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Bishop Oyedepo: It's Wrong To Allow People In Market And Not In Church / Jehovahs Witnesses that believe they are the only True Christians.Please come in / Jehovahs Witnesses Suicide Rate 5 To 10 Times Above Average (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 8:50am On Mar 25, 2017 |
achorladey: TWO out of sixteen verses talking about animals meant for sacrifices. Like I said the life of humans is most important to God that is why God said do not kill humans. David's men didn't die in that case no blood was spilled. The life of David's men was important to him and he had to give thanks to God. That God spared their lives. Since there was no animal to give as sacrifice. He gave water in place of blood. It shows Blood is a symbol of life. A symbol will never take the place of the actual thing it represents. Blood symbol of life can never take the place of life itself. If a mere symbol can take the place of what it represents in your society then good for you. No symbol can take over my life or any christians life. Jesus death and ressurection has atoned for my sins and I don't need the blood of animals Mathew 12:3-4 3Jesus replied, "Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread, which was not lawful for them to eat, but only for the priests. David ate consecrated bread when he was hungry and this was unlawful under the mosaic law. If david had upheld that mosaic law he would have died of hunger. What part or passage of the bible says we must worship God through a direct channel. The bible alone is supposed to be enough to answer anything according to you people. It must be bible that explains the part of blood fractions except it isn't there which I know it is not. I don't need a channel to explain the bible show me the verse in the bible. Always preaching what is not in the bible. Where in the bible did paul say blood fractions is now a conscience matter? Rotflmao. What of autologous blood transfusion. No matter what stance blood is blood either is a full yes or a full no don't make anything a conscience matter. Why the double standards? Ever changing doctrine which keeps costing people their own life. Before 1999 blood fractions was not a conscience matter it was blood transfusion and was to be refused. Stop giving excuses for the murder your organisation has been committing since 1945 and the mass genocide your jehovah will commit in armageddon. Say no to extremism lol |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Techcontrol: 9:13am On Mar 25, 2017 |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 11:06am On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:Is that the answer to the questions asked? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 11:32am On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:Tell me where in the Bible that says from God's standpoint(regarding blood usage) blood transfusion is acceptable? Concerning David and his men eating consecrated bread......because you failed still in appreciating principles behind God's laws you were unable to discern that David and his men still met the conditions regarding eating of the consecrated bread. What you should have inquired is, in what sense were they breaking the law according to Jesus Christ words in Matthew. Ponder over that!!!! EXTREMISM....... belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable. For example, If an individual decides to deviate from '' popular beliefs that people consider correct or reasonable'' in line with God's word in Exodus 23:2, Leviticus 17:10, 11,14 Read and meditate before you reply. Will you consider the '' individual'' an ''extremist'' for deciding to uphold God's viewpoint? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:10pm On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: you will rot in the grave man . stop deceiving urself with religion. Even Jesus didnt go to heaven immediately he died neither did Lazarus or Dorcas . use your brain. man are not different from animals when it comes to death. unless u gonna tell me Lion and snakes also go to heaven ![]() even your bible said it u aint different from animals regarding death , I forgot the verse
the holy book never mentioned trinity either, nor rapture does it , Neither does it mention Masturbation. Hell fire is a sick invention of the Catholic church preached by gullible people like you . From dust u are and to Dust You ( You ) will Return says the Bible God, he lied ?
