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Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) - Politics (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) (81625 Views)

Senator Dino Melaye Sitting On The Ground While Resisting Arrest (Photo) / MKO Abiola And Kudirat Abiola's Graves (Photos) / Bodies Of Boko Haram Terrorists Buried In Shallow Graves In Borno.Graphic Photos (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by lastmaster(m): 2:28pm On Feb 10, 2017

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 2:30pm On Feb 10, 2017
God forbid let me die for this fucking cesspit called nigger area
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by obuagu: 2:31pm On Feb 10, 2017
may jah keep u all in peace as I fight against the evil and wickedness of man,and believe me wen I say that by his grace nothing bad will happen to you and ur wonderful families in Jesus name
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by obuagu: 2:33pm On Feb 10, 2017
as u fight I meant
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by manshoro: 2:35pm On Feb 10, 2017
The Nigerian army is a volunteer force. This is the life he signed up for.
The tone in his writing tells of someone who will beat the crap out of civilians to vent his spleen on the regimented life he willingly signed up for.

Na true u talk O! He looks terrible begin for us to know he is doing his Job. If u like resign, wetin concern us?

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by willibounce1(m): 2:36pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

Only two of them brutalised the cripple. Not all soldiers are bad. Why not talk about the soldiers who have died fighting terrorist and protecting the nation.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by osidion2020(m): 2:38pm On Feb 10, 2017
The way he is sounding and cursing like hw was conscripted forcefully.

If you are not cool with it kindly resign
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Kgdavid(m): 2:38pm On Feb 10, 2017

Don't mind the brainless lout. The disgust I have for all of these animals called soldiers increases exponentially by the day.

Believe it or not, and as incompetent we know that they are, we generally owe our relative 'safety' more to the conventional Police Force than to these foolish braggarts called soldiers. The military is virtually useless unless a country is at war or faces constant threats of war, and if not for the relatively new Boko Haram phenomenon (restricted mainly to parts of the North East), the military would have very little to do other than constitute a nuisance around defenceless civilians as they usually do.

I'll readily appreciate it more if a mobile policeman is bragging that he is the reason why I can sleep with my two eyes closed, because in a sense, he is. The presence of the police in our cities reduces crime at least, and we are thankful for that, in spite of the obvious rot in the force.

But as for these military buffoons, they are too annoying to talk about.

Will you shut it?!

What mobile police? Do you know that constitutionally, it is the job of the mobile police to contain internal insurgencies? Obviously they are not capable and the noble soldiers have been dispatched to do the job. These are the same mobile police that extort you on the roads and are so rigger happy they are nicknamed kill and go.

Without the military combating boko haram those foul beasts would be all over every nook and cranny of Nigeria by now, and no place would be safe. Is it not still the same soldiers that are called in to apprehend kidnappers, quell riots, and even man check points?

Why are you an ingrate?
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 2:40pm On Feb 10, 2017
The way he is sounding and cursing like hw was conscripted forcefully.

If you are not cool with it kindly resign
I taya o!
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by regent: 2:41pm On Feb 10, 2017
Soldier express your grievances to your superiors. You signed for the job. I had the same opportunity to join many years back when I thought I could be part of those one day who will say fellow Nigerians but I did not enlist due to the fact 1. I never wanted to do what you are doing now. It comes with the job. You didn't enlist to be staying in 5 star hotels. Airline pilots did. 2. I did not want to continue wearing uniform all through my adult life after doing so from primary school.
I respect soldiers but don't express your grievances on civilians. No one forced you to join. God bless

What more can I say! If we all become soldiers, who becomes the lawyer,engineer, pharmacist etc. I respect their service but he should be more civil.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by sirwhyteB(m): 2:44pm On Feb 10, 2017
May the Great One guide and protect all the Nigerian Soldiers.
But as for those of you that do puts on the Military CAMO.
CAMOUFLAGE isn't for ordinary civilians.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Kgdavid(m): 2:44pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

You do realize that there are over two hundred thousand soldiers in the Nigerian military? Where have you ever seen a community in which every single member behaves perfectly well? Of course there are a few miscreants in the army but that is not reason to tarnish the image of the entire Nigerian army.

It is extremely unfair.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by hrpvl2(m): 2:45pm On Feb 10, 2017
May God protect you guys .

it's just that there are some bad eggs among u that makes the Army looks irrelevant .
like the ones that brutalized a crippled man two or three days ago .

who FTC epp?

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 2:47pm On Feb 10, 2017
The way he is sounding and cursing like hw was conscripted forcefully.

If you are not cool with it kindly resign
Exactly. No be by force.
Besides I know lots of people who will gladly do that to be termed as " soldiers" but were not given the chance
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by RaptorX: 2:47pm On Feb 10, 2017
If I ever become the president of this country, the first thing I will do in office is disband this present Nigerian army and reconstitute a professional and disciplined force and elevate the Mobile police force into a well armed National Guard to act as a buffer.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by souhid: 2:48pm On Feb 10, 2017
In as much as the NA hands are not clean, they should be commended. People here that are raining abuses on them, may you be faced with the same challenge/situation where you don't have an option than to sacrifice your life for some one to live. When common pressure from your boss on responsibilities you signed for in your employment letter your can't live with, you are here talking about what you don't know. Godless our fallen heroes and those soldier's battling with insurgency to make sure all of us are safe.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by SalamRushdie: 2:48pm On Feb 10, 2017
The Nigerian army is a volunteer force. This is the life he signed up for.
The tone in his writing tells of someone who will beat the crap out of civilians to vent his spleen on the regimented life he willingly signed up for.

