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Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: - Romance - Nairaland

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Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by Dozie3(m): 1:09pm On Oct 09, 2009
Pls my good bros. and sis. in nairaland,i need advice over this issue pls.My story goes like this, there is this my close friend since when i was in secondary school evn til now, and to be precise, he was my room mate for like a year and, ,i  have learnt his lifestyle and find out he is a sexmanaic(cant do without sex) and greedy over girls, he got a lots of girlfriends and he bleeps them steady,besides, he is a handsome guy also. So after secondary school, and some months later we both traveled to lagos, but at different locations, as time goes on after some years, we located ourselves and also visited each other, along the line, i met this pretty girl whom he was living in their house and she was his cousin to b precised, we met and knew ourselves and also fall deeply inlove with each other and understood ourselves verymuch. The problem here is that my close friend whom she is living with under the same roof is havin a sexual desire for this his sister(my girlfrnd), this my girl has complained and cried bitterly to me over this, that he has attempted to rape her several times in her own room several times, but she told him that she is going to break his head; again  she has reported him to her parents but they didnt take it all that serious, the just called him and warned him, but he persisted in his mission. Now he is using me to blackmail the girl to her parents that he wuld tel them about me if she didnt agree(she is also a virgin). She now wants me as her "HERO" to fight for her and to mek him to stop hurting her with such intention. But i dont know how  to intervain in this case, so that am not going to cut my relationship with this guy. And what can she also do inother to stop  this trash cos her parents doesnt want to take it very serious. Pls i need advise and steps to take,pls.  Thanks
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by izeek(m): 1:13pm On Oct 09, 2009
did you not read the jealous lover kills okada man?

una no go hear now, dey fight for woman up and down. mumu.
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by jejelolatu(f): 1:14pm On Oct 09, 2009
How u take know sey she be virgin?
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by opsydudu(m): 1:22pm On Oct 09, 2009
hard to believe and insane.

brother want to sleep with sister/cousin, which one be your gf sef? she should check herself and what she wears anything the guy is around.
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by r231(m): 1:31pm On Oct 09, 2009
talk to your so called friend about it and tell him if its true dat he should stop besides what r u doing with dat kind of friend anyway cut him lose
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by Spyker: 1:42pm On Oct 09, 2009
How old are you guys? I mean, you, your friend and his cousin. Well, first of all, tell your gf that she should introduce you to her family (parents) as a friend. This move if you agreed will stop the black (white)mail.
Since your friend is aware of your relationship with his cousin yet he wants to have sexual intercourse with her, then you better end the relationship with him
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by araba1(m): 2:18pm On Oct 09, 2009
it is the law of cama what goes around comes around check urself u too must have done such for someone else too tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by edoyad(m): 2:26pm On Oct 09, 2009
If you had constructed your story better i would have even acted like i was giving a genuine reply . sad *hisss*
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by myhouse: 2:35pm On Oct 09, 2009
Why your gf can't find her own apartment and lives alone?, or is it a must for her to stay under the same roof with him?
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by SOMTO2(m): 2:38pm On Oct 09, 2009
perveted friends.

sick to the head.

why you dey complain, u guys are one and same.
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by Drunk: 6:32pm On Oct 09, 2009
Chop off his bananas
Re: Pls I Need Advice, He(my Friend) Is Forcing Her Sister(my Girlfriend) To Sleep With Him: by speachless(m): 7:43pm On Oct 09, 2009
dis ur case bad oo
ur frnd is under a corse.
Talk wit him about it nd tel d girl 2 introduce u 2 d parents 2 avoid blackmail.

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