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Why Do Atheists Bother? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:09pm On Jul 06, 2017

1. To many fake Biblical Christians
2. Money is involve
3. Religion is unregulated.
4. deceit
5. nuisance

Can you explain? undecided


Atheist will not attack a real Christian......stop the offering, tithe, seed of faith, sacrificial giving, first fruit etc. then feed the congregation with bread and fish, cure them all and make them go home with left over food when ever they gather to hear you preach like Jesus Christ did..... grin grin grin grin grin


All atheist will be Christians grin grin grin

Atheist in the House....I love you all!

Are you sure? cheesy
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 6:19pm On Jul 06, 2017

Can this illustration also be used for Christianity to Atheism?

Nope . It can never .

I mean a mad man thinks he is sane but when he regains sanity , he appreciates it more than ever .

Ok, I now believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal lord and saviour.
Happy now!
I'm dead serious. tongue

Not sure I care but Jesus does . That's if you are sincere .

How is your Python btw?

I suspended it . I'm caught up with a more interesting and rewarding habit now . But Ill resume later though .
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by hopefulLandlord: 6:25pm On Jul 06, 2017

you can divide religion into two aspects. The personal aspect and the Civic aspect.

The Civic aspect says that the whole town much engage in a religious activity in order for the town to be blessed or saved from some calamity.

Civic aspect believes that what your neighbour is doing in the privacy of his bedroom can have a serious influence on the fortunes of your business.

To the extent that you believe that your fortunes depends on what another person believes you will become an obnoxious influence in society.
It'll become imperative that you change their beliefs in order to improve your fortunes.

Many christians believe that they must be obnoxious and poke nose inside other people's affairs because that will improve their chances of going to heaven. They make a public nuisance of themselves because they believe that they are incurring God's favour by doing so.

It follows that when people react to their obnoxiousness they moan and go into Martyr mode. 'poor me, and my poor god, so oppressed, so victimised'.
this makes a truckload of sense
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 6:26pm On Jul 06, 2017

How is your progress ? You are doing fine I see
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by 4kings: 6:36pm On Jul 06, 2017

Nope . It can never .

I mean I mad man thinks he is sane but when he regains sanity , he appreciates it more than ever .
This your close-mindedness neva change.

Not sure I care but Jesus does . That's if you are sincere .
Have you met Jesus before?
I have.

I suspended it . I'm caught up with a more interesting and rewarding habit now . But Ill resume later though .
Hope it's not WLC


How is your progress ? You are doing fine I see
I'm better.
I'm now into Machine learning and OpenGL.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 6:51pm On Jul 06, 2017

This your close-mindedness neva change.

Are you open to possibility that 2+2 may not be 4 after all ?

Have you met Jesus before?
I have.

Hmm . Good for you bro .

Hope it's not WLC

Its something so important that I need to develop , its more like a desideratum now

I'm better.
I'm now into Machine learning and OpenGL.

Yes my brother ! Im happy for you
I know you can do more !

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by 4kings: 7:13pm On Jul 06, 2017

Are you open to possibility that 2+2 may not be 4 after all ?
That's not LOGICAL in my world and beyond my range of perception.
If indeed there is any logical possibility, i will accept it when properly scrutinized.

Hmm . Good for you bro .
Thanks to Jesus.

Its something so important that I need to develop , its more like a desideratum now
Seems this is more interesting than programming to you.
Hope you get your desired rewards.

Yes my brother ! Im happy for you
I know you can do more !
Thanks, Mr INTP.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 7:27pm On Jul 06, 2017

Seems this is more interesting than programming to you.
Hope you get your desired rewards.

Mastery is an asymptote . So I guess I have to be prepared for the journey because it is unending . Thanks bro !

Thanks, Mr INTP.

You welcome bro

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 8:58pm On Jul 06, 2017

Can you explain? undecided

Are you sure? cheesy

Let an atheist explain to you.....i do not wish to criticize my faith despite all the bad eggs in it.

whether i am sure.....perhaps give it a try and see your ministry flourish.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 9:01pm On Jul 06, 2017

Methinks they are trying hard to get God out of their consciences to no avail. undecided

I concur Sir.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 9:05pm On Jul 06, 2017
Which one Be Biblical Christian? Old testament abi New one

Both......which one are you not comfortable with
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 9:09pm On Jul 06, 2017

Nonsense based out of bias, as usual.

