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Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun - Politics (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by obailala(m): 9:03am On Oct 06, 2016

But the government claims to be recovering monies left and right, TSA, looted funds, so why not use that?
Besides they could approach private investors rather than governments - but considering how they've wrecked the business environment I won't blame any private investor who holds back.
Private investors rather than governments?... arent you aware the activities of those private investors are also regulated by their govts?

Besides, the recovered moneys (e.g. TSA) cant just be spent like that, it isn't disposable money. Then the recovered loots are insignificant compared to what nigeria needs.
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by ephi123(f): 9:04am On Oct 06, 2016
Private investors rather than governments?... arent you aware the activities of those private investors are also regulated by their govts?

Besides, the recovered moneys (e.g. TSA) cant just be spent like that, it isn't disposable money. Then the recovered loots are insignificant compared to what nigeria needs.

Private investors are that - private. They are not regulated by their own government, besides obligation to pay their taxes.
TSA can't be spent "like that" - okay, what should it be spent on?

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by obidykeh20: 9:04am On Oct 06, 2016
It's we talk about bio electricity, solar power and wind to complement hydo and thermal electricity generation. Lets think vast in this regard.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Sibrah: 9:06am On Oct 06, 2016

You don't need to go far, even in some African countries that Nigeria are better than generate more electricity than Nigeria and they are using renewable energy..

Enough of all this nonsense.
We should be moving forward not backward...
Assuming she is talking of a nuclear energy I would have understood it but coal... damn is backward for a 21st century.
Can you pay excess of N150/kwh? Renewable energy isn't on gas energy level in terms of cost yet. Not in Nigeria.
We may be able to afford it as time goes but rendwable energy isn't cost friendly for our pocket now.
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by mastro: 9:07am On Oct 06, 2016

Renewable energy is not without its drawbacks. I work in the energy industry so I am telling u from a position of authority. Renewable energy hasn't gotten to a point that will meet our industrialisation needs yet. Go and do ur research
U can't pay the 28 naira u are being charged per kWh gotten from gas now, is it when we introduce a larger bill with more expensive source of power like wind and solar that u guys can afford it?
If China toed every command laid down by the West do u think they will get to where they are today? Even India refused to sign the Paris pact for the same reason. Are u smarter than them?
Guy dey reason before u attack. Think critically before voicing ur opinion on issues.

Every technology has its drawbacks however I think the most viable way forward for Nigeria is a mix of Gas fired and renewables specifically Solar.

Gas fiired is proven technology with minimal downside we currently flare (waste) enough gas to power the whole of the country, hence Gas plants should be a no brainer.

Solar due to a combination of ability to produce and consume locally combined with rapidly falling prices of photovoltaics cell and batteries is the future. The same way we bypassed the expansion of landline provision going straight to Mobile phones for the majority of the population is the same way we should be managing power expansion. Solar installations in every home bypassing the grid for residential and small scale industrial use.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by obailala(m): 9:08am On Oct 06, 2016

Your reasoning has shot you at the leg, now I know you are rational and talking with sentiments BC buhari ministers that are being criticised for incompetence are from your kinsmen.

Now I dismiss you and thanks for letting me know that I was wasting my time with a zombie.
You were making no sense and just blabbing out of an ingrained hate sentiment for the govt. Renewable energy is 3 times more expensive than sources like coal, and even for the cheaper coal, Nigeria doesnt have the funds and needs to still borrow to finance it. Now these loans are being blocked because the lenders dont want us to harness coal energy.

With the above situation, what exactly was your response?... you claimed the govet was useless bla bla bla.... and you think you were making any sense?... An now you myopically bring ethnicity into the simple discussion?...
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by comos: 9:08am On Oct 06, 2016
The blame game is now shifted to western power


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by drss(m): 9:10am On Oct 06, 2016
can Nigeria build coal plant on her own without western support? I hate bigotted reasoning.
every tin is impossible for nigeria but notin is impossible for bia..frans as far as technology is concern.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 9:11am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.

you are the idiot here. Which world is changing. What is the percentage of American power that comes from renewable or clean source? In fact apart from given tax rebate they literally pay people to use solar. They bamboozled you with clean energy lies and you feeling like Mr knowledge. If there so called green are so green why are they planning to build more nuclear and gas plants? Why is China building more coal plants? Because Elon Musk and his ilks bought over the media and confused the ignorant Democrat does not mean that greenwashed energy source are actually viable. It cost about 4 times more to build a solar plant than it cost to build most other plants including nuclear... and like every other things exposed to sun radiation they have shorter life span. After "destroying" the environment with several centuries of coal driven energy boom they think the rest of us should not enjoy same privilege and you are here forming Mr Sabi.
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by obailala(m): 9:12am On Oct 06, 2016

