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Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by chiogo(f): 1:16am On Dec 13, 2009
Brooklyn99, now your dumbass got that other thread locked.
I looked and looked and the only thing I saw was Nchara saying that there are no mortuaries or something as you would see in Lagos. Is that what you were complaining about?

And why should I have said anything? And that justifies you dissing ALL Igbo people and calling them tribalists? Tell me, what are you sipping?
I don't understand how having an argument with ONE Igbo person should concern the rest of us. Diss him if you may but not millions of folks out there who are oblivious to this crap going on here.
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by THEAMAKA1: 5:11am On Dec 13, 2009
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Nobody: 5:13am On Dec 13, 2009

Omggggggg I used to see this at the farm in Ekiti.

Smells so funky, it irritates my nose
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Uche2nna(m): 5:15am On Dec 13, 2009
Ekiti girl, what are u doing in an Enugu thread grin
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Nobody: 5:16am On Dec 13, 2009

Ekiti girl, what are u doing in an Enugu thread grin
Long time, hope you dey kampe.

I came to see pictures na grin
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Uche2nna(m): 5:20am On Dec 13, 2009
FL Gators:

Long time, hope you dey kampe.

I came to see pictures na grin

I dey kampe,,,,, just tryna survive

Well, enjoy the pics , U never know where U will end up finding in-laws  tongue

U just got nominated for the girl with the [i]hugest bosoms [/i]on NL  shocked
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Nobody: 5:26am On Dec 13, 2009
Lol in-laws. . . . I'll let my wings grow sha. tongue

Dnt mind the vote. Ppl no get other things to worry abt undecided
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Uche2nna(m): 5:41am On Dec 13, 2009
FL Gators:

Lol in-laws. . . . I'll let my wings grow sha. tongue

Let it grow, Toyin. And U are a good girl, so we would accept U, sharp sharp!!!

And I promise , we wont tiger-woods U cheesy
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Nobody: 5:48am On Dec 13, 2009

Let it grow, Toyin. And U are a good girl, so we would accept U, sharp sharp!!!

And I promise , we wont tiger-woods U cheesy

Lol thanks. I trust ya tongue
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by KnowAll(m): 11:49am On Dec 13, 2009
Hey man, a point of correct here! Because, I've seen many people keep making this mistake I feel its time it's corrected.

I noticed most Nigerians have no understanding of the of directions on the compass otherwise known as the Cardinal point as a result, don't understand Nigerian map and locations of their respective States, Towns and Villages on it hence, the mistakes.

By definition, the Cardinal Point is: One of the four principal directions on a compass: North, South, East and West.

Evidently, school geography teaches us this but I understand not many of us got there or learned that at school. Yes, in Geography we have Four Cardinal Points: North, South, East and West and anything in between these points are referred to as:

North East, North West, South East, South West.

It irritates me when I see people referring to the South as South South because that's where I come from.


Yes, if we are talking in Pigeon English everyone would understand and no offence but when you are speaking or writing simple English, it's another thing. Please can we deviate from spreading or contaminating innocent minds with bad grammar and sentences since Nairaland is an educative/informative medium.

Yes there is A South - South geographical Zone. It means South of the the South or deep south which is commonly used in America to descibe areas just south of New Orleans. So lady Bayelsa and Rivers State qualify for these Geographical expression, Delta is to the West of the deep south and Cross River and Akwa Ibom ARE to the East. The SE as it is Known in Nigeria is actually East Central hence the old EASTERN Igbo States where called East Central State.

The correct nomenclature for these areas should be as thus :

Rivers and Bayelsa and Akwa Ibom - SSE
Delta and Southern Ondo Statw - SSW

Cross River is the true SE states as it tucked in the SE Corner of the map of Nigeria as suppose to the Igbo States of Imo,Abia Enugu,Anambra and Ebony State. It may intrest u to kow Cross River State use to be SEastern State after the state creation exercise of 1967.

These terms would be a mouthful, hence for easy expression and understanding the term SS is commonly used to include both the SSW and SSE.

See compass map below.


Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Theblessed(f): 1:09am On Dec 14, 2009

Hey man, a point of correct here!  Because, I've seen many people keep making this mistake I feel its time it's corrected. 

I noticed most Nigerians have no understanding of the of directions on the compass otherwise known as the Cardinal point as a result, don't understand Nigerian map and locations of their respective States, Towns and Villages on it hence, the mistakes.

By definition, the Cardinal Point is: One of the four principal directions on a compass: North, South, East and West.

Evidently, school geography teaches us this but I understand not many of us got there or learned that at school. Yes, in Geography we have Four Cardinal Points:  North, South, East and West and anything in between these points are referred to as:

North East, North West, South East, South West.

It irritates me when I see people referring to the South as South South because that's where I come from. 


Yes, if we are talking in Pigeon English everyone would understand and no offence but when you are speaking or writing simple English, it's another thing. Please can we deviate from spreading or contaminating innocent minds with bad grammar and sentences since Nairaland is an educative/informative medium.

Yes there is A South - South geographical Zone. It means South of the the South or deep south which is commonly used in America to descibe areas just south of New Orleans. So lady Bayelsa and Rivers State qualify for these Geographical expression, Delta is to the West of the deep south and Cross River  and Akwa Ibom ARE to the East. The SE as it is Known in Nigeria is actually East Central hence the old EASTERN Igbo States where called East Central State.

The correct nomenclature for these areas should be as thus :

Rivers and Bayelsa and Akwa Ibom - SSE
Delta and Southern Ondo Statw - SSW

Cross River is the true SE states as it tucked in the SE Corner of the map of Nigeria as suppose to the Igbo States of Imo,Abia Enugu,Anambra and Ebony State. It may intrest u to kow Cross River State use to be SEastern State after the state creation exercise of 1967.

