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He Just Sued The School System. - Family - Nairaland

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He Just Sued The School System. by shaybebaby(f): 11:46am On Oct 09, 2016
I saw this on facebook this morning and thought wow! So profound.
Dyt, what do you think considering your future aspiration?

How do we realise this change if indeed you agree with what he is saying?



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Re: He Just Sued The School System. by Nobody: 11:50am On Oct 09, 2016
Good way to start
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by Nobody: 12:03pm On Oct 09, 2016
Prince Ea, right?
This guy can talk!!!
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by shaybebaby(f): 12:07pm On Oct 09, 2016
Prince Ea, right?

This guy can talk!!!

Yup, that's right. But you have to admit though, he is deep. Does the school system inspire or stifle creative thinking?
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by DonOms(m): 12:33pm On Oct 09, 2016
It's a known fact, albeit suppressed and largely unaccepted, that the school system kills creativity. I think it was Sir Ken Robinson, who in a TED Talk, explained how the school has killed creativity, done little to prepare the students for the real world and practically made so-called educated people nothing more than zombies.

The truth is that schools have done only little over the years to create products of ingenuity, independence and creativity; contrary to what it ought to stand for. It has made 'certificate' the sole prize for education and ticket for acceptance into a confused world.

Though the evolution of the educational system remains slow, a time comes - and sooner than we may think - that a big part of school as we know it will become obsolete and totally unnecessary. It may be at its peak now as everyone thirsts for certificates, but it will plunge and follow a normal distribution curve: We'll eventually make our rooms, garages and bathrooms the greatest schools there are.

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Re: He Just Sued The School System. by Dyt(f): 12:35pm On Oct 09, 2016
Let's give every gift a chance

Teachers don't just teach
They are all in all
A teacher that doesn't have the interpersonal skill will only end up going on one way direction
That skill can make you a perfect teacher
You can swing amongst your students
You can cope with each given talents and help them embrace it
Cmon it's not all you getting the best in 5 subjects
It's you being able to do things others can't do

This is true from me
An aspiring teacher
I might be wrong
But I definitely make sense



Re: He Just Sued The School System. by Nobody: 5:00pm On Oct 10, 2016
I saw this on facebook this morning and thought wow! So profound.
Dyt, what do you think considering your future aspiration?

How do we realise this change if indeed you agree with what he is saying?



I have just watched the beginning because I am multitasking right now and I agree. Schools have been focusing on deficits for too long instead of focusing on a child's individual talents. Many schools are undergoing a paradigm shift currently (at least in some countries) and it's a good thing.

Fortunately, we also know that there are different types of learners and good teachers know that they can't teach all children in the same way because they are all diffferent.

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Re: He Just Sued The School System. by SalomonKane: 6:03pm On Oct 10, 2016
Actually in a system like Nigeria, the school do absolutely squat in preparing a child for what's out there, giving that the nigerian system and society is system that is warped, a society where corruption is a virtue and honesty is a vice.

This is where teachers like me come in, giving informal education that prepares the child for whatever awaits them in the society.

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Re: He Just Sued The School System. by SalomonKane: 6:06pm On Oct 10, 2016
Let's give every gift a chance

Teachers don't just teach
They are all in all
A teacher that doesn't have the interpersonal skill will only end up going on one way direction
That skill can make you a perfect teacher
You can swing amongst your students
You can cope with each given talents and help them embrace it
Cmon it's not all you getting the best in 5 subjects
It's you being able to do things others can't do

This is true from me
An aspiring teacher
I might be wrong
But I definitely make sense
If you really want to be a teacher you must know how to multitask, how to relate with the kids you intend to teach by teaching them with things they can readily relate to and understand.
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by Dyt(f): 7:04pm On Oct 10, 2016
If you really want to be a teacher you must know how to multitask, how to relate with the kids you intend to teach by teaching them with things they can readily relate to and understand.

How's my sis
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by SalomonKane: 7:45pm On Oct 10, 2016

How's my sis
She's cool like that.
Re: He Just Sued The School System. by cococandy(f): 2:51am On Oct 14, 2016

Yup, that's right. But you have to admit though, he is deep. Does the school system inspire or stifle creative thinking?

He's not the first to think that.
Reminds me of this song.

And I sort of agree.

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,1
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school,
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.

And the boys go into business
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.


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