Private investors are that - private. They are not regulated by their own government, besides obligation to pay their taxes.
TSA can't be spent "like that" - okay, what should it be spent on?
Businesses are regulated by governments. If a UK company wants to build a plant in Nigeria, it must get approval from the uk govt. Nigeria struck a deal with a bank in China to finance our rail projects, the last time I checked, the final approval for that was discussed between buhari and the chinese president, so my dear, private businesses too are regulated. If the Uk govt says NO to coal plants, a UK private company cant come to Nigeria to build a coal plant, neither can a UK bank give Nigeria a loan to build a coal plant.

Once again, TSA money isnt disposable income that the government can just dip its hands into and spend.
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by TheEastActivist: 9:13am On Oct 06, 2016
Can you pay excess of N150/kwh? Renewable energy isn't on gas energy level in terms of cost yet. Not in Nigeria.
We may be able to afford it as time goes but rendwable energy isn't cost friendly for our pocket now.

If that will bring a lasting and peaceful solution to Nigeria I don't think we should be arguing this...

Nigeria needs energy to grow and in this cause of doing it there are stipulated rules.

Nigeria cant start building coal power plant in this century, without sanctions from international bodies. all those using it now are phasing it out to a renewable energy to salvage the earth depleting ozone layer.

Is a no no to coal, other source of energy can be replaced with that. All we want is a guided and proper way to generate stable electricity. Nigeria will adjust to it.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by kingsley2rhyme(m): 9:20am On Oct 06, 2016
I still find it hard to really point at a unique technological prowess you are bragging about that Igbos have.

Is it the business sense you use in taking an original product to China for it to be replicated and made very cheap for people to buy that you technological advancement or what? Someone actually designed, prototyped and did the finished job before it came out to market, a typical Ibo business man with good business acumen then takes it to China for it to be produced at a more cheaper rate and u call that a technological prowess? Please say something else.

"Technological development to give them the opportunity to secede you say? Lol in Payan "

Ibo kwenu!!

This Yoruba woman and her stupid talks.

Western powers can't stop Nigeria from using coal.

What they can only do is to refused to help Nigerians build a Coal powered electricity plant.

But if Nigeria can build it, the Western Nations can't do jack about it.

Therefore she should stop blaming Western Nations for Nigerians technological backwardness.

A useless nation who refused to tap into Biafra's technological advancements after the war because of fear that the Igbos will use that opportunity to develop technologies that will help them to secede.

SuperS1Panther fr3do muri4mig DelGardo Blue3k Sibrah

For you people I quoted, stop defending this woman out of ethnic sentiment

Nigeria can generate electricity from the following sources

Biogas(Gas from animal and human wastes)
Biofuel( Fuel from green grasses)
Plastic Fuel ( Fuel from plastic wastes)

Coal is not a clean source of energy though it is good when converted to industrial chemicals

if only Nigeria will acknowledge the technological prowess of the Igbo nation and support them to develop electricity technologies just the way Ojukwu supported them in the last war
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 9:21am On Oct 06, 2016

Son of Hatred, a little research would have informed your medulla oblongata that the world still runs majorly on coal.

Western world are just dubious, by always seeking every means to stop other countries from developing except you are as mad as China or recalcitrant as Russia. They wanted the world to reduce pollution by limiting the CO2 generation but they are not ready to pay other countries for the same Ozone layer they depleted and other countries are saying to hell with the Treaty if you are not ready to pay because all countries are aspiring to develop too.

See beyond your hatred and envy.

Shut up and stop sounding so burt Hurt!!

Coal energy has play a major role in China's devastated Ozone layer, yes its cheap but Gas is way safer... So why not use gas instead Einstein?


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by bkool7(m): 9:21am On Oct 06, 2016
Buhari's government is that of incompetence and blame..
They don't think out of the box..once is not working according to plan..its finished..next option..blame..

The world is evolving and madam dey here d talk plenty english.

