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Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Nobody: 9:46pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
This is an article by the late Duane Tolbert Gish, Ph.D Biochemistry. Let me first begin this by providing the credentials of the writer of this article as proof of his scientific prowess, respect and acceptance in the field of science. Duane Tolbert Gish, a twin, was born in White City, Kansas, the youngest of nine children. He served in World War II, attaining the rank of captain, and was awarded the Bronze Star. 1) He earned a B.S. degree from UCLA in 1949 2) Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1953. 3) He worked as an assistant research associate at Berkeley 4) Worked as an assistant professor at Cornell University Medical College performing biomedical and biochemical research for eighteen years 5) Joined the Upjohn Company as a research associate in 1960 6) Member American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) 7) Gish held the position of Senior Vice-President Emeritus at the ICR Now to the main article: We are all aware of the ideas, opinions, and theories of some scientists which contradict portions of Scripture, but if we are careful to separate that which is established fact from that which is merely theory, we find that there are no contradictions between the facts of science and the Bible. We must be careful, of course, that our interpretation both of the Scriptures and of nature is correct. The Second Law of Thermodynamics Confirms Psalm 102:26 First, let us consider the science of thermodynamics: In Psalm 102:25,26, we read, "Of old hast Thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of Thy hands. They shall perish, but Thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt Thou change them, and they shall be changed." In verse 25, we find, restated, the fact that God is the Creator of all that exists. Verse 26 then tells us something highly significant, not about the initial, created state of the universe, but about the present state of the universe. According to this Scripture, written three thousand years before the dawn of modern science, we learn that the universe is like a suit of clothes that is wearing out. In other words, the universe is running down, deteriorating, constantly becoming less and less orderly. That is not what most people believed when this Scripture was recorded. According to human observations, the universe was unchangeable. The statement that the universe is constantly becoming more random, less orderly, is a scientifically testable statement. The fact that the universe, in its present state is deteriorating, has been fully verified by modern science. Everywhere we look, from the scale of the galaxies down to the scale of the atom, we find a universal, natural tendency of all systems to go from order to disorder; from complexity to simplicity. Thus, clusters of galaxies are dispersing as the galaxies move away from one another. The rotation of the earth is slowing; the magnetic field of the earth is decaying. Erosion constantly wears down the features of the earth. Our bodies wear out; we die and decay to a pile of dust. Our houses, our machines wear out and are finally abandoned and replaced. Many atoms decay to simpler products, and it is even being postulated that sub-atomic particles, such as the proton, decay, though ever so slowly, into energy. Each star, including our own sun, is constantly burning up billions of tons of fuel every second. Eventually, every star in the universe, unless God intervenes (which we are certain He will), will exhaust its fuel and become dark and cold. The universe would then be cold and dead, and, of course, all life would have ceased long before the last death throes of the universe. Even now, every so often a nova or supernova occurs, and a star very rapidly becomes less orderly, in a gigantic explosion. This natural tendency towards disorder is so all-pervasive and unfailing that it has been formalized as a natural law - the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Isaac Asimov has stated it this way : "Another way of stating the second law then is: 'The universe is constantly getting more disorderly!' Viewed that way, we can see the Second Law all about us. We have to work hard to straighten a room, but left to itself, it becomes a mess again very quickly and very easily. Even if we never enter it, it becomes dusty and musty. How difficult to maintain houses, and machinery, and our own bodies in perfect working order; how easy to let them deteriorate. In fact, all we have to do is nothing, and everything deteriorates, collapses, breaks down, wears out - all by itself - and that is what the Second Law is all about." There is certainly no doubt, then, that modern scientific research has verified the truths expressed in Psalm 102:26. Many years of careful measurements by scientists, repeated many thousands of times, established beyond doubt the scientific truths expressed in that verse of Scripture. The Universe Must Have Had a Beginning Furthermore, the fact that the universe is deteriorating establishes beyond doubt that it hasn't been here forever, because if it had, it would have run down a long time ago! This confirms another scientifically testable statement found in the very first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning God created...." This verse of Scripture states that the universe has not been here forever; that it had a beginning sometime in the past. Again, let us remember that this is not what most people believed when the Bible was written. They believed that the universe had been here forever, and would continue to be here forever. The Bible says, not so! The universe had a beginning - when God created it - and it is now running down. Thus, modern science has established the fact that what most people believed about the universe being eternal was wrong, and that the Biblical statements on the subject were precisely correct. The Finished Creation Confirmed by the First Law of Thermodynamics If there is a second law of thermodynamics, there must be a first law, of course. Indeed there is, and this natural law confirms another scientifically testable statement found in the Bible. