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Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 12:20am On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: I have made it known already that YAHVEH Almighty not created the natural phenomena and the laws that govern them, he exerts influence on them both directly and indirectly through his human servant. Silly, fictitious, penny dreadful story not fit to be taught ten years old children? History can be concocted. Can you mention some of the names of those people among the 2000? Better still, let them identify themselves and share how that your so-called book has changed their lives. Which one be seriot language. Can it be used to move mountains? Can the seriot language cause thunder and lightning to roar and blaze in the sky? Mtcheeew! |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 12:51am On Sep 06, 2020 |
elated177: You are always amusing me aswear. My email address has always been busy with people demanding for the books daily and I have to try hard to create extra attention for these people. I keep people's identity secret. I gain nothing by sharing their information for you to see. If you want to find out few of them here on nairaland, just search 'Otematum' and busy yourself to see some of my mentions. You'll find some of those who requested the book. Just this night, two on nairaland are asking for the book. Concerning the Seriot language, let me school you. It is not a language for moving imaginary mountains. Everything about your own brain is magic, magic, magic. But sorry to say, the world is not magical, rather it is scientific. All you want is thunder, lightning, rain, sunshine and that's what your brain revolves around. That's not how to reason. All these things are natural phenomena and they are already put in place for us to experience. You don't need to move any mountain spiritually. If you need to break mountain, go for technology. If you need to make use of energy from thunder and lightning, follow the scientific path. Somebody like you will be very gullible in the real life. An ordinary meteorologist who can predict the weather can sway you off your feet, because all you care about is the weather and the atmospheric condition. When it comes to philosophy and the softwares of the head, you are far lagging behind in such areas. 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 3:50pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
Otematum, I need answers to the questions below. elated177: |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 4:07pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Nairaland, otematum, is a faceless forum. One person can have up to ten monikers. If the people you are talking about are real, let them identify themselves by posting their Facebook profiles here. Why haven't you taken this your mission to Facebook? Let the people who have bought and read otematum's book identify themselves and share how the book has changed their lives. |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 4:37pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
T |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 4:37pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
elated177:So I have to go through all these stress just to prove to you that people demand the ebook? That will be so childish of me. I don't have anything to prove to you in that regard. It's like telling Dangote that he doesn't have up to 30 billion naira in his account and he tells you that he has more than that. Then you ask him to show you his account balance. Only childishness will let him do that. It's not every argument that's up show. You said that people who have bought and read the book should identify. Are you for real? Firstly, I have not sold any of the copy since it's not even my intention to sell it. I only give copies to people who asked through the email and I have a lot of askers. Even Gensteejay here on NL has sent to at least one person on my behalf when I couldn't keep up with the demands. It's left for you to believe it or doubt it, but it's absurd to show you my email conversation or even ask them to identify because one elated177 on nairaland wants to verify. It's so so ABSURD 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 4:41pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: I thought you were going to school me on the importance of the seriot language? Instead you decided to embark on fruitless exercise below: OtemAtum: Ihe efu! Utter futility. You intended to accomplish something with those statements and ended up accomplishing futility. Who is talking about magic? Hilarious! Futile attempts of little, underdeveloped minds trying to undermine the supernatural powers and abilities of the gifted servants of Yahveh of Hosts. Ihe efu! Thunder and lightning are YAHVEH's Messengers. They have been known to deliver his judgement. Otematum, without the rain, how will life be on earth? Otematum, without the sun, where will the food which living things, humans and animals, eat come from? An ordinary meteorologist who can predict the weather can sway who? What do meteorologists study? Who is charge of those patterns that they study? Who controls those patterns? A meteorologist studies the weather patterns and can make estimated guess as to the outcome. The meteorologist