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Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? - Religion - Nairaland

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Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Abdulgaffar22: 7:00am On Nov 08, 2016
Muslims believe in Jesus as a mighty prophet of God(Quran 19:30). Muslims believe in Jesus miraculous birth(Quran 21:91). Muslims believe in all the miracles performed by Jesus during his earthly ministry(Quran 5:110). Muslims believe in Jesus ascension to heaven(Quran 4:158). Muslims believe in Jesus' 2nd coming toward the end of the world(Quran 43:57-61). If you scrutinized the entire Bible , you will discover that most of the Christian doctrines rejected by the Muslims are also hostile to the Bible. For example:
1. Christians believe that Jesus is God in human form according to the
doctrine of holy Trinity: yet when Jesus was praying to the Father, he said
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and
Jesus Christ whom you have sent (John 17:3). Therefore, if the Father is the only true God according to Jesus Christ, then how could Jesus be God or part of Triune God? Similarly in John 20:17, Jesus was reported to have said “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to MY GOD and your God”. If Jesus is God according to the Christians, then can God have
another God? Also Luke 6:12 recorded that Jesus went out to the mountain
side to pray, and continued all night in PRAYER TO GOD. If Jesus is God, who was he praying to? Was he praying to himself or was God praying to God? Similarly, in John 14:28, Jesus said: “ My Father is GREATER THAN I”. If jesus is God, why is he having someone greater than him? Can anybody be greater than God? Again in Mark 10:18, Jesus said to one man who called him
good teacher as follows: “why do you call me good? NO ONE IS GOOD BUT ONE,
THAT IS GOD”. If Jesus is God, why did he reject and submit that all goodness belongs to God? Furthermore, in John 14:1, Jesus said “let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me”. See how Jesus clearly distinguished himself from God using the word "ALSO" Finally in Matthew 24:36, Jesus said; “But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but ONLY THE FATHER”. If Jesus is God, why did he confess his ignorance about the Day of Judgment and then submit that the knowledge of that day belongs only to God?Can God be ignorant of anything? What else do we want Jesus to say before we can believe that he is not God?
2.Christians believe that the official title for Jesus Christ is son of God:
yet the official title Jesus gave himself in many verses of the Bible is “SON OF MAN”. It was even more than SEVENTY times that Jesus called himself son
of Man in the four canonical gospel e.g. Mark 2:10, Matthew 8:20, 11:19
Luke 7:34,9:58 etc. But hardly do you see where Jesus directly and
personally called himself “son of God”.
Also in the Qur'an, Jesus is always address as son of Mary(e.g Qur'an 61:6, 4:171, 5:114 etc) which has the same connotation as son of Man that Jesus used for himself. This is reasonable as nobody can deny that Jesus is the son of Mary.
3. Christians believe that Jesus WILLINGLY laid down his life on the cross
for atonement sacrifice: yet Matthew 26:36-44 declare that Jesus prayed to
God and asked for the removal of "cup of death" in THREE consecutive times,
In fact the prayer was so serious to the extent that the sweat of Jesus was
like great drops of blood falling down to the ground(Luke 22:44).
According to Quran 4:157-158, God answered this prayer by making Jesus to escape the death on the cross in a miraculous way.
4.. Christians believe that Jesus was sent to the entire world: yet Jesus said " I was not sent except to the LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL(Matthew 15:24)
Even when Jesus was sending out his disciples for evangelical mission, he warned them to avoid preaching to the gentiles i:e the non-Israelites (Matthew 10:5-6). If this command of not preaching to the gentiles was later cancelled by Jesus before he ascended to heaven as proclaimed by the Christians, then why did peter tell the Cornelius and his households that it is still unlawful for the Jews to visit the gentiles (Acts 10:28), many years after Jesus departure? Was peter not aware of the cancellation? In fact, if it was already in the divine plan, that the command of not preaching to the gentiles would later be cancelled, then Jesus statement directed to that Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:24 should have been:" IT IS NOT YET TIME FOR THE GENTILES" or something similar in meaning rather than " I WAS NOT SENT EXCEPT TO THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL". Besides, the fact that Jesus later answered that Canaanite woman(Matthew 15:28) help us to know that there was no any strong reason preventing Jesus from attending to her in the first instance other than the fact that Jesus was only sent to the Israelites. All these facts are enough to prove that Jesus was truly sent ONLY to the Israelites as he rightly said.
5. Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins: yet Deuteronomy 24:16,
Ezekiel 18:20-22, Jeremiah 31:30,2nd Chronicles 25:4, 2nd Kings 14:6 and
Psalms 49:7 established that THE PERSON THAT COMMITS SIN IS THE ONE WHO WILL DIE. Is the idea that "an innocent person can be killed instead of those who are guilty"consistent with what the Bible teaches? After the sin of the Golden Calf, God expressed His intention to destroy the Jewish people. Moses intercedes, and offers to die in their place. In response, God says “Whoever has sinned against Me,him will I blot out of My book!” (Exodus 32:30-33) If Jesus was truly destined to die for the sins of all humanity, then God should have told Moses plainly that his offer of atonement was rejected because Jesus had taken upon himself this great task of atoning for the sins of all the generations and that if the followers of Moses desire forgiveness for their sins, they should believe in the future Crucifixion of Jesus. But nothing of such was recorded. On the contrary, the request made by Moses was rejected on the basis that WHOEVER HAS SINNED AGAINST GOD,him WILL GOD PUNISH, NOT THE INNOCENT. Even logically this Christian doctrine can not be true because if Jesus has already died for the sins of the Christians, then it seems to imply that they are now free to commit sins since the punishment and condemnation they would receive from committing such sins has already been taking care of by supposed Jesus punishment and death on the cross; otherwise the statement "Jesus died for our sins" would no longer have any logical meaning.
6. Christians believe that “the great light from heaven” that appeared to
Paul on the road to Damascus after Jesus has ascended to heaven (Acts
22:6-9 was true Jesus Christ :yet Jesus said “if anyone says here is
Christ or there, DO NOT BELIEVE IT (Matthew 24:23)”. Jesus also told the
original apostles; “I saw Satan falling like LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN(Luke10:18)”. If true Jesus Christ would later appear to Paul in form of “a great light falling from heaven”, he would have foretold this event to the original apostles before he ascended to heaven; instead of telling them not
to believe in any one that came in the name of Christ and also informing
them that he saw Satan falling from heaven in form of a great light.
Indeed, the fact that Paul contradict Jesus in many important issues is even enough to show that he did not meet the true Jesus Christ. For example Jesus said:
Do NOT THINK I CAME TO DESTROY THE LAW or the (way of the) PROPHETS. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the LAW till ALL IS FULFILLED-Matthew 5:17-18). Yet Paul declare as follows: But BEFORE faith came, we were KEPT UNDER GUARD BY THE LAW, kept for the faith which would after-ward be revealed. Therefore, THE LAW WAS OUR TUTOR to bring us to Christ,that we might be justified by faith. But AFTER faith has come, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A TUTOR(Galatians 3:23-25). Again Paul said; Having ABOLISHED in his flesh,the ENMITY, THAT IS, THE LAW OF COMMANDMENTS contained in the ordinances(Ephesians 2:15). See how Paul flatly opposed Jesus; Jesus said he came NOT TO DESTROY BUT TO FULFILL the law but Paul insist that Christians are no longer under the law because the law have been ABOLISHED in the flesh of crucified Jesus. However, the Christian Scholars try to resolve this obvious contradiction by saying that Jesus did not destroy but fulfilled the law by DYING ON THE CROSS: which implies that the law was NOT just ORDINARILY AND SIMPLY DESTROYED but it was ULTIMATELY ABOLISHED(i:e later destroyed)due to its FULFILMENT on the cross. In this way, they thought that there is no contradiction again between the word of Jesus and the word of Paul. But if this scholarly interpretation of fulfilling and abolishing the law on the cross is true, why did Jesus have to say again in the next verse(Matthew 5:19) as follows: WHOEVER THEREFORE BREAKS ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE COMMANDMENTS, AND TEACHES MEN SO, shall be called LEAST in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever DOES AND TEACHES THEM, he shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven." See how the phrase " WHOEVER THEREFORE" connect this verse to those before it; which implies that the law which Jesus was talking about in Matthew 5:17-18 is still binding on the Christians and never abolished on the cross. Further more, if this scholarly interpretation of fulfilling and abolishing the law on the cross is true, then Christians do not have to follow any law again (whether ceremonial or moral) since Jesus statement in Matthew 5:18 ends with" TILL ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED" . Are the Christians going to agree with this? This prove that contradiction between Paul and Jesus on the issue of keeping the law can never be resolved.
