Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hahn(m): 9:21pm On Dec 23, 2016 |
ScienceWatch: Good idea, but only if it is a list of fake religions, o. Actually I intend on suggesting a "Psychiatric" section to seun and make you guys the mods  1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 10:28pm On Dec 23, 2016 |
Actually I intend on suggesting a "Psychiatric" section to seun and make you guys the mods  Dont belittle yourself now ! That position will suit you. but thanks anyway. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Mujtahida: 6:04am On Dec 24, 2016 |
ScienceWatch: You were going well to make your hateful point, until you directed us to read an idiots book. Thomas Paine is a confused atheist. As he feebly tries to raise materialistic reason to the level of a god, Paine missed an important yet simple fact that "spiritual" is far beyond reason.
SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.
What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are. They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".
But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.
The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.
They Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc. They know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".
First, my point was not hateful. Second, Thomas Paine was not an atheist and he was not confused. He was a Deist. As for the other parts of your write up I'd say that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 10:18am On Dec 29, 2016 |
First, my point was not hateful. Second, Thomas Paine was not an atheist and he was not confused. He was a Deist. As for the other parts of your write up I'd say that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Thanks. Point taken. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ElectGINeer(m): 1:42pm On Dec 29, 2016 |
ChemicalReaction: #11. When med science failed, my dad was healed of stroke.. My next door neighbor was booked for CS until God intervened and doctors didn't have any valid explanation. My miraculous admission. Without any connection, even didn't meet the cutoff of my course, LAW but GRACE took me where my strength and money could. I am a christian and my God works in mysterious ways. Halleluyah!! Continue |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 7:29pm On Dec 31, 2016 |
First, my point was not hateful. Second, Thomas Paine was not an atheist and he was not confused. He was a Deist. As for the other parts of your write up I'd say that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Many atheist in history have used the disguise called deist/agnostic etc for convenience. THOMAS PAINE eventually copied Charles Darwin's method of hiding their true beliefs which is atheism. Despite Thomas Paines significant role in the founding of America, Paine was among the small handful of Founders who were not particularly pleased with the Christian religion. Styling himself a “deist,” to keep an open door when he has to deal with powerful religious figures. Thomas Paine is especially conspicuous for his production of The Age of Reason—it is a scathing denunciation of the Christian religion (1794). Written nearly two decades after the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Paine belittled the inspiration of the Bible, denounced the formal world religions including Islam and Buddism including the abundant denominations of Christianity, and opposed the promotion of any national church or religion. Boudinot identifies Paine’s endeavor to destroy Christianity as typical of the vain attempts of skeptics in every age. He lays Paine’s errors bare, labeling them as “falsehoods and misrepresentations,” “extreme ignorance of the divine scriptures” (p. xiv), “worse than bare misrepresentation” (p. 71), “asserted with a licentious boldness, that refused the aid of proof or reason” (p. 251). Thomas Paine's terrible book, The Age of Reason “must be admitted to arise, either from a total want of knowledge of the subject, or a willful perversion of the truth” (p. 71), from “either his ignorance or wickedness” (p. 131), from an “obstinate mind” |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 7:59pm On Dec 31, 2016 |
First, my point was not hateful. Second, Thomas Paine was not an atheist and he was not confused. He was a Deist. As for the other parts of your write up I'd say that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Enlightened readers of Nairaland will do themselves a favor by carefully examining Boudinot's wise insights into the mentally disturbed mind of Thomas Paine an atheist disguised as a deist. Boudinot - As if addressing himself to the evolutionists, atheists, and anti-Christian skeptics of the 21st century, Boudinot declared concerning Paine: Had Thomas Paine thought proper to have used reasoning and argument, founded on proof, to enforce his observations, he might have expected a suitable reply; but when he contents himself with advancing the most palpable falsehoods and misrepresentations as facts. Thomas Paine uses falsehood from which to draw the most important religious conclusions, and these are so enveloped in sophistry, and tainted with ludicrous insinuations, that are calculated to impose on the young and unwary mind in matters of infinite importance, he has no right to expect any thing farther, than a positive denial of the gross misrepresentation of facts he has imposed on the public (p. 97, emp. added). If these characterizations by Boudinot seem harsh or unloving, one must recognize the gravity