I was forced to Research on the Jw belives on this your silly noise of blood fractions. and here is the reasoning , Common knowledge tells you Blood is a combination of White Blood cells , Red blood cells , Platelets . do white cells alone constitute blood ? so a person can reason that since Blood is when he takes the three combination that forms blood. but taking only a fraction doesnt constitute blood Yet in a case where a person found that taking that also means he or she doesnt abstain , He is free to refuse such . This guys are more Logical than any of you . shout from now till tomorrow , You are embracing BLOOD and not abstaining if u take transfusion. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:18pm On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: Blood of any sort of FLESH , humans are not flesh ? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:21pm On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: Why would God allow Jesus , a young man of 33 years old to die ? according to you life first . |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:25pm On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: His Logic is valid , for criticism of the bible ... a person can visit Muslim scholars that would point out various Contradiction in the bible and why the New testament is not valid , do that and you will have an objective view . Okay |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Drehilton(m): 1:05pm On Mar 25, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:... You make it looks as if all that opted in to be transfussed get saved and survived. Can you serve in the army? IF YES, when opportunity arises,would you kill to defend the honour of your country?...IF YES.. Can you die for and defending your country? . Of course,many today in the force willingly surrender and die to defend their country in wars that is even created by their leaders,governor and presidents.They did not die as a result of upholding God's law.[i]BESIDES,there leaders cannot give them life again.[/i]YET,these ones are seen as heroes,as honorable. When individuals try to abide to clear principles found in God's word Knowing fully well that even when he dies there is hope for resurrection.YOU CALLED THAT GENOCIDE. If Jehovah's witness beliefs are all wrong based on the principle they follow in the bible.THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW THOSE THAT ARE DOING THINGS RIGHT BASED ON THE PRINCIPLE OF THE BIBLE and not man made philosophies. These include other matters...birthdays,Christmas,Hellfire etc. I have compared all doctrines and I can see that it's only Jehovah's Witnesses that are different. THAT ALONE SHOULD MAKE YOU CURIOUS. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by paulGrundy(m): 8:51am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Techcontrol: Which truth my friend? “Truth” that gives false predictions and has never got one correct? “Truth” that is confused, misquotes sources, and persistently lies about her history. Open your eyes and see bro, Jehovah does not direct the society, just some greedy group of governing bunch after profit. pls kindly point out the LIES in my posts. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:41am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Drehilton: |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:44am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: Smh. A muslim scholar to review your bible. Lol. You guys don't understand simple logic smh |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:56am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: Argument from silence. Jesus had a purpose here on earth he fu filled his purpose. We are not jesus. It is life first only a psychopath will say a symbol takes more place than life itself. How are you people different from ISIS sef Jesus healed someone on sabbath day which was unlawful to do. Moses ate consecrated bread which was unlawful. Life first no symbol takes the place of life. If a symbol of blood will have more value than life for you then good for you. I don't know of anybody in the new Testament that died or let his child die in order to uphold a mosaic law. Jesus had contact with a prostitute why didn't he stone her to death according to the mosaic law? If God wanted us to kill our self to uphold any mosaic law after Jesus died for our sins he would have said so. Abi bible is not enough again? Or show me a passage where God said an organisation will tell you what I did not say in the bible? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:57am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: Humans are not flesh required for sacrifice or food |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 11:46am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 11:58am On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: You well know a muslim Scholar or websites will never say anything good about the religious Bible especially the New testament . So people like you Run from such sites or dismiss their arguments ![]() ![]() If they knock on my door, I would still prefer to listen to the JW's than all this other Die by fire , Trinity and hellfire preachers |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:00pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: But God could allow Jesus to die just to do his will right ? at a point a disciple ask Jesus to protect his life first and he rebuked him insisting he must surrender it, so what exactly is your problem if a person wish to surrender his life to uphold a single instruction " Abstain from blood " . |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 12:10pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: requirement is not an issue here, are humans Flesh ? Yes!
![]() ![]() " And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. " says Mark 9:43 abeg bro, Do the bolded go to Hell or Grave? or is Jesus lying here ? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 12:51pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
