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FG Scores Low On Agric Sector - Politics (2) - Nairaland

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Buhari Has Created 12 Million Jobs In Agric Sector Alone - Lai Mohammed / Governor Umahi Spotted Playing Football, Scores 2 Goals (photos) / Soldiers & Fulani Militia Clash In Bolon, Adamawa, Scores Killed (Graphic Pics) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by EmmaOgbu(m): 9:42am On May 23, 2016
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by rigarmortis: 9:42am On May 23, 2016
there are economies that crumbled because the leaders focused ONLY on ''fighting'' corruption. thinking that it will be the end to all problems.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 9:43am On May 23, 2016
Bubu has scored low in everything except junkering all over the world nd pighting kwarapzan on newa paper.gej really tried on this agricultural sector but the fulani man has destroyed everything


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by tete7000(m): 9:54am On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless

Before you continue ranting, answer this basic questions: In the last one year, what investment has Buhari government made in agriculture other than shut down the country under the pretence of looking for saintly minister? Do you reap where you have not sown? If no investment has come in, do you expect an upturn or downturn? A planting season is one year for most arable crop and the writeup said the country had almost lost one year of inactivity from government. Instead of you to read well you are ranting, talking nonsense. Which responsible government waste precious and valuable time like your president? Time they say is precious, time you lost they say you might never recover. Remind your bubu that to hasten up and stop running the nation like his beer parlour. What worth doing worth doing on time.

As if their time wasting is not enough, they came out and said they will soon also remove fertilizers' subsidy. Deluded people!

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by fejicruz(m): 9:54am On May 23, 2016
Tomatoes can now be referred to as 'Red Gold' cos only the rich can cook jollof rice now.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by robinsoncrosoe: 9:56am On May 23, 2016
One of the missing chibok man. He's been missing since May 2015
u funny die.chai
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by amazingspiderma: 9:56am On May 23, 2016
Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin

Fertilizer is the main and most expensive ingredient for farmers.So if you don't understand it's importance in the value chain you should used Google to find out,or ask any farmer you know.
Let me give you an example of epic nonsense, there is no single textile working in this country for more than 15 years and that also means cotton farming is dead.
My question to you is...

who messed up big time ??

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by amazingspiderma: 10:02am On May 23, 2016
.I think FG should find a way of encouraging young school leavers to invest their energy in agriculture by providing enabling environment. While energy is been focus on beautification of cities and solving the transportation that comes due to overpopulation,A go back to farm initiatives should be launch through strategic plans and careful study of the largest food and commodities production centres, villages or communities in each state should be mapped out, construct a good road network that link such places to the major towns and supply them with hybrid seeds of a greater yields and less time consuming growing time. While tomatoes become gold in nigeria I am quiet sure there are still some places in the country in which it goes rotten by the hour but such places is either not motorable or nowhere to be found on google map.
Supported, agriculture requires innovation and only young educated minds can help us get it right.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by ndcide(m): 10:26am On May 23, 2016
[size=18pt]FG is scoring low on every sector, so, this is no news[/size]

I kind of agree. Just don't see why people want to be academic about it.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by gidjah(m): 10:49am On May 23, 2016
my brother, it is well o. I was one of those who brought this govt in, but I must tell you without any regret. she has messed up the economy of this nation further big time. The policies used so far, the delay in cabinet setting up, increase in power tarrif, and now untimely increament in the fuel matter.it is all wrongly meddled up.Istill believe in this administration but she needs to wake up and face reality. the propaganda the party shouted out durng their campaign is what is hunting them.When something is wrong, lets us all say it as it is.ECONOMICALLY,this govt is yet to get anything right o!
I av said it... the shoe left by GEJ is too big and wieghty for buhari's leg to fit in...

People tot being a president is come chop. I just laff at them.

As at 2013, Agriculture contributed almost 22% of our GDP. But between wen buhari entered till now, little or nothing from agriculture.

And some people will come here and defend him that he wants to diversify when;
He allocated 1.6% to agriculture.
He allocated money to search for crude in Chad basin.
He became minister of petroleum, why not agriculture.

I just av pity for those that support all these. U are seeing with ur eyes how the country is deteriorating, wat exactly is d prob wiv us as citizens, because of tribal and party lines. We av stopped being patriotic. If ur president is messing up. Say it, don't suffer and die.