and seriousness of Paine’s infidelity and the threat posed to society—a fact Boudinot well understood: Thomas Paine an atheist disguised as a deist is the writer of the Age of Reason, may think it harsh to be charged with falsehood in every page of his work; but it is bad to become an advocate for the Gospel, not to declare it boldly, and would be doing great injustice to the cause of truth, when the everlasting interests of his fellow man are at stake; and the guilty person, Thomas Paine has no one but himself to blame for this trouble, having presumed to enter on a subject with which he had not taken pains to make himself acquainted; no, not with its alphabet (p. 97, emp. added, italics in orig.). Second, Boudinot pinpointed Paine’s primary aim, a common tactic of those who promulgate opposition to Christianity, i.e., to advance their cause by subverting the youth: Boudinot says, "When I first examined the book "The Age of Reason" I considered it as one of those vicious and absurd publications, filled with ignorant declamation and ridiculous representations of simple facts, the reading of which, with attention, would be an undue waste of time.... " "I confess, that I was very distressed to find, the whole force of Thomas Paines vain genius and art, was aimed at the youth of America...He hoped to inluence a skeptical temper and disposition in their young minds, well knowing that this was the best inlet to infidelity, and the most effectual way of serving its cause, thereby sapping the foundation of our holy religion in their minds (p. xii, emp. added). Boudinot felt that Thomas Paine’s words “are apparently designed to mislead the young and unwary mind, into the fatal vortex of skepticism and infidelity” (p. 215). |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 9:31pm On Feb 23, 2017 |
First, my point was not hateful. Second, Thomas Paine was not an atheist and he was not confused. He was a Deist. As for the other parts of your write up I'd say that is your own opinion and you are entitled to it. Satanist have used many labels to describe themselves such as atheist, deist, humanist, agnostic etc etc. They all refuse to believe that there is a living Creator God. Thats the bottom line. Now we are not confused anymore. We believe or we dont believe. There is no middle ground. Nevertheless, the rest of my mention was not my opinion. It can be proven with scripture that is clearly proven as fact everyday. Jesus says to all pastors, Disciples, ministers and evangelists that humbly want spiritual enlightenment and the power of the Holy Spirit; Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father. It is not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches as is made clear in John 14:12. Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor. The Scoan Church web site correctly states that "There is not enough space to record the miraculous manifestation of God’s power in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua. God’s river of life—salvation and all of God’s blessings—flow out from his innermost being to meet the needs of mankind. The miracles of Jesus Christ through Prophet T.B. Joshua are unlimited. They include the healing of HIV/AIDS, cancer, barrenness, deliverance from demonic spirits, restoration of sight to the blind, life to the limbs of the crippled and many others." blueAgent , bennyann , Pidgin2 , Kingebukasblog , Junia , Libradeus 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 10:52pm On Feb 23, 2017 |
hahn: I know what you are thinking, "my religion is the right one!"
Well, that is what the adherents of other religions also say and there are 4,199, excluding yours, of them
As you can see, the odds are not in your favour 
Let us also put into consideration that there 7 versions of hell, ie 7 religions who also have hell (aside from yours),
the odds are still not in your favor.
But there is hope! 
This thread aims at helping you identify if your religion is wrong as to as ensure you make the right choice and not end up in the real hell 
In no particular order, here are common signs you can use in detecting if your religion is the true one and also help you identify the true religion if you happen to come across it.
Please note that the true religion will not have any of these traits. 
1) Your "holy" book has lots of contradictions: Let us assume for instance that you are about to purchase a maths textbook for your kid, or for yourself, and on the first page you see "1+1=11", wouldn't this be enough to make you feel skeptical? Now, let us further imagine that you turn to the next page and the next and the next and keep seeing contradictions, would you still buy the book and even, in obvious stupidity, go around telling people that 1+1=11? 
If your "holy" book has these contradictions, it would be wise to throw it in the trash can. This is an obvious sign that your religion is false.
In order find out if your "holy" book fits into this category, it would be advisable that you read it on your own. Do not rely on heresay, your pastor, imam, holy junkie to read and interpret it on your behalf. Pick it up and read it for yourself 
God will be proud of you 
2) You find a hard time explaining your religion to other people: Whenever someone else asks you "why" about your religious teachings you seem to find it difficult explaining it to them. No matter how hard and long you try to explain, you always seem to end up at a dead end. Most times, your religious teachings just do not make enough sense when you try explaining it to someone else.
