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Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) - Politics - Nairaland

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Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by chie8: 12:31pm On Feb 10, 2017
As shared by a Nigerian soldier Abubakar who lives in Bauchi and a member of the soldiers fighting Boko Haram.....

'We slept on a naked ground beside our grave with one eye open at alert just 2 make sure u guyz sleep in peace n comfortable at home with ur familyz while we left our own family's all alone nd scared thinking of us weather we r gonna make it or nt. Bt after all diz sacrifice we made some bastards will said dat soldiers r nt doing anything, okey y don't u come n do wat we can't . M just proud 2 b a professional soldier HUUURAAA'

Source: http://www.trezzyhelm.com/2017/02/we-sleep-on-nked-ground-beside-our.html

18 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by chie8: 12:31pm On Feb 10, 2017

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Benevee: 12:34pm On Feb 10, 2017
May God protect you guys .

it's just that there are some bad eggs among u that makes the Army looks irrelevant .
like the ones that brutalized a crippled man two or three days ago .

who FTC epp?

153 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nogodye(m): 12:38pm On Feb 10, 2017
God Bless NA

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 12:38pm On Feb 10, 2017
So help them God.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 12:44pm On Feb 10, 2017
I didnt say you guys are not doing anything o.Is your cartridge loaded with bullets?Do you have grenades,night vision goggle,and bullet proof vest?

25 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by sEGXY2(m): 12:44pm On Feb 10, 2017
That's Deep! Good bless all patriots who sacrifice daily for this country, we'll eventually get it right someday.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by ipobarecriminals: 12:53pm On Feb 10, 2017
sad Psalm 127 says Except the LORD keep the city,the watchmen waketh but in vain........ We pray for u our gallant men/women that He that keepth u all will not sleep/slumber. VICTORY TO U

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by kings09(m): 12:55pm On Feb 10, 2017
Kudos to our gallant soldiers

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Bujumbura(m): 12:59pm On Feb 10, 2017
The way he is sounding and cursing like hw was conscripted forcefully.

If you are not cool with it kindly resign

155 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 1:04pm On Feb 10, 2017
Beside the grave!

13 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by ufuosman(m): 1:09pm On Feb 10, 2017
This men are really trying their best, May God give them total victory. More strength to them

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Lordave: 1:11pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

258 Likes 25 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by blackboy(m): 1:15pm On Feb 10, 2017
Soldier express your grievances to your superiors. You signed for the job. I had the same opportunity to join many years back when I thought I could be part of those one day who will say fellow Nigerians but I did not enlist due to the fact 1. I never wanted to do what you are doing now. It comes with the job. You didn't enlist to be staying in 5 star hotels. Airline pilots did. 2. I did not want to continue wearing uniform all through my adult life after doing so from primary school.
I respect soldiers but don't express your grievances on civilians. No one forced you to join. God bless

185 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by omenkaLives(m): 1:19pm On Feb 10, 2017
Just so we can all sleep with both eyes closed.

We are grateful sirs.

God bless the Nigerian Army.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 1:31pm On Feb 10, 2017
The soldiers fighting boko Haram are really doing a good job but it when dealing with common men on the streets they are wolves.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by goldfish80(m): 1:33pm On Feb 10, 2017
The Nigerian army is a volunteer force. This is the life he signed up for.
The tone in his writing tells of someone who will beat the crap out of civilians to vent his spleen on the regimented life he willingly signed up for.

58 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by famousbowale: 1:48pm On Feb 10, 2017
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by AntiWailer: 1:49pm On Feb 10, 2017
Some f00ls will be shouting War

Thinking War is fought with China Phone on Nairaland Front Page.

God Bless Nigeria Army.

5 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by PMWSpirit(m): 1:50pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

54 Likes 1 Share

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by hakeem4(m): 1:50pm On Feb 10, 2017
Why are you complaining to us ?

Don't they pay you for what you do ?

34 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Funbii(m): 1:50pm On Feb 10, 2017
Nawa oh shocked
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Hades2016(m): 1:50pm On Feb 10, 2017
The last picture though shocked is that blood or what cry
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by annayawchee: 1:50pm On Feb 10, 2017
Ouch so touching but bro, nobody forced you to buy the form. You made that choice, You got to man Up and live with it........


Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by AntiWailer: 1:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

Generalizing is like saying all Nairalanders break simple rule by putting all their posts in bold text.

In the real sense not all but few lawless Nairalanders post all their text with bold font against the rule.

Do you understand the analogy now ?

18 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Chukwumeremeze(m): 1:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
Soldier express your grievances to your superiors. You signed for the job. I had the same opportunity to join many years back when I thought I could be part of those one day who will say fellow Nigerians but I did not enlist due to the fact 1. I never wanted to do what you are doing now. It comes with the job. You didn't enlist to be staying in 5 star hotels. Airline pilots did. 2. I did not want to continue wearing uniform all through my adult life after doing so from primary school.
I respect soldiers but don't express your grievances on civilians. No one forced you to join. God bless

I was going to post a comment relative to yours, you simply made it easier.

Well said!

And i find this phrase inappropriate: "Bt after all diz sacrifice we made some bastards will said dat soldiers r nt doing anything, okey y don't u come n do wat we can't"

I am still wondering who the soldier was referring to.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by tydi(m): 1:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
good odds available

chat me up!

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 1:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
GRAVE oga ooo Youre protected and covered.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by pennywys(m): 1:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
I'll be right back

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