7. Christians believe that omnipotent God of love and mercy MUST CURSE (Galatians 3:13) and condemn His only beloved and innocent son on the cross of Calvary before they can secure eternal life: yet condemnation of righteous and innocent soul is strictly forbidden in the Bible (Matthew 12:7,Proverbs 17:15,Exodus 23:7, psalm 34:22). Besides, as God is naturally known to always TELL THE TRUTH and never to TELL LIE for any reason whatsoever, He is also naturally known to always BLESS the innocent and righteous soul and never to CURSE the same soul for any reason whatsoever
8. Christians believe in Trinity: yet Jesus said " hear o Israel, the Lord
our God is ONE (Mark12:29) .He did not say three in one or one in three. If God is triune in nature, Moses and all the prophets of God before Jesus
Christ would have made this known to the children of Israel.
9. Christians believe that God created All things through Jesus Christ(Hebrews 1:2,1st Corinthians 8:6 and Colossians 1:16, John 1:3,10): yet God Almighty declare that He created the Heavens and the Earth ALL
ALONE: This is what the LORD says, your Redeemer who formed you from the
womb; I am the LORD who has made everything, Who ALONE stretch out the
heavens, Who spread out the earth- who was with Me at that time?-( Isaiah
44:24 ISV).
10. Christians believe that it is only the sacrificial blood of Jesus that
can take away our sins i:e it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins(Hebrews 10:4): yet Leviticus 16:21-30 says " the GOAT will carry on itself all the sins of Israelites to a remote place and the man shall release the goat in the wilderness...... Then before the LORD,
you will be CLEAN FROM ALL YOUR SINS”. There is no any indication whatsoever in the verse quoted above that the sins of Israelites were only covered and not completely taken away.. To insist and proclaim that there is a difference between “take away of sins” written in Hebrews 10:4 and “clean from all sins” written in the verses cited above is only an attempt to resolve an obvious and irreconcilable contradiction between Hebrews 10:4 and Leviticus 16:21-30. The only way to resolve this contradiction is when the term “take away of sins” in Hebrews 10:4 implies
complete removal of humanity sinful nature; and NOT achieving divine
forgiveness for already committed sins. However, complete removal of humanity sinful nature by blood of Jesus is impossible as nobody can be
completely free from committing minor sins; “If we say that we have no sin,
we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ( 1 John 1: cool8
11. Christians believe that divine forgiveness and remission of sins can
ONLY be obtained by shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22): yet in 2nd Chronicles
7:14, God Almighty says “If My people, who are called by My name will HUMBLE themselves, and PRAY and seek My face, and TURN from their wicked
ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will FORGIVE THEIR SINS and will
heal their land.”.
Christians generally insist that the absolute need for a vicarious blood sacrifice is rooted in the Torah, and cite as proof Leviticus 17:11 which says: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul.” But does this verse clearly teach that blood is the ONLY means God has provided to make atonement? Certainly not! In the Torah, blood sacrifices were not the only path to atonement; there were other ways to achieve forgiveness. For example, INCENSE served to atone for the people in Numbers 16:46-47, and GIVING CHARITY is described in Exodus 30:15-16 and Numbers 31:50 as "MAKING ATONEMENT FOR YOUR SOUL"– the same expression used in Leviticus 17:11. Besides,examining the Christian interpretation of Leviticus 17:11 generates some serious problems. What happens if someone can’t afford to purchase an animal for his sin offering? Is it possible that God would institute a system of atonement that could only be used by the wealthy? The Torah took this into account and allowed the poor person to bring two turtle doves or two young pigeons if he couldn’t afford a lamb (Leviticus 5:7). However, what if someone was so destitute, that he couldn’t afford even these small birds? See the solution offered by the Torah: "But if his means are insufficient for two turtle doves or two young pigeons, then for his offering for that which he has sinned, he shall bring the tenth of an ephah of FINE FLOUR for a sin offering; he shall not put oil on it or place incense on it, for it is a sin