Honestly, if your religion was from the one true "God", it wouldn't be that difficult to explain, now would it? 
Afterall, God is not one of confusion. 
3) Your religion seems to be plagiarized from other older religions: This one is a hard one to notice especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of other religions. If your religion has similar stories from other older religions then your religion is obviously fake. Afterall, God doesn't copy and paste. 
To verify this, you would have to read up on ancient religions and point out the similarities with yours. If there are any, your religion is false. is a good place to start. And it's FREE! 
4) You are required to believe without evidence and only faith : So, you want to buy a house and the real estate manager tells you that the house is beautiful and gives you all the specs of the house but tells you that you cannot see the house but that all you have to do is believe the house is there and make payment for the house, will you pay? 
Now, apply this analogy to your faith. If someone tells you to believe whatever it is they are talking about without any proof, my bro/sis, na bobo. Pure scam. Do not risk eternity for such vague and unverifiable promises 
5) You have never seen your God: Your God seems to be invincible, no one has ever seen it, or you have to carve stones and sticks just to see it then your God is nothing but a project of someone else's imagination. As beautiful and magnificent as the sun is we all see it. If your god was so real we would see it. Trust me, god would have no reason to play hide and seek.
6) Your god's characteristics contradicts itself: Your god is omnipresent but was not there when the first sin took place to prevent it. Your god is omniscient but created the devil to deceive people knowing very well they will end up in hell eventually. Your god is all loving but threatens people to love it or face eternal torture, damnation and barbecue in hell. That is not unconditional love. To know the meaning of the word unconditional, check it yourself @ It is free. 
7) Your god needs to be worshiped: Even to the extent of threatening to burn you in hell if you don't. Seriously? God that created everything needs you, a human who happens to be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the universe, just to feel funky? If your god is truly great, it wouldn't need to servitude and slavery. These are human cravings, not that of a supreme being. 
Your god supports slavery, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital 
9) No one has ever seen the hell or heaven of your religion: This one is kinda tricky because every religion that has hell and heaven also have adherents who have "died" and seen these places. Christians have died and seen Jesus and Jehovah so have Muslims who have died and see Allah and their future 72 virgin wives , Buddhists too etc.
Even you can deduce that there is something fishy here. Did they really see heaven or hell or just projections of their imaginations or are they just plain old lying? 
10) There is no where in your holy book where your god refers itself as the god of your people: God of the Ibos? God of the Yorubas? God of the hausas? God of Africans? Have you ever heard your god refer to itself as the god of your people?
I doubt that. It is either it is god of israel or god of arabs of god of indians etc.
If your god is like this then be certain it is not a true god because a true god will not be tribalistic or take sides. After all, it did create everyone, didn't it? 
11) You do not know anyone personally that has been healed miraculously by your god: And neither have you. All the "testimonies" are always in church, mosque, radio, tv, blogs, websites but never to you or people around you. You know a crippled in your area but no pastor or imam has ever been able to heal that person just out of the goodness of their heart. Very suspicious I say 
12) Your god always needs money: Your pastor says you need money to build a house for god(as if spirits need to live in houses ) or that it needs money before healing you or providing any of it's other services like granting you a job, giving you a wife/husband, kids etc. It sha needs tithes and offering EVERY TIME. I mean how hard can it be for god to make money? Didn't it create everything?
A side effect of this is that the pastors, imams and spiritual junkies who collect these tithes on behalf of your god always seem to wear the finest clothes, ride the best cars, send their kids to the best schools(which 80% of the congregation cannot afford) and enjoy all the canal things of earth while you wait for paradise in heaven. Nigu 
I will stop here for now. But these tips should be enough to guide you and help you avoid following the wrong religion, finding the right one and not ending up in hell. 
Source: Na me write am. You dey find your own?  Are you a Sango worshipper?  |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Mujtahida: 7:47am On Feb 24, 2017 |
ScienceWatch: Satanist have used many labels to describe themselves such as atheist, deist, humanist, agnostic etc etc. They all refuse to believe that there is a living Creator God. Thats the bottom line. Now we are not confused anymore. We believe or we dont believe.
There is no middle ground. Nevertheless, the rest of my mention was not my opinion. It can be proven with scripture that is clearly proven as fact everyday.
