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Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 7:54am On May 27, 2017 |
leofab: Horus?? nah... i doubt.. Mithras, probably... but the WHOLE christ thing isn't copied from the sun.. even if Horus had anything to do with it, it'd be a little percent.. my opinion tho... the whole thing got messed up when they wanted to convert the gentiles ... so they had to “modify" what they already had to please the gentiles... thereby throwing away the message.. that was their biggest mistake.. concerning “light of the world", that term wasn't peculiar to only sun cults.. other paths used it.. but concerning copying from other religions, Christianity is guilty |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Nobody: 8:19am On May 27, 2017 |
Wilgrea7: The more I research these things, the more I am convinced that something is fundamental wrong with Christianity |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Pastafarian: 8:20am On May 27, 2017 |
Wilgrea7: and also telling the Igbos that Yahweh is the same as Chukwu telling the Yorubas that Olodumare, Eledumare, Olorun etc are also Yahweh |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 8:30am On May 27, 2017 |
onyenze123: I've been wanting to open a thread on it since titled “christianity.. what has gone wrong?" I've been doing research on this.. and I'm 110% sure that the religion we have today is nothing close to what Jesus intended |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 8:40am On May 27, 2017 |
Pastafarian: you have a point.. that's a topic I've not looked much into... because it goes as deep as studying the true origin(not perceived origin) of every religion.. and that's really deep |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Nobody: 8:48am On May 27, 2017 |
Wilgrea7: You are absolutely right. Do a research on how the gospels were written and you will be shocked - They were not written by the acclaimed authors, written decades after the events occurred and were written in Greek not Aramaic. So many manuscripts were left out for reason best known to the manipulators. It's really sad. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 10:27am On May 27, 2017 |
Wilgrea7:maybe you should research more about Horus.. (sorry for my typos though) it is my dear; I could have send you a video where it was anaylised; how the Christians uses the sun to determine the Easter; the use of December 25 as the birthday? What I understood about Christianity is that Paul wasn't someone to recon with; he saw that physically fighting the Christians couldn't yeild; so he joined them and twatted the ideology.. there was s portion of the Bible that explain how you was swearing you God because people no longer believe his fake doctrines.. the whole ideology of Christ is self conscieousnes within.. the real anti-Christs are the Christians; while the real Christians are the anti-christs( so to say). Those who believe to worship God you don't have to follow a laid down step rather you have to develop to awaken your soul and thread your own path.
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 5:11pm On May 27, 2017 |
onyenze123: True.. but actually, the four gospels had the names of the apostles attributed to them.. there were tons of gospels rampant during about 50 years after the death of Christ.. many were burned or destroyed.. although few were preserved.. many stories were written about Christ.. some lies.. some true.. you can find a few in the lost books of the bible.. etc |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 5:21pm On May 27, 2017 |
leofab:i know about Horus (sorry for my typos though) it is my dear; I could have send you a video where it was anaylised; how the Christians uses the sun to determine the Easter;i get your point.. but many factors were used to determine Easter.. although its an adopted pagan practice What I understood about Christianity is that Paul wasn't someone to recon with; he saw that physically fighting the Christians couldn't yeild; so he joined them and twatted the ideology.. there was s portion of the Bible that explain how you was swearing you God because people no longer believe his fake doctrines.. the whole ideology of Christ is self conscieousnes within.. the real anti-Christs are the Christians; while the real Christians are the anti-christs( so to say). Those who believe to worship God you don't have to follow a laid down step rather you have to develop to awaken your soul and thread your own path. i don't know what Paul had in mind.. but i do know he is the one who started Christianity.. he changed what Christ stood for from love to salvation by just believing.. from obeying the commandments to just believing and being saved.. everything changed.. that's how we got this mess... the Antichrist is someone against what Christ stood for.. it could be anyone.. many Christians don't even know they're following Paul's Christ and not the real Christ... before we can awaken our souls we must first awaken our minds.. or we will forever suffer control |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 5:31pm On May 27, 2017 |
Wilgrea7:thank you.. I once use the word *Paulians* to classify the Christians; they are just too lazy to go further and find the truth rather they allow Paul to deceive them by claiming he was converted... the whole Christianity thing is sham scam; as time goes on many people will see better. Jesus even warned them against Paul when he revealed about a fake disciple who will claim to the greatest of all the disciples.. Paul succeeded in his physiological warfare against the Christians.. he is an intelligent lawyer so I don't blame the early Christians much. Cc: gberra and omenkalives come and keep yourselves busy. 1 Share
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 8:23am On Jun 02, 2017 |