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the total quantity of energy and matter in the universe is a constant. One form of energy may be converted into another, energy may be converted into matter, and matter may be converted into energy, but the total quantity always remains the same. You can't get something from nothing, and you can't take something and make nothing out of it. The First Law of Thermodynamics, the most firmly established natural law in science, confirms the Biblical statement concerning a finished creation, as found in Genesis 2:1,2: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made." If it could be shown that somewhere in this universe matter or energy was coming into being from nothing, then this Biblical statement of a finished creation would be falsified. The opposite is true. It has been precisely verified. Once again, a Biblical statement has withstood scientific test. Psalm 8 Inspires a Scientific Research Project Matthew Maury undertook a research project based on Scripture, and once again confirmed the scientific accuracy of the Bible. Maury was in charge of the Depot of Charts and Instruments in the Hydrographic Office of the United States Navy from 1841-1861. He was a Christian who loved and respected the Word of God. One day in the 8th Psalm, he read the following words in verse 3-8: " When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; what is man, that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man, that Thou visitest him? For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands: Thou hast put all things under his feet: all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas." You and I probably could read that many times, and although we would understand much about the great truths expressed in this psalm, we might miss something highly significant, but which did not escape Maury's attention. Being one who was familiar with some of the problems that beset the sailing industry of that day, Maury immediately recognized the significance of verse 8. That verse tells us that, among other things, God has given man dominion over the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passes through the paths of the sea. "The Bible says there are paths in the sea," Maury thought, "and if the Bible says it, I believe it." He was also aware of Ecclesiastes 1:6, which states: "The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits." Maury, on the basis of the Bible, concluded that there are well-established wind circuits, and that there are literally "paths in the sea" - that is, definite currents in the ocean. He reasoned that if these wind currents and ocean currents could be located and plotted, this information would be of great value to marine navigators. Utilizing this information, the sailing vessels could be directed along routes that would take advantage of these sea and air currents, reducing by many days the time required to traverse the seas. Many of Maury's contemporaries, of course, would have scoffed at Maury. They would have said, "Maury, do you really mean that you are going to spend hour after hour on some wild goose chase searching through those dusty old logs and charts you have in your office just because the Bible says there are paths in the sea?" That is precisely what Maury did, however, and the Biblical statements were precisely verified. Maury found and plotted the wind circuits and the ocean currents. The ocean currents include, for example, the great Gulf Current - a "path in the sea" forty miles wide and 2000 feet deep flowing from the Gulf of Mexico up through the Atlantic. This current has a tremendous influence on the climate of England, Ireland, Europe, and the Scandinavian countries. The average winter temperature on the west coast of Norway, for example, is about two degrees centigrade, or two degrees above freezing. Ordinarily, of course, we would expect far lower temperatures for a country that far north. Other paths of the seas that come to mind are the California and the Japanese currents. The California current brings cold water from Alaska down along the California coast. As a result, even those of us living in the San Diego area do not have warm ocean water to swim in as they do, for example, in the Hawaiian Islands. This cool water, furthermore, dissipates tropical storms that would otherwise push their way out of the south Pacific into the southern California area. As a result, California rarely receives rain in the summer months. Maury's native state, the State of Virginia, has acknowledged the great debt navigation owes him, having erected monuments to his memory. On these monuments may be found a plaque that reads as follows: "Matthew Fontaine Maury, Pathfinder of the Seas, the Genius Who First Snatched from the Ocean and Atmosphere the Secret of Their Laws. His Inspiration, Holy Writ, Psalm 8:8, Psalm 107:23,24, and Ecclesiastes 1:6." Was Matthew Maury really a genius, or was he simply one who trusted the Bible as the inerrant Word of God? Whether he was a genius or not, it was not his genius, but his faith in the Bible that directed his efforts into a scientific research project, the results of which fully vindicated that faith. There are numerous other instances in which scientific discoveries have been foreshadowed by Biblical statements. The few cited do, however, reflect the fact that although the Bible may not be a book of science, in all instances where scientifically testable statements are found in the Bible, they have proven to be scientifically accurate. God bless the reader! 9 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Neozy(m): 10:07pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
Jesus Is Lord |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Blitzerz: 10:13pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
Awesome GOD! |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by An2elect2(f): 10:17pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
The Holyspirit does verify it perfectly and steadfastly in us 5 Likes |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by DoctorAlien(m): 10:49pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
Powerful article bro. GOD bless you Indeed: "...The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge." Psa. 19:1-2 "But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee: Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?" Job 12:7-9 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Nobody: 10:58pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
DoctorAlien: God bless you too co-laborer! |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:02pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
God is indeed great 3 Likes |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by foladara777(m): 11:26pm On Dec 07, 2016 |
OK... Not really into science that much, it's all seems like Greek to me, so I will stick to what I know I.e the bible... Which BTW, contradicts itself here Psalm 78: 69 69And He built His sanctuary [exalted] like the heights [of the heavens] and like the earth which He established forever. Ecclesiastes 1:4 4One generation goes and another generation comes, but the earth remains forever. Op, plss help me reconcile these contradictory verses 3 Likes |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Franky826: 12:12am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Do we really need science when we have a faithful witness, the holyspirit and a more sure word of prophecy. Unbelievers do yourselves a favour and study the bible will you 3 Likes 1 Share
