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How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! - Religion (12) - Nairaland

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by NevetsIbot(m): 3:00pm On Oct 06, 2016
Yupp! RSUST.
hoooooooo.... Congratulations dear....i'm expecting mine also
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by teejaypee: 3:01pm On Oct 06, 2016
It's all about passion though. Would you have me study a course I wouldn't like?

no, hell no!...

But remember, this is Nigeria smiley

I wish you all the best smiley
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by teejaypee: 3:03pm On Oct 06, 2016
hoooooooo.... Congratulations dear....i'm expecting mine also
same RSUST?
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 3:30pm On Oct 06, 2016
Ha Ha ..... you must be delusional!
Who did 9-11??
What does Borno have to do with 9-11??
Stop blaming others. Focus on your wahhabisim.
first i said most countries, i know you wont see it because you choose what you want to see and secondly i am not a muslim
next time learn to read a thread and understand things before you comment
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 3:39pm On Oct 06, 2016
Ha Ha ..... you must be delusional!
Who did 9-11??
What does Borno have to do with 9-11??
Stop blaming others. Focus on your wahhabisim.
i know you will choose what you want to see but i said most countries next time read and understand before commenting and i am an atheist
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by honourhim: 3:47pm On Oct 06, 2016

you gain freedom and you also keep your offering and tithe money grin

I already have freedom in Christ. Again if i pay tithe and offering is it your money i 'm using to pay it? If it is for this two lame reasons that i should leave Christ and join atheism then I will not do that. I already know that atheism has absolutely no tangible thing to offer me, only the no-god madness.
Its only children and weak minded people that you can deceive, not my type. I dont do things because others are doing it. I do things based on value it will add to my life.
If you want me to move from point A to point B then u must show me the benefits of going to point B.. If they are not tangible enough then I won't move. Atheists have failed woefully to give me tangible reason why I should move from christianity to atheism.
If you have tangible benefits to give me please present it.. The ones you presented are too lame to convince me Thanks.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Zenlife: 3:58pm On Oct 06, 2016
exactly what the OP is preaching...that people should embrace atheism as the true religion..

grin grin grin

Kindly quote your line of reference...
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by no1no2moro(m): 4:00pm On Oct 06, 2016
Qur'an 3:85. And whosoever seeks a faith other then Islam (- complete submission to the will of God,) it will never be accepted from him, and he shall be of the losers in the Hereafter.

Qur'an 5:14. We took the covenant of those (also) who say, ‘We are Christians;’ but they have abandoned a good portion of what they were (reminded of and) exhorted with. So We have kindled enmity and hatred between (various sects of) them till the Day of Resurrection. And Allâh will soon inform them of all their machination.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by no1no2moro(m): 4:04pm On Oct 06, 2016
Qur'an 3:102. O you who believe! Observe your duty to Allâh as it ought to be observed, and let not death overtake you unless you be in a state of complete submission (to your Lord).
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 4:10pm On Oct 06, 2016
Roman Catholicism is not a religion.
Catholics are Christians.
Am out.

Roman Catholic girl spotted..

Probably Adoration girls school, Amawbia
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by namuguibe(m): 4:21pm On Oct 06, 2016

i know you will choose what you want to see but i said most countries next time read and understand before commenting and i am an atheist
Yeah you are an "athiest" but are quick to side with the Wahhabists .... grin
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by namuguibe(m): 4:24pm On Oct 06, 2016
Don't dare insult my religion of peace otherwise.....don't u dare it...
Religion of peace?? Is that your idea for a joke on Thursday?? grin
Is Boko Haram about peace?
Is Daesh about peace?
Is Al Qaeda about peace?
Face the reality of Wahhabism cheesy
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 4:24pm On Oct 06, 2016
Yeah you are an "athiest" but are quick to side with the Wahhabists .... grin
i did not side any religion just gave an example
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by namuguibe(m): 4:26pm On Oct 06, 2016
i did not side any religion just gave an example
Bros ... it is strange that your example justifies the actions of Wahhabism ideology though ... undecided
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by KingOfAmebo(m): 4:33pm On Oct 06, 2016
I know what you are thinking, "my religion is the right one!"

Well, that is what the adherents of other religions also say and there are 4,199, excluding yours, of them

As you can see, the odds are not in your favour undecided

Let us also put into consideration that there 7 versions of hell, ie 7 religions who also have hell (aside from yours),

the odds are still not in your favor.