SHALOM! leofab: ROMAN CATHOLICISM IS NOT CHRISTIANITY. They tried to murder all other Christianity lineages, in order to remain the sole Church. They claim descent from "Saint" Peter, who was the first Apostate- as ACTS 5:1-11 shows. What I understood about Christianity is that Paul wasn't someone to recon with; he saw that physically fighting the Christians couldn't yeild; so he joined them and twatted the ideology. What the Hell happened to YOU? Did your parents feed you with Vitamin Supplements, so that you failed to acquire the normal Brain Damage, and Eyesight Problems they plague most of the World, so that they think that Paul was a Christian? PAUL JOINED THE CHURCH AFTER THE LAST EYEWITNESS OF THE RESURRECTION STILL WILLING TO PREACH THE TRUE TEACHINGS WAS KILLED. He did not even PRETEND to preach The Gospel. He preached that YAHSHUA IS THE CHRIST- which is the ONLY thing the Lord FORBADE his Disciples to preach. . MATTHEW 16:13-20. . there was s portion of the Bible that explain how you was swearing you God because people no longer believe his fake doctrines.. the whole ideology of Christ is self conscieousnes within.. the real anti-Christs are the Christians; while the real Christians are the anti-christs( so to say). This paragraph makes no grammatical sense whatsoever! REAL CHRISTIANITY IS THE OBEDIENCE OF ALL OF LORD YAHSHUA'S TEACHINGS. No Church has EVER done THAT before. [b]Those who believe to worship God you don't have to follow a laid down step rather you have to develop to awaken your soul and thread your own path. WHAT HAPPENED? It looks like you fell asleep while writing! WHAT ABOUT those who believe (THAT?) to worship God you DON'T have to follow a laid-down step, rather you have to develop to awaken your soul and TREAD your own path? YOU DON'T SAY! Didn't you know that you HAVE TO SAY WHO "THOSE WHO" ARE, when you INTRODUCE them like that? I can tell you about them, authoritatively: THEY ARE ALL LIARS. If you do things THEIR way, aren't you following steps THEY laid down? If you are in a dark and crowded room, full of deathtraps, but you can see the LIT DOOR leading out of the room, and SOMEONE LAID DOWN A PATH TO THE DOOR, that AVOIDS THE DEATHTRAPS, and gets you out SAFELY, does it make any sense to IGNORE HIS PATH, and TREAD YOUR OWN? ESPECIALLY when people are DYING ALL AROUND YOU, from those DEATHTRAPS? ONE OF THE LAID-DOWN STEPS is: "BEWARE of FALSE PROPHET WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING!" Wouldn't the DECEIVERS want you to IGNORE that first? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 8:34am On Jun 02, 2017 |
SHALOM! Wilgrea7: No, you don't. You "know" a load of bullshit by a woman author who rebranded herself ARCHYRA S. because many people would have mocked and dismissed her, had she gone by her actual name: "DOROTHY." (Wizard of Oz.) i get your point.. but many factors were used to determine Easter.. although its an adopted pagan practice Name them? Are you ANAEMIC, or something? Stop using the cheap trick of "Sounding LUKE a man who knows more than he says!" It's childish! If you don't know something, don't LIE, and say that they were "too many to mention," and such crap. i don't know what Paul had in mind.. but i do know he is the one who started Christianity..[;quote] |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Wilgrea7(m): 4:58pm On Jun 02, 2017 |
oaroloye:i don't understand what you are saying
i don't need to throw ad hominems... I'll answer your last question... Christianity today as we know it was formed on the basis of Paul's Christ and the interpretation of the words of the Christ he didnt meet |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 5:57pm On Jun 03, 2017 |
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Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 6:05pm On Jun 03, 2017 |
oaroloye:what if i observe the person that laid down the path and decide to lay down my own path which leads to the light too? Is that an offense? After knowing well that who pay the piper dictates the tune? And again ; the man that laid the path why didn't he search for already laid path rather he laid his own path and asked me to follow his own path; claiming his own path alone leads to the light; isn't that hipocrism? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 10:46am On Jun 05, 2017 |
SHALOM! leofab: There is only one Path that leads to GOD: THE FATHER. Is that an offense? The Sons of AARON- the most authentic priest, ever- the Spokesman of MOSES- decided to improvise their own Ritual. KORAH and his Gang said rightly, that they were just as much HOLY CHOSEN PEOPLE as MOSES was, and they had as much right to call on God as anyone- so they made their own worship ceremony alternative to MOSES & AARON. Do you know how that worked out for them all? [/quote]After knowing well that who pay the piper dictates the tune? And again ; the man that laid the path why didn't he search for already laid path rather he laid his own path and asked me to follow his own path; claiming his own path alone leads to the light; isn't that hipocrism? Your statement is not quite correct, nor relevant. None of you so much as farted in our direction, until The Truth began being preached: suddenly you declared yourself an expert, and able to set forth an alternative Path of your own choosing- which you have no reason to believe works. . THE TEN TALENTS OF POWER. (Matthew 25:1-46.) 1. TOTAL RECALL. 2. EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. 3. TELEKINESIS. 4. TELEPORTATION. 5. TRANSLATION. 6-10. EVERLASTING LIFE. [See: THE FIRE FROM WITHIN, by Carlos Castaneda.] THIS IS THE WAY THAT YIELDS PERFECT RESULTS. Why would someone want to mess with the PROVEN Path, and instead substitute an EXPERIMENTAL Path, which will probably FAIL, because of KNOWN deficiencies that it invariably fails to address? (A clue is when people talk in HINTS that they have something better- but can give no particulars, and talk in circles, and cul-de-sacs.) |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 11:53am On Jun 05, 2017 |
oaroloye:all I see is validating the Bible with the Bible.. sound kinda lame to me. Be rational and not lifting quotes from a novel compiled by Williams Shakespeare.. under the auspices of Henry VI the Great. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 4:51pm On Jun 05, 2017 |
SHALOM! leofab: Who mentioned WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE? Are you saying that you do not even know who CARLOS CASTANEDA is? Are you just a SHILL. diverting people's attention with nonsense? You could just admit that you do not have any path at all- you don't have to start lying. When other people have discovered the same things that you have, you quote them- is that not normal? When THE BIBLE gives SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS for doing things and achieving results, you have to show why that would not work, before rejecting It. If THE BIBLE is LYING, show why It is not true. But otherwise, don't pretend that your cowardice or iniquity is wisdom. It is very difficult for Evil people to advance Spiritually. For instance, with TOTAL RECALL, you HAVE TO confront all the Evil and Stupid things you ever did in your Life. The people whom you OWE DEBTS TO- and not just CASH- will stand out like someone whacking your head with a sledgehammer! There is NOTHING funny about THAT. With EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION, you would even SEE the people whom you have wronged- and TOTAL RECALL will LOOP those Visions for you. GUILT could even CRUSH you to death! TELEKINESIS can take UNRESOLVED ISSUES, and turn them into BODILY AILMENTS- or just RIP YOUR BODY APART, like TISSUE PAPER. TELEPORTATION can take you straight to HELL- because you have a HEARTFELT BELIEF that you DESERVE to go there- and abandon you there. Or else send you to some other deadly environment- because your INNER MAN believes it the Right Thing to do. . MATTHEW 12:41-45. 