achorladey: Tell me where from God's not watchtower standpoint blood transfusion is unacceptable? David was not supposed to eat consecrated bread. Yes he met a criteria according to him.but he did not meet one criteria. Jesus showed an instance where it isnt any mosaic law that justifies someone being saved. Peoples life matter. Do you shave your beards, do you eat pork, bacon, ham they are unlawful according to mosaic law. Why do you do these things when the mosaic laws state you shouldn't. Matt 12:3-8 3 He answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4 He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. 5 Or haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent? 6 I tell you that something greater than the temple is here. 7 If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’[a] you would not have condemned the innocent. 8 For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Jesus desires mercy not sacrifice. Life first Extremism that means Isis is right if you are right. They are upholding their God's law. You know one funny thing when you people want to argue your doctrine you bring out old Testament verses. But yet you say you are Christians. Ex 23:2 never said we should die or let our children die to uphold a mosaic law. Don't just take a verse from a chapter. You will interprete it out of the context in which it is used. That chapter wasn't talking about a was about laws of justice and mercy. Don't leave out other verses and take just one to explain your doctrine. I still didn't see where they say kill yourself or your child to uphold a mosaic law. Read the whole chapter. An extremist is one who says he is upholding God's viewpoint when he kills himself or let's his child die due to a man made law example blood transfusion ban made in 1945 by nathan knorr. Ex 23 is about fair hearing giving everyone equal chance. Not being bias in judgement. Isis they say they are upholding their God's viewpoint too. They deviate from popular teachings. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 1:48pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 1:50pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: Like I said we are not Jesus. You cant liken yourself to our saviour Jesus Christ. You cannot surrender your life to uphold a law on blood transfusion ban made in 1945 |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 2:03pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Peacefullove: The Bible views from other christians not the bible views on only one christian sects views. What are you hiding. The organisation doesn't want people to find out the truth about it. If it has the truth it should fear no criticism abi una no get truth why will they warn people? I thought your religion has freedom. What is a Muslim doing with the bible. You prefer jw because you are one of them. At least those ones don't preach laws invented in 1945 by their leaders. They preach unconditional love. They are not extremists. Human lives are more important to them than upholding any law made by somebody from 1879 to 2017. They don't preach God will destroy you in armageddon because you don't belong to my organisation. At least they preach heaven. At least they preach Jesus Christ is mediator for everybody not just a set of 144000. There are so many good things about them just because they tell you all those things in your hate infested religion doesn't mean they are true. 1 Like |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 2:49pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:Please remind of what part of God's law that those you talked about uphold? What makes the law found in Leviticus 17:10,11,14 as regards usage of blood different from the principles of law regarding abstaining from blood in Acts 15:29 makes Exodus 23:2 invalid( not following the crowd for evil ends). Does Jesus yearn for mercy calls for reckless abandon of the law? Just asking? You tagged mosaic laws as if it's made by humans, the laws found in the Hebrew scriptures and those contained in the scriptures were they not from same source? That you as a Christian shun adultery and other vices stems from where? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 3:21pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
achorladey: How ex 23:2 related to doctrine. I have told you that that chapter was talking about mercy and justice. How is accepting blood transfusion evil ends? You think you are different from other religions? Wait till you see the amiss. Jesus never said we should abstain from blood transfusion nathan knorr said so in 1945. There is nothing like reckless abandon of laws here. Yes Jesus mercy calls for aband on of certain mosaic laws. Like christians now eat pork, some are uncircumcised, christians shave beards we eat fat in meat we don't do animal sacrifices any more so many things we don't . do do you celebrate feast of terbanacles, weeks, unleavened bread? Mercy. There is something called grace. No religious doctrine should make humans loose their lives. In the new Testament jesus followers never killed themselves because they were holding on to a doctrine please name one If your God accepts human sacrifice even after Jesus Christ then he is a prick an asshole, a sadist |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 4:55pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
achorladey: The law on leveticus concerns animals used as food and for sacrifice. I don't think the old testament said anything about humans used as food and sacrifice. Infact if you kill a human then there was a repercussion. Leveticus and Paul where talking about animal blood used as food or for sacrifice not blood transfusion You just trying to shift blame to God for the murder committed by your organisation. Infact according to mosaic law you should be stoned to death if you disobey certain mosaic laws. Stoning to death should still be used right cos you love justice. Jesus preached mercy. I follow jesus. At least not Jesus follower preached die or let your children die to uphold a mosaic law. There is something called grace |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Peacefullove: 6:00pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel: Put down your pride man, No one manufacture grave, am only asking a question . dont u see question mark (?) ![]() ![]() and if you don't understand something ask for clarification. AGAIN Hear the verse again. " And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. " says Mark 9:43 emphasis on " two hands " mentioned