has no bearing on such weather patterns. This is why most times their predictions do not come to pass or happen as they predict. People have been doing so for thousands of years. So, why will I be wowed by a meteorologist who predicts the weather. Abeg I no want talk too much on this matter. Like I have stated many times; science, scientific knowledge and the scientists belong to my Daddy in the sky. |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by Nobody: 4:45pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum:Of course, I've personally forwarded the Book of Universal History to at least 6 people on Nairaland, who requested it. Off Nairaland, I have shared the historical text (PDF) with many people that asked for it. Kudos to OtemAtum for the seminal compilation of the book. Looking forward to the next edition. 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 4:47pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
elated177:Thunder and lightning are the messengers of your god? You won't kill me with laughter here o. You're talking like a caveman. You are miles behind having a civilised mind because of your deep engagement in religion, but by and by as YHVH your god remains in his spiritual cage, your reasoning faculty will be opened gradually and you will eventually come to the realisation of the fact that you are living in grand delusion. May the Light of God Almighty which created YHVH your god reveal the truth to you someday. Peace 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 5:06pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Everybody who knows Dangote, knows that he is a billionaire in dollars and how much more in naira. So, it will be really absurd for anyone to ask him to present his account statements for confirmation in that regard. Not only that, the physical properties - companies - of Dangote are there for the individual to see. So, it will really be absurd for someone who has all those companies not to have up to 30 billion naira in his account. Even asking for confirmation will be childish. OtemAtum: Ok! I thought you were selling the book. I didn't ask for your email conversation. Let the people who have read your book identify themselves by publishing there Facebook profiles and sharing how their lives have been changed by reading your book. For a person who claims to be a god in human form, writing fictitious, penny dreadful stories will not cut it. You have to do far better than that. |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 5:30pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
elated177: God Almighty is the TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE[Energy]. You, me, YHVH, Allah, plants, animals, thunder, lightning, sun, solar systems etc are all parts of God Almighty. We all have our sole consciousnesses each, but the overall consciousness is God Consciousness. God Almighty does not need a name like human beings, but the early beings like YHVH, Allah, Moloch, Atum, Olorun etc have called it Reverad(Highest Consciousness) and even Mirosh(Maker of the Multiverse) at one time or the other. God Almighty is the TOTALITY OF EXISTENCE with attributes that are uncountable. We don't know everything in existence, therefore it is impossible to tell all the attributes of God Almighty. You can only talk about the attributes of some specific beings or things within God(Existence). For example, the attributes of Allah is violence, that of Jehovah is deception, that of Atum is science-loving, that of Otem is truth-loving, that of a lion is bravery, that of a tree is long-living, etc. To communicate with God Almighty as a whole means to communicate with the whole of EXISTENCE. You can only communicate with a very very insignificant part of God Almighty from now till forever because God Almighty as a whole i s unlimited. God Almighty doesn't expect anything from its creatures, rather it knows everything its creatures will do or will not do. It knows the capacity of all its creatures. It knows that a time will come when many people will worship Vishnu, YHVH, Allah, Zeus, Atum, Odin, etc. And it knows all that a time will come when many people will stop being religious. It knows that there will continue to be good and bad people in the earth forever and ever, no matter what anybody does. It also knows that many people will be religious and then lose their religion as time passes by. It knows that the Age of Pisces on the earth will give way to the Age of Aquarius which we currently have. God Almighty already knows everything into infinity, so there's nothing God Almighty should expect. We the fragments of God are those who are expecting a better earth, a better life, a better civilisation, etc. Talking about plans for the creatures, all creatures are to endlessly experience life from one realm to another till forever. When plants die, the energy from the plant goes into the soil. The soil nourishes other plants and the cycle continues. When humans die, the body nourishes the soil, adds some elements to the soil, forms fuel, etc for the use of future humans while the soul goes from one afterlife to another forever. They can get reincarnated into a physical planet again and the cycle continues endlessly. Life goes in cycle and that is the plan for all forms of lives. We keep on living forever, having different forms of experiences in different planes of reality. At will we might choose to remain unconscious also until the time we are ready to join in the multiversal cycle again. The gods of science are many. They are the beings who are currently fighting for the course of science. Great scientists on earth here are the minor gods of science here while early beings, great scientists etc in other realms are the major gods of science. Many gods of religion have also joined the gods of science and I will mention a few of the gods of science: Atum, Ra, Olorun, Odin, Otem Erectus(Adinoi), Chaleb, Chimides, Ephradite, Albert Einstein, Galileo Galilei, Nzame, Nyame, Chukwu, Imhotep, Asklepius, Rhazes, Roger Bacon, etc. They are in their thousands same as the gods of religion are in their thousands currently. 