41. "The men of Nineveh shall rise in Judgment with this Generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. 42. "The queen of the South shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the Earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. 43. "When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44. "Then he saith, 'I WILL RETURN INTO MY HOUSE FROM WHENCE I CAME OUT;' and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45. "Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this Wicked Generation." IN UNGROUNDED SPIRITUAL SYSTEMS, SOME NEOPHYTE DEVELOPS TO SOME DEGREE, GETS GOOD RESULTS, FEELS FINE- THEN DECIDES THAT THEY HAVE GOTTEN EVERYTHING THEY NEED FROM THE GURU, LAMA, OR WHATEVER- AND QUITS. Maybe TEN DAYS later, their mind CAVES-IN. SOMETHING comes for them, and TAKES BACK all the Spiritual Energy that they have accumulated since their Training- and if they are very lucky, that is ALL that they do. If they are NOT so lucky, they end up in a VEGETATIVE STATE- or else DEAD. This is what happens when people decide to CONCOCT THEIR OWN PATHS, and ignore Ancient Findings about what is right and what works. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 7:52pm On Jun 05, 2017 |
oaroloye:williiams Shakespeare compiled the Bible.. you are just ranting and basking in the euphoria of your naivity. Ancient finding or not.. it isn't a crime to chant your own course on how to associate with God. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 6:26am On Jun 06, 2017 |
SHALOM! leofab: It takes a special type of stupidity to believe such nonsense; but even greater foolishness to utter such things publicly. William Shakespeare was born in 1564, and died in 1616. He was not a theologian, and had nothing to do with the production of The Bible. With the eminent and pious Theologians of the time period, it is impossible that the English people could have tolerated a mere poet to decide Bible canon for them, or that there should be no Historical references to such an important event. It was also impossible that KING HENRY VI should have anything to do with compiling a Bible, since in his day, the English were still loyal to the Pope, being exclusively Roman Catholic. HE WAS BORN IN 1421, and died in 1471- 95 years before William Shakespeare was born, so that he could not have done ANYTHING "under his auspices." It could be possible that you got your English kings mixed up- there were so many of them, after all. But the monarch reigning through most of William Shakespeare's life was QUEEN ELIZABETH I, who lived from 1533 to 1603. Only the greatest of idiots could confuse a queen with a king. You were just making up false data to confuse the ignorant. The first printed Bible was the German GUTENBERG BIBLE. A dunce like yourself would probably never have heard of it, This classic was produced by 1455. Before this time, The Bible was reproduced by hand, as were all books, then. Obviously, you did not even know about this. ![]() This is a page from a Bible produced in 1150. The English people did not compile The Bible, since EMPEROR CONSTANTINE had Bishop EUSEBIUS get him 50 Bibles for his ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH in 331. Another major event you profess ignorance of. These Bibles were compiled by ORIGEN ADAMANTIUS of Alexandria (c.184-254AD), who so took the Scripture: . MATTHEW 19:3-12. 3. The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, "Is it Lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause?" 4. And he answered and said unto them, "Have ye not read, that He which made them at The Beginning made them male and female, 5. And Said, 'FOR THIS CAUSE SHALL A MAN LEAVE FATHER AND MOTHER, AND SHALL CLEAVE TO HIS WIFE: AND THEY TWAIN SHALL BE ONE FLESH?' 6. "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." 7. They say unto him, "Why did Moses then command to give a Writing of Divorcement, and to put her away?" 8. He saith unto them, "Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but From The Beginning it was not so. 9. "And I say unto you, 'WHOSOEVER SHALL PUT AWAY HIS WIFE, EXCEPT IT BE FOR FORNICATION, AND SHALL MARRY ANOTHER, COMMITTETH ADULTERY: AND WHOSO MARRIETH HER WHICH IS PUT AWAY DOTH COMMIT ADULTERY.' " 10. His Disciples say unto him, "If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry." 11. But he said unto them, "All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12. 'FOR THERE ARE SOME EUNUCHS, WHICH WERE SO BORN FROM THEIR MOTHER'S WOMB: AND THERE ARE SOME EUNUCHS, WHICH WERE MADE EUNUCHS OF MEN: AND THERE BE EUNUCHS, WHICH HAVE MADE THEMSELVES EUNUCHS FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN'S SAKE.' He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." to heart, that he literally castrated himself, believing that this would make himself more Righteous. Therefore, he was taken as an authority. you are just ranting and basking in the euphoria of your naivity. Ancient finding or not.. it isn't a crime to chant your own course on how to associate with God. You think that God embraces LIARS? HE gives EXPLICIT COMMANDMENTS, you MODIFY His Instructions, and you expect to be BLESSED? DESPITE all the records of how other people have FAILED at this? The Last Refuge of the ILLUMINATI SHILL is to accuse those exposing him of doing what he is himself doing. You do not even have the competence to spell "NAIVETY," or "CHART!" HOW is someone like YOU going to find a way to God? L. RON HUBBARD took the Principles of. MATTHEW 18, removed all references to GOD or YAHSHUA, and REPACKAGED it as "DIANETICS." This enables minds to become "CLEARED," so that even "FINDING A WAY TO GOD" becomes NO PROBLEM, and one can accomplish anything. He said: "THE WAY WAS WIDE OPEN, FOR ANY PAIR OF LIGHTS. ALL ONE HAD TO DO WAS DETERMINE TO COMPLETE THE COURSE!" (THE WAY OF TRUTH.) He said that the reason why no one accomplished what he had before, was that THEY HAD NEVER EVEN TRIED. His simple DIANETICS Technique- a counselling