there. people die everyday and you wont hear that a man dies and his two hands disappeared into hell , do you ? do you ? SO DID JESUS LIE HERE ? so lets be objective and logical. Do a dead man two hands go to an imaginary hell As stated in the above verse or its buried in the grave ? |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 7:28pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:Do your research on the word ''Doctrine as it relates to law'' may be you get a clue as to how Exodus 23:2 relates to the issue under consideration( blood usage Leviticus 17:10,11,14 abstain from blood Acts 15:29). Fine, Now who says the fact that the JWs don't accept blood transfusion is principally meant to make the JWs or some who subscribe to such principles lose their lives or sacrifice their lives so to speak? I need a response on that? Who were serving as Christ spokesman after he returned to heaven? That the older men said they reached a concensus on the blood issue with the statement (Abstain from blood) which definitely blood transfusion is included, were they out of order? The issue you have is you are simply trying to justify the reasons you and your likes accept blood transfusion despite the clear principle that state ''abstain from blood'' and you are ready to chasten and label the JWs as extremists who refused blood transfusion based on the same principle ''abstain from blood''. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 7:51pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:The nation of Israel were warned of human sacrifice and was also clearly stated in the mosaic law as Deut 18:10.. Do not allow your sons or daughters pass through the fire. Did the Israelites obey? Ask King Manasseh in 2 Kings 21:6. The possibilities for using human as sacrifice had always exist with the nations surrounding the Israelites. Now you see why the laws in Leviticus said ''blood of any sort of flesh''. Oga ponder over that. Yes, Thank God you said Jesus did not call for reckless abandon of the law. Yes the JWs don't want to abandon the part that says ''abstain from blood''. Please don't tell me it is that of animals alone or only. For the records, the JWs will never blame God for the consequences of their actions, those are your own assumptions. Have they(Jws) ''ever'' blamed God for not bringing this world to an end around some time in the past century as stated in their magazines or books or whatever? Questions for you to ponder!!!!!! |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by achorladey: 8:07pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Hairyrapunzel:Tell me where from God's standpoint that states abstaining from blood including blood transfusion is unacceptable? That settles it. |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Techcontrol: 8:16pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by paulGrundy(m): 9:17pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
Techcontrol: Which adjustments? Back and forth adjusts? Like the adjustments on the teachings of how witnesses should behave towards superior authorities? BUT THE WITNESSES DO NOT EXTORT PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF TITHES, THEY DO NOT SELL RELIGIOUS BOOKS, THEY DO NOT FORCE ANYONE TO LISTEN TO THE BIBLE BASED MESSAGE THEY PREACH At a time in history your watchtower was sold from door to door, not until the US made a law that forced Religious groups to pay Taxes on the sale of religious literature, that was when they stopped selling Awake! And watchtower. the Watchtower Society then initiated the 'voluntary donation' arrangement. A letter to elders in the United States was sent on February 21st 1990, changing the distribution of magazines to a donation arrangement, effective from March 1st 1990. This was rolled out to other countries over coming months. Information explaining the arrangement to congregations was provided in the Our Kingdom Ministry,1991 March pp.3,4 titled "Our Simplified Literature Distribution Arrangement". To ensure that the Watchtower would not be disadvantaged by the new arrangement, Witnesses were told to donate for the literature they pick up at the kingdom hall, and then also donate any money received from householders, something akin to double-dipping. A further letter to congregations followed January 24th 1991, with the following explanation for why the double donation was not to be considered donating twice. ![]() -------- SO ANSWER ME, IN WHAT WAY IS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THESE PEOPLE AFTER THEIR OWN MATERIAL NEED? WELL TO ME, I WILL RATHER FOLLOW THOSE WHO ARE 80% FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST THAN THOSE WHO ARE 40% FOLLOWERS, BECAUSE JESUS SAID "BY THEIR FRUIT YOU WILL KNOW THEM" . In 2010, the valuation of Watchtower real-estate in Brooklyn alone exceeded a billion dollars. By claiming religious or charity status, the billions earned over the last century have been largely tax free. The Watchtower Society has used stocks, bonds and trusts as investment vehicles. One such trust was the H M Riley Trust, from the deceased estate of Henrietta Riley. This trust trades in a wide spread of bonds and shares in companies such as Exxon Mobil, Coca Cola, Proctor & Gamble, Phillip Morris (one of the world's largest cigarette manufacturers) and Cardinal Health (who supply medical equipment including for blood transfusions.) In 2007, Watchtower had an SEC filing for a $40 million dollar hedge fund through K2 STB Fund Ltd, located in the Cayman Islands. For a full description see Shares have also been held in Rand, a supplier to the U.S. Department of Defence, as shown at this SEC filing as of 20th Feb 2015. Watchtower was an attendee at the Goldman Sachs 2012 Growth Markets Summit, Growth Markets Insights: Shaping Global Investment Themes (link active as of 2 Jan 2016). ![]() |
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Hairyrapunzel: 10:54pm On Mar 26, 2017 |
achorladey: It is watchtower standpoint that states that abstaining from blood including blood transfusion is unacceptable. There is nowhere in the bible that says abstaining from blood transfusion is unacceptable so saying abstaining from blood including blood transfusion is Gods standpoint is a misnomer. |
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