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Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? - Romance - Nairaland

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Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by MsDiva1(f): 8:51pm On Dec 15, 2009
Some of you know your man is cheating on you but you won't dare say a word to him because you "love him." Instead, all you do is hate the girl he's cheating with. You'll hurt another woman over a damn guy who doesn't give a sh!t about you and just wants the goodies.

We have got to do better.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 8:56pm On Dec 15, 2009
Men,why do you allow women soften you,turn you to a wussy.
You spend heaven and earth on them -and they still leave you. tongue
Wake up men. Wake up.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by MsDiva1(f): 8:58pm On Dec 15, 2009

Men,why do you allow women soften you,turn you to a wussy.
You spend heaven and earth on them -and they still leave you. tongue
Wake up men. Wake up.

I'm serious.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by coolier(f): 8:59pm On Dec 15, 2009
So what do you suggest we do?
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Nobody: 9:01pm On Dec 15, 2009
because most women have conditioned themselves to the fact that most men WILL cheat at some point . . .

the truth is men are not always emotional attached to women and can conveniently cheat with another woman while caring deeply for another. If you can take it then do . . . too bad. Its the Tiger syndrome.

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Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:03pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

I'm serious.

Hehe. My bad.  tongue

But ehm did someone hurt you or something?  sad
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by omega25red(m): 9:05pm On Dec 15, 2009

So what do you suggest we do?
you already know what she wants you to do. She is busy recruiting women for the L club isnt it obvious? grin
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:06pm On Dec 15, 2009
Loser's Club? cheesy

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Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by MsDiva1(f): 9:07pm On Dec 15, 2009

Hehe. My bad.  tongue

But ehm did someone hurt you or something?  sad

Nah, some of my friends are just being stu[i]p[/i]id right now.


because most women have conditioned themselves to the fact that most men WILL cheat at some point . . .

the truth is men are not always emotional attached to women and can conveniently cheat with another woman while caring deeply for another. If you can take it then do . . . too bad. Its the Tiger syndrome.

And that is so sad.


So what do you suggest we do?

Kick him to the curb when he cheats.


you already know what she wants you to do. She is busy recruiting women for the L club isnt it obvious?  grin

Yes, and as soon as you are done with your sex change, you can join us too.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:08pm On Dec 15, 2009
Being stupid in love uhn? I geddit.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Nobody: 9:09pm On Dec 15, 2009
It's called blind love.

It'll take a lot to make them see what's right.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:12pm On Dec 15, 2009
A lot like?
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Nobody: 9:14pm On Dec 15, 2009

A lot like?
A lot like a lot.

A slap in the face by reality.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ebinom(f): 9:16pm On Dec 15, 2009

because most women have conditioned themselves to the fact that most men WILL cheat at some point . . .

the truth is men are not always emotional attached to women and can conveniently cheat with another woman while caring deeply for another. If you can take it then do . . . too bad. Its the Tiger syndrome.

very true.most women know at some point a man will cheat no matter what.i guess staying with them is stupid but doable for some tongue
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:18pm On Dec 15, 2009
I guess that means they take the men for granted by staying.
But what if he decides to leave with one of his mistresses? What happens then.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by TheSly: 9:23pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

Kick him to the curb when he cheats.

And then move on to the next guy? What if he's a cheat too
Kick him into the curb right? And another one??. . . .And another one.??
Keep waiting for Mr Perfect!!. . . .He's on the way.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by MsDiva1(f): 9:25pm On Dec 15, 2009
The Sly:

And then move on to the next guy? What if he's a cheat too
Kick him into the curb right? And another one??. . . .And another one.??
Keep waiting for Mr Perfect!!. . . .He's on the way.

I think it's better to be single and happy than be "complete" with a man and unhappy.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by TheSly: 9:28pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

I think it's better to be single and happy than be "complete" with a man and unhappy.
Who says you cant be with a man and be happy at the same time?
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:28pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

I think it's better to be single and happy than be "complete" with a man and unhappy.