method, involving questioning people to find their ROOT PROBLEMS, and then SOLVE them, causing LOCKED-UP AWARENESS and ABILITY to become available again, was so effective, that he was able to charge $50 per hour for DIANETICS Sessions- their flat rate to this day. Anybody can find his "Book One:" DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH, and LEARN what THE BOOBY-TRAPS of the mind are, that make uninformed attempts to achieve Enlightenment fail. There was nothing like that, but THE BIBLE ,before 1950. After a while, people began to rip off his ideas, just as he had ripped off The Bible. The first was PAUL TWITCHELL, reputedly CLEAR #6, and an early subordinate of L. Ron Hubbard. He founded ECKANKAR- giving himself a totally bogus back-story, to account for his knowledge, that stopped short of telling his followers that L. RON HUBBARD had taught him everything he knew. Other people followed his example: WERNER ERHARDT, founder of EST... HARRY PALMER, founder of AVATAR.... they showed how EASY it is to MESS WITH PEOPLE'S MINDS, and produce PLEASURABLE RESULTS for the sake of NOVELTY and EXISTENTIAL DIFFERENCE- but, at the End of the Day, these FAD Systems COULD NOT GO THE DISTANCE! There is SERIOUS WORK that needs to be done, and "GOOFING-OFF" on Wild-Goose Chases cannot get us there. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by leofab(f): 12:25pm On Jun 06, 2017 |
Knowledge is profitable to disperse.. thanks for being smart and intelegent....! More grease to your frictional spots... oaroloye: |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 1:06pm On Jun 06, 2017 |
SHALOM! leofab: Thank you for thanking me. . PROVERBS 25:25. 25. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. . MARK 9:38-42. 38. And John answered him, saying, "Master, we saw one casting out Devils in thy Name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us." 39. But Jesus said, "Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my Name, that can lightly speak evil of me. 40. "For he that is not against us is on our part. 41. "For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my Name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, 'HE SHALL NOT LOSE HIS REWARD.' 42. "And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 1:50am On Jun 14, 2017 |
FAKE pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye has repeatedly stated, " I tell people up-front, that I am a Born Again, Full-Gospel, Pentecostal Christian, I believe also in Teachings from NAGUALISM, SCIENTOLOGY, and THE CELESTINE PROPHECY." The Nagual woman Wallace recounts how she soon found herself in bed with Castaneda. He told her he hadn’t had sex for 20 years. When Wallace later worried she might have gotten pregnant (they’d used no birth control), Castaneda leapt from the bed, shouting, “Me make you pregnant? Impossible! The nagual’s sperm isn’t human … Don’t let any of the nagual’s sperm out, nena. It will burn away your humanness.” He didn’t mention the vasectomy he’d had years before. The courtship continued for several weeks. Castaneda told her they were “energetically married.” One afternoon, he took her to the sorcerer’s compound. As they were leaving, Wallace looked at a street sign so she could remember the location. Castaneda furiously berated her: A warrior wouldn’t have looked. He ordered her to return to Berkeley. She did. When she called, he refused to speak to her. The witches, however, did, instructing Wallace on the sorceric steps necessary to return. She had to let go of her attachments. Wallace got rid of her cats. This didn’t cut it. Castaneda, she wrote, got on the phone and called her an egotistical, spoiled Jew. He ordered her to get a job at McDonald’s. Instead, Wallace waitressed at a bed and breakfast. Six months later she was allowed back. Aspiring warriors, say Jennings, Wallace and Ward, were urged to cut off all contact with their past lives, as don Juan had instructed Carlos to do, and as Castaneda had done by cutting off his wife and adopted son. “He was telling us how to get out of family obligations,” Jennings told me. “Being in one-on-one relationships would hold you back from the path. Castaneda was telling us how to get out of commitments with family, down to small points like how to avoid hugging your parents directly.” Jennings estimates that during his four years with the group, between 75 and 100 people were told to cut off their families. He doesn’t know how many did. For some initiates, the separation was brutal and final. According to Wallace, acolytes were told to tell their families, “I send you to hell.” Both Wallace and Jennings tell of one young woman who, in the group’s early years, had been ordered by Castaneda to hit her mother, a Holocaust survivor. Many years later, Wallace told me, the woman “cried about it. She’d done it because she thought he was so psychic he could tell if she didn’t.” Wallace also describes how, when one young man’s parents died soon after being cut off, Castaneda singled him out for praise, remarking, “When you really do it, don Juan told me, they die instantly, as if you were squashing a flea — and that’s all they are, fleas.” FAKE pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye has repeatedly stated, " I tell people up-front, that I am a Born Again, Full-Gospel, Pentecostal Christian, I believe also in Teachings from NAGUALISM, SCIENTOLOGY, and THE CELESTINE PROPHECY." It is instructive to note that the doctrines of NAGUALISM and THE CELESTINE PROPHECY was birthed from a total HOAX/FICTION but the doctrines are DEMONIC AND DARKLY OCCULTIC. Other Scientologists, especially those who joined more than 20 or 30 years ago, would tell you they never considered it a religion, but rather a technology. There is considerable evidence that founder L. Ron Hubbard pursued "the religion angle" to avoid paying taxes and avoid scrutiny of Scientology's practices. Scientology missions were originally called "franchises." When Scientology management drastically increased licensing fees owed by missions/franchises, at least one mission refused to pay but continued offering Scientology services. Scientology sued the mission for trademark infringement and obtained an injunction. There's plenty of evidence that Scientology is a coercive group. Scientology uses deception and social pressure - and sometimes, threats, extortion, and physical restraint - to coerce compliance from participants. Individual Scientologists face different amounts of coercion and respond differently to that coercion, but the coercion has been a consistent, destructive presence in Scientology, around the world and across decades. Policies directing this coercion are widely discussed on the internet, and stories of those who have faced it are legion. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 6:34pm On Aug 03, 2017 |