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 5:57pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Yeah, I didn't mince words. In fact, let me reiterate it. Thunder and lightning are Messengers of Yahveh Almighty and have been known to execute his judgement. That does not in anyway make me a caveman. You see, otematum, I don't just talk for talking sake. I hardly say things that I am not sure of. It is really funny how little, underdeveloped minds always try to pull down great, advanced minds of the saints of YAHVEH Almighty. Ihe efu! A chasing after the wind! Efforts in absolute futility! There is a reason Satan is consistently hammering on the so-called imprisonment of Yahveh Almighty. He sees his Word as a hindrance to the garbage he desires to use you to disseminate. You are doing the work of darkness and are, therefore, threatened by the Light. Truly, darkness is always threatened by light. This is why darkness will always seek to get rid of light before it can function. I, Elated177, already have the Light of YAHVEH ALMIGHTY, his Word, his begotten Son, Yahushua the Messiah. His Light in me has made me the light of the world. It is the will of Yahushua the Messiah that the world see him through me. When the world look at me, they should be able to see his reflection. |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 7:11pm On Sep 06, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Whatever it is that presents itself to you as God Almighty is not God Almighty. God Almighty is not an 'it'. God Almighty, YAHVEH of Hosts, is the Father of the spirits of all flesh. Everything flows from him. He is the source of all the energy and power. He made everything through his Word, his begotten Son, Yahushua the Messiah. In him we live, move and have our being. Without YAHVEH ALMIGHTY, El Shaddai, there is no existence. God Almighty, El Shaddai, has a name. His name is I AM THAT I AM. His name is YAH. Some call him Yahveh. Some call him Yahuveh. Some call him Yahweh. Some call him Yahuwah. Others call him Yahuah. He said: "WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE." He is the Holy One. He was from the beginning. There is no such thing as multiverse. The attributes of YAHVEH Almighty, God Almighty, are unfathomable and quantifiable. However, the ones he has made known to his creatures are known. He is the Consuming Fire. He is the Man of war. He does not leave the guilty unpublished and punishes the children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate him. He will never condemn the innocent. He is compassionate and gracious. He is slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. He maintains love to thousands and forgives wickedness, rebellion and sin He is Wisdom. He rides on the wings of the wind. He makes the clouds his chariots. He his the Holy One. To the merciful he shows himself merciful. To the faithful he shows himself faithful. To the crooked he shows himself shrewd. Let these few suffice. God Almighty, Yahveh Almighty, has communicated with his creatures through his Word. Through his Word, he has made the plants and animals of the earth which tell of his greatness and existence. Anyone who wishes to communicate with him must do so through his Word. This encompasses prayers within the bounds of his will. YAHVEH Almighty, God Almighty, knows the minds of all his creatures. He has placed before every single human creature light and darkness, life and death, good and evil, blessing and curse and has given him/her the free will to choose. What Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty, expects of his human creatures is strict obedience to his Ten Commandments. These Ten Commandments teach us how to love him with all our hearts, minds, souls and might and how to love others as we love ourselves. Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty, loves us and expects us to love him in return for our own good and not because our love or hate has any bearing on his existence. To further demonstrate that love, he sent his only begotten Son, Yahushua the Messiah, into the world as a sacrifice for our disobedience that any who believes him may have eternal life...life after life here on this Earth, after this present age. It is appointed on to every human to die once and after death judgement. Those who live according to the will of God Almighty, Yahveh Almighty, in this present age will enjoy eternal life in the coming age. While those who live in disobedience to him in this present age will be damned for ever in the lake of fire in the coming age. The plan of Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty, for his human creatures here in this present age is to be his ambassadors and rule over all he has made. In the coming age, his plan is to give them eternal life. To those who refuse to be his ambassadors, he will subject to eternal suffering in the lake of fire. God Almighty has made it that once an individual dies, the next thing that awaits him or her is judgement. The only chance every individual has to gain eternal life or eternal damnation is right here in this world and it happens only once. He has fixed a day when everyone will appear before him and give account of how he or she spent his or her life on Earth. There are no such things as gods of science. They do not exist. What exist are scientists and they are not gods. They are mere mortals. God Almighty, YAHVEH Almighty, owns science, the scientific knowledge and the scientists. He made them all. He made man and gave him the ability to conquer his environment. Man cannot really figure out everything, but whatever his Creator wants him to know, he will relate or reveal to him. Scientists are mere mortals and not gods. I, Elated177, am a scientist and I am not God. I am servant of God Almighty. I am not a god in human form. I am the temple of Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty. He and his Son, his Word, Yahushua the Messiah, live in me through his Spirit. Whatever great, extraordinary, supernatural thing I do, I do by and through the Spirit of YAHVEH Almighty in him. Without YAHVEH Almighty, I am nothing. With Yahveh Almighty, I, Elated177, am everything he wants me to be. This is the God Almighty I know. This is the God Almighty that appoints the sun to give light by day and the moon and the stars to give light by night. This is the God Almighty that made the heavens, the earth, the seas and everything in them. This is the God Almighty that made the rain, the sun, the wind, thunder and lightning and the laws that govern them. This is the God Almighty that rules over all the natural phenomena and the laws that govern them. This is God Almighty. This is YAHVEH ALMIGHTY. EL Elohe Yahshrael! Hallelu Yah! |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 9:07am On Sep 07, 2020 |
elated177: Satan? Do you see me as Satan? Oh, maybe it's because you don't actually know the origin of the word 'Satan' from the Seriot Language. Satan is actually a word meaning 'enemy of humanity and humanlike beings'. The first person dubbed that name(Sheitan) was even Nymphidis(YHVH) back billions of years ago when he was causing problems and constituting nuisance on earth among the earliest beings, Anakims, Rephaims, etc in those days. However from time to time other characters have been dubbed Sheitan for hating humanities and wanting to cause confusion among them. There is no specific being called Sheitan. It just simply means 'enemy of humanities'. Now can you say that I Otem, the revealer of the truth of the multiverse is Sheitan when in the actual fact I am here to save humanity from mind slavery? Think deep and come up with a reply. What makes you think that I Otem, the god of truth should be called Sheitan? If anybody should be called Sheitan today, then it should be any of the gods of religion such as YHVH, Allah, Ahura Mazda, etc because they at trying to blind the eyes of humanity from the truth of the reality of existence to follow tales and philosophies carved by themselves rather than follow the knowledge of reality(science). You said you have the light of YHVH in you and you are equating that with the LIGHT OF GOD ALMIGHTY (Knoliud). It is like equating the splinter light of a quenched candle to the bright light of the sun. Can you even compare them? The light of YHVH, Allah and thousands of religious gods are growing dimmer by the day and even your own light at the moment has every tendency to shine more than their dimming light, but you still dwell in the ignorance of the brainwashing effect of their religious books. May the LIGHT OF GOD ALMIGHTY help you out someday. 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 9:51am On Sep 07, 2020 |
elated177: An 'It' is a pronoun for things that are neither male humans nor female humans( genderless) that is why I prefer using an 'It' to the pronouns 'She' or 'He'. Would you rather have me use the pronoun 'She'? YHVH himself knows and can attest to the fact that he is not the source of all energy. The energy YHVH has at the moment is far too little compared to the energy being possessed by an average human being, because currently human beings are entering into the Aquarius Age and a new form of awareness which YHVH your god cannot get into, having been held captive in his spiritual cage alongside thousands of unrepentant religious gods. :All these things they call him doesn't matter to me, but we know him as the deceiver and the destroyer of good things. He is Nymphidis also, having unusual knack for sexual activities billions of years back. He has also come to the world in a combined soul with Moussa thousands of years back answering the name Mosheh(aka Moses) and then he promoted the philosophy of YHVH whom he was. But all that doesn't make YHVH the God Almighty (Totality of Existence). If only YHVH can reveal himself to you from the cage where he is, maybe you would