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How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! - Religion (16) - Nairaland

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hahn(m): 6:47pm On Oct 09, 2016

lol are u sure u are not overreacting,
Ur sounding so desperate to be believed,

Yes. That is why I repeat the same prayers every Sunday undecided
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 7:00pm On Oct 09, 2016

First, I didn't speak with anything near anger or frustration. I only pointed out that the Bible was written by someone too just to buttress your point about there being no new knowledge that everything known has already been written by someone else.

No but i can feel the pump n rush of adrenaline coursing through ur bloodstream, as u type so hard to convince urself that u aren't actually deluded

Second, stop making assumptions that you know atheists, how they think, or what made them arrive at their atheistic beliefs. You don't. No one does except the atheist himself.

We know atheists, some of Us were once like U, we hated reason n loved logic yet we couldn't answer some questions thrown at us..

Third, atheists have no need to 'know' god. Why want to know what does not exist? The only prove anyone had/has of god has always been faith. Sorry, that doesn't work for me.

U atleast try to understand that thing which made ur parents n the people around u feel like there's a god,
what's that old saying again "Know thy enemy" if u don't know ur enemy how then do u differentiate between the normal n Paranormal activities u see around U, n be sure u are actually right, then if u never studied all of these to come to ur conclusion of the inexistence of God then U are a failure as an Atheist, an half baked atheist

Fourth, I personally do not care one way or the other what the next man choose to believe in. I will however take offence when he tries to tell me what to believe in like you and a lot of other theists I know are constantly doing.

Nobody tells u what to believe in, many of Us don't care n personally I'd love to see the lot of U burning, but what's that saying again, Christ in Us the hope of Glory,
we can't will as our bodies want, we'll preach with love n pray that ur stony hearts melt in the love of Christ

Lastly, the worst thing you could do is to preach at me. Don't. It's a complete waste of time. If you want to have a conversation, no problem, but please don't preach at me. It's so so condescending. Stop trying to fix what is not broken.

You are broken, u might live n adapt n pretend nothing is wrong but in the end, u can't actually deny what is right in front of U

Have a great one please!
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 7:14pm On Oct 09, 2016

Yes. That is why I repeat the same prayers every Sunday undecided

Ok now i get it, i knew u were hurting n had a beef with God, but i didn't know it ran dis deep n hurt so bad,
u look like a crybaby,
well to the point, we don't repeat the same prayers every Sunday, we actually repeat them every day, every hour, minute, Second we feel like ooo, been a while we prayed, U know why, the Good book says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hahn(m): 7:17pm On Oct 09, 2016

Ok now i get it, i knew u were hurting n had a beef with God, but i didn't know it ran dis deep n hurt so bad,
u look like a crybaby,
well to the point, we don't repeat the same prayers every Sunday, we actually repeat them every day, every hour, minute, Second we feel like ooo, been a while we prayed, U know why, the Good book says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity

Keep it up grin


Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 7:41pm On Oct 09, 2016

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity
Keep it up grin

What is the same thing n different result,?
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by no1no2moro(m): 1:31pm On Oct 10, 2016
Islam is only way.

Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 2:45pm On Oct 10, 2016

Even atheists like their head cheesy

Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by westsyde92: 5:05pm On Oct 16, 2016
You say there is no proof that Jesus doesn't exist, Agreed. But why do you boarder yourself so much abt something that never exist? Couldn't it just be a waste of time? Brother I encourage to do something. Dare God! Say Jesus if you truly exist proof yoursef to me within 3days. Whatever answer you got, kindly share with us. Thanks and 1luv
Got a mail bro
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by KingOfAmebo(m): 9:41am On Oct 18, 2016

First, I didn't speak with anything near anger or frustration. I only pointed out that the Bible was written by someone too just to buttress your point about there being no new knowledge that everything known has already been written by someone else.

Second, stop making assumptions that you know atheists, how they think, or what made them arrive at their atheistic beliefs. You don't. No one does except the atheist himself.

Third, atheists have no need to 'know' god. Why want to know what does not exist? The only prove anyone had/has of god has always been faith. Sorry, that doesn't work for me.