oaroloye:Now everyone knows who is lying !! Pastor Bronchitis you are a lier and protector of RAPISTS. Read the official reports on the fake pastor Timithy Omotoso who is in prison awaiting trail for among other things, RAPE. YES HE IS NOW OFFICIALLY CHARGED ON MANY COUNTS OF RAPE after you worked to hard to be his defense councillor. You failed to protect this fake pastor when you tried to scare the young innocent girl that was testifying against him. You cruelly insulted her and called her a BITCH for testifying. By the way, word is out that you are a sorcerer, but you are the most confused sorcerer around. SaTaN is making a public spectacle of you for failing to honor his instructions to destroy the mighty SCOAN church. Satan must be looking at you and saying that you are a pathetic loser. After you claimed you have all that DARK spiritual powers to destroy the kind, humble man TB Joshua SaTaN has demoted you. SaTaN has givem you powers to BAG Christians for him, but all I see is that you only have three followers after intense Satanic ministry for 34yrs. Only three followers BAGGED !! The evil president of South Africa has more followers than you. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 11:40am On Aug 05, 2017 |
MISHIGAS! oaroloye: Why didn't you quote the entire context of my remarks, SCIENCEWATCH? Why hide The Truth, like a coward? (Oh. Right.) ScienceWatch: In other words, you did not know before, and were just lying against the man. THERE WERE NO RAPE CHARGES BEFORE. There was no WARRANT for his arrest before. "The Truth" about Timothy Omotoso's Arrest "you won't find on the Media." YES HE IS NOW OFFICIALLY CHARGED ON MANY COUNTS OF RAPE after you worked to hard to be his defense councillor. Whereas, you are proud of NOT defending a man's right to a Fair Trial- CONTRARY TO THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD. . DEUTERONOMY 19:15. 15. One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any Sin, in any Sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. THE LAW OF GOD IS WHAT WE ARE MANDATED TO UPHOLD, NOT THE LAWS OF MEN. . MARK 7:5-23. 5. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, "Why walk not thy Disciples according to the Tradition of the Elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?" 6. He answered and said unto them, "Well hath Esaias prophesied of you Hypocrites, as it is written, 'THIS PEOPLE HONOURETH ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR FROM ME. 7. 'HOWBEIT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING FOR DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN.' 8. "For laying aside The Commandment of God, ye hold The Tradition of Men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do." 9. And he said unto them, "Full well ye reject The Commandment of God, that ye may keep your own Tradition. 10. "For Moses said, 'HONOUR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER;' and, 'WHOSO CURSETH FATHER OR MOTHER, LET HIM DIE THE DEATH:' 11. "But ye say, 'IF A MAN SHALL SAY TO HIS FATHER OR MOTHER, "IT IS CORBAN, THAT IS TO SAY, A GIFT, BY WHATSOEVER THOU MIGHTEST BE PROFITED BY ME;" HE SHALL BE FREE.' 12. "And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother; 13. "Making The Word of God of none effect through your Tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye." 14. And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, "Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand: 15. 'THERE IS NOTHING FROM WITHOUT A MAN, THAT ENTERING INTO HIM CAN DEFILE HIM: BUT THE THINGS WHICH COME OUT OF HIM, THOSE ARE THEY THAT DEFILE THE MAN.' 16. "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." 17. And when he was entered into the house from the people, his Disciples asked him concerning the Parable. 18. And he saith unto them, "Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; 19. "Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?" 20 And he said, "That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man. 21. "For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed Evil Thoughts, Adulteries, Fornications, Murders, 22. "Thefts, Covetousness, Wickedness, Deceit, Lasciviousness, An Evil Eye, Blasphemy, Pride, Foolishness: 23. "All these Evil Things come from within, and defile the man." THE 27 YEAR-OLD WOMAN WHO ACCUSED HIM FIRST AND ONLY- MBALI- said… Waitaminute- let me bring up my Transcript, here: oaroloye: You failed to protect this fake pastor when you tried to scare the young innocent girl that was testifying against him. You cruelly insulted her and called her a BITCH for testifying. THE PASTOR IS NO MORE FAKE THAN ANY OTHER PASTOR- EVEN TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA. No man has the right to be called a PASTOR. The Church has only ONE Pastor, who is CHRIST. . MATTHEW 23:8-13. 8. "But be not ye called 'Rabbi:' for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are Brethren. 9. "And call no man your father upon the Earth: for one is your Father, Which is in Heaven. 10. "Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. 11. "But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12. "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. MBALI- THE ONE PERSON WHO ACCUSED TIMOTHY OMOTOSO- CLAIMING AS MANY AS 40 OTHER GIRL WERE KEPT ALONG WITH HER- NONE OF WHOM ARE PRESENTED NOR IDENTIFIED- IS NOT A “GIRL.” She is TWENTY-SEVEN years old, and claims to have been kept and abused for TWO years. She says that she was being held against her will for TWO YEARS. Please THINK about that. In TWO YEARS, she could not ESCAPE. In TWO YEARS, she could not PHONE THE POLICE. In TWO YEARS, she could not SCREAM FOR HELP. Where the HELL is this Hell House- ROBBEN ISLAND? This is not Humanly possible. THIS WOMAN IS NOT INNOCENT. She said (read the transcript and watch the video yourself!) the man CALLED HER to his bed, AND SHE CAME, got in bed with this man, AND THEN SAID THE SEX was WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!” That is RIDICULOUS! |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by oaroloye(m): 4:22pm On Aug 05, 2017 |
