enough to judge one’s performance. They said the budget has just been approved and that with time Buhari will turn the sector around.

Managing Director of Universal Quest Limited/National Publicity Sec­retary, National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN), Sotonye Anga, said that one thing Buhari administration has done is appointing Chief Audu Ogbeh as the Minister of Agriculture and Rural De­velopment because he un­derstands agriculture.

However, he said the Ministry of Agriculture has not been funded in the last one year, saying the Ministry has not been able to fund any activities or projects because they have not been with money as the budget was not ap­proved on time.

He added: “If you look at it critically, nothing has been achieved in terms of agricultural productivity rather than the Minister putting together the road­map implementation for agriculture and he has been talking to stakehold­er and everybody prefer to work with him to drive growth in the sector. But you cannot drive growth without money. Funding has hampered productiv­ity. In the last one year, food prices have gone high on almost every products.”

Now that the budget has been approved, he stated that agric sector would see a level of improvement, since this is a critical planting season and farm­ers cannot plant without being funded.

He explained that farm­ers have almost lost whole planting season 2016 be­cause of lack of fund but by 2017 there be accelerat­ed and dynamic improve­ment across the agricul­tural value chain.

The Director of Man­field Farms Venture, Mr. Femi Omoboriowo, said that government has not really done much to un­lock the potential in agric sector.

He said however, the proposed 2016 agricul­ture budget at 1.6 per cent shows that the Nigerian government’s budgetary allocations to the sector is yet to met 10 per cent 2003 Maputo Declaration.

According to him, one thing the past administra­tions failed to do was to implement the Maputo Declaration on Agricul­ture and Food Security and the 10 percent na­tional budget allocation to agriculture development.

He explained: “At the Second Ordinary Assem­bly of the African Union in July 2003 in Maputo, African Heads of State and Government endorsed the “Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Se­curity in Africa.

The commitment was to persuade governments to increase spending in the sector to stimulate agricul­tural growth, reduce pov­erty, and build food and nutrition security.

“After the meeting in 2003, a total of 13 coun­tries have met or surpassed the 10 per cent target in one or more years since then and they include Bu­rundi, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Ma­lawi, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Zambia, and Zimbabwe but Nigeria is yet to join the league.”

He said one of the Bu­hari’s 5-point agenda was to make Nigeria where entrepreneurship thrives, enterprise flourishes and the government gets out of your way so that you can create value, build the economy and aggressively expand wealth that has not happened.

He added that govern­ment should work on pol­icy inconsistence, which has been one of the major problems confronting the sector by encouraging lo­cal content, making sure that values are added to the local produces in other to make them exportable.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MRSALT: 4:06am On May 23, 2016
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 4:35am On May 23, 2016
National Cashew Association of Nigeria! shocked


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by mrvitalis(m): 4:56am On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 5:01am On May 23, 2016
.I think FG should find a way of encouraging young school leavers to invest their energy in agriculture by providing enabling environment. While energy is been focus on beautification of cities and solving the transportation that comes due to overpopulation,A go back to farm initiatives should be launch through strategic plans and careful study of the largest food and commodities production centres, villages or communities in each state should be mapped out, construct a good road network that link such places to the major towns and supply them with hybrid seeds of a greater yields and less time consuming growing time. While tomatoes become gold in nigeria I am quiet sure there are still some places in the country in which it goes rotten by the hour but such places is either not motorable or nowhere to be found on google map.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Flexherbal(m): 5:06am On May 23, 2016
Na oil government eye dey.

18 Likes 3 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Pavarottii(m): 5:17am On May 23, 2016
I av said it... the shoe left by GEJ is too big and wieghty for buhari's leg to fit in...

People tot being a president is come chop. I just laff at them.

As at 2013, Agriculture contributed almost 22% of our GDP. But between wen buhari entered till now, little or nothing from agriculture.

And some people will come here and defend him that he wants to diversify when;
He allocated 1.6% to agriculture.
He allocated money to search for crude in Chad basin.
He became minister of petroleum, why not agriculture.

I just av pity for those that support all these. U are seeing with ur eyes how the country is deteriorating, wat exactly is d prob wiv us as citizens, because of tribal and party lines. We av stopped being patriotic. If ur president is messing up. Say it, don't suffer and die.

God bless Nigeria.

