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Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun - Politics - Nairaland

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Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by basilo101: 12:51am On Oct 06, 2016
The Minister of Finance, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, has accused western powers of being a stumbling block to Nigeria’s plan to improve power output through the use of coal. Adeosun said this on Wednesday in Washington during a discussion on the importance of addressing infrastructure gaps in developing countries at the World Bank, International Monetary Fund General Meetings.

She said that improving power supply was the corner stone of the current administration’s goal towards economic development, yet finding it difficult to get support from western community. “We want to build a coal power plant because we are a country blessed with coal, yet we have power problem. So it doesn’t take a genius to workout that it will make sense to build a coal power plant.

“However, we are being blocked from doing so, because it is not green. This is not fair because they have an entire western industralisation that was built on coal fired energy. “This is the competitive advantage that was used to develop Europe, yet now that Nigeria wants to do it, they say it’s not green, so we cannot.

“They suggest that we use solar and wind, which is the more expensive. So yes, Africa must invest in its infrastructure, but we must also make sure that the playing field is level,” she said. Adeosun said that in spite of the need for foreign borrowing to finance the country’s infrastructure gap, the strategy was to get the cheapest money.

She said Nigeria’s debt to GDP remained very low but that the cost of servicing those loans was high. “Right now, we are being very conservative about our debt and we are trying to get the cheapest money possible from multilateral agencies.

We are working very hard to make sure that we get multilateral funds first before we go to the euro bond market, which is a little bit more expensive,” she said. She added that the country’s strategy was to get public private investments because even if Nigeria dedicated five years’ full budget to bridging infrastructure gap, it would still be insufficient.

Meanwhile, a report released by the IMF showed that global debt was currently at a record high of 152 trillion dollars. The Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF, Mr Vitor Gaspar at a news conference, said the debt was 225 per cent of World Gross Domestic Product. The report showed that 100 trillion dollars was debt of the private sector, while the remaining was public debt.

To address the growing problem, the report suggested targeted fiscal interventions in form of government sponsored programmes to help restructure private debt. “Fiscal policy cannot do it alone – a comprehensive action using all three policy prongs, that is monetary, fiscal and structural policy.”


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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by ificatchmodeh: 1:14am On Oct 06, 2016
Buhari's government is that of incompetence and blame..
They don't think out of the box..once is not working according to plan..its finished..next option..blame..

The world is evolving and madam dey here d talk plenty english.

136 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Sibrah: 1:20am On Oct 06, 2016
If they ever succeed with coal power plants, I hope coal vandals don't spring up one day.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by id911(m): 1:20am On Oct 06, 2016
This small, naive girl called Kemi Adeosun should keep quiet cos I'm tired of her incompetence

101 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by porka: 1:37am On Oct 06, 2016
Na wa oh!

These people ehn!

Who is blocking whom now?

Did they not explain to Buhari the consequences of what he was signing last month?

Was he blindfolded?

Did he sign under duress?

Buhari signs Paris Agreement, seeks help on Lake Chad


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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by TheEastActivist: 1:52am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


99 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Blue3k(m): 2:24am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


Coal is cheap and efficient for the cost. Most modern smoke stacks only allow CO2 and water vapor out with trace elements of other pollutants. China does it and lots of nations still run most of their energy on it. When country get richer they can opt more for alternative energies that less efficient per kilowatt.

Besides these alternative energies aren't always producing. Sun not always shining, clowds and batter storage capacity. Hydro great but alot energy has to be kicked back to Niger and Benin republic so they don't block dams. Wind not always blowing.

Coal and Gas would be best options for us. Others renewables can be used aswell. I'm energy adnostic so I don't care too much.

97 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by holocron: 2:27am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


Abeg, I follow dey ask O!


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Blue3k(m): 2:31am On Oct 06, 2016

Abeg, I follow dey ask O!

They arent cheaper and less efficient. Most coal power station don't release much besides CO2 water and trace pollutants. The as you know hydro power we produce is kicked back to Niger and Benin republic, then when water levels go down after rainy season overall production declines. The rest simply aren't as profitable. Yes countries still do use coal plants check China building more and most of world's energy procedure via coal and gas.