The world is evolving right, but the now evolving western world was built and developed climate degradation.
What the western world should be assisting us with how to make it clean and affordable
I guess we just may have to go the hard way
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 9:23am On Oct 06, 2016
Does she know she sounds so incompetent and clueless. She should take a cue from lie Muhammad and stop talking


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by ephi123(f): 9:25am On Oct 06, 2016
Businesses are regulated by governments. If a UK company wants to build a plant in Nigeria, it must get approval from the uk govt. Nigeria struck a deal with a bank in China to finance our rail projects, the last time I checked, the final approval for that was discussed between buhari and the chinese president, so my dear, private businesses too are regulated. If the Uk govt says NO to coal plants, a UK private company cant come to Nigeria to build a coal plant, neither can a UK bank give Nigeria a loan to build a coal plant.

Once again, TSA money isnt disposable income that the government can just dip its hands into and spend.

Your info is completely wrong. There is a reason they are called PRIVATE investors.

Yes inedeed. TSA isn't disposable income because it either doesn't exist or has been looted out of existence.

Yes, Buhari had numerous discussions with the Chinese president yet we can see absolutely no outcome.

Anyway, you guys can continue defending a failing government. The consequences will be borne by all.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by NPComplete: 9:26am On Oct 06, 2016

Every technology has its drawbacks however I think the most viable way forward for Nigeria is a mix of Gas fired and renewables specifically Solar.

Gas fiired is proven technology with minimal downside we currently flare (waste) enough gas to power the whole of the country, hence Gas plants should be a no brainer.

Solar due to a combination of ability to produce and consume locally combined with rapidly falling prices of photovoltaics cell and batteries is the future. The same way we bypassed the expansion of landline provision going straight to Mobile phones for the majority of the population is the same way we should be managing power expansion. Solar installations in every home bypassing the grid for residential and small scale industrial use.

Agreed. But we still need an energy mix. The gas plants and their power sources are located mostly in the volatile south meaning any major restiveness there will impede development and life in other parts on the country and that makes them to continue to hold us to ransom. That ought to be avoided.
Thirdly, coal is cheaper. We can rely on coal power to kick start our industrialisation and start building solar panels in this country. Trust me, the situation where we have to import solar panels with the overabundance of silicon and other materials necessary to produce them, isn't ideal.
So my advice will be to use coal first then as soon as we become a more prosperous nation, we shift to other cleaner and more expensive sources fully
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Izonpikin: 9:30am On Oct 06, 2016
well we could employ the use of carbon capture storage CCS if we want to use coal.. cheesy cheesy cheesy

at least make we get light plenty... cheesy cheesy cheesy...after all the USA still uses coal...
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Cutehector(m): 9:30am On Oct 06, 2016

Have you not heard that your phucking criminal brothers have been blowing gas installations up?
criminal who? Like as if the president right to you aren't criminals! Mchew

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by SuperS1Panther: 9:33am On Oct 06, 2016

Shut up and stop sounding so burt Hurt!!

Coal energy has play a major role in China's devastated Ozone layer, yes its cheap but Gas is way safer... So why not use gas instead Einstein?

You are a drunk.

Who depleted Ozone layer if not Europe and US?
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by TheEastActivist: 9:33am On Oct 06, 2016
you are the idiot here.

Only if you can do away with your poor mannerism that always sells you off to people as a destined tout.

Which world is changing.

Technology is changing, you can't denied this fact except you are an alien and just crashed into the earth this year.

What is the percentage of American power that comes from renewable or clean source?

67% sire.

In fact apart from given tax rebate they literally pay people to use solar. They bamboozled you with clean energy lies and you feeling like Mr knowledge.

You haven't made any sense

If there so called green are so green why are they planning to build more nuclear and gas plants?

I will overlook your grammar. But if they say is green why asking if is green again?
They have to build as power generated can also serve as export commodity .

Why is China building more coal plants?

They have their reason best known to them, but from what I can dig out, they want to first match up with the American in economy and to do that they have to rely on coal for 15years. Nigeria just signed a treaty in paris which is against Nigeria using it and kemi is aware of it else she is not news savy. Meanwhile Nigeria is under developed and is not in this present administration agenda to match up with US in economy.

Because Elon Musk and his ilks bought over the media and confused the ignorant Democrat does not mean that greenwashed energy source are actually viable.

Who should we believe, which investigation have you undergone to make that kind of accusation. I don't care though.

It cost about 4 times more to build a solar plant than it cost to build most other plants including nuclear...