MISHIGAS! ScienceWatch: MBALI- THE ONE PERSON WHO ACCUSED TIMOTHY OMOTOSO- CLAIMING AS MANY AS 40 OTHER GIRL WERE KEPT ALONG WITH HER- NONE OF WHOM ARE PRESENTED NOR IDENTIFIED- IS NOT A “GIRL.” She is TWENTY-SEVEN years old, and claims to have been kept and abused for TWO years. She says that she was being held against her will for TWO YEARS. Please THINK about that. In TWO YEARS, she could not ESCAPE? In TWO YEARS, she could not PHONE THE POLICE? In TWO YEARS, she could not SCREAM FOR HELP? Where the HELL is this Hell House- ROBBEN ISLAND? This is not Humanly possible. THIS WOMAN IS NOT INNOCENT. She said (read the transcript and watch the video yourself!) the man CALLED HER to his bed, AND SHE CAME, got in bed with this man, AND THEN SAID THE SEX was WITHOUT HER PERMISSION!” That is RIDICULOUS! . DEUTERONOMY 22:22-29. 22. If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away Evil from Israel. 23. If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; 24. Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour's wife: so thou shalt put away Evil from among you. 25. But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die. 26. But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no Sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his Neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter: 27. For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her. 28. If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; 29. Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days. THE WORD OF GOD SAYS THAT YOU CANNOT BE RAPED IN AN URBAN AREA. Are you repudiating THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, ScienceWatch? It would not be the first time. By the way, word is out that you are a sorcerer, but you are the most confused sorcerer around. WORD OUT IS THAT YOUR BOSS, TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA IS A SORCERY-USER- THAT HE GOT HIS POWERS FROM SORCERERS (NATIVE DOCTORS). Should we CARE bout those allegations? NATIVE DOCTORS would surely have ASSEMBLAGE-POINT Shifting Herbs in their Pharmacopeia. T.B. JOSHUA would be well within his Rights and a SERVANT OF GOD to avail himself of them- BUT HE SHOULD NOT REQUIRE THEM. PRAYER AND FASTING are all that are required. If a Man of God were to be LAZY, and use DRUGS to catapult himself to a Higher Plane of Awareness, THERE WOULD BE TERRIBLE PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES. I forget how old Tuberculosis Joshua is again- but looking at him on video (with makeup on, of course,) I would guess 40. If he were on Drugs, O supposed that he would probably look 60, move and talk like someone 80. The INTELLIGENT way to use such Drugs is ONCE in a LIFETIME- then, NEVER AGAIN. All MEST (Matter, Energy, Space, Time- Physical Things,) is made of THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD THAT CAN BE FULFILLED WITH THEM. That is why YAHSHUA said that we had EAT HIS FLESH AND DRINK HIS BLOOD. Those who MEDITATED would understand that he was talking about THE WORD OF GOD he preached and did. Those who did not Meditate- the DOGS and PIGS- wrote Yahshua off as a Devil-possessed madman. Therefore, the essense of SORCERY is to ACQUIRE ACTIVE COMMANDMENTS- which would be USELESS, if THE SAME COMMANDMENTS were not ALREADY in us. Therefore, Animal, Insect, Vegetable, and Mineral products should be unnecessary, of one were sufficiently diligent. FOOD IS USEFUL ONLY BECAUSE WE HAVE CORRESPONDING COMMANDMENTS OF GOD IN US, TO INTERACT WITH IT, AND TRANSFER ITS MEST AND SPIRITUAL ENERGIES. If a person were sufficiently diligent, they would not need food nor drink. This is a Known Spiritual Technique, called “BIGU.” It was brought into recent prominence by a lady called ELLEN GREVE, who goes by JASMUHEEN- no doubt to sound more exotically mystical. She has founded a controversial Movement called BREATHARIANISM, based on that very technique. SaTaN is making a public spectacle of you for failing to honor his instructions to destroy the mighty SCOAN church. . EXODUS 20:16. 16. "Thou shalt not bear False Witness against thy Neighbour." HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF TAKING INSTRUCTIONS FROM SATAN TO DESTROY ANYTHING- LET ALONE YOUR WEAK AND FOUNDATIONLESS CHURCH. The media attack against TIMOTHY OMOTOSO is consistent with EMMANUEL TV Bad Acting. This whole situation could be engineered by SCOAN, which is why YOU got hysterical, and have been squawking after ME, because I cited cases where Ministries were destroyed through BASELESS ALLEGATIONS OF SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, which, according to Mrs. TAWO OMOTOSO, his loyal and lawful WIFE, this is what this is. MBALI is a SELF-CONFESSED PROSTITUTE, BY HER OWN ADMISSION. She claims that she had sex with PASTOR TIMOTHY OMOTOSO, because he promosed to MAKE HER FAMOUS. What sort of a woman is THAT? MEANWHILE, the LAWFUL WIFE says that this is a FALSE ALLEGATION. WHO is more credible? So far, all we have seen is this ONE ACTRESS- where are the other 39 alleged victims? MBALI'S SCRIPT required her to tell us that some of the supposed victims were as young as FOURTEEN YEARS OF AGE. This is a PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION. First of all, SHE SPENDS TWO YEARS with these girls as a KIDNAP and RAPE VICTIM- and CANNOT TELL US THEIR NAMES? That is NOT realistic. In REAL LIFE she would say: “My friends, Annie Mba, Elizabeth Keili, and Susan Uzo, were also raped by this MONSTER- they weren't but FOURTEEN…!” You will notice HER FACE is not shown, while she is narrating her story. That is because we would not even need to be FACE-READING EXPERTS to tell that her expressions did not match her story. THE BIBLE DOES NOT SPECIFY A MINIMUM AGE FOR SEXUAL RELATIONS. STATUTORY RAPE- sex with someone beneath the Age-of-Consent is an ARBITRARY Commandment-of-Men. Ex-ILLUMINATI member, BILL SCHNOEBELEN warned us by 1995, when President Clinton and her husband, Bill (in-joke, which was NOT funny at the time,) granted recognotion to the “GAY LOBBY,” that the Illuminati planned to make ot so that SAME-SEX MARRIAGE would become LEGAL in America, and that THE AGE-OF-CONSENT would be REDUCED to SEVEN YEARS. (Sic.) (Part 1) (Part 2) This is because of the 32º Degree Freemasonry Belief that Homosexual Sex with a minor enables them to sreal their Life Force, and attain Immortality and Godhood- with the Ability to create their own Universes. Only Carlos Castaneda's NAGUALISM explains what REALLY happens. [See: THE EAGLE'S GIFT, by Carlos Castaneda. FIRE FROM WITHIN, by Carlos Castaneda. THE ART OF DREAMING, by Carlos Castaneda. THE ACTIVE SIDE OF INFINITY, by Carlos Castaneda.] I know what is coming, and I am the only one trying to arm Christians against the onslaught to come. However, I cannot give anything to people who do not follow The Teachings of the Lord. If you are not meek and humble, you do not lay down your life to help others, and you cannot donate your subtance to help others attain Holiness, when you know that you are not willing, then there is nothing that can be done for you. If you attack Vessels of Truth that were not attacking the Kingdom of God, nor you, then you have forfeited those Truths. Had the Christian Church listened to L. Ron Hubbard in 1950, there should never have been a “CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY” by 1954. Christian Hypocrites typically cannot see beyond the confines of their own Denominatins, Sects, and Cults. Satan must be looking at you and saying that you are a pathetic loser. After you claimed you have all that DARK spiritual powers to destroy the kind, humble man TB Joshua SaTaN has demoted you. I never claimed to have any “DARK POWERS,” neither have I said that I wanted to, nor would, destroy anyone. . THE TEN TALENTS OF POWER. (Matthew 25:1-46.) 