These terms would be a mouthful, hence for easy expression and understanding the term SS is commonly used to include both the SSW and SSE.

See compass map below.


[b] Yes, I could see your compass another American Rubbish, geared for the American market! The world is not buying it! But, who doesn't understand what you mean by South South? We do, however, what we are trying to inform here is the correct way of doing things.  In fact, it's the divisions in a country that leads to all these south south south and east east east.

Imagine a white man teaching us Nigerians how to speak and use our languages: Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba,?  That's exactly what you are trying to do here. Imagine the Americans teaching the English their own Language. That doesn't surprise me either, as Americans will always bend things to suit themselves e.g favour is bent as favor, honour as honor etc. At the end of the day, whose language is it anyway?  The English.  English language belongs to the English, any other is borrowed. 

By the way, who invented the compass/cardinal points?  Was it not the British because of their love of the sea and their sea faring skills (i.e. travelling by sea). For that reason, you can not fight the British at sea and win hence the inclusion in one of their National songs that says! Rule Britania, Britania rules the waves! Probably, you haven't heard that before? So, your South south south and the East east east was added to each of the four main points on the compass by the Americans for their convenience, ok!  So, stop trying as it would not wash! 

This rubbish from your American Wikipedia, used to give credence to your research would not wash either, buddy? If the information on this cardinal Point are acceptable by most countries of the world, why then do we have locations such as MIDDLE EAST and FAR EAST mentioned all the time in the world News etc instead of MIDDLE MIDDLE EAST OR FAR FAR EAST as you suggests.  No one had ever heard such before including yourself. Or does it mean people living in those locations haven't got their own Middle Middle East or Far Far East we would like to know since that is the correct nomenclature, as you claimed. We await to hear this.

So, there is no such thing as SOUTH SOUTH, its all formulated by lazy Americans and for the convenience of illiterate Amerians, ok! In fact, by the look and sound of it, anyone that knows their salt obviously, knows  something is wrong/missing somewhere. No wonder, the world is not buying it.

You see, to learn a language, you have to go directly to the country itself, in order to learn first hand. I don't mean common street slags or local accents. I mean, first hand grammar and the correct way of doing things. 

Your American English is second hand, so are their Education and not really respected all over the world, anyway.  Please, stop pushing your luck!

Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by stede(m): 4:43pm On Dec 14, 2009
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by patoexpert: 9:55pm On Dec 15, 2009
this cant be half as beautiful as calabar, it a truth from heaven
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by DisGuy: 11:39pm On Dec 15, 2009


is this a new pic?

sorry this is a f**king disgrace!! Look how dirty the university is and PROFESSORS GO THERE!!! shocked shocked

Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by shotster50(m): 8:02am On Dec 16, 2009
@ Dis Guy how is that entrance a 'f**king disgrace'
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Theblessed(f): 1:07pm On Dec 16, 2009
Dis Guy:

is this a new pic?

sorry this is a f**king disgrace!! Look how dirty the university is and PROFESSORS GO THERE!!! shocked shocked

Thanks for saying the truth!  How anyone in their sound mind would post on here, this disgrace as a sign of development and progress in this region as well as a mark of respect for the University is beyond me. 

This is not only disgraceful, it is pure insanity! Goes to show that the person who posted this hadn't been anywhere in his/her life therefore, has no idea or any point of reference or comparison to realise that this scene looks nothing other than a VOMIT. Wouldn't blame him/her much, as that's what lack of exposure can cause! 

Anyway, keep speaking the truth and God bless you o o o!
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by DisGuy: 2:00am On Dec 17, 2009

@ Dis Guy how is that entrance a 'f**king disgrace'

Erm it is[b] DIRTYYYYYYYYY [/b]

I swear the VC or even student union don't have to spend a kobo to get this entrance cleaned up
A quick run around to companies or organisation for funds or paints will be enough
the students and lecturers themselves can clean the rest up!!
everyone just hide under 'lack of funding' excuse nowadays when very simple things could be done
If the main entrance is like this, i wonder what the hostels and lecture theatres look like

I really hope this is a very old picture
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Theblessed(f): 10:16pm On Dec 18, 2009
Dis Guy:

Erm it is[b] DIRTYYYYYYYYY [/b]

I swear the VC or even student union don't have to spend a kobo  to get this entrance cleaned up
A quick run around to companies or organisation for funds or paints will be enough
the students and lecturers themselves can clean the rest up!!
everyone just hide under 'lack of funding' excuse nowadays when very simple things could be done
If the main entrance is like this, i wonder what the hostels and lecture theatres look like

I really hope this is a very old picture

[size=18pt] grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin[/size]
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by chiozor: 12:16pm On Aug 18, 2010
u damn too funny grin
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by OchiAgha2(m): 6:40pm On Dec 18, 2010
Very beautiful pictures of Enugu.
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by DisGuy: 10:33pm On Dec 18, 2010
Any new pictures preferably not from the net
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by AkinEgba: 10:52pm On Dec 18, 2010
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by spoony(f): 2:27am On Jan 21, 2012
Shopping mall SHOPRITE in Enugu (6mnths old)

Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by filnaija: 6:25pm On Feb 03, 2012
I think that Shoprite Mall is the new mall near our house. I can't wait to go back in Enugu and see our new house, I've been waiting for that mall to open, at least maybe in that place my husband will allow me to waka and shop alone, Please post more pictures of that shopping mall. I'm just hoping that they will put tag price on their goods so that they will not give me a foreign price, lolz!
Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by hornyofife: 8:37pm On Nov 28, 2017
This thread was before tribalism too over Nairaland

1 Like

Re: Pictures Of Enugu City by Koval12(m): 12:25am On Nov 29, 2017
This thread was before tribalism too over Nairaland
Am telling you

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