What stops us from going nuclear
There is gas powered plant, and there are hydro power plant, there are also wind powered plant. We can leverage on that too instead of coal which is too backward and has adverse effect.

and like every other things exposed to sun radiation they have shorter life span. After "destroying" the environment with several centuries of coal driven energy boom they think the rest of us should not enjoy same privilege and you are here forming Mr Sabi.

Like I said technology changes which made the world to adapt and change as well, and going by your stance if we should keep using coal by now the world will be messed up but with new and better technologies the world will always be a better place to be. Stick playing by the rules to avoid unnecessary sanctions by the international standard bodies.


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Izonpikin: 9:36am On Oct 06, 2016

Shut up and stop sounding so burt Hurt!!

Coal energy has play a major role in China's devastated Ozone layer, yes its cheap but Gas is way safer... So why not use gas instead Einstein?
our failed president jjst can not come to terms with the niger delta producing gas...

this administration is best at not knowing how to solve problems... cheesy cheesy cheesy


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 9:39am On Oct 06, 2016
poor mans okonjo iweala

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Nobody: 9:40am On Oct 06, 2016

Sometimes I really wonder if some of U take tym to process information before reasoning or dat u don't even reason all. Once d opinion differs from urs irrespective of how incisive and analytical it is, d pesin is simply a wailer. Pls get well soon and move beyond terming everyone with opposing view a wailer and instead criticize d issue or beta still air ur own opinion. This country flares enough gas to power Africa as a whole. Definitely d west hasn't outrightly asked the country not to use coal. A gud percentage of power in China, the US and most of these superpowers come from coal but in using coal for energy, certain conditions have to be met. It's simply d same thing with nuclear energy, everyone is scared of nuclear energy getting in the wrong hands and as such all the restrictions and conditions but doesn't mean some countries don't meet those conditions. Let d govt stop making excuses, sit their lazy asses down and work out feasible and viable conditions. It has to not jus b feasible but viable.
which condition aside rules made by super powers which they themselves renege on. Nuclear power is the cheapest, cleanest, and the most sustainable source of energy yet the super powers cornered it. They only conspire to stop lesser countries from building nuclear plant while they legislate on building new nuclear plants. After they have burnt coal for years they coerced us to sign agreement. More than 70% of their power came from fossil fuel and they are not closing those plants up but they are mandating us not to build ours. they shifted their attention to a far cheaper nuclear and make stringent rules that will prevent us from following same route instead they ask us to safe the planet by using the super expensive solar technology and like illiterate and ignorant most of us are we hail them on and claim sophistication. Time to have more engineers and scientist in government they understand how things work and how to solve problems all this lawyers and economist only live by the rules and economize a ridiculously insufficient resources... no idea on how to create resources

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by metallisc(m): 9:41am On Oct 06, 2016

Renewable energy is not without its drawbacks. I work in the energy industry so I am telling u from a position of authority. Renewable energy hasn't gotten to a point that will meet our industrialisation needs yet. Go and do ur research
U can't pay the 28 naira u are being charged per kWh gotten from gas now, is it when we introduce a larger bill with more expensive source of power like wind and solar that u guys can afford it?
If China toed every command laid down by the West do u think they will get to where they are today? Even India refused to sign the Paris pact for the same reason. Are u smarter than them?
Guy dey reason before u attack. Think critically before voicing ur opinion on issues.

if you work in the energy industry like you claim and you are here spewing this trash, then i'm sorry for the people who employed you. like the deluded minister, you don't even know what is going on on in your industry. stop masturbating here, fossil fuel based power, especially coal, is being phased out in developed and advanced countries (there is actually a 2030 deadline to do a total switch - barely 15 years from now), and developing countries have a 2030-50 timeline to switch totally.The coal stations you are talking about, when were they built? is any body/country in their right thinking senses talking about building new coal power stations? all the talks about new coal power plants are mostly in asia and asia-minor region - see what china is battling with smog because of their insistence on coal power, people are dying daily from pollution and contamination and like you said they are not listening to the west... and i ask - to whose detriment?.

even the new deals in europe are being questioned by authorities - because the greedy banks are using the contract and funding opportunities to make quick returns. India just cancelled contracts for about 4 new coal power plants. The major countries pushing coal power are china and japan, because it helps their quest for economic dominance in africa and small countries in europe, it is cheaper no doubt but with enviro concerns, that may no longer be viable in the years to come, so they are pushing hard and fast to make money.