offering.” (Leviticus 5:11). SINCE FLOUR COULD BE USED FOR A SIN OFFERING, it is clear that blood was not a prerequisite for atonement. In fact, King Solomon prophesied that the Jewish people would earn forgiveness for their sins in the land of their enemies by sincere repentance and prayer where they could not have access to blood atonement sacrifices; " If they RETURN TO YOU WITH ALL THEIR HEART AND WITH ALL THEIR SOUL in the land of their enemies who have taken them captive, and PRAY TO YOU TOWARD their LAND which You have given to their fathers, the CITY which You have chosen, and the HOUSE which I have built for Your name; then hear their prayer and their supplication in heaven Your dwelling place, and maintain their cause, and FORGIVE Your people who have sinned against You and ALL THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS which they have transgressed against You…” (I Kings 8:46-50). All these facts prove that Hebrew 9:22 is WRONG by asserting that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.
Again,when Daniel advice the King Nebuchadnezzar on how he would atone for his sins and his iniquities, he did not ask the King to shed any blood. Read what he asked the King to do:"Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable unto you, and break off your sins by PRACTICING RIGHTEOUSNESS, and your iniquities by SHOWING MERCY TO THE POOR(Daniel 4:27)".
12. Christians believe that EVERY WORD of the Bible is divine word of God:
yet Paul wrote extensively and gave judgments on the issue of marriage and
divorce without being inspired by God- " But to the rest, I PAUL, NOT THE
LORD, say :If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is
willing to live with him, let him not divorce her...... Now concerning virgins, I HAVE NO COMMANDMENT FROM THE LORD, yet I give judgment as one whom the Lord in His mercy has made trustworthy.(1st Corinthians 7:12-25) You see here how Paul is saying that he is using his best personal
judgement,and that what is saying is not directly from God. Why would God
“inspire” Paul to say that his words were NOT from Him? Have you now seen
that Bible is a mixture of word of God and word of men? It is not stated in any verse that EVERY WORD of the Bible is word of God. In fact, the author of the book of Luke wrote as follows : “IT SEEMED GOOD TO ME also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the beginning, to write to you an orderly account, most excellent Theophilus (Luke 1:3)”. We can see again
that Luke wrote his Gospel not to the general humanity but to one specific
influential person he addressed as "most excellent Theophilus" and also not
because he was inspired by God but because it seemed good to him to write
such an account due to his thought of having a sound knowledge on the
13.Christians believe that after the disobedience and fall of the first
Adam, the ONLY WAY ordained by God to gain salvation, righteousness and
reconciliation back to God is by exercising faith in the death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-19): Yet the old testament saints
like Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Moses etc and their sincere followers (who lived and died before Jesus arrival) were able to gain salvation, righteousness and reconciliation back to God without having the opportunity to exercise faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
14.Christians believe that performing miracles and wonders in Jesus name is
an evidence for divine origin of Christianity: yet Jesus said : Many will
say to me in that day ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, and
cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name? And then
I will declare to them; I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice
lawlessness (Matthew 7:22-23). See how the Christians will be disowned and
rejected by Jesus on the Day of Judgment!
15. Christians believe that God should only be worshipped internally with
spirit and heart; In other word, there is no need for any ceremonial act of worship like standing, bowing and prostration as observed in Muslim act of prayer: Yet the divine mode of worship that God has chosen for the Israelites during and after the time of Moses is as follows: And Ezra
opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above
all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up. And Ezrra blessed the LORD, the GREAT GOD- which means Allahu-Akhbar. Then all the people answer Amen, Amen! while lifting up their hands. And they BOWED THEIR HEADS (Rukuh) and worshipped the LORD with their FACES TO THE GROUND (Sujud)(Nehemiah 8:4-6). If God should only be worship in spirit with our heart and not with body and mind as believed by the Christians, then why did God establish such a ceremonial
and physical act of worship for the Israelites as shown above?