finally realise the truth, but currently he is held unconscious there and will only be set free in the year 3016 when the world would have already developed a new form of mentality that is almost devoid of religion and religious gods. :I Otem have even greater attributes than all these in the spiritual realm. Did I hear you say that YHVH made the cloud? Hahaha, YHVH that could not even make the force of gravity until Earthus put it in place? YHVH has never at any time ride on the wings of wind, rather he flew back then with the wings that the Highest Consciousness(Reverad) gave him and his likes. Did you say YHVH loved anyone? Go and read the history of YHVH(Nymphidis) you will see how hateful he was. He killed Nimshi with the aid of Largas(Allah). He also poisoned Lacrus and many other anakims with lead which he put in a river. How is that love? :YHVH your god together with Allah has actually confused the world through their words and gladly the world is waking up to realise that these words were falsehood. Plants, animals, etc of the homosapiens era were made by God itself, not YHVH who could not possibly make any life, so get your facts right. Communicating with YHVH is impossible presently as he is being held captive in his spiritual cage. : YHVH's ten commandments reveals how selfish he was. It is like what we refer to as 'do as I say' but don't do as I do. To burst your bubble YHVH broke all these rules he gave the Israelites before himself committed suicide by drowning himself in the sea. YHVH(Mosheh) himself raped two Israelite women and raped a minor. He also committed adultery with Mara, the wife of a man called Dothan. Then he framed Dothan up, calling him a sorcerer. Then Dothan was stoned to death by the people of Israel. Even after YHVH came to the realisation of his godship, he still bowed to El in absentia to worship him, thinking that he would get magical powers from him to convince the people under him the more, but he was disappointed when El revealed himself in a dream to him and told him that only psychophysical powers work in the homosapiens world. In the end, YHVH became depressed, sick and then committed suicide. At least you will see the record of his suicide in the book of B.C.E. :Plans of fantasy. They don't work in the real world here, only in the world of books. :Have you heard of Atum, Ra, etc? You don't even know the reason why scientific knowledge most times contradict religious knowledge. The forces behind the two are different. Religious knowledge and philosophies are powered by the gods of religion who are currently in a spiritual cage, while scientific knowledge are fueled and polished by the gods of science who are currently in many places in the multiverse exploring it, just as the HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS (Reverad) craved. Also, conc. scientists here on earth are little little gods of science upon the earth here. :Humans are all scientists by default. We study things. We have billions of scientists in the world, but how many of them know how to invent things? How many of them make core scientific discoveries? You can be a scientist by discipline and this ranks you with among the little scientists but how deep about science do you know? Same as religious people today who don't even know the origin of their religion. Some don't even know how many blood has been shed in other to establish their religion, but they claim to be pastors, prophets, etc. : It is not a crime if you know a little and insignificant part of EXISTENCE(God Almighty) and think that you already know the whole of God Almighty (Existence). The god almighty you know is just a very very insignificant fragment, say far less than 0.00000000000000000000000000000001% of Existence. We call it ignorance and it is part of human nature. You can't possibly know all. But with time you grow in knowledge, unlearn, learn and relearn. 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 6:25pm On Sep 07, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Outrageous! Otematum, Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty, has used me, Elated177, his human vessel, to disseminate his message. There is really no need to further respond to you and your silly, fictitious, penny dreadful stories. Back to my first comment here: elated177: The proof of the pudding is in the eating. |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 6:28pm On Sep 07, 2020 |
Again. elated177: |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by OtemAtum: 7:34pm On Sep 07, 2020 |
elated177:Now I see that you are already tired of the argument and it's normal. Enjoy yourself in the world out there. Whether you come to the realisation of the truth about God Almighty, the creator of YHVH your god or not, it will still not take away the fact that we are all parts of God Almighty living and functioning in our own capacities. Stay blessed and elated. Nice discussing with you. Peace 1 Like |
Re: If They Make Fun Of Your 'god' How Do You Feel Deep Down? by elated177: 8:08pm On Sep 09, 2020 |
OtemAtum: Tired? Far from that. There is really no point continuing with the discourse. Yahveh Almighty, God Almighty, my God, was not created, rather he created all things. I have seen, I have tested, I have tasted, I believe and I know. |
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