God bless Nigeria.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by mrvitalis(m): 10:51am On May 23, 2016

Before you continue ranting, answer this basic questions: In the last one year, what investment has Buhari government made in agriculture other than shut down the country under the pretence of looking for saintly minister? Do you reap where you have not sown? If no investment has come in, do you expect an upturn or downturn? A planting season is one year for most arable crop and the writeup said the country had almost lost one year of inactivity from government. Instead of you to read well you are ranting, talking nonsense. Which responsible government waste precious and valuable time like your president? Time they say is precious, time you lost they say you might never recover. Remind your bubu that to hasten up and stop running the nation like his beer parlour. What worth doing worth doing on time.

As if their time wasting is not enough, they came out and said they will soon also remove fertilizers' subsidy. Deluded people!
So Jonathan government cultivated for people?? Bro please sleep
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by jojothaiv(m): 11:29am On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless
Waiting impatiently...

Are you in Kebbi?

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by SycophanticGoat: 11:30am On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless

Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin

At least, Jonathan did something and it affected our Agricultural sector positively, bringing down the prices of foodstuffs and enabling the poor masses afford three square meals. He even eliminated middle men in those areas of fertilizer distribution thereby ensuring that the fertilizers gets to the farmers.

He also set up programs like YouWiN that sponsored many Agro biz and biz ideas. His minister back then was young, vibrant and a great achiever. What has the economic assassin done in the Agric sector order than bringing in an old and expired man like him to take that once booming sector back to square 1?


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by jojothaiv(m): 11:31am On May 23, 2016

I kind of agree. Just don't see why people want to be academic about it.
All we see are just Theoretical achievements..

I'm less surprised though..

I don't expect much from Buhari, you can't give what you don't have...


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MadCow1: 11:36am On May 23, 2016

Fertilizer is the main and most expensive ingredient for farmers.So if you don't understand it's importance in the value chain you should used Google to find out,or ask any farmer you know.
Let me give you an example of epic nonsense, there is no single textile working in this country for more than 15 years and that also means cotton farming is dead.
My question to you is...

who messed up big time ??


If you wanted to hear President Buhari's name, then you come late.. grin

Fertilizer is very key in farming. But providing subsidized fertilizer is not the meaning of Agricultural revolution which was touted by the previous administration.

Revolution is when you can travel from Lagos to Kano and all you are driving through is Acres on Acres of Farms. From Livestock to Crop farms.. Make Fertilizers Available (maybe subsidize it sef), but just providing fertilizers is not enough to call it a revolution. grin

Cotton Farming does not have to die because of lack of Textile milling factories, thats like saying Crude Oil exploitation is dead because we dont have a single functional Refinery or that Cocoa farming is dead becuase we barely have up to 3 Chocolate companies in Nigeria.. grin

If you answer that question you asked or explain it, I can better indulge you.

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by MadCow1: 11:42am On May 23, 2016

At least, Jonathan did something and it affected our Agricultural sector positively, bringing down the prices of foodstuffs and enabling the poor masses afford three square meals. He even eliminated middle men in those areas of fertilizer distribution thereby ensuring that the fertilizers gets to the farmers.

He also set up programs like YouWiN that sponsored many Agro biz and biz ideas. His minister back then was young, vibrant and a great achiever. What has the economic assassin done in the Agric sector order than bringing in an old and expired man like him to take that once booming sector back to square 1?


Are you selling facts or lies and propaganda?

Keep telling yourself that poor masses could afford 3 square meals on an 18,000 Naira Minimum wage.. grin That is a pure propaganda and lie because you have absolutely to facts nor studies or statistics to back your claims. Like the guy you quoted pointed out, the cheapest Tomatoes has been in over 10 years was earlier this year. That's how come my mum was able to have 2 bags of frozen Tomatoes in her fridge. But I don't expect you to countenance that.. Propaganda sounds better than facts. grin

YOUWIN.. Just a few weeks back, there was a show on the Radio (Call-in) and people talked about the YouWin scheme and how it was fraught with corruption and how it was easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it was for a young Nigerian Entrepreneur to access YouWin Funds.. grin

But Its okay... Jonathan is the Best, Buhari is the Devils Elder brother.. grin #That Sounds better.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by tete7000(m): 11:44am On May 23, 2016

So Jonathan government cultivated for people?? Bro please sleep

No government cultivate; they only need to provide incentives and conducive environment to stimulate others to do so. Rather than your own people to do that, they choke and kill off those incentives. They create fear, despondency and neck-breaking controls that discourage those who would have hitherto cultivate.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 11:51am On May 23, 2016
Jonathan did not make any noise and he kept the price of rice uniform at N8,000 to N9,000 during Christmas.

Imagine that the first policy Audu Ogbeh wants to implement in his ministry is the removal of subsidy from fertilizer.