1. TOTAL RECALL. 2. EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION. 3. TELEKINESIS. 4. TELEPORTATION. 5. TRANSLATION. 6-10. EVERLASTING LIFE. These Powers are available to anyone who lives by the Teachings of lord yahshua. I have never claimed at any point to have these powers, nor wish to use them to destroy anyone. Why don't you quote the places where you accuse me of doing so- if you are not merely manipulating the readers by lying? You are aware that these are libellious statements, and that I am well within my rights to sue you and SCOAN for damages? TIMOTHY OMOTOSO also has the right to sue you. SaTaN has givem you powers to BAG Christians for him, I have explained thar SATAN HAS NO POWER that he is CAPABLE of GIVING. The best he can do is STOP STEALING OUR POWERS, and then PRETEND that he has given them to us. but all I see is that you only have three followers after intense Satanic ministry for 34yrs. I have never claimed to have had any “INTENSE MININSTRY” of 34 years, or any other duration, for SATAN, or ANYONE. Nor have I EVER had any “FOLLOWERS.” You are simply delusional and lying. Only three followers BAGGED !! The evil president of South Africa has more followers than you. The President of South Africa is EVIL? Is that the latest Preophecy from TUBERCULOSIS JOSHUA? A co-worker who is a Pastor told me this week, that “T.B. JOSHUA IS WORSHIPPED IN SOUTH AFRICA!” (Sic.) He reported being on a plane from South Africa with the plane loaded with T.B. JOSHUA supporters, with his T-Shirts on. For you to be denouncing their President as “EVIL” is quite surprising. Are you trying to deny that T.B. JOSHUA might be behind the spurious allegations against a Rival Pastor, who never killed 116 of his own followers, and failed to raise any of them from the dead? TIMOTHY OMOTOSO claims to have raised the dead- presenting a woman he said was dead for SEVEN DAYS. IF THAT IS TRUE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR CLAIMS THAT MIRACLES PROVE THAT A MAN IS SENT OF GOD, AND THE LORD YAHSHUA IS WITH HIM? Is that teaching no longer valid, because you value the word of a SELF-CONFESSED HARLOT more than THE LAW OF MOSES and THE GOSPEL OF YAHSHUA? Does TRUTH only apply when you LIKE the person it applies to? . LUKE 12:1-10. IN the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to Say unto his Disciples first of all, "Beware ye of the Leaven of the Pharisees, which is Hypocrisy. 2. "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. 3. "Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in Darkness shall be heard in the Light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. 4. "And I say unto you my Friends, 'BE NOT AFRAID OF THEM THAT KILL THE BODY, AND AFTER THAT HAVE NO MORE THAT THEY CAN DO.' 5. "But I will forewarn you Whom ye shall fear: 'FEAR HIM, WHICH AFTER HE HATH KILLED HATH POWER TO CAST INTO HELL;' yea, I say unto you, 'FEAR HIM.' " 6. “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7. “But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. 8. "Also I say unto you, 'WHOSOEVER SHALL CONFESS ME BEFORE MEN, HIM SHALL THE SON OF MAN ALSO CONFESS BEFORE THE ANGELS OF GOD:' 9. "But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the Angels of God. 10. “And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against The Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.” IT MAY BE “FUN” TO YOU TODAY, TO IGNORE THE TESTIMONY OF A MAN'S WIFE, AND WREST THE JUDGMENT OF A SERVANT OF GOD, SUPPORTING THE TESTIMONY OF A SELF-CONFESSED LovePeddler- . EXODUS 23:1-9. "THOU shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the Wicked to be an Unrighteous Witness. 2. "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do Evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest Judgment: 3. "Neither shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause. 4. "If thou meet thine Enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely bring it back to him again. 5. "If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lying under his burden, and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him. 6. "Thou shalt not wrest the Judgment of thy Poor in his cause. 7. "Keep thee far from a false matter; and the Innocent and Righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the Wicked. 8. "And thou shalt take no Gift: for the gift blindeth the Wise, and perverteth the words of the Righteous. 9. "Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the Land of Egypt." BUT ONE DAY, YOU WILL HAVE TO ANSWER TO THE LORD- WHO WILL TELL YOU: “I was accused of RAPE- and YOU supported the allegation, without PROOF!” WHAT clever thing will you have to SAY then? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 3:15pm On Aug 10, 2017 |