Ms Diva has spoken.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by MsDiva1(f): 9:31pm On Dec 15, 2009
The Sly:

Who says you cant be with a man and be happy at the same time?

I won't be happy with a cheat and if it means waiting on Mr Perfect, well . . .
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:32pm On Dec 15, 2009
There's nothing like a Mr. Perfect.
Ask Tiger.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Secretz(f): 9:33pm On Dec 15, 2009
I've never understsood why the woman hates on the innocent other woman who DID NOT know he was in a relationship.
You will be surprised some guys will actually admit they if they did cheat they 'know' their woman would stay. (I laugh in multiple languages).
Some women know that at some point a guy will cheat, and some don't mind as long as he treats them well, is affectionate, shows them she is his number one and does everything else she wants him to do, therefore, sort of programming themselves to 'accept' this.

I'm not just stating the boys, but girls are also guilty of this too . . . as for me once you have BROKEN my trust, na serious prayer and fasting you go do to get me on side again, if at all possible(because I too will be counteracting that prayer and fasting with my own)  tongue. Some people just need to be HONEST with themselves.  grin
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:36pm On Dec 15, 2009
It is what it is.
Couples break trust all the time.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by TheSly: 9:38pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

I won't be happy with a cheat and if it means waiting on Mr Perfect, well . . .
Uhmmmmmmm. . . . .Well Good luck on your quest.


I'm not just stating the boys, but girls are also guilty of this too . . . as for me once you have BROKEN my trust, na serious prayer and fasting you go do to get me on side again, if at all possible(because I too will be counteracting that prayer and fasting with my own)  tongue. Some people just need to be HONEST with themselves.  grin
sad sad sad sad sad
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by bubugul(f): 9:40pm On Dec 15, 2009
yeah! sometimes i wonder why God create them to be this polygamous
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:45pm On Dec 15, 2009
Stop wondering. Give men a chance dats all. tongue
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by bubugul(f): 9:51pm On Dec 15, 2009

Stop wondering. Give men a chance dats all. tongue

yes! i will, of course, but not with my heart tongue
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ruskiee(m): 9:52pm On Dec 15, 2009
Not with your heart uhn, with what then? shocked
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Nobody: 9:53pm On Dec 15, 2009
the women here are being unrealistic . . . men will cheat at some point . . . its a matter of time.

forgive and forget.
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by redgalusa(f): 9:56pm On Dec 15, 2009
I have a question? I am engaged and very pregnant. My boyfriend and are no longer intimate. When I ask him to make love to me, he always says he's too tried.
I know that if he is not intimate with me then of course he is intimate with another woman.

In addition, I found text messages from his new lover.
Should I confront him or continue to play naive and hope he will soon change after the baby comes
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by ebinom(f): 9:56pm On Dec 15, 2009
Ms Diva:

I think it's better to be single and happy than be "complete" with a man and unhappy.
Ms Diva:

I think it's better to be single and happy than be "complete" with a man and unhappy.
The Sly:

And then move on to the next guy? What if he's a cheat too
Kick him into the curb right? And another one??. . . .And another one.??
Keep waiting for Mr Perfect!!. . . .He's on the way.

yeah, stick with the cheating bas**rd and cheat too . case closed. you do me i do you cos then i know if i leave you for your cheating ways,i'll just get another cheating a** grin grin
Re: Women, Why Do You Allow Men Get Away With So Much? by Nobody: 9:58pm On Dec 15, 2009

I have a question? I am engaged and very pregnant. My boyfriend and are no longer intimate. When I ask him to make love to me, he always says he's too tried.
I know that if he is not intimate with me then of course he is intimate with another woman.

In addition, I found text messages from his new lover.
Should I confront him or continue to play naive and hope he will soon change after the baby comes

sorry, its the Tiger syndrome. Live with it.

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