Who will dash this administration some sense ? Insincerity of purpose is their major problem.


Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Seun360(m): 11:52am On May 23, 2016
I av said it... the shoe left by GEJ is too big and wieghty for buhari's leg to fit in...

People tot being a president is come chop. I just laff at them.

As at 2013, Agriculture contributed almost 22% of our GDP. But between wen buhari entered till now, little or nothing from agriculture.

And some people will come here and defend him that he wants to diversify when;
He allocated 1.6% to agriculture.
He allocated money to search for crude in Chad basin.
He became minister of petroleum, why not agriculture.

I just av pity for those that support all these. U are seeing with ur eyes how the country is deteriorating, wat exactly is d prob wiv us as citizens, because of tribal and party lines. We av stopped being patriotic. If ur president is messing up. Say it, don't suffer and die.

God bless Nigeria.

And the foolish President is planning to remove subsidies on fertilizer.

Honestly, Buhari has nothing to offer.

1 Like

Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Nobody: 12:03pm On May 23, 2016
Bubu has scored low in everything except junkering all over the world nd pighting kwarapzan on newa paper.gej really tried on this agricultural sector but the fulani man has destroyed everything

Jonathan did very well.

Agriculture, Railways, Power Generation and Distribution, Auto Industry, SME and youth empowerment, Job creation and Road construction.

But all APC will see is Dasuki gate. A boko haram war they created themselves which was a waste pipe to national resources.

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Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by hausameat: 12:12pm On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless
Even if this country is shut down today because of Buhari's incompetence, Fulanis, Yoirubas like you will never agree. Thrash.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Temmywalex: 1:33pm On May 23, 2016
Until the Federal Government recognizes the desire of the passionate, able-bodied, young ladies and gentlemen who are in their youthful age and are ready to venture into agriculture by supporting them with the necessary encouragement in form of credit facility, subsidized imputs, and an enabling environment, that Federal Government will always score low in agriculture, employment, gross domestic product, and the like. Rather, they will only score high in crime rate, corruption, child trafficking, Internet fraud, and the like. I believe that after working for the next five years, I will be able to gather enough capital to start my own agri-business as I am a graduate that studied agriculture. I won't wait for this deceitful government.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by mikolo80: 3:11pm On May 23, 2016
I will still blame the education sector for the foolishness of Nigerians

1) the cost of rice increase because of the value of Nigeria, and that's no buhari's fault, tell ur rich dad or uncle to go to kebbi and build a rice processing plant and make cool cash

2) blaming Buhari for tomatoes?? Why not praise him for onions supply?? Our tomatoes farm was attacked, sha earlier this year I bought tomatoes the cheapest I have bought in my life . . Please if u have money try greenhouse tomatoes farming it's pays ( once I get cash am going into it)

3) as for garri, that's a simple economics, a ton of cassava chips is reported at $300 - $400, and with the current Nigeria value it pays more to use cassava for chips than garri processing and the government can't stop the export cos we need the forex... or what would u have the farmers do? ?
Not given him an excuse also but the above accusations are baseless
teachers cannot give what they do not have(most of them are doing the job out of desperation)
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by Pavarottii(m): 7:59pm On May 23, 2016
my brother, it is well o. I was one of those who brought this govt in, but I must tell you without any regret. she has messed up the economy of this nation further big time. The policies used so far, the delay in cabinet setting up, increase in power tarrif, and now untimely increament in the fuel matter.it is all wrongly meddled up.Istill believe in this administration but she needs to wake up and face reality. the propaganda the party shouted out durng their campaign is what is hunting them.When something is wrong, lets us all say it as it is.ECONOMICALLY,this govt is yet to get anything right o!
God blessing for being patriotic and saying it as it is.

Nigeria will be great.
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by openmine(m): 9:18am On May 24, 2016
Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin
I guess u r still living in d past or u just have dis inward obsession about GEJ.....
d discus is about d current govt performance in d agric sector....not d former administration who agric sector was second 2 none....pls try 2 b objective and rid urself of dis unprofitable obsession....smh

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin
Re: FG Scores Low On Agric Sector by openmine(m): 9:20am On May 24, 2016
Subsidizing Fertilizer was all Jonathan did in Agriculture for 6 years.. grin grin grin grin grin grin

That Bayelsa Man fhuck up was epic... grin

I guess u r still living in d past or u just have dis inward obsession about GEJ.....
d discus is about d current govt performance in d agric sector....not d former administration whose agric sector was second 2 none....pls try 2 b objective and rid urself of dis unprofitable obsession....smh

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