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Party Jollof Rice by Zambux(f): 9:46pm On Jul 17, 2016
Ehen my people, una good evening

Don't really know if am in the right section buh anyways lemme talk my mind. Went for a friend's child dedication party today, ordered for Jill of rice didn't know when I ate a second round sef cos of its wanting for more taste.

Now to the topic of discussion, why does party Jollof rice taste different from normals Jollof rice we cook at home. Some say it's because it's being prepared in large quantity, some say it's cos dey use firewood which I know most caterers use gas now, but always end with the same wanting for more taste, when I was little dem talk sey na Ajino moto dem dey use... I can't help but ask, abeg caterers and all those pipul involved why does party Jollof rice always come with this special taste and same aroma sef forgot to add that.... Any special recipe?
Re: Party Jollof Rice by Nobody: 9:49pm On Jul 17, 2016
Na true u talk
Re: Party Jollof Rice by UrWorstNitemare: 9:50pm On Jul 17, 2016
[size=16pt]OP.. I swear. me, ano kno embarassed

Buh d person under me will definitely kno...
Re: Party Jollof Rice by modestofynest(m): 10:04pm On Jul 17, 2016
If u ask me na who I go askkkkkk
Re: Party Jollof Rice by MrCow(m): 2:13am On Jul 20, 2016
well, I guess it's about the burning of the Rice...... Party jollof is usually more burnt and that gives it its unique aroma

we are always careful when cooking it for household consumption.... who wan scrub pot....... try it at home and see what I'm talking about

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Re: Party Jollof Rice by CnCstore: 8:47pm On Jul 21, 2016
The major difference is the chicken or beef stock used in most party jollof rice.


Re: Party Jollof Rice by aydelicious: 1:24pm On Jul 23, 2016
Na true u talk
is because of special spice they use to cook it that make the taste to be deference.
Re: Party Jollof Rice by Nobody: 5:04pm On Jul 23, 2016
well, I guess it's about the burning of the Rice...... Party jollof is usually more burnt and that gives it its unique aroma

we are always careful when cooking it for household consumption.... who wan scrub pot....... try it at home and see what I'm talking about

On point, i noticed this at my cousin's traditional marriage.. the jellof rice was burnt and it had that delectable aroma.

'the right spices - firewood -burning' does the trick.
Re: Party Jollof Rice by ChynoBEATS: 5:15am On Aug 07, 2016
Don't forget the quantity of tin tomato they use too...

The major difference is the chicken or beef stock used in most party jollof rice.

Re: Party Jollof Rice by tsdarkside(m): 3:46pm On Aug 08, 2016
well, I guess it's about the burning of the Rice...... Party jollof is usually more burnt and that gives it its unique aroma

we are always careful when cooking it for household consumption.... who wan scrub pot....... try it at home and see what I'm talking about

you could be right..i think the trick is let it overcook and even burn....then burnt part you throw away...not sure.. undecided undecided undecided

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