But there is hope! cheesy

This thread aims at helping you identify if your religion is wrong as to as ensure you make the right choice and not end up in the real hell wink

In no particular order, here are common signs you can use in detecting if your religion is the true one and also help you identify the true religion if you happen to come across it.

Please note that the true religion will not have any of these traits. smiley

1) Your "holy" book has lots of contradictions: Let us assume for instance that you are about to purchase a maths textbook for your kid, or for yourself, and on the first page you see "1+1=11", wouldn't this be enough to make you feel skeptical? Now, let us further imagine that you turn to the next page and the next and the next and keep seeing contradictions, would you still buy the book and even, in obvious stupidity, go around telling people that 1+1=11? undecided

If your "holy" book has these contradictions, it would be wise to throw it in the trash can. This is an obvious sign that your religion is false.

In order find out if your "holy" book fits into this category, it would be advisable that you read it on your own. Do not rely on heresay, your pastor, imam, holy junkie to read and interpret it on your behalf. Pick it up and read it for yourself angry

God will be proud of you smiley

2) You find a hard time explaining your religion to other people: Whenever someone else asks you "why" about your religious teachings you seem to find it difficult explaining it to them. No matter how hard and long you try to explain, you always seem to end up at a dead end. Most times, your religious teachings just do not make enough sense when you try explaining it to someone else.

Honestly, if your religion was from the one true "God", it wouldn't be that difficult to explain, now would it? undecided

Afterall, God is not one of confusion. smiley

3) Your religion seems to be plagiarized from other older religions: This one is a hard one to notice especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of other religions. If your religion has similar stories from other older religions then your religion is obviously fake. Afterall, God doesn't copy and paste. smiley

To verify this, you would have to read up on ancient religions and point out the similarities with yours. If there are any, your religion is false.

www.google.com is a good place to start. And it's FREE! grin

4) You are required to believe without evidence and only faith : So, you want to buy a house and the real estate manager tells you that the house is beautiful and gives you all the specs of the house but tells you that you cannot see the house but that all you have to do is believe the house is there and make payment for the house, will you pay? undecided

Now, apply this analogy to your faith. If someone tells you to believe whatever it is they are talking about without any proof, my bro/sis, na bobo. Pure scam. Do not risk eternity for such vague and unverifiable promises sad

5) You have never seen your God: Your God seems to be invincible, no one has ever seen it, or you have to carve stones and sticks just to see it then your God is nothing but a project of someone else's imagination. As beautiful and magnificent as the sun is we all see it. If your god was so real we would see it. Trust me, god would have no reason to play hide and seek.

6) Your god's characteristics contradicts itself: Your god is omnipresent but was not there when the first sin took place to prevent it. Your god is omniscient but created the devil to deceive people knowing very well they will end up in hell eventually. Your god is all loving but threatens people to love it or face eternal torture, damnation and barbecue in hell. That is not unconditional love. To know the meaning of the word unconditional, check it yourself @ www.dictionary.com. It is free. smiley

7) Your god needs to be worshiped: Even to the extent of threatening to burn you in hell if you don't. Seriously? God that created everything needs you, a human who happens to be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the universe, just to feel funky? undecided If your god is truly great, it wouldn't need to servitude and slavery. These are human cravings, not that of a supreme being. sad

cool Your god supports slavery, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital angry

9) No one has ever seen the hell or heaven of your religion: This one is kinda tricky because every religion that has hell and heaven also have adherents who have "died" and seen these places. Christians have died and seen Jesus and Jehovah so have Muslims who have died and see Allah and their future 72 virgin wives wink , Buddhists too etc.

Even you can deduce that there is something fishy here. Did they really see heaven or hell or just projections of their imaginations or are they just plain old lying? lipsrsealed

10) There is no where in your holy book where your god refers itself as the god of your people: God of the Ibos? God of the Yorubas? God of the hausas? God of Africans? Have you ever heard your god refer to itself as the god of your people?

I doubt that. It is either it is god of israel or god of arabs of god of indians etc.

If your god is like this then be certain it is not a true god because a true god will not be tribalistic or take sides. After all, it did create everyone, didn't it? undecided

11) You do not know anyone personally that has been healed miraculously by your god: And neither have you. All the "testimonies" are always in church, mosque, radio, tv, blogs, websites but never to you or people around you. You know a crippled in your area but no pastor or imam has ever been able to heal that person just out of the goodness of their heart. Very suspicious I say undecided

12) Your god always needs money: Your pastor says you need money to build a house for god(as if spirits need to live in houses undecided ) or that it needs money before healing you or providing any of it's other services like granting you a job, giving you a wife/husband, kids etc. It sha needs tithes and offering EVERY TIME. I mean how hard can it be for god to make money? Didn't it create everything?