Others have had a taste of Christianity and moved on to Islam or Buddhism, how does your concept of "Contrast" apply there?
Which side would you deem better in those cases? undecided

You've not even determined what urheme meant by "he was an atheist" maybe it was based off of ignorance or the usual illogical past personal hate for god like in the "God's Not Dead Movie" tongue

See your finger like wetin dem dey see for bush........yes i hate gods......did you say "may be" i thought you were sure...so i will slaughter you.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by Deicide: 9:12pm On Jul 06, 2017

Both......which one are you not comfortable with
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 9:15pm On Jul 06, 2017


is this a question
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by 4kings: 10:33am On Jul 07, 2017

See your finger like wetin dem dey see for bush........yes i hate gods......did you say "may be" i thought you were sure...so i will slaughter you.
OK, make me sure; how did you become an atheist?
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:18pm On Jul 07, 2017

first off, "Biblical Christianity" is a meaningless term cuz I'm pretty sure you're a "biblical Christian" and many other christian sects are not "biblical Christians" *according to you*

You know what it means and if you say you don't know why then are you up in arms against it?


now to the main question

What country do you live in? I'm going to assume you're in Nigeria like most other people here. When most of the population is Christian in one form or another it means that they're the ones most likely for us to run into on a daily basis. It's a numbers game really when you get down to it.

Your assumption is wrong as usual.


But you can also think of it this way. When was the last time a Jew came to your door, gave you a pamphlet and asked you to join their congregation? When was the last time a Buddhist stood on a street corner and yelled at everybody that they were all going to be punished if they didn't repent and follow the ways of the Buddha? When was the last time a Muslim got offended because you didn't pray towards Mecca five times a day like he had?

The last time was when someone raised an alarm that his neighbour's house is burning and that he had to get out as fast as possible. cool


I'm going to assume that the answers to that is zero. Now the last time a Christian came to my door, gave me a pamphlet and wanted me to join their congregation was literally LAST NIGHT when some Jehova's Witnesses came by. I told them I was Jewish, which I'm not, and they left rather quickly. When was the last time a Christian stood on a street corner and said I and everybody else was going to hell if we didn't repent of our sins and convert to Christianity? That was TODAY as I was out and about getting stuff done and had to go downtown. And when was the last time a Christian got offended because I didn't say grace before eating my lunch? That was TWO DAYS AGO at a dinner on Monday. According to her I need to thank God for my food before eating it. I told her to mind her own business because it doesn't involve her.

Your assumption is wrong again. Now I believe that you haven't got a clue of what biblical Christianity is all about and yet you aggressively fight it. undecided


I haven't even talked about witnessing Christians ridiculing one another many times, face to face, and even on these very pages. I've seen articles written by Christians about other Christians. They can get pretty nasty about it.

You wouldn't know the difference between a biblical Christian and the one that is not even if you trip over it.


In truth, I have no problem with a person's religion or religious views until they take it upon themselves to try and push it on me. I've got close friends that are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and one really weird one who likes to say he's a Pagan and I don't have problem with them cuz they don't get in my face. You can wear purple robes eat cardboard and worship the almighty chia pet in your home or church and I have no problem with what you believe. The minute you think that because you worship the almighty chia pet you can pass laws and restrict the rights of others and everyone must join you in doing whatever you do, then I have a problem with your beliefs. You don't like how people live their lives because it is not how the almighty chia pet wants you to live your life? take a clue from the Amish go isolate yourself somewhere and leave everyone else alone.

The point is that you don't believe God exists and yet you fight Him and all who are associated with Him tooth and nail, does that make sense?


So what it comes down to is so long as you pray in your own way and don't try to get in my face and don't try to push your beliefs into the secular world I've got no issue with you or any other religious dude. And this counts for most atheists I've met as well.

Yet you don't mind for your secular views to be pushed into the faces of others. The truth is that you know the truth but are only suppressing it because you think that will keep you from being accountable to God. You are only postponing the reality that is to dawn on you. Wake up and smell the falafela. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:20pm On Jul 07, 2017

Another thread by the author of the dumbest threads in the religion section smiley

Dumbest threads that you could not avoid to comment on. Thanks for passing by. cheesy
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:29pm On Jul 07, 2017

Honestly it's like fighting the idea of Tom and Jerry. We all know it ain't real, but Tom and Jerry ain't forced on people in schools. You can see pastors fighting to have the CRK in school curriculum . They are ready to Christianised Nigeria, meaning this God ideology of yours must be accepted and imposed on the younger generations at all cost.