23 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by csamii: 2:35am On Oct 06, 2016
Are we blaming western powers now? I think we just took a step forward in the blaming game.

40 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by DelGardo: 4:18am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


You, my friend, are so ignorant.

Follow this link to see that about 40% of world energy is fuelled by coal including the US:


Even though stronger regulations apply in the US and EU they are still increasing/maintaining capacity while exploring renewables. China is still building at least 2 new coal power plants a week:


The world is also moving towards electric cars, do you have one? Even if you do how many have u seen on Nigerian roads?

Stay there dey follow Kemi wey no know u dey quarrel.

91 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Cutehector(m): 4:26am On Oct 06, 2016
All the gas that Nigeria is flaring, where is it? Iffa woze this woman slap now. We have over 180TCF gas reserves but it's coal that she wants to use eh. Can u imagine illiteracy..


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by muri4mig(m): 4:56am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.

Typical of a wailer. Let me point it out for you should in case you failed to comprehend where she pointed out that solar and wind are more expensive. For efficiency and a level playing purpose, it makes sense to look at coal since it is cheaper than the others. Next time read before commenting to save your wailing energy.

43 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by fr3do(m): 5:00am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


abeg follow follow no good
do you think if these western countries had an abundance of coal and oil, and if same was their prime source of energy, that they would be so enthuastic about going green.
We need energy, lots of it.

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Osmondinho(m): 5:03am On Oct 06, 2016
APc will continue blaming everyone for their inability to live up to the expectations of their faithful zombies. For me, I have no expectation from this already failed colossal losers.

waiting for 2019 shaaaa


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by SuperS1Panther: 5:14am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.


Son of Hatred, a little research would have informed your medulla oblongata that the world still runs majorly on coal.

Western world are just dubious, by always seeking every means to stop other countries from developing except you are as mad as China or recalcitrant as Russia. They wanted the world to reduce pollution by limiting the CO2 generation but they are not ready to pay other countries for the same Ozone layer they depleted and other countries are saying to hell with the Treaty if you are not ready to pay because all countries are aspiring to develop too.

See beyond your hatred and envy.

49 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by CowHard: 5:15am On Oct 06, 2016
Sack the Ogun sales girl now......

Will she also blame western powers for the deteriorating state of the economy

Maybe the west is also responsible for 18+6 equalling 22

19 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by EternalTruths: 5:27am On Oct 06, 2016
This Yoruba woman and her stupid talks.

Western powers can't stop Nigeria from using coal.

What they can only do is to refused to help Nigerians build a Coal powered electricity plant.

But if Nigeria can build it, the Western Nations can't do jack about it.

Therefore she should stop blaming Western Nations for Nigerians technological backwardness.

A useless nation who refused to tap into Biafra's technological advancements after the war because of fear that the Igbos will use that opportunity to develop technologies that will help them to secede.

SuperS1Panther fr3do muri4mig DelGardo Blue3k Sibrah

For you people I quoted, stop defending this woman out of ethnic sentiment

Nigeria can generate electricity from the following sources

Biogas(Gas from animal and human wastes)
Biofuel( Fuel from green grasses)
Plastic Fuel ( Fuel from plastic wastes)

Coal is not a clean source of energy though it is good when converted to industrial chemicals

if only Nigeria will acknowledge the technological prowess of the Igbo nation and support them to develop electricity technologies just the way Ojukwu supported them in the last war

32 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 5:30am On Oct 06, 2016
I keep saying it. Africa can never advance until we cut all ties with the white man.
The white is to blame for all Africa problems.

Blame game it may be, but it is a simple truth.

Kemi is one of my top 2 favourite ministers. She is courageous to say truth even if you means being critical of the Western countries. This is not the first time she made such comments.