Jesus says to all pastors, Disciples, ministers and evangelists that humbly want spiritual enlightenment and the power of the Holy Spirit; Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father.
It is not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches as is made clear in John 14:12. Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor.
The Scoan Church web site correctly states that "There is not enough space to record the miraculous manifestation of God’s power in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua. God’s river of life—salvation and all of God’s blessings—flow out from his innermost being to meet the needs of mankind. The miracles of Jesus Christ through Prophet T.B. Joshua are unlimited. They include the healing of HIV/AIDS, cancer, barrenness, deliverance from demonic spirits, restoration of sight to the blind, life to the limbs of the crippled and many others."
blueAgent , bennyann , Pidgin2 , Kingebukasblog , Junia , Libradeus No long story. Let God speak audibly to all men. He spoke in the Bible didn't he? Why has he suddenly gone mute? Speech is easy, let God speak. No need for miracles. Just speak to everyone. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 11:03am On Feb 24, 2017 |
No long story. Let God speak audibly to all men. He spoke in the Bible didn't he? Why has he suddenly gone mute? Speech is easy, let God speak. No need for miracles. Just speak to everyone. you are right God spoke in the bible. He continues today ! keep your ear to the book. |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Mujtahida: 2:15pm On Feb 24, 2017 |
ScienceWatch: you are right God spoke in the bible. He continues today !
keep your ear to the book. Hahahaha hahahaha. Did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the myriad of other persons to whom God purportedly spoke to keep their ears to the book? Okay let the book obey him. If he wants me to obey him let him speak to me. How can a God who claims to want personal relationship with me speak to me through a book- a book written many years ago. Why is it so difficult for God to speak directly to all men. How were men relating to God before the Bible was written? 1 Like |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Mujtahida: 4:46pm On Feb 24, 2017 |
ScienceWatch: you are right God spoke in the bible. He continues today !
keep your ear to the book. In any case I did read that book. Never heard anything and now I know it's just nothing but a book. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hahn(m): 2:53pm On Sep 11, 2017 |
Bump |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by GodsMopol: 3:24pm On Sep 11, 2017 |
rexben: No religion of the world is created or founded by God. All are manmade. Come out of every religion and follow Jesus. He is the way to the Father. Religion, not even Christianity can't take you to God. Christianity presents itself to be presenting God but they can't. Only Jesus represented God and He asked people to follow His footsteps. Once again, quit religion You saved the day boss. 2 Likes |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hopefulLandlord: 6:49am On Sep 20, 2017 |
nice thread! |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hopefulLandlord: 6:57am On Sep 20, 2017 |
You saved the day boss.
what day did he save mr her? |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by HCpaul(m): 7:52am On Sep 20, 2017 |
Stop pushing things...... I stopped taking life serious when I read a book. The book affirm that the universe is made up of stories not atoms, created by ideas and not by any myths or deities.
These stories are of two major types:
1. Stories that touches
2. Stories that works.
Religions are stories that touches and that is why it targets human emotions and not their mind knowing that when humans are emotionally captured they cannot be mentally vibrant.
Science on the other hand are stories that works and that is why we are having all manner of scientific lyrics and philosophical tales yet these stories works. That is what Stephen Hawkins was referring to when he said that science will win because it works.
These stories has digressed from being one of those lenses and dimensions of reality but has become reality themselves.
Some months back, I thought that it was only God that is homocentric but I have gotten to realize now that humans are.
Religious people portrayed God in the image of mankind...... Scientists are also victims because they also portrayed intelligent aliens with this same image of mankind.
I am beginning to love religion but I hate and detest the bigots behind it. I dislike people that take religion to head. It's obvious that true religion are born out of ancient traditions and ideology but some ignorant minds of the twenty-first century still take religion to head. people with no significant impact want to live forever.
By the way 1 Like
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by CAPSLOCKED: 9:59pm On Jun 14, 2018 |
hahn: I know what you are thinking, "my religion is the right one!"
Well, that is what the adherents of other religions also say and there are 4,199, excluding yours, of them
As you can see, the odds are not in your favour 
Let us also put into consideration that there 7 versions of hell, ie 7 religions who also have hell (aside from yours),
the odds are still not in your favor.
But there is hope! 