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by DoctorAlien(m): 12:25am On Dec 08, 2016 |
foladara777: There will always be the earth, for it is clear in Isa. 65:17; 66:22; and Rev. 21:1 that GOD will create a new heaven and a new earth. Moreover, the meek will inherit the new earth untainted by sin and sinners.(Matt. 5:5; Rev. 21:27). Everything will be brand new once again from the Hand of the Creator, Yahweh! So, the earth remains forever. |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by foladara777(m): 12:29am On Dec 08, 2016 |
DoctorAlien:If God will CREATE a NEW earth, then that means that the present earth will not last forever now... But the psalms quoted says the earth IS established forever not will be established forever |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by DoctorAlien(m): 12:41am On Dec 08, 2016 |
foladara777: Bro, don't twist the Bible in a bid to appear credible. "And He built his sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which he hath established for ever." Psa. 78:69 Possible interpretations: 1. He built His sanctuary like the(definite article) earth which he hath established forever. If I say, "the man" or "the chair", it means I'm talking about a particular man or chair out of many. So, this can be understood as GOD talking about the(new) earth which He has ordained to be forever. 2. GOD can decide to simply scatter, destroy/denature and then remake/remould this present earth, just like a potter can do with clay. That makes Psa. 78:69 still stand valid. 3. Your own interpretation. Bro, you're not gonna win in this game of semantics. 1 Like |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Onechancearmy(m): 6:08am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Seems plausible. |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by foladara777(m): 7:03am On Dec 08, 2016 |
DoctorAlien:Oh, really... So when the bible says new earth, it was talking about physical structures?? I thought u Christians say that the newness will be in government, peace, love and all that. So, it's now physical structure U guys just choose which interpretations suit you per time. There's no consistency to your claims 1 Like |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by reallest(f): 7:24am On Dec 08, 2016 |
foladara777:Do u except dem not to do dat? Dats what religion folks good at doing |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by jonbellion(m): 7:33am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Franky826:what the.........
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Elthugnificent(m): 7:37am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Why would the bible need science in other to have any relevance? |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Nobody: 7:39am On Dec 08, 2016 |
1 Like
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by bennyann: 8:11am On Dec 08, 2016 |
God bless you 4everGod. Christians whose faith shake so easily should be challenged by the OP. Especially those who still believe the write ups in the Bible aren't inspired of God. The Bible came to being, came alive before science. 1 Like |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Tallesty1(m): 8:19am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Religion and science are not at odds. Science is simply too young to understand - Dan Brown. 1 Like |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by bennyann: 8:21am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Elthugnificent: Dear, that's just like asking Why do the atheists need religion in order to have any relevance? Besides the OP just pointed out science is dependent on the Bible and not the other way round. The Bible is older even in maturity than science. The Bible has all the knowledge. That's the summary 2 Likes |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by bennyann: 8:25am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Tallesty1: You got the revelation. 1 Like |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Ranchhoddas: 8:32am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Tallesty1:I strongly doubt that Dan Brown said this. |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Tallesty1(m): 8:45am On Dec 08, 2016 |
Ranchhoddas:I saw it in one of his books. Have you read Angels and Demons? |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by foladara777(m): 8:46am On Dec 08, 2016 |
bennyann:Bible is inspired by God.. So why are there so many contradictions in it |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by bennyann: 8:48am On Dec 08, 2016 |
foladara777: Are you suggesting the love, peace and all the other great fruits of the Spirit should be 100% in this particular earth? An earth where people don't believe in the God who would provide the new earth for His own children? Come on! You're talking about love and peace in their complete glory. This earth is too degraded for that. 2 Likes |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by foladara777(m): 9:03am On Dec 08, 2016 |
bennyann:Calm down... U are saying the physical structure of this earth is not good enough for the fruits of the spirit?? Biblical reference plss |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by bennyann: 12:14pm On Dec 08, 2016 |
foladara777: What I'm trying to say is the love, peace, joy, happiness and the likes should be felt all over the earth, by everyone and every living things. Wild beast and domestic animals will feed together - all these is impossible in this earth. This particular earth is too desecrated to accommodate such amount of love, peace and joy in their full glory. It's too impure for God to come dwell with His children in it. The impurities are just too much. Too much sin. That's my own explanation and understanding. For biblical verses you can go through Revelations 21:1-5, 22-27 and Isaiah 65:17-25. |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Demmzy15(m): 1:02pm On Dec 08, 2016 |
Franky826:Can you give us your perspective of when the bible says the earth is "circle" |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by KingEbukasBlog(m): 4:48pm On Dec 08, 2016 |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Ranchhoddas: 4:53pm On Dec 08, 2016 |
Tallesty1:Perhaps a character in his book said it. That's not like Dan Brown. I've read all his books. |
Re: Modern Scientific Discoveries Verify The Scriptures by Tallesty1(m): 5:01pm On Dec 08, 2016 |
Ranchhoddas:Angels and Demons is a fiction. |
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