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Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by jonbellion(m): 7:05am On Nov 08, 2016
Do you know what you guys are just doing
"pot calling kettle black"
I'm just looking like


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Ramon92: 7:10am On Nov 08, 2016
Neither of ya.. Y'all the same..
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by fuckerholic(m): 7:16am On Nov 08, 2016
The question I used to ask is "why do moslems dedicate so much time in studying the bible instead of their own koran ?" If a christian buys the koran now and be reading it they moslems will say its haram and threaten to kill the person.why are they so vain in thinking.they open a thread for moslems and restrict other non moslems from participating in it unless you click one nonsense affirming your belief in islam before you can access the thread.isn't that nonsensical.islam is my very last option among all the religions of the world. 70 percent of them are just rascals.christians pls boycot or derail this thread for this guy


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by thorpido(m): 7:27am On Nov 08, 2016
The question I used to ask is "why do moslems dedicate so much time in studying the bible instead of their own koran ?" If a christian buys the koran now and be reading it they moslems will say its haram and threaten to kill the person.why are they so vain in thinking.they open a thread for moslems and restrict other non moslems from participating in it unless you click one nonsense affirming your belief in islam before you can access the thread.isn't that nonsensical.islam is my very last option among all the religions of the world. 70 percent of them are just rascals.christians pls boycot or derail this thread for this guy
It's because of their insecurities.


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by thorpido(m): 7:33am On Nov 08, 2016
Op,you have quoted many scriptures from the bible.I have a popular one you did not quote so I'll like you to see it here and explain it.
John 3:16,'For God so loved the world,that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him(Jesus-and follows him)should not perish but have evalasting life'.

Please tell me what the scripture above is about.
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by shadeyinka(m): 7:49am On Nov 08, 2016
Even though the OP doesn't merit a reply. This is actually the second time or more you are pasting this nonsense on NL.

The Enlightened Muslim!

When did Muslims start Believing in Jesus?

The concept of Believe is a peddled lie.

Of you say Muslims know some things about Jesus (pbuh), I agree:
You do not believe in Jesus!

Do I know things about Obama?
Do I believe in Obama?

If you believe in Jesus, you will follow Him!
If you believe in Jesus, you will be His Disciple!

You do not believe in Jesus!


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Nobody: 8:05am On Nov 08, 2016

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Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Pastafarian: 8:16am On Nov 08, 2016
whoever believes the one true God (FSM) exists is on the safer side

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Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by bennyann: 8:37am On Nov 08, 2016
The Muslim Jesus is different from the Christian Jesus.

If the mission of the Muslim Jesus coming back again is to wage war against Christians, then surely one of the Jesus is an antichrist.

In other words, Islam is different from Christianity and the Jesus' aren't the same because they have different missions.

Two of them can't be right. Surely, only one way is the right way. We'll find out when our physical eyes are closed forever or when one of the Jesus' comes.

So Till then, case closed.

Case la ferme.

1 Like

Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Wilgrea7(m): 8:39am On Nov 08, 2016
Christians will go to heaven.... muslims will burn....
convert to Christianity or burn forever
bwehehehehahahahahohohoho (evil laugh).
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by Wilgrea7(m): 8:43am On Nov 08, 2016
The Muslim Jesus is different from the Christian Jesus.

If the mission of the Muslim Jesus coming back again is to wage war against Christians, then surely one of the Jesus is an antichrist.

In other words, Islam is different from Christianity and the Jesus' aren't the same because they have different missions.

Two of them can't be right. Surely, only one way is the right way. We'll find out when our physical eyes are closed forever or when one of the Jesus' comes.

So Till then, case closed.

Case la ferme.

Really?? .. so they believe Jesus is coming back to kill us all?? mehn... i better convert to Islam
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by NPComplete: 9:11am On Nov 08, 2016
Christianity vs Islam thread. I always love reading threads like this. The mad rush to prove whose delusions makes more sense is mildly entertaining
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by fuckerholic(m): 9:20am On Nov 08, 2016
It's because of their insecurities.
Comfirmed..thank you sir
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by hopefulLandlord: 9:33am On Nov 08, 2016
[size=15pt]If one asks followers of one particular god why they do not believe in a different one, you will usually find that they argue much like atheists, citing the lack of evidence or reasons for belief. The difference is that they apply the rule only selectively, to rule out all other gods, except their own preferred one, although there is no empirical difference between them.

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by bennyann: 9:58am On Nov 08, 2016

Really?? .. so they believe Jesus is coming back to kill us all?? mehn... i better convert to Islam

Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall.....

It's better to find out which of the Jesus' is coming back first before the antichrist.