A side effect of this is that the pastors, imams and spiritual junkies who collect these tithes on behalf of your god always seem to wear the finest clothes, ride the best cars, send their kids to the best schools(which 80% of the congregation cannot afford) and enjoy all the canal things of earth while you wait for paradise in heaven. Nigu undecided

I will stop here for now. But these tips should be enough to guide you and help you avoid following the wrong religion, finding the right one and not ending up in hell. smiley

Source: Na me write am. You dey find your own? undecided tongue

After reading your post I came to conclusion that you and many other souls like you feel so intelligent that you forget you were created. Salvation is personal. Did you notice all you typed up there were stuffs you read from someone too...so if that's the case how are you sure you are not rewriting same trash like the original author? Seek God earnestly with your heart and he will reveal himself to you...don't really on your wisdom, knowledge or understanding.

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by jojothaiv(m): 5:50pm On Oct 06, 2016

Surely. But the religious reasons for backing up their belief is hollow. Atheists don't claim to know why the universe exist or who created it. Atheists only point out the religious explanation for our existence is nothing short of ridiculous. While science is opening the secrets of the universe, religion is blinding us with 'faith'.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by jojothaiv(m): 5:50pm On Oct 06, 2016
typical Nigerian it always beats down to atheism, what happened to deist And the likes
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by atoleybaba(m): 6:51pm On Oct 06, 2016

are you a jehovah witness because i will like to ask you a question
yes I am. And u re. Free to ask me anything....
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ramalot(m): 6:52pm On Oct 06, 2016
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by buoye1(m): 7:00pm On Oct 06, 2016

My point exactly. Zero rebuttals, just aggression in embarrassed defeat.
defeat! Which war was i fighting with you? Please i repeat stop mentioning me...
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by obinna58(m): 7:08pm On Oct 06, 2016
you are correct.There are powers and there are invisible aliens existing in this earth but on a different dimensions, i charge every sceptic to reason along this lines: if our five senses can not detect other extra-ordinary occurences, does it mean they are non-existent? We can not detect wifi, waves,bluetooth and we cannot detect the gas in its gaseous state, it doesnt mean they are not real. Some other conscious forms might be in existence but in other realm and it can range from 1-billions of realms. We recognize the physicallity because we are the soujourners of the physical realm, we inhabit the physical realm. Secondly. What happenes at the trance state (dream)? Why do we have to spend a third of our live in the dream world? Is it a portal to other realms? This questions are healthy to mature minds to ponder, we may not have an answer yet but the future is bright.
. Gbam cool
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by winner01(m): 7:13pm On Oct 06, 2016

I know,I read my bible likewise acknowledging other people's religious belief and doctrine. so one can get confused sometimes pertaining to issues on religion.So you can render a little help by answering my question.
What questions?

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by winner01(m): 7:20pm On Oct 06, 2016

Mark 10 vs 18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone.

The Holy koran is the only true word of God, Jesus is not the son of God.

Mohammed is the last prophet and the way to Allah.

Pls do your research and find the truth, many ancient gods like Horus, Krishna, Dionysus, Mythrias etc claimed to be the Truth and the way even before Jesus Christ the hybrid of Krishna and Dionysus (Dionysus Krishna ~ Jesus christ)

Allahu wakbar!!!
You know the truth in your heart. You've been priviledged to be exposed to the truth despite the odds.

And ive heard your desperation for it to be untrue.

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 7:39pm On Oct 06, 2016
yes I am. And u re. Free to ask me anything....
(1) if your god was all loving how come he killed 40070 men just because they peeked into the ark of covenant
(2) God helps the Israelites slaughter the Amorites by sword, then finishes them off with rocks from the sky.
(3) Elijah gets God to incinerate 51 men with fire from heaven to prove he is God. 2 Kings 1:9-10 if he is all loving why prove himself with fire
answer this 3 first then we can talk more
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by timmzy007: 7:52pm On Oct 06, 2016
Don't mean to intrude but I would like to have some form of physiological discussion with the author of this article on this subject matter. Preferably on social media. Kindly reach me.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by xnsandrxns: 8:00pm On Oct 06, 2016
No religion of the world is created or founded by God. All are manmade.
Come out of every religion and follow Jesus. He is the way to the Father. Religion, not even Christianity can't take you to God.
Christianity presents itself to be presenting God but they can't.
Only Jesus represented God and He asked people to follow His footsteps.
Once again, quit religion