Fourth, I personally do not care one way or the other what the next man choose to believe in. I will however take offence when he tries to tell me what to believe in like you and a lot of other theists I know are constantly doing.

Lastly, the worst thing you could do is to preach at me. Don't. It's a complete waste of time. If you want to have a conversation, no problem, but please don't preach at me. It's so so condescending. Stop trying to fix what is not broken.

Have a great one please!

I have come to realize that major characteristics found on all Atheists is: Anger, Frustration and Rejection at one point in their life which made them conclude that God doesn't exist...true or false?

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Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by MrPRevailer(m): 10:51am On Oct 18, 2016
dat no 11 baffles me, how come i have neva seen any miracle 4 my life....

You have not seen miracles? Then carry a blind man to THE LORD'S CHOSEN MINISTRY @Ijesha Bustop. That's what I did when I carry a crippled man to our crusade on Sunday and he was healed before my naked eyes. Moreover he was a Muslim. But I believe today he is a Christian. Since he left I dint hear from him or his contact. He warned me his brothers would be bitter if they found he came to church, when I gave him our chosen apron. But the point is, HE IS HEALED OF 21 YEARS CRIPPLE.

So come and see. Sick people come every service.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by MrPRevailer(m): 11:00am On Oct 18, 2016

I have come to realize that major characteristics found on all Atheists is: Anger, Frustration and Rejection at one point in their life which made them conclude that God doesn't exist...true or false?


It's the cause for some athiests. Not all.
Some willingly killed the conscience because they felt restrained or bad when they wanted to execute a behaviour but it was noted as a sin.

They felt it hindered them from being the drug or immoral kingpin they desired. So their only solution was to kill the conscience. And because this tortured conscience has not totally died, they battle it on Nairaland Religous section everyday.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by oluamid(m): 12:52pm On Oct 18, 2016


It's the cause for some athiests. Not all.
Some willingly killed the conscience because they felt restrained or bad when they wanted to execute a behaviour but it was noted as a sin.

They felt it hindered them from being the drug or immoral kingpin they desired. So their only solution was to kill the conscience. And because this tortured conscience has not totally died, they battle it on Nairaland Religous section everyday.


Like you said, "some", not all. And definitely not me.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by oluamid(m): 1:03pm On Oct 18, 2016

I have come to realize that major characteristics found on all Atheists is: Anger, Frustration and Rejection at one point in their life which made them conclude that God doesn't exist...true or false?

False. Very false.

I've never at any point been angry, frustrated or feel any rejection. Maybe you need to draw a distinction between atheism and other beliefs.

An atheist is one who denies the existence of a deity or of divine beings. An agnostic is one who believes it impossible to know anything about God or about the creation of the universe and refrains from commitment to any religious doctrine. Infidel means an unbeliever, especially a nonbeliever in Islam or Christianity. A skeptic doubts and is critical of all accepted doctrines and creeds.

If indeed salvation is a personal thing then atheism is a personal thing too. What made one man become an atheist could be very different from what made another.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by realmindz: 1:06pm On Oct 18, 2016


It's the cause for some athiests. Not all.
Some willingly killed the conscience because they felt restrained or bad when they wanted to execute a behaviour but it was noted as a sin.

They felt it hindered them from being the drug or immoral kingpin they desired. So their only solution was to kill the conscience. And because this tortured conscience has not totally died, they battle it on Nairaland Religous section everyday.
Another common argument that atheist just want to sin so they chose not believe in Yaweh or hell.

This is the most fallacious, misleading, invalid, baseless, illogical and most unreasonable argument of all time.

Oh let me choose not to believe in death so I can jump off to a moving train
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by realmindz: 1:12pm On Oct 18, 2016
Islam is only way.
All I see is a fvk u sign...

if u insists that's Allah name in Arabic, I wonder if the only language the god of the universe could understand is Arabic.

Look at the stars in the night or the clouds or any other natural thing, ur mind can read a 1000 interpretation to watever shapes it comes...