This thread aims at helping you identify if your religion is wrong as to as ensure you make the right choice and not end up in the real hell 
In no particular order, here are common signs you can use in detecting if your religion is the true one and also help you identify the true religion if you happen to come across it.
Please note that the true religion will not have any of these traits. 
1) Your "holy" book has lots of contradictions: Let us assume for instance that you are about to purchase a maths textbook for your kid, or for yourself, and on the first page you see "1+1=11", wouldn't this be enough to make you feel skeptical? Now, let us further imagine that you turn to the next page and the next and the next and keep seeing contradictions, would you still buy the book and even, in obvious stupidity, go around telling people that 1+1=11? 
If your "holy" book has these contradictions, it would be wise to throw it in the trash can. This is an obvious sign that your religion is false.
In order find out if your "holy" book fits into this category, it would be advisable that you read it on your own. Do not rely on heresay, your pastor, imam, holy junkie to read and interpret it on your behalf. Pick it up and read it for yourself 
God will be proud of you 
2) You find a hard time explaining your religion to other people: Whenever someone else asks you "why" about your religious teachings you seem to find it difficult explaining it to them. No matter how hard and long you try to explain, you always seem to end up at a dead end. Most times, your religious teachings just do not make enough sense when you try explaining it to someone else.
Honestly, if your religion was from the one true "God", it wouldn't be that difficult to explain, now would it? 
Afterall, God is not one of confusion. 
3) Your religion seems to be plagiarized from other older religions: This one is a hard one to notice especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of other religions. If your religion has similar stories from other older religions then your religion is obviously fake. Afterall, God doesn't copy and paste. 
To verify this, you would have to read up on ancient religions and point out the similarities with yours. If there are any, your religion is false. is a good place to start. And it's FREE! 
4) You are required to believe without evidence and only faith : So, you want to buy a house and the real estate manager tells you that the house is beautiful and gives you all the specs of the house but tells you that you cannot see the house but that all you have to do is believe the house is there and make payment for the house, will you pay? 
Now, apply this analogy to your faith. If someone tells you to believe whatever it is they are talking about without any proof, my bro/sis, na bobo. Pure scam. Do not risk eternity for such vague and unverifiable promises 
5) You have never seen your God: Your God seems to be invincible, no one has ever seen it, or you have to carve stones and sticks just to see it then your God is nothing but a project of someone else's imagination. As beautiful and magnificent as the sun is we all see it. If your god was so real we would see it. Trust me, god would have no reason to play hide and seek.
6) Your god's characteristics contradicts itself: Your god is omnipresent but was not there when the first sin took place to prevent it. Your god is omniscient but created the devil to deceive people knowing very well they will end up in hell eventually. Your god is all loving but threatens people to love it or face eternal torture, damnation and barbecue in hell. That is not unconditional love. To know the meaning of the word unconditional, check it yourself @ It is free. 
7) Your god needs to be worshiped: Even to the extent of threatening to burn you in hell if you don't. Seriously? God that created everything needs you, a human who happens to be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the universe, just to feel funky? If your god is truly great, it wouldn't need to servitude and slavery. These are human cravings, not that of a supreme being. 
Your god supports slavery, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital 
9) No one has ever seen the hell or heaven of your religion: This one is kinda tricky because every religion that has hell and heaven also have adherents who have "died" and seen these places. Christians have died and seen Jesus and Jehovah so have Muslims who have died and see Allah and their future 72 virgin wives , Buddhists too etc.
Even you can deduce that there is something fishy here. Did they really see heaven or hell or just projections of their imaginations or are they just plain old lying? 
10) There is no where in your holy book where your god refers itself as the god of your people: God of the Ibos? God of the Yorubas? God of the hausas? God of Africans? Have you ever heard your god refer to itself as the god of your people?
I doubt that. It is either it is god of israel or god of arabs of god of indians etc.
If your god is like this then be certain it is not a true god because a true god will not be tribalistic or take sides. After all, it did create everyone, didn't it? 
11) You do not know anyone personally that has been healed miraculously by your god: And neither have you. All the "testimonies" are always in church, mosque, radio, tv, blogs, websites but never to you or people around you. You know a crippled in your area but no pastor or imam has ever been able to heal that person just out of the goodness of their heart. Very suspicious I say 
12) Your god always needs money: Your pastor says you need money to build a house for god(as if spirits need to live in houses ) or that it needs money before healing you or providing any of it's other services like granting you a job, giving you a wife/husband, kids etc. It sha needs tithes and offering EVERY TIME. I mean how hard can it be for god to make money? Didn't it create everything?