And men came together and said "let us create god in our image, after our likeness"
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 8:04pm On Oct 06, 2016
What questions?
In my first reply,I was asking about the fate of people in other religion not Christianity. What will be their fate,since they are into other religion which Christ didn't approve of?will they be doomed to eternal damnation or is there a special equation God will use to judge the whole world,even an atheist?
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by 4kings: 8:50pm On Oct 06, 2016

After reading your post I came to conclusion that you and many other souls like you feel so intelligent that you forget you were created. Salvation is personal. Did you notice all you typed up there were stuffs you read from someone too...so if that's the case how are you sure you are not rewriting same trash like the original author? Seek God earnestly with your heart and he will reveal himself to you...don't really on your wisdom, knowledge or understanding.
Which God? Allah, Zeus, Thor, Spaghetti Monster or any of the other thousands?
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by oluamid(m): 9:26pm On Oct 06, 2016

After reading your post I came to conclusion that you and many other souls like you feel so intelligent that you forget you were created. Salvation is personal. Did you notice all you typed up there were stuffs you read from someone too...so if that's the case how are you sure you are not rewriting same trash like the original author? Seek God earnestly with your heart and he will reveal himself to you...don't really on your wisdom, knowledge or understanding.

Just to point one thing out. The Bible you believe so much in that tells you about god was written by someone too.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by CAPSLOCKED: 9:32pm On Oct 06, 2016
So that they will not be scammed.

Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by atoleybaba(m): 9:43pm On Oct 06, 2016
Jesus did not die for anybody's sins. He did not say He came to die for sins ooo. Christians and their lies, it is glaring that Jesus did not die for sins. He taught how to get your sins forgiven. He even forgave sins before He died
what did he come to die for? Let us start from there
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by atoleybaba(m): 10:16pm On Oct 06, 2016

(1) if your god was all loving how come he killed 40070 men just because they peeked into the ark of covenant
(2) God helps the Israelites slaughter the Amorites by sword, then finishes them off with rocks from the sky.
(3) Elijah gets God to incinerate 51 men with fire from heaven to prove he is God. 2 Kings 1:9-10 if he is all loving why prove himself with fire
answer this 3 first then we can talk more
(1) if your god was all loving how come he killed 40070 men just because they peeked into the ark of covenant? Answer:I don't really remember that account maybe U can help me out with d Bible verse that recorded that event

2.God helps the Israelites slaughter the Amorites by sword, then finishes them off with rocks from the sky? No offence Buh this question sounds like u saying if ur mom is really loving why would she go to any extent to harm or finish whoever tries to harm u or touch u. In the bible, it is stated that trying to touch God's people is like poking his eyeball....imagine someone trying to touch ur eyeball and tries to do it continuously will u leave ur eye open for d fellow to touch it all in the name of been gentle and loving? I can keep giving u many reason God destroyed d amorite(same as slapping away d hand that wants to poke ur eyeball) he might have annihalted them completely due to d fact that they may come back and attack the isrealite. And also to show d isrealite he was with them and also show dy won d war not by their power.

(3) Elijah gets God to incinerate 51 men with fire from heaven to prove he is God. 2 Kings 1:9-10 if he is all loving why prove himself with fire?
First of all they were not just men, they were false prophets. And he actually destroyed them cause they were against him and hurting his own prophets. Remember they had killed many of God prophet and Elijah had to go into hiding. And also remember that after that Elijah had called d fake prophet to prove their god was real by creating an alter and also placing an offering on it while Elijah was also meant to do same. Elijah gave dem opportunity to do whatever they could do to prove their god was real in front of d isrealite Buh dy couldn't Buh God did without Elijah even stressing himself much. God has always been against d wicked ones who oppress his people so he had to destroy the false prophets. He cant be showing love to people who doesn't show love to his people and causing harm on his people and who doesn't have any repentance spirit.the question u ought to ask was had their own god been real why didn't he save them. Very soon God will take such step again just as recorded in psalm 37:9-11 where he talked about destroying d wicked ones and the meek ones possessing the earth. Our God is a loving God who wants people to repent Buh also a God of justice and righteous judge who judges everyone according to their deeds that is why he will keep destroying d wicked ones and very soon he will do so completely cleansing d earth Nd turning it into a beautiful paradise ruled by his son Christ Jesus....for more and clear info visit jw.org

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