Don't be devoid of reasoning pls
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by MrPRevailer(m): 2:13pm On Oct 18, 2016

Another common argument that atheist just want to sin so they chose not believe in Yaweh or hell.

This is the most fallacious, misleading, invalid, baseless, illogical and most unreasonable argument of all time.

Oh let me choose not to believe in death so I can jump off to a moving train

You can blow grammar doesn't make your post anywhere sensible. You're simply saying no to my comment. But it's very obvious when you people argue that am right. The most common argument AThiests brings up is why loving God cast people to hell for sinning against him.

I don't find it amusing when virtually all athiest say there's nothing wrong in homosexual.(1 example of many). That's just a hint of how evil they want to be, so they kill their consciences.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by dam007(m): 6:04pm On Oct 18, 2016

Can't u get this simple logic into head?

She told you already its same thing every other person will say about their religion....

And of course that's the truth, muslim Buddhist etc will say same thing about their religion and defend it till end of days....

So she should try out 4200 religions.....In the process she will discover another religion making it 4201 by then she would have clocked 300 years and will not still be sure of the only true religion.... oga use sense na
your atheistic opinions isn't an excuse to be ignorant ot offensive, but since you've chosen to respond like a child, I'll sikmply treat you like one. There's no point joining issues.. all the best
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by dam007(m): 6:09pm On Oct 18, 2016

whr did u meet the white bearded nigger....pls whr did u meet him?
U create some scenes in ur head, battle ur imaginations to create an illusionary character u interact with in your head and called him chisos...

do u know when I believed all these bullshits and now that I'm free from these delusions, it's the same voice in my head I've been hearing and I've been dreaming the same ways...nothing changed.

its just ur conscience and logic interacting, also to analyse situations and make decisions and not your imaginary friend in ur head
you sound quite defensive as though I'm trying to place a view on you.. if you're of a dissenting view, don't take my words out of context and get even more confused, it's what I stand for, and honestly if you live a good life, I'm happy for you.. trust me brother.. I thought it wasn't beyond the regular psychology.. but it's even deeper
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by dam007(m): 6:21pm On Oct 18, 2016
replace this jesus with my name and you will feel much more fulfilled. This is exactly how delusion works.You were created in this planet to discover jesus amongst billions of people for the reward of more enjoyable and everlasting afterlife. Now billions of people who did not discover jesus for some varied reasons ranging from their location or religion to their beliefs would die and burn in hell. If these hold true,then that means jesus is a heartless and merciless fellow. He could have just presented this life already,no need for a cruel test which would cause many people to end up in hell forever and you will stay in heaven giving praises and worship, you forgot in a jiffy billions of your fellow human burning in hell in agony. Please dont insult my intelligent with your opinion. Thanks
funny how you forgot the message of my response and misunderstood the targeted meaning.. it sort of fires me up when I see a lot of people who out of feeble conclusions vehemently attempt to dissuade me from what I know.. stunning how the world ignore everything else but pick up the convo whenever the topic is to antagonize Christianity.. I didn't even hurl words at atheists nor condemn them, I simply share my opinions from my side of the table considering the fact that I've been there before.. even the strongest atheists know that some things are doubtlessly beyond definitions.. again, there's religion and there's Christianity.. 2 two things.. most people mix them up and then draw drastic conclusions.. until you decipher what differences are there in the two, you can't get it.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by dam007(m): 6:27pm On Oct 18, 2016

U actually think this is my first account?
yayyy!! Congrats to you, Seun Osewa the second grin
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by OtemWonyahweh: 9:52am On Dec 05, 2016
Only the dead knows not the living undecided
Lol... I know because I've been to the valley of the shadow of death often. Check my signature to see the knowledge I brought from there.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by OtemWonyahweh: 9:58am On Dec 05, 2016

You have not seen miracles? Then carry a blind man to THE LORD'S CHOSEN MINISTRY @Ijesha Bustop.[/b]That's what I did when I carry a crippled man to our crusade on Sunday and he was healed before my naked eyes. Moreover he was a Muslim. But I believe today he is a Christian. Since he left I dint hear from him or his contact. He warned me his brothers would be bitter if they found he came to church, when I gave him our chosen apron. But the point is, HE IS HEALED OF 21 YEARS CRIPPLE.