Spot on
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by oluwaVaz(m): 2:51pm On Feb 10, 2017
Soldier express your grievances to your superiors. You signed for the job. I had the same opportunity to join many years back when I thought I could be part of those one day who will say fellow Nigerians but I did not enlist due to the fact 1. I never wanted to do what you are doing now. It comes with the job. You didn't enlist to be staying in 5 star hotels. Airline pilots did. 2. I did not want to continue wearing uniform all through my adult life after doing so from primary school.
I respect soldiers but don't express your grievances on civilians. No one forced you to join. God bless
copy copy.... U Don copy am from his comment....
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 2:52pm On Feb 10, 2017

I was going to post a comment relative to yours, you simply made it easier.

Well said!

And i find this phrase inappropriate: "Bt after all diz sacrifice we made some bastards will said dat soldiers r nt doing anything, okey y don't u come n do wat we can't"

I am still wondering who the soldier was referring to.
What is so brave about sleeping on the ground. At least he even has a blanket. In boarding house I slept on springs,no mattress, no blanket in freezing tempratures no boots or thick clothing to keep me warm.... and I was just 10 yrs old

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by nkemdi89(f): 2:52pm On Feb 10, 2017

Don't mind the brainless lout. The disgust I have for all of these animals called soldiers increases exponentially by the day.

Believe it or not, and as incompetent we know that they are, we generally owe our relative 'safety' more to the conventional Police Force than to these foolish braggarts called soldiers. The military is virtually useless unless a country is at war or faces constant threats of war, and if not for the relatively new Boko Haram phenomenon (restricted mainly to parts of the North East), the military would have very little to do other than constitute a nuisance around defenceless civilians as they usually do.

I'll readily appreciate it more if a mobile policeman is bragging that he is the reason why I can sleep with my two eyes closed, because in a sense, he is. The presence of the police in our cities reduces crime at least, and we are thankful for that, in spite of the obvious rot in the force.

But as for these military buffoons, they are too annoying to talk about.
Don't mind them if not for boko haram they are as Good as useless to the common man on the street that is why they don't want the war in the north east to end. A lieutenant will never write such trash go and he is one useless Lance corporal.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by InvertedHammer: 2:58pm On Feb 10, 2017
That is what they signed up for and are getting paid for it.

It is not a volunteer service.

Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by PDJT: 3:00pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.

Succinctly put. Nothing to add.
Hopefully they die & rot in those shallow pits.

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Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by hannyjay(f): 3:12pm On Feb 10, 2017
Pity who?

The senseless animals in Kaki that brutalised a physically challenged folk for putting on a camouflage?

The ill mannered he goats that assaulted a young lady for talking to her friend in a commercial bus?

The cursed fool that shot Mr Izu of Shooting Stars dead?

The 17th century idiots that tell people to swim in gutter for cutting their hairs Mohawk style?

The uncivilised baboons that strip nàked ladies for sagging their jeans or putting on a bum short?

You mean the power drunk bastards that brutalise motorists for overtaking their patrol vans on highways?

Why should I pity someone guilty of the things I mentioned above?

No way, I lost human feelings for NA the day I witnessed just one out the crimes they commit on daily basis.
u forgot to mention d sturborn soldiers dat pursue dat COWARD call OJUKWU
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by oyeb15: 3:12pm On Feb 10, 2017
These are the fighters not those pampered soldiers that were dancing azonto with ladies & claim they are fighting boko haram.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by adek6555: 3:14pm On Feb 10, 2017
May ALMIGHTY ALAH protect you.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by oyeb15: 3:16pm On Feb 10, 2017
At the end of d day, the pepper soup Generals , pot belly Maj. General that are busy drinking beer and womanizing miles away from the battlefield will be claiming d credit won by these guys.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Lordave: 3:23pm On Feb 10, 2017
u forgot to mention d sturborn soldiers dat pursue dat COWARD call OJUKWU
Behave yourself.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by pobosky20(m): 3:25pm On Feb 10, 2017
That's not a grave,but a soldier's trench
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Kassidy90(m): 3:36pm On Feb 10, 2017
Well God will be with u all but u sound bittered as much as I understand ur pain serving in NA is not by force.. After all many of u guys got the job by man knw man
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Nobody: 3:38pm On Feb 10, 2017
That's not a grave,but a soldier's trench

NA should discourage this sort of pictures. It makes them look bad. It portrays them as badly trained, lacking in cohesion and badly educated.
How can this man call that hole 'grave'? sad
Who is supposed to be their commander? How can they fire from that trench if they come under fire? They obviously can't fire from prone position while in that trench otherwise they'd be shootimg the man behind and it's not big enough to accommodate two soldiers.

These guys ain't serious. No tent, messy surrounding, bad formation. Somebody should take the pictures down.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Sctests: 3:45pm On Feb 10, 2017
Abubakar, may you guys die in those graves.
Re: Soldiers Sleeping On The Ground, Beside 'Their Graves' (Photos) by Omonigeriarere: 3:47pm On Feb 10, 2017
The way he is sounding and cursing like hw was conscripted forcefully.

If you are not cool with it kindly resign

I wonder oooo. Besides, digging holes is a means of protection for armies: they always rush into it to save themselves from any bomb thrown because it always moves horizontally on the surface of the earth.

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