That's wiser in a logical way I believe.
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by thorpido(m): 11:04am On Nov 08, 2016
The Muslim Jesus is different from the Christian Jesus.

If the mission of the Muslim Jesus coming back again is to wage war against Christians, then surely one of the Jesus is an antichrist.

In other words, Islam is different from Christianity and the Jesus' aren't the same because they have different missions.

Two of them can't be right. Surely, only one way is the right way. We'll find out when our physical eyes are closed forever or when one of the Jesus' comes.

So Till then, case closed.

Case la ferme.
Very true.
I once heard from a clown that this islamic jesus will come back,wage a war against unbelievers,die and be buried beside Muhammed.Very hilarious.


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by LiberaDeus: 11:16am On Nov 08, 2016
Okay pigs come and roll in the mud and fight over whose delusions are more real.

The Muslims believe Muhammad rode to heaven in a flying horse while Christians believe in ascension into heaven.

In reality the Op is right about the contradiction of trinity in the bible. How can Jesus cry to his father during cricifixion and also talk about his father being greater than him and also be one with the father. The contradiction is just so much.

The funny thing about Christianity is that you dont even have to use science to debunk it. It will eventually debunk itself just like a cancerous cell that fights the body.

I don't even have to get to Genesis 3 to see the contradiction of 2 creation stories. The first story involves man being created on the sixth day after the animals while the 2nd one involves man being created before the animals and animals being created for companionship but in the end woman is created to fulfil that role. And this is just the first 3 chapters.
All the messianic prophecies are either vague or the ones that are clear are still not fulfilled by Jesus.
That's why blind faith is important in christianity. They need blind faith not just to ignore sound scientific principles but also to ignore their contradictions in their holy book. So its more like they use faith to protect themselves from themselves.

As for the Muslims. They studied the dominant religion of the time and didn't change much but just added an update to it. It's still built on faulty foundations
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by bennyann: 11:28am On Nov 08, 2016

The funny thing about Christianity is that you dont even have to use science to debunk it.

Very true. Between the two it's Christianity that doesn't make sense to the human mind at all. Is that why it's so unique? angry
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by LiberaDeus: 11:43am On Nov 08, 2016

Very true. Between the two it's Christianity that doesn't make sense to the human mind at all. Is that why it's so unique? angry

Unique? I doubt it.
That's like me saying that because I have a cgpa below 1.0 I am unique. Well I guess I should be unique in that regard , unique in failure.

But coming to Christianity, having cinteadictory, senseless stories in its holy book makes it uniquely stupid. But come to think of it , Christianity isn't unique.
Lets think of the aspects of it

1. A belief in a son of god born of a virgin. We have that in mithraism, Greek mythology like Dionysus . We also have that in Egyptian religion - Osiris. In short most ancient emperors claimed divinity and immaculate conception.

2. A belief in afterlife. A place of glory and torment. Most religions have that, Islam has it, mithraism has it, Judaism has it. So nothing unique there.

3. A belief in one god and creator of the universe. Islam has it, Judaism started it, Zoroastrianism has it. So nothing unique there.

4. A belief in right and wrong and basic morality. All religions including Ifa have a moral code. So nothing unique there

5. The existence of prophets and prophecies. All religions have prophets, diviners. Nothing unique there

6. A belief in miracles of their chosen one. Muhammad performed miracles according to Muslims, Buddha performed miracles, mithra, osiris and even O.O obu claims to have performed miracles. Nothing special there.

7. Or is it resurrection. Mithra resurrected, Muhammad didn't even die, osiris resurrected etc. Nothing unique there.

8. Or maybe its having a holy book. Hmmm lets see, the oldest holy book in the world ain't the bible but the bhagavad gita of the Hindus. And at least 10 religions have holy books.

From everything I have posted its clear that xtianity ain't the unique student in class cause like all other religions it possesses the major qualities of religions. The only unique thing about Christianity is that its the most syncretic and confused religion. Adopting aspects of every thing it lays its hands on and contradicting itself with numerous baseless theologies.
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by jonbellion(m): 12:01pm On Nov 08, 2016
Lol jesus had two dads
Mohammed married a nine year old
Abrahamic religions and confusion


Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by bennyann: 12:31pm On Nov 08, 2016

Unique? I doubt it.
That's like me saying that because I have a cgpa below 1.0 I am unique. Well I guess I should be unique in that regard , unique in failure.