A side effect of this is that the pastors, imams and spiritual junkies who collect these tithes on behalf of your god always seem to wear the finest clothes, ride the best cars, send their kids to the best schools(which 80% of the congregation cannot afford) and enjoy all the canal things of earth while you wait for paradise in heaven. Nigu 
I will stop here for now. But these tips should be enough to guide you and help you avoid following the wrong religion, finding the right one and not ending up in hell. 
Source: Na me write am. You dey find your own? 
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 11:28pm On May 31, 2019 |
With these points I think you've given religious fanatics a run for thier foolishness hahn: I know what you are thinking, "my religion is the right one!"
Well, that is what the adherents of other religions also say and there are 4,199, excluding yours, of them
As you can see, the odds are not in your favour 
Let us also put into consideration that there 7 versions of hell, ie 7 religions who also have hell (aside from yours),
the odds are still not in your favor.
But there is hope! 
This thread aims at helping you identify if your religion is wrong as to as ensure you make the right choice and not end up in the real hell 
In no particular order, here are common signs you can use in detecting if your religion is the true one and also help you identify the true religion if you happen to come across it.
Please note that the true religion will not have any of these traits. 
1) Your "holy" book has lots of contradictions: Let us assume for instance that you are about to purchase a maths textbook for your kid, or for yourself, and on the first page you see "1+1=11", wouldn't this be enough to make you feel skeptical? Now, let us further imagine that you turn to the next page and the next and the next and keep seeing contradictions, would you still buy the book and even, in obvious stupidity, go around telling people that 1+1=11? 
If your "holy" book has these contradictions, it would be wise to throw it in the trash can. This is an obvious sign that your religion is false.
In order find out if your "holy" book fits into this category, it would be advisable that you read it on your own. Do not rely on heresay, your pastor, imam, holy junkie to read and interpret it on your behalf. Pick it up and read it for yourself 
God will be proud of you 
2) You find a hard time explaining your religion to other people: Whenever someone else asks you "why" about your religious teachings you seem to find it difficult explaining it to them. No matter how hard and long you try to explain, you always seem to end up at a dead end. Most times, your religious teachings just do not make enough sense when you try explaining it to someone else.
Honestly, if your religion was from the one true "God", it wouldn't be that difficult to explain, now would it? 
Afterall, God is not one of confusion. 
3) Your religion seems to be plagiarized from other older religions: This one is a hard one to notice especially if you do not have adequate knowledge of other religions. If your religion has similar stories from other older religions then your religion is obviously fake. Afterall, God doesn't copy and paste. 
To verify this, you would have to read up on ancient religions and point out the similarities with yours. If there are any, your religion is false. is a good place to start. And it's FREE! 
4) You are required to believe without evidence and only faith : So, you want to buy a house and the real estate manager tells you that the house is beautiful and gives you all the specs of the house but tells you that you cannot see the house but that all you have to do is believe the house is there and make payment for the house, will you pay? 
Now, apply this analogy to your faith. If someone tells you to believe whatever it is they are talking about without any proof, my bro/sis, na bobo. Pure scam. Do not risk eternity for such vague and unverifiable promises 
5) You have never seen your God: Your God seems to be invincible, no one has ever seen it, or you have to carve stones and sticks just to see it then your God is nothing but a project of someone else's imagination. As beautiful and magnificent as the sun is we all see it. If your god was so real we would see it. Trust me, god would have no reason to play hide and seek.
6) Your god's characteristics contradicts itself: Your god is omnipresent but was not there when the first sin took place to prevent it. Your god is omniscient but created the devil to deceive people knowing very well they will end up in hell eventually. Your god is all loving but threatens people to love it or face eternal torture, damnation and barbecue in hell. That is not unconditional love. To know the meaning of the word unconditional, check it yourself @ It is free. 
7) Your god needs to be worshiped: Even to the extent of threatening to burn you in hell if you don't. Seriously? God that created everything needs you, a human who happens to be infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the universe, just to feel funky? If your god is truly great, it wouldn't need to servitude and slavery. These are human cravings, not that of a supreme being. 
