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Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official - Phones - Nairaland

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Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by PMBNG(m): 5:22am On Nov 30, 2016
AN Official of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has given reason behind the directive to the five big telecoms operators in the country to increase their data tariffs from Thursday, December 1.

The reason is reportedly in order to allow small operators and new entrants to acquire market share and operate profitably.

The NCC official who spoke on condition of anonymity on Monday said the regulator came up with the new data regime after some new entrants into the market complained that there was no way they could break even if they operated on same data regime with the likes of MTN, Glo, Etisalat and Airtel, Daily Trust reports.

He said NCC yielded to their pressure when last month it notified the operators of the new rate.

Meanwhile, the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, TUC, on Tuesday urged the Federal Government not to increase the cost of data to avoid further pressure on mobile telephone users.


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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by agwom(m): 5:30am On Nov 30, 2016
wicked govt...

112 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Presh900(m): 5:38am On Nov 30, 2016
Useless People..... Now i won't stream Porn again ahbi

128 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Otono123(m): 5:40am On Nov 30, 2016
It shall never be well with who ever that is involved in this wicked act to punish us. useless govt

129 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by kestolove95(m): 5:50am On Nov 30, 2016
But wait, why is 2019 slow na, cum shap shap abg, boori cows needs him

76 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by PMBNG(m): 6:13am On Nov 30, 2016
‎These guys want to silence social media, they want subscribers to stop coming online to air out their views about this clueless govt., for me they should increase it to 10k per mb I will still be here to tell them the bitter truth.

You urged us to vote out a clueless govt while your own govt is worst than cluelessness!!!‎

129 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by boman2014: 6:15am On Nov 30, 2016
ncc are so foooooooolish. Why not let them to do the competition with the old networks? Do they know how long they have come? That time when we bought sim cards for N20 000 so the foooolish ncc want us to start from genesis?

53 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by samtee37(m): 6:19am On Nov 30, 2016
They actually want to reduce the number of people that ply online this days....

They r just confuse like this cow..

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by lomprico(m): 6:20am On Nov 30, 2016
Who are the new entrants?? Who (which politicians) own them?

Why is this government so evil?

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by mamaafrik(m): 6:23am On Nov 30, 2016
May God increase the cost of the data u'll use to assess him all,if they cant break even dey suld break away.

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by somadinho10: 6:25am On Nov 30, 2016
You may think I'm lieing but................I prefer abacha to buhari angry

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by seunlayi(m): 6:32am On Nov 30, 2016
You may think I'm lieing but................I prefer abacha to buhari angry

We all knew that Abacha was far better

76 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by dingbang(m): 6:35am On Nov 30, 2016
Shii is real grin

If this kyn tin fit happen during Buhari regime, how much more, if Atiku was elected president


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by teemy(m): 6:44am On Nov 30, 2016
the step itself is a backwards movement from progress. any telcoms isp coming newly into the country that cannot provide cheaper and better internet services should not even be allowed in the country. competition for market share is ideal.

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by CosmicJames(m): 6:56am On Nov 30, 2016
What kind of big lie is this? Is lie mahammed now the head of NCC? I can't believe they are saying this. When did NCC become a mediator for startups in this country? They should tell us the truth; the truth that Buhari directed them to order the telcos to increase data cost so that he (buhari) can do all kinds of evil without being seriously bashed online.


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Khd95(m): 7:04am On Nov 30, 2016
I cant even believe i am goin to resign frm Active NCA,because i will ve to economize my data?sad

buhari why


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Nobody: 7:22am On Nov 30, 2016
Hmmm. Sai ahankali.

Our case and NCC is like that of Castro and the CIA.

NCC, una no go see us kill. Shegu kawai

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by ADAMUdaCOWBOY: 7:27am On Nov 30, 2016
Who are the stup!d new entrants? If you can't stand the competition then bloody leave!


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by yetunsbay(m): 7:39am On Nov 30, 2016
I hv a belief.......Yh I ve a belief........In fact hv got d belief ......that one day....d moments of CHEATZ will resurrect.

Welcome to d New world


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by dustmalik(m): 7:45am On Nov 30, 2016
Very useless government, making useless decisions everyday.
Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Defaramade(m): 7:51am On Nov 30, 2016
Very flimsy and lame excuse.


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by johnsonjosbles(m): 8:16am On Nov 30, 2016
It shall never be well with who ever that is involved in this wicked act to punish us. useless govt
but why is dat spoke person 4NCC speaking on anonymity? so we wil know who we wil rain course on top, better stil,mr spoke person! e no go better 4u & ncc group


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Realist2: 8:18am On Nov 30, 2016
Buhari has nothing good to offer to this country. He is indirectly relegating the FI bill while using this lame excuse and coweding ncc to obey the directives.
The more buhari stays in office, the more our woos is compounded.
Why increasing taxes in this hyper inflationary economy when you are yet to increase minimum wages and no cautioning effect in place,it sheer wickedness.
Even author pilot is better than buhari who don't know what he is doing.

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Nbote(m): 8:31am On Nov 30, 2016
So it is d govt dat'll make d so-called new entrants competitive by coming up with hopeless policies dat is detrimental to both the market and d economy at large. Sometimes some of d excuses d govt coms up with most times makes one really pity these zombies. Imagine a market bending to "new entrants". If dey can't compete with existing prices what d hell are dey doing in d market? Abi is dis still d monopoly era when d govt can fix and adjust prices as it pleases?


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by freezyprinzy(m): 8:32am On Nov 30, 2016

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Nobody: 8:38am On Nov 30, 2016
There needs to be a regulation to what telcos charge for data, I get where NCC are coming from, they claim they want to give small and new companies a chance to operate and still make profit.

So let's say they put the standard at N1,500 for 1gb. It would create a healthy competition, but then what stops MTN and other big companies from giving out bonus? They are capable of doing that and still make profit. So let's say NCC put N1,500 for 1gb, MTN can decide to give double bonus so at the end N1,500 still gives 2gb.. so how are the small companies NCC claim they are trying to encourage survive? NCC need to have a rentink

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Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by wristbangle: 8:39am On Nov 30, 2016
It shall never be well with who ever that is involved in this wicked act to punish us. useless govt

Amen sad


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by colossus91(m): 8:41am On Nov 30, 2016
they should just introduce nairaland and WhatsApp bundle merged and am good to go,very backward and wicked minded people,but still data will be given free to them abi let them continue!!


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by Vic99(m): 8:43am On Nov 30, 2016
could this be aimed at silencing the people?
Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by wristbangle: 8:50am On Nov 30, 2016
The reason is pathetic. The CDMA knows it's a competitive market and they suppose to hype their game. Meanwhile NCC is just using this avenue to siphon the poor masses. Useless and wicked people


Re: Why NCC Directed Big Telcos To Increase Data Tariffs – official by angeltolly(f): 9:00am On Nov 30, 2016
Where is NCC's loyalty tho? Who are they to protect?

The millions of subscribers or Telcos?

This madness sef

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