But coming to Christianity, having cinteadictory, senseless stories in its holy book makes it uniquely stupid. But come to think of it , Christianity isn't unique.
Lets think of the aspects of it

1. A belief in a son of god born of a virgin. We have that in mithraism, Greek mythology like Dionysus . We also have that in Egyptian religion - Osiris. In short most ancient emperors claimed divinity and immaculate conception.

2. A belief in afterlife. A place of glory and torment. Most religions have that, Islam has it, mithraism has it, Judaism has it. So nothing unique there.

3. A belief in one god and creator of the universe. Islam has it, Judaism started it, Zoroastrianism has it. So nothing unique there.

4. A belief in right and wrong and basic morality. All religions including Ifa have a moral code. So nothing unique there

5. The existence of prophets and prophecies. All religions have prophets, diviners. Nothing unique there

6. A belief in miracles of their chosen one. Muhammad performed miracles according to Muslims, Buddha performed miracles, mithra, osiris and even O.O obu claims to have performed miracles. Nothing special there.

7. Or is it resurrection. Mithra resurrected, Muhammad didn't even die, osiris resurrected etc. Nothing unique there.

8. Or maybe its having a holy book. Hmmm lets see, the oldest holy book in the world ain't the bible but the bhagavad gita of the Hindus. And at least 10 religions have holy books.

From everything I have posted its clear that xtianity ain't the unique student in class cause like all other religions it possesses the major qualities of religions. The only unique thing about Christianity is that its the most syncretic and confused religion. Adopting aspects of every thing it lays its hands on and contradicting itself with numerous baseless theologies.

Good to know. Thanks.

But since Christianity is the most foolish and confusing of them all, then don't you think it would be kind of difficult to choose from the rest since they're mostly okay in someway to us?
Re: Who Are On The Safer Side: Christians Or Muslims? by LiberaDeus: 1:18pm On Nov 08, 2016

Good to know. Thanks.

But since Christianity is the most foolish and confusing of them all, then don't you think it would be kind of difficult to choose from the rest since they're mostly okay in someway to us?

Must man try to have a belief system in the afterlife.

If two of us are locked in a room with a secret vault, but we don't have the key to that vault, will it make sense for us to develop belief systems concerning the content of the vault?

Lets imagine, I develop a belief system about a dragons egg in the vault while you claim the vault contains a worm hole to another galaxy. The fact is we can create 100s of theories about the vault but in reality we can't verify them till its open and when our theories are based on just our mental creativity then no theory is more correct than the other one.

Now lets come to the real world. Since man could talk and contemplate his environment, man has always sought to answer the question of why he is here and who dropped him here. The desire to answer this question is what has created religions and belief systems. But like my vault analogy, if the religions are based on mythology, creativity, and even deception then such religious beliefs are baseless.
Unfortunately all religions depend on the things I mentioned above that's why they are horrible tools to acquire truth.

Think about the scientific advancement of the past 300 years, the moment the world and Europe put the scientific method ahead of religious dogma, humanity achieved insane things like inventing aeroplanes, electricity, phones , modern vaccines, ships etc.

Looking at reality, it is easier, faster and more efficient to get to the truth using critical thinking, reason, rationality and evidences. The down side to this is that on most occasions you might not find the truth you want and you might not even get the truth in your lifetime but you will lay an easier foundation for those after you. People like Newton, Faraday, Einstein and co laid foundations for future scientists.

The religious way seems to be the easy way out. You can figure out the beginning, end and even the purpose of the universe without lifting a finger you just need your faith. Its easier to start religions but they usually lead people astray for a very long while.

My suggestion is this, why must we believe in something we can't prove. What's wrong in admitting to be ignorant of the universe and living life as it comes. Even the most advanced scientists don't know up to 1% of the existent knowledge in the universe. Scientists are humble enough to admit that and there is no shame there.

The only reason why one should pick a religion is when the supreme creator makes himself available for all to see without arguments and doubts. No one ever argues about the suns existence, it's clear for all to see. So for the religious, if your gods are so powerful then they can make everyone know without a shadow of doubt.
Till then all I can say is that I don't know fully about our origins and destination and I must not pick a belief system just to quench my uncertainty. That would be feeble minded and weak.

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