Your god supports slavery, discrimination and genocide: Just look into your holy book. If there are pages where these things are supported then your god is actually a psychopath and if you eventually see it, take it to a psychiatric hospital 
9) No one has ever seen the hell or heaven of your religion: This one is kinda tricky because every religion that has hell and heaven also have adherents who have "died" and seen these places. Christians have died and seen Jesus and Jehovah so have Muslims who have died and see Allah and their future 72 virgin wives , Buddhists too etc.
Even you can deduce that there is something fishy here. Did they really see heaven or hell or just projections of their imaginations or are they just plain old lying? 
10) There is no where in your holy book where your god refers itself as the god of your people: God of the Ibos? God of the Yorubas? God of the hausas? God of Africans? Have you ever heard your god refer to itself as the god of your people?
I doubt that. It is either it is god of israel or god of arabs of god of indians etc.
If your god is like this then be certain it is not a true god because a true god will not be tribalistic or take sides. After all, it did create everyone, didn't it? 
11) You do not know anyone personally that has been healed miraculously by your god: And neither have you. All the "testimonies" are always in church, mosque, radio, tv, blogs, websites but never to you or people around you. You know a crippled in your area but no pastor or imam has ever been able to heal that person just out of the goodness of their heart. Very suspicious I say 
12) Your god always needs money: Your pastor says you need money to build a house for god(as if spirits need to live in houses ) or that it needs money before healing you or providing any of it's other services like granting you a job, giving you a wife/husband, kids etc. It sha needs tithes and offering EVERY TIME. I mean how hard can it be for god to make money? Didn't it create everything?
A side effect of this is that the pastors, imams and spiritual junkies who collect these tithes on behalf of your god always seem to wear the finest clothes, ride the best cars, send their kids to the best schools(which 80% of the congregation cannot afford) and enjoy all the canal things of earth while you wait for paradise in heaven. Nigu 
I will stop here for now. But these tips should be enough to guide you and help you avoid following the wrong religion, finding the right one and not ending up in hell. 
Source: Na me write am. You dey find your own?  |
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 8:58am On Jun 01, 2019 |
You will know BY THEIR FRUIT! There are countless definitions given to just one word 'RELIGION' But most accurate definition was given by a well known intellectual who said 'Religion is the faculty that binds people of different races together, making them think and reason alike' In a nutshell, it is not only when people sing, clap, dance, pray, read books, contribute money and use the money judiciously that could be RIGHTLY defined as Religion! It is something more psychological than that. Ordinarily holding to an idea and trying to convince others could be likened to Religion! So to answer your question 'How to know if your religion is FAKE?' or 'How to know if your faculty is not having a sound teaching?' The answer from a young Jewish teacher is 'BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL KNOW' Matthew 7:15-20 ¤If your faculty couldn't unite all it's adherents as one happy family! This means the adherents will only bear the name of a faculty but the teachings won't be strong enough to unite them as one, other stronger factors like racism and politics will continue to cause strife and tension amongst adherents leading them to KILL one another! ¤If your faculty couldn't lay solid principles to guide all adherents as to right and wrong! This means the adherents will only claim they belong to your faculty but each individual will set his/her standards inevitably leading to arguments and dispute within your faculty! Therefore 'How do you know if your faculty/religion is the TRUE one' Well its just exactly the opposite! ¤Adherents from all races will be united as one happy global family! ¤There will be solid principles as a form of guidance to which all members of the faculty must succumb! ¤Adherents of inactive faculties will SEE that your faculty is doing what seems impossible before them! ¤Your faculty will have an orderly arrangement of initiating new members! ¤Adherents of your faculty will be EASILY noticed by the SOLID norms/principles guiding your members! ¤Anywhere you make presentations regarding the tenets of your faculty, honesthearted persons will be touch at heart that you know exactly what you're saying! You will notice that adherents of FAKE religion only praise their spokesman after delivering a speech which is like a COMMON talk in the brains of them all. Even if he has divulge some gibberish along the line before them, the next thing you'll hear from the audience is either 'Praise the Lord~Halleluyah' or 'Tekbir~Allah akbar' Surely, scholars of a much more intelligent faculty shouldn't just come up praising or hailing their own man simply because he has spoken what they all had in their skulls as norms!  |