for the first time in germany, electricity rates were at the lowest because of increase in renewable energy power. The new coal and gas projects they commissioned in recent years have all turned white elephant projects because nobody is paying them any attention.
this from a bloomberg article from end of last year ...
" Germany’s unprecedented energy shift is turning newly built power plants into white elephants that will never produce any electricity.
Once the backbone that underpinned growth in Europe’s biggest economy, coal and gas plants are being marginalized in a new world where solar and wind are all the rage. With electricity prices at their lowest level in more than a decade, the outlook is now so bad that RWE AG will never start its 1 billion-euro ($1.1 billion) Westfalen-D plant, while EON SE applied this year to close two new unprofitable gas-fired units."

most recent power station developments that are not renewable are majorly hydro and then some gas. Most african countries that are expanding their power generation base are all setting up solar farms eg, rwanda, south africa-with one of the largest, algeria and morroco.

i could go on and on but the truth is, despite the major forces trying to align to save it, coal's future as a major energy source is being attacked by a variety of pathogens: government regulations, market forces and moral arguments. As a result, government charts plotting coal's life expectancy look like the flat vital signs of a very sick patient. You and the daft minister should switch to a developmental and futuristic mindset, coal is on its way out of the scene and spending money to build or develop coal powered stations now only to have it phased out in a few years is stupid thinking (and to think the proposition is coming from a supposed FINANCE minister?) well... there is the factual and practical solution and then on the other hand there is the mundane act to try scoring cheap points with the populace! sad

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Goke7: 9:43am On Oct 06, 2016
which condition aside rules made by super powers which they themselves renege on. Nuclear power is the cheapest, cleanest, and the most sustainable source of energy yet the super powers cornered it. They only conspire to stop lesser countries from building nuclear plant while they legislate on building new nuclear plants. After they have burnt coal for years they coerced us to sign agreement. More than 70% of their power came from fossil fuel and they are not closing those plants up but they are mandating us not to build ours. they shifted their attention to a far cheaper nuclear and make stringent rules that will prevent us from following same route instead they ask us to safe the planet by using the super expensive solar technology and like illiterate and ignorant most of us are we hail them on and claim sophistication. Time to have more engineers and scientist in government they understand how things work and how to solve problems all this lawyers and economist only live by the rules and economize a ridiculously insufficient resources... no idea on how to create resources

Exactly, our backwardness in science and technology is our bane. na only party we sabi in this part of the world.

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by metallisc(m): 9:43am On Oct 06, 2016
our failed president jjst can not come to terms with the niger delta producing gas...

this administration is best at not knowing how to solve problems... cheesy cheesy cheesy

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Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by sweetilicious(f): 9:46am On Oct 06, 2016
Please the world is changing so fast so Mrs finance minister follow the trend...

Science has a standard for everything.
To checkmate global warming and ozone depletion there are many technology that has fade out with time to give room for cleaner fuel to power our infrastructures in order to save the earth ozone layer and checkmate global warming.

Sometimes I ask who is advising the woman she looks young but acts so old in the brain. How can in this century you want to use coal to power your country when there are other better way of doing it using solar and wind even ordinary water too.

This woman won't stop disgracing herself and Nigeria at large. So for your mind Na Westerners they hold you .. smh this woman is a joke as one would say apc has graduated the blame game to a whole new level.

I think we should make use of the available resource we have already. If not, Nigeria will wait till eternity to be able to enjoy steady power supply.
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by mencer(m): 9:51am On Oct 06, 2016
Einstein — ' Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another

E = mc²
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by Richy4(m): 9:55am On Oct 06, 2016
Is coal energy really environmentally friendly? She should know how coal work at this stage... I am an amateur when it comes to energy discussion but does she want Nigerians to be inhaling an unclean air in the name of cutting cost?


Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by ogwumgbe: 9:56am On Oct 06, 2016
God bless you madam, this woman has just spoken the absolute truth that takes boldness and high level of patriotism to speak. Western powers are the reason we are underdeveloped but what is baffling to me is why some people will allow themselves to be used as a tool to underdevelop his Country in the name aspiring for leadership. Madam Kemi, you have my support, it takes guts to speak this undiluted truth
Re: Western Powers Blocking Nigeria’s Power Solution – Adeosun by chernest2002: 9:59am On Oct 06, 2016
The illiterate signed agreement on world environmental protection and want to use emission from coal to destroy the same environment, and government of blame is at it again. I don't know why these ministers will not look the dictator at face and tell him the bitter truth.


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