So come and see. Sick people come every service.
kikikikiki, at the bolded, you are somehow heartless if you know that their is cure in LORD'S CHOSEN FOR BLINDNESS and yourself didn't take a step to carry one blind person there, rather you are pushing it on another who doesn't have faith to do it. Now let's be more realistic, how many blind person have you taken to that place and were they cured? If you haven't taken one there yet, then it shows how wicked you are for knowing that there is cure for the blind there, yet you didn't take pity on one of these blind beggars by the side of the road to cure them. undecided

MrPrevailer= Mrzenographer the miracle fixer cheesy

1 Like

Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by Nobody: 10:00am On Dec 05, 2016
So you've been dead before? undecided
Lol... I know because I've been to the valley of the shadow of death often. Check my signature to see the knowledge I brought from there.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by OtemWonyahweh: 10:49am On Dec 05, 2016
So you've been dead before? undecided
I do OBE
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 8:02pm On Dec 23, 2016
And they keep bleating and belting out the tripe that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God. What is religion if not a way to relate to any of the number of gods men have set up for themselves? A Muslim relates to Allah through Islam, a Jew with Hashem through Judaism, an Hindu with Brahma through Hinduism, a Shintoist with any of the ancestral gods through shintoism. Ssssshhh! Christianity is a religion, a toxic religion and the singular evidence I'd give for this assertion is the fact that it has a book called the Bible. Pray tell me, you who say it is not a religion, do you relate with your friends, your father, your mother, brothers and sisters through a book? If it is not a religion why do you have churches, why do you have Pastors and Bishops and Teachers and Evangelist to interprete God to you through a book? Does the Sun need interpretation? If Christianity is not a religion, I dare that God who spoke in the Bible, who spoke to inanimate matter (let there be light) who spoke from the first page of the Bible to the last to speak verbally to the congregants in church so that all can hear him at once without the need for interpretation. Before you go all spiritual on me remember your God is not like the idols who have mouth but cannot speak, surely he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. I do not ask for miracles or omens or signs and wonders. Only just this simple act: let him speak audibly and verbally. If he can give his most precious son to die for our sins then surely for him to speak to one and all should be very easy, very very easy. For the record I believe there's a God but I must admit that I do not know him. The God of the Bible is a Jewish fraud and a gross hoax. That God does not exist except in the pages of the Bible where is he very active- killing, pillaging, destroying, speaking, commanding and constantly interfering - and in the imagination of the believing brains of Christians. Go read Thomas Paine 'The Age of Reason'.
You were going well to make your hateful point, until you directed us to read an idiots book. Thomas Paine is a confused atheist. As he feebly tries to raise materialistic reason to the level of a god, Paine missed an important yet simple fact that "spiritual" is far beyond reason.

SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.

What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are.
They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".

But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.

The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.

They Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc. They know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 8:27pm On Dec 23, 2016

It doesn't allow other religions to live and let live not to mention atheist. As far as they are concerned atheists will burn in hell for eternity undecided

Good thing I am going with a bad of weed tongue
Take it easy, HAHN. Da weed is for Ja !

Lets get serious and rather try to be helpful to some sincere young readers on Nairaland.

SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help you enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.

What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are.
They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".

But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.

The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.

The FAKE PASTORS that are status driven Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc.

These FAKE PASTORS know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".

There is no exception - Jesus says to all pastors, ministers and evangelists that truly want spiritual enlightenment and power for the benefit of others;
Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father.

The world is truly blessed to have the evidence Jon 14:12, of Jesus’ WORKS Biblically and scientifically verified in the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria and on Emmanuel TV.

A pastor, minister, evangelist will be know by their WORKS so that fake pastors can be separated from the real pastors. The wheat is separated from the chaff.

Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor, not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches. John 14:12

HAHN's complicated deception and long, painful attempt to hook innocent Christians out of their precious faith can not succeed.
Thanks to the daily global coverage of Emmanuel TV and freely available biblicaly based, practical spiritual demonstrations of true SPIRITUAL POWER that only Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit do through the humble servant, Holy Prophet TB Joshua.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by hahn(m): 8:32pm On Dec 23, 2016
Take it easy, HAHN. Da weed is for Ja !

Lets get serious and rather try to be helpful to some sincere young readers on Nairaland.

SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help you enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.

What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are.
They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".

But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.

The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.

The FAKE PASTORS that are status driven Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc.

These FAKE PASTORS know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".

There is no exception - Jesus says to all pastors, ministers and evangelists that truly want spiritual enlightenment and power for the benefit of others;
Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father.

The world is truly blessed to have the evidence Jon 14:12, of Jesus’ WORKS Biblically and scientifically verified in the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria and on Emmanuel TV.

A pastor, minister, evangelist will be know by their WORKS so that fake pastors can be separated from the real pastors. The wheat is separated from the chaff.

Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor, not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches. John 14:12

HAHN's complicated deception, long, painful attempt to hook innocent Christians out of their precious faith can not succeed, thanks to the global and freely available biblicaly based, practical spiritual demonstrations of true SPIRITUAL POWER.

I have added you to the list

Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 8:35pm On Dec 23, 2016

But hahn is not intelligent, i know him well on the forum. He could not even see that his points shoot down the atheism religion and their devil god. He relies on article like you noticed, has no wisdom, knowledge or understanding of his own except what his cliq and mentors say.
You guys have good points.

SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help you enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.

What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are.
They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".

But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.

The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.

The FAKE PASTORS that are status driven Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc.

These FAKE PASTORS know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".

There is no exception - Jesus says to all pastors, ministers and evangelists that truly want spiritual enlightenment and power for the benefit of others;
Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father.

The world is truly blessed to have the evidence Jon 14:12, of Jesus’ WORKS Biblically and scientifically verified in the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria and on Emmanuel TV.

A pastor, minister, evangelist will be know by their WORKS so that fake pastors can be separated from the real pastors. The wheat is separated from the chaff.

Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor, not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches. John 14:12

HAHN's complicated deception and long, painful attempt to hook innocent Christians out of their precious faith can not succeed.
Thanks to the daily global coverage of Emmanuel TV and freely available biblicaly based, practical spiritual demonstrations of true SPIRITUAL POWER that only Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit do through the humble servant, Holy Prophet TB Joshua.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 8:40pm On Dec 23, 2016
Christ did not approve of any religion. Christ is the truth, the way and the life. Those who follow Him are called by his name.
Religion is good but not substantial. The whole human race is doomed. However, whosoever shall call upon that Name Jesus, for there is no other name given in heaven or on earth by which men must be saved.
Whatever you believe, you owe it to yourself to examine these realities and then choose for yourself. It does not matter if you dont like it.
A fool is judged by his folly - quote grade A. An atheist is a fool.

Well said WINNER01. It may help to consider the problem of belief and disbelief in Jesus from a slightly different angle.

SPIRITUAL is far beyond reason. That is the reason why a theology degree or professorship fail to help you enter into the spirit and experience the POWER.

What we must get right is our own understanding of what pastors/disciples/ministers/priests really are.
They are simply spiritual leaders - The genuine ones enter the spirit world of God and spiritual POWER is released for our benefit. The results are always beyond reason. It can also be described as "Miraculous".

But the FAKE pastors are a curse to mankind. They perpetuate the suffering we see spreading world wide. They demand more and more money. They are fancy motivational speakers without spiritual POWER.

The keyword when analyzing spiritual matters is "POWER". Thousands of pastors/ministers/bishops/apostles without POWER, that is FAKE pastors are now fearful because the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria with the global coverage of Emmanuel TV is exposing their evil.

The FAKE PASTORS that are status driven Know the bible. The bible commands genuine pastors to freely heal etc.

These FAKE PASTORS know that the bible prohibit anyone from entering priesthood if they have not received " SPIRITUAL POWER".

