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Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? - Politics - Nairaland

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Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nobody: 11:10pm On May 19, 2017
Before he travelled N390/395.
Now: N375/N380

81 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by bennyann: 11:21pm On May 19, 2017
Good observation grin

40 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nobody: 11:31pm On May 19, 2017
The only reasonable explanation I have for this is about investors confidence. I do not think investors ( foreign and local ) have confident in President Buhari anymore, hence the fall of dollar against naira anytime he travels.

This occurrence was actually the opposite at first. During the first three month of Buhari administration there was high investors confidence hence the favourable increase in NSE.

The body language and economic policy of President Buhari has really change the outlook on how investors view the economy

280 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Blue3k(m): 11:34pm On May 19, 2017
Interesting things happen when Osinbajo take over. Look at the executive orders the active President signed for example. Everyone notes government works alot faster.

110 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by deedeedee1: 11:41pm On May 19, 2017
Naira went up because over 400 million dollars was injected into the market, not because of any investor's confidence. The lower the demand, the lower the price. That is what happened to dollar.

89 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nobody: 11:58pm On May 19, 2017
Naira went up because over 400 million dollars was injected into the market, not because of any investor's confidence. The lower the demand, the lower the price. That is what happened to dollar.

After the initial injection of dollar into the economy, there was a fall in dollar at first then a increase subsequently.

As at now, there has been another increase in naira without any injection of dollar into economy. What could have been the cause of this? Another invisible injection of dollar into the economy.

If the first increaee in naira is associated with the pumping of dollar into the economy as you claim, what will be the associated cause of the current increase in naira.

Stop playing politics, investors confidence in naira recently has had positive impact on our legal tender.

163 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nbote(m): 1:07am On May 20, 2017
With body language comes great body odour... No blame dollar

33 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by WeNoGoDie(m): 2:15am On May 20, 2017
Honestly I noticed this but just kept mute.

Honestly I noticed this but just kept mute.

Honestly I noticed this but just kept mute.

13 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nobody: 2:41am On May 20, 2017
Good observation grin
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin.
I think I have to start blaming Buhari...


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by praise1705(f): 3:37am On May 20, 2017
have u blamed buhari today?


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Amberon: 4:37am On May 20, 2017
Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by obyrich(m): 5:01am On May 20, 2017
have u blamed buhari today?
What goes around comes around. If you point a finger at your neighbour, 3 fingers will be pointing back simultaneously at you. We are watching how the blame game APC introduced into Nigerian politics will play out.

77 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Notasyouthink: 5:28am On May 20, 2017
Before he travelled N390/395.
Now: N375/N380
That is because buhari is badluck!! Buhari started with lies and killings and now karma has visited him and anything that concerns him.

81 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by iamoyindamola(m): 5:51am On May 20, 2017
very true


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Larryfest(m): 6:48am On May 20, 2017
The guy is just bad news.....

24 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by obonujoker(m): 6:56am On May 20, 2017
Nothing good works for a cursed failure....

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by RichYoungNigga: 8:32am On May 20, 2017

Because the guy is bad news

Anytime he wants to travel out of the country,
his bad lucks packs their bags and travel with him

94 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by MrMoney007: 8:32am On May 20, 2017
Becos his policies are depreciating


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Dottore: 8:32am On May 20, 2017
Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by kristonium(m): 8:33am On May 20, 2017
The kind of spirit following him


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by free2ryhme: 8:33am On May 20, 2017
wicked children grin


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by martineverest(m): 8:33am On May 20, 2017
What a foolish question ❓ Didn't naira appreciate when buhari was around?


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Edum13656: 8:33am On May 20, 2017
meaning that Buhari and Naira are mutually exclusive.

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by free2ryhme: 8:33am On May 20, 2017
The guy is just bad news.....


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Timileyin008: 8:33am On May 20, 2017
this is not just mere coincidence am sure something mysterious something beyond our physical sight gets to do with it... am sorry to say Buhari obviously is a bad luck to Nigeria. imagine, we voted out goodluck and voted in badluck what a rhythm

37 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by massinola(m): 8:33am On May 20, 2017
Because he's an economic illiterate

25 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Jarus(m): 8:33am On May 20, 2017
Why did you choose to forget the appreciation when he was around, when he came back after the last travel?


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Nltaliban(m): 8:33am On May 20, 2017
I think it's because he has nothing to offer



Because the guy is bad news

Anytime he wants to travel out of the country,
his bad lucks packs their bags and travel with him


Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by Spidermon: 8:34am On May 20, 2017
The general state of our economy is still messed up.

All these 5 naira gains on the dollar to me isnt worthy of note.

When it comes below 300 and goes closer to 2015 exchange rates, then I can applaud.

For heaven's sake, things are supposed to get better, not worsen. At least, that ought to be the norm.

24 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by BrutalJab: 8:34am On May 20, 2017
grin. Because his second name is bad luck and APC is cursed.

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Does Naira Appreciate Whenever Buhari Travels? by KingsleyCEO: 8:34am On May 20, 2017
Is spiritual... VP is a blessed man and God's hand is upon him, but I can't say same about Bubu shall. Remember when Bible talked about rejoicing when righteous rules.

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