PMB made a great decision in appointing her to the Finance ministry.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by SamuelAnyawu(m): 5:34am On Oct 06, 2016
Confused Government grin grin grin grin


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by sakalisis(m): 5:37am On Oct 06, 2016
APc will continue blaming everyone for their inability to live up to the expectations of their faithful zombies. For me, I have no expectation from this already failed colossal losers.

waiting for 2019 shaaaa

I marvel at the level of hypocrisy of the APC government and its ministers, wen it suit them , they quote the same western power to "hail the integrity of their dullardiho", small time like this, they start to attack the same western power

2019 is far my bro ....


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 5:41am On Oct 06, 2016
Something tells me that white man has many agents operating on this forum whose job it is to jump down the throat of anybody that criticises the white man.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 5:45am On Oct 06, 2016
This woman is not so smart. Government of western countries are getting rid of coal plant in their own countries because of the release of green house gases. Of course they wont support you.
Infact heavy carbon tax are being levied on corporations still running on coal fired plants. Provincial goverments and state government have been given deadline dates to shutdown coal plants in their jurisdictions.

I doubt if she even knows that Nigeria signed a treaty with over 150 other nations at the last Paris climate agreementl less than 6months or so ago.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Carboom: 5:45am On Oct 06, 2016
I said this when this man was signing what he didn't know. He just signed that document without understanding it. And the minister of the environment was just smiling sheepishly as he shot himself in the foot.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 5:53am On Oct 06, 2016
How old is this Kemi sef? Let it not be that Buhari made Economics class prefect of one senior secondary school our country's finance minister oo. Hmmm

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by malton: 5:54am On Oct 06, 2016
How old is this Kemi sef? Let it not be that Buhari made Economics class prefect of one senior secondary school our country's finance minister oo. Hmmm

Question is, how old are you and what do you understand about power play?


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 6:03am On Oct 06, 2016

Coal is cheap and efficient for the cost. Most modern smoke stacks only allow CO2 and water vapor out with trace elements of other pollutants.
Do you mean trap co2 and let out water and trace pollutants?
If that is what you meant, those techology are expensive. They dont come cheap. The carbon capture recently constructed by a power utility corporation in Canada for a 120MW plant cost just over 1billion dollars. Can Nigeria afford that?
make them look for other means of power generation as no western country would support this quest.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by SuperS1Panther: 6:05am On Oct 06, 2016
This Yoruba woman and her stupid talks.

Western powers can't stop Nigeria from using coal.

What they can only do is to refused to help Nigerians build a Coal powered electricity plant.

But if Nigeria can build it, the Western Nations can't do jack about it.

Therefore she should stop blaming Western Nations for Nigerians technological backwardness.

A useless nation who refused to tap into Biafra's technological advancements after the war because of fear that the Igbos will use that opportunity to develop technologies that will help them to secede.

SuperS1Panther fr3do muri4mig DelGardo Blue3k Sibrah

For you people I quoted, stop defending this woman out of ethnic sentiment

Nigeria can generate electricity from the following sources

Biogas(Gas from animal and human wastes)
Biofuel( Fuel from green grasses)
Plastic Fuel ( Fuel from plastic wastes)

Coal is not a clean source of energy though it is good when converted to industrial chemicals

if only Nigeria will acknowledge the technological prowess of the Igbo nation and support them to develop electricity technologies just the way Ojukwu supported them in the last war

Biafrau.d technological advancement!!!! Or what did you just say?

How has the imaginary "technological advancement" developed Igboland? Why did Nigeria succeeded in pummelling you to submission?

How many MW is being generated worldwide from biogas Sun and Wind? Your water bodies are receding and you are here talking of hydro, while your ipod militants an Scavengers are bombing the gas pipeline.

Thank God FG is partnering with the Russian Coy to establish Nuclear Power Plant. Lol.

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by hopefulLandlord: 6:24am On Oct 06, 2016
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by reptile1: 6:30am On Oct 06, 2016
This is what u get if ur President is a stark illiterate. honestly, this is an expose. so buhari didn't know contents of the paris agreement before endorsing it? embarrassingly, one idiot started blaming the white man for her principal's foolishness
grin grin

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