oaroloye:Pastor Bronchitis, who are you to judge this poor RAPE VICTIM and the other girls as young as 14yrs old ? What is RIDICULOUS and evil is your beliefs and abundant preaching on sermons such as IT IS THE RAPE VICTIMS FAULT IF THEY ARE RAPED EVEN IF THEY ARE BABIES. Your excitement was tangible when you revealed that RAPE IS NOT A SIN. What is RIDICULOUS and evil is your 34yr old failed mission to cowardly insults and viciously attack a man that the world knows will only respond to you with love and forgiveness. That is the nature of a coward to attack people that are forgiving and humble and peaceful. Your shvt wont work with me Shitbag !! I have effectively exposed your Satanic scams to BAG Christians for Satan using Criminal Scientology and Drug-induced Nagualism here on Nairaland, my work to protect innocent unwary youths continues as you will clearly see below ; The US Federal Government was preparing for the trial of the fraudulent founder of Criminal Scientology, L.Ron Hubbard's wife Mary Sue, and numerous other Scientology officials, on conspiracy and burglary charges. L.Ron Hubbard, along with Scientology super-lawyer Kendrick Moxon, were named as “un-indicted co-conspirators” in that case.This means the federal prosecutors were very sure they were involved, but couldn't quite generate the evidence for a sure conviction. L.Ron Hubbards wife Mary Sue and the others ended up serving several years in federal prison. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service had evidence that Hubbard was taking millions of dollars “off the top” of Scientology profits, and hiding it in overseas banks. L.Ron Hubbard never returned to France, and was banned from the United Kingdom because he would not discuss his conviction with British authorities. There you have it fake pastor Bronchitis, it is not conspiracy theories or lies, it is court room evidence. Let me know if you need 400 more court case evidence ? |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by Ermacc: 6:26pm On Aug 10, 2017 |
islamStinks:this iis the funniest stuff i've read in a while. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 2:52pm On Aug 24, 2017 |
oaroloye:Whenever I read such hate filled trash I realize why a great and peaceful religion like Islam had to use their dreaded FATWA to deal with cowards like this fake pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye (aka Prince Aroloye of Idanre, Nigeria). In contrast to the dark hatred of fake pastor Bronchitis, there is a genuine pastor in the mighty SCOAN CHURCH that welcomes and heals people from all nations and all religions, also Muslims, Jews and Atheists. Prophet TB Joshua is not looking for followers, he heals, blesses them and sends them back to their own churches. He humbly want to left alone to do what God has called him to do. God has called TB Joshua to prove to the world that Jesus came to show Gods love to the world through the preaching combined with the miracles, signs and wonders. For God so love the world, that he sacrificed his only begotten Son. This is a deeply spiritual statement and can never be understood with secular education no matter how high. This fake pastor Bronchitis is a curse to humanity. Is it any wonder that pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye and his gang of thousands of Pentecostal PFN leaders and members tried non-stop for more than 34 yrs to destroy the kindly SCOAN church Nigeria and the extremely kind and humble man who works long hours to effectively help the suffering masses of all nationalities and religions. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 3:46pm On Aug 24, 2017 |
oaroloye:Fake pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye you come across as a confused Satanist. But I wont even try to enlighten you on what happens when a person is touched and the Spirit Holy Spirit manifests. You write about things you really dumb about. Pastor Bronchitis oaroloye, I am not surprised by your failed 34 yr old battle to destroy the kind SCOAN CHURCH Nigeria even though you had thousands of demented fake Pentecostal and CFAN leaders and members to support your cowardly mission. You used viscous propaganda smear tactics and expert investigators published their findings that proved that you and your viscous gang was driven by blind envy, jealousy and hatred to destroy one lone man that the Holy Spirit is using to bless the whole world. CFAN eventually realized their mistake and backed down to even support the truth about the SCOAN CHURCH. Now your Pentecostal handlers and supporters have abandoned you as a loser. What has 34 yrs of hate done to you ? Wake up !! Your new spiritual masters are even worse than your demented fake Pentecostal PFN handlers. You now worship doctrines written by proven fraudsters such as the master of Sex-Orgies on holy alters and sperm sprayed over it while chanting Lucifer ! Lucifer ! Lucifer ! Your new spiritual masters L.Ron Hubbard and Carlos Castaneda are both exposed fraudsters. The both were fictional fantasy novelists that used there novels to start harmful cult. They both screwed all the innocent young church girls. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 4:22pm On Aug 24, 2017 |
oaroloye:Pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye, your hateful 34 yr long cowardly propaganda against the lone SCOAN CHURCH NIGERIA with the help of thousands of jealous and envious Pentecostal PFN leaders and blind followers have proven to be a disastrous failure for you seeing that you swore under oath to succeed. I see evidence of the deeper truths concerning tithes in the SCOAN church. Their pastor never collect tithes. It is as PastorKun say, "in very clear terms that tithing is not required of Christians." Tithing is a thing of the heart, freely given ! The law came through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus! So, its good to give tithes. Dont think when you give you are satisfying scripture to give tithes according to Malachi, if you do you are still under the law of Moses and yet to come to appreciate the knowledge of Grace and Truth which Christ represents. Now that God has blessed the SCOAN CHURCH with the transparent live medium of Emmanuel TV to prove the truth to the world, you and your Pentecostal masters are exposed for what you are Envious scumbags !! Pastor Bronchitis, you have exhausted all the top level smear campaigns and brutal propaganda techniques that served Hitler well, only to look like an idiot in front of the world. A simple transparent global TV channel called Emmanuel TV and the world-wide exposure of SCOAN CHURCH on youtube was your downfall. I am observing your psychotic behavior pastor Bronchitis Oaroloye and would like to donate to you an Asylum Straight-Jacket out of love you will need it. |
Re: Fifty Proofs That JESUS Is Not The Christ. by ScienceWatch: 9:38am On Aug 25, 2017 |
OtemAtum:I am sincerely waiting for the year 2625, it is only a mere 608 years to wait for your plan to prove itself. I am eating health to make sure that I will witness your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grand children making a fool of themselves. You, OtemAtum will be to blame for their suffering because you worship intelligence above good character. While you will brag about their intelligence, my childrens children will be happy and well respected for their exceptional character produced by their humility before the God you despise. May the force be with with you and bless you ! |
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