79 Likes 11 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Splashme: 5:23am On May 23, 2016
Buhari needs to consult GEJ on how he was able to maitain food price stability for 5yrs.

I miss that GEJ's young smart minister of Agric not this old expired Audu Ogbe Buhari appointed

42 Likes 4 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by chriskosherbal(m): 5:23am On May 23, 2016
The government should set up her campaign on agriculture to boost revenue.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Splashme: 5:27am On May 23, 2016
[size=18pt]FG is scoring low on every sector, so, this is no news[/size]

49 Likes 5 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by simplemach(m): 5:59am On May 23, 2016
the same Agric sector GEJ almost turned around before leaving office. Somebody has come and made him self oil minister, just for OYEL money.

18 Likes 2 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by gozmok1(m): 6:08am On May 23, 2016

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by raker300: 6:17am On May 23, 2016
One of the missing chibok man. He's been missing since May 2015

57 Likes 3 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by csamii: 6:26am On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless

We shouldn't blame Jonathan but the education sector? If it's not your super presidiot's fault then it should be mine.

Get your head outta your a$$ and tell Buhari to make himself minister of Agriculture.

30 Likes 2 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Splashme: 6:39am On May 23, 2016
[size=18pt]FG is scoring low on every sector, so, this is no news[/size]

1 Like

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by dukie25: 9:19am On May 23, 2016
Never mind Agric sector, they score low in every sector.
The only sector thriving in Nigeria is Fulani killing franchise.

25 Likes 4 Shares

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MadCow1: 9:19am On May 23, 2016
Interesting .
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by hazyfm: 9:19am On May 23, 2016
angry angry
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by DailyPost: 9:19am On May 23, 2016
grin grin grin

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 9:20am On May 23, 2016
This government keeps scoring low on all fronts.
Audu Ogbeh wowed many Nigerians with his deep understanding of the challenges in the Agricultural sector during the ministerial screening. Now that he has been given the opportunity to put his ideas to test, it has been no action from his end.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Integrityfarms(m): 9:20am On May 23, 2016
Tell me the sector this GOVERNMENT has ever scored average talk less of high?
Only Propaganda ministry with Lai as the overall Chief Zombie!


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MadCow1: 9:21am On May 23, 2016
Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MhizEndy(f): 9:21am On May 23, 2016
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Pavore9: 9:22am On May 23, 2016
The Ministry of Agriculture should re-package Agriculture to Nigerians as there are a million and one opportunities waiting to be tapped. They should involve independent content providers to produce Agribusiness TV programmes and have it syndicated across TV stations in the Country. When l watch a fellow Nigerian earning about N200,000 monthly from an Agro venture operated within a plot of land, won't l sit down and ask myself questions?


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Integrityfarms(m): 9:25am On May 23, 2016
.I think FG should find a way of encouraging young school leavers to invest their energy in agriculture by providing enabling environment. While energy is been focus on beautification of cities and solving the transportation that comes due to overpopulation,A go back to farm initiatives should be launch through strategic plans and careful study of the largest food and commodities production centres, villages or communities in each state should be mapped out, construct a good road network that link such places to the major towns and supply them with hybrid seeds of a greater yields and less time consuming growing time. While tomatoes become gold in nigeria I am quiet sure there are still some places in the country in which it goes rotten by the hour but such places is either not motorable or nowhere to be found on google map.

Let thus FG pick up the Nagropreneur and Market Oriented Application forms that was handed over to them by the past administration and make the necessary approvals and monitor the program, it will go a long way in ensuring food security and self reliance as a Nation. But I doubt if he won't say it's KWARUPTION

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by repogirl(f): 9:25am On May 23, 2016
Just one year and they have destroyed the sector.



Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by jazzydawg(m): 9:30am On May 23, 2016
Make una no worry, baba is destined to rule for only two years, the 2nd year is just around the corner, hold on be strong. It will soon be over.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by sCun: 9:32am On May 23, 2016
Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin
****May 2010 to May 2016 isn't 6 years.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by ZUBY77(m): 9:36am On May 23, 2016
Have they scored high anywhere except propaganda?

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by bonechamberlain(m): 9:37am On May 23, 2016
even agriculture that gej was lauded for transforming. we are under a mad govt. angry


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by macaranta(m): 9:39am On May 23, 2016
Change has come.

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