There is no exception - Jesus says to all pastors, ministers and evangelists that truly want spiritual enlightenment and power for the benefit of others;

Joh 14:12 Truly, Truly, I say to you, He that believes me, the miracles/ WORKS that I do will you also do; and greater (more) miracles/WORKS than these shall you do; because I must soon go unto my Father.

The world is truly blessed to have abundance of scientifically verifiable evidence of Jon 14:12 in the Holy Scoan Church Nigeria and on Emmanuel TV. Finally FAKE pastors are afraid that their congregations are secretly watching Emmanuel TV and will soon rise up and demand a replacement with a genuine spirit anointed pastor. It is already happening !

A pastor, minister, evangelist will be know by their WORKS so that fake pastors can be separated from the real pastors. The wheat is separated from the chaff.

Only the WORKS bear witness of a real pastor, not their elaborate speeches, conferences and motivational speeches. John 14:12

HAHN's complicated deception and long, painful attempt to hook innocent Christians out of their precious faith can not succeed.
Thanks to the daily global coverage of Emmanuel TV and freely available biblicaly based, practical spiritual demonstrations of true SPIRITUAL POWER that only Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit do through the humble servant, Holy Prophet TB Joshua.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 9:08pm On Dec 23, 2016

I have added you to the list

Good idea, but only if it is a list of fake religions, o.
Re: How To Know If Your Religion Is The Fake One! by ScienceWatch: 9:15pm On Dec 23, 2016

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insanity

Keep it up grin
Look who is quoting Dr.Phil ! But it is a shame that you are not learning from Dr.Phil. You always do the same thing.

Here is something different for your readers. Dont thank me.

Atheists have good reason to be very excited this time of the year.
This is the time when they gloat over what have happened to thousands of atheists that have fallen into a cruel spiritual trap that gradually led to insanity.

This is the time of year when atheists gather together to curse their founding fathers for not finding the promised Holy Grail that would have given them eternal life instead of rapid decay in a mental asylum. Josef Stalin was on of the insane messiahs of atheism.

Josef Stalin was a proud atheist : He suffered mental insanity for thirty years, until his death in 1953, Josef Stalin was the mass-murdering atheist dictator of Soviet Russia.

He was also a fool.
Muggeridge had collaborated with Svetlana Stalin, Josef Stalin’s daughter, on a BBC documentary about her God-hating father. She recounted her insane fathers last act of defiant rebellion against the Creator: “As Josef Stalin lay dying, going insane, plagued with terrifying hallucinations, he suddenly sat halfway up in bed, clenched his fist toward the heavens once more, fell back upon his pillow, and was dead.”
“His one last gesture, ” observed Zacharias, “was a clenched fist toward God, his heart as cold and hard as steel.”

Atheist Thomas Henry Huxley - Was an Apostle of Darwinism. Thomas Henry Huxley will be remembered by the public merely as the atheist man who believed that we were descended from the ape, or as the apostle of Darwinism, The Big Bang.
Agnosticism is the philosophical position that it is impossible to know about the nature or existence of God. The term “Agnostic” was coined in 1869 by Thomas H Huxley who was an atheist to further confuse the simple meaning of "God hater".

His father died in an insane asylum. Huxley’s hatred of God was rooted in the fear that the insanity in his family was caused by unclean spirits.

Atheist Sigmund Freud was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treating a mental illness and also a theory which explains human behaviour. He could not treat his own mental diseases.
Freud believed a female is a failed boy.

Sigmund Freud was obsessed with the having sex with his mother and rivalry with his dad. The desire to have sex with his mother and kill his father haunted his dreams. He believed women wanted sex with there fathers and stories of rape and molestation were fantasies. Instead of victims these women were villains.

Charles Darwin an atheist – He was a master at faking evolution theories for personal status. He lived the greatest portion of his life in deep mental depression, there is a history of mental illness in his family. He believed his dad had the power of prediction; He had an endless list of psychosomatic mental illnesses and lived as a semi invalid barely past thirty.

For hundreds of years atheist have viciously fought to destroy religion and ensure that God and Jesus did not exist.
Now as athiest AKINTOM proudly proclaim, they are marching around a mental asylum in celebration of the terrible way in which their heroes are shamed.

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