The reason you are not fighting the idea of Tom and Jerry is because you know it is fiction. You fight the idea that there is God because you know He exists and that He threatens you from enjoying your sinful lifestyle, therefore you wish He does not exist.


Imagine having a mosque in front of your house and be woken up from your restful sleep regularly by some irrelevant noises from imams, how would you feel ? Being harassed by Christian who feel they must convert you in order to have stars on their crowns in heaven. This is what irreligious people face from your cult everyday ? How dare you question why they criticise your god at every given opportunity?

I don't remember you atheists taking up arms or protesting against the noise from mosques waking you up but you would not hesitate to get aggressive against God and His word who asks you to repent from your sinful lifestyle. That's what eats you.


However, some Atheists are jobless and nairaland is their office. I will not mention names smiley. They know themselves undecided. They are probably here already

Many atheists are not jobless and yet they find time and space to attack what they think doesn't exist. cheesy
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:32pm On Jul 07, 2017

you can divide religion into two aspects. The personal aspect and the Civic aspect.

The Civic aspect says that the whole town much engage in a religious activity in order for the town to be blessed or saved from some calamity.

Civic aspect believes that what your neighbour is doing in the privacy of his bedroom can have a serious influence on the fortunes of your business.

To the extent that you believe that your fortunes depends on what another person believes you will become an obnoxious influence in society.
It'll become imperative that you change their beliefs in order to improve your fortunes.

Many christians believe that they must be obnoxious and poke nose inside other people's affairs because that will improve their chances of going to heaven. They make a public nuisance of themselves because they believe that they are incurring God's favour by doing so.

It follows that when people react to their obnoxiousness they moan and go into Martyr mode. 'poor me, and my poor god, so oppressed, so victimised'.

I believe you should learn the difference between biblical Christianity and religion before you begin to derail this thread. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:35pm On Jul 07, 2017

Why do psychiatrist bother with the delusions of psychotics if they are just delusions?

Psychiatrists bother with the delusions of psychotics because it is a mental illness but when Atheists bother with what they think doesn't exist even though they believe it exists it then becomes intellectual schizophrenia which only the Great Physician can cure. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:37pm On Jul 07, 2017

Says who

God bless you my brother. cheesy
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:38pm On Jul 07, 2017

Guy don't even go there.....Atheism actually made me a better Christian.

Wait make power land them....they will come and tell us the difference.

I thank God for your life. wink

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:39pm On Jul 07, 2017


Numbers 4,5,6,7, 9 and 10 have everything to do with biblical christianity!!! That is 60% of all the points!!!

Explain how they have anything to do with biblical Christianity. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:40pm On Jul 07, 2017

Niflheim is bz sharing post....

gullible atheist.......Preachers do not share food but the body of Christ....Should i be surprise why atheist get mad with this religion.....long ago Christ fed them even when they picked stones to stone him.. He still loved them heal them and fed them grin grin grin

They should learn not only to labour for the things that perish but for the things that lead to eternal life. smiley
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:41pm On Jul 07, 2017

Which one Be Biblical Christian? Old testament abi New one

All of the above and more. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by Deicide: 5:42pm On Jul 07, 2017

All of the above and more. cool
What do you mean by more?
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:43pm On Jul 07, 2017

Let an atheist explain to you.....i do not wish to criticize my faith despite all the bad eggs in it.

whether i am sure.....perhaps give it a try and see your ministry flourish.

I see where you are coming from. More grace to you. smiley

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 5:46pm On Jul 07, 2017

What do you mean by more?

The truth of biblical creation for instance. smiley
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by Deicide: 5:52pm On Jul 07, 2017

The truth of biblical creation for instance. smiley
I don't understand
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by hopefulLandlord: 5:54pm On Jul 07, 2017

The truth of biblical creation for instance. smiley

is it that story Kingebukasblog says its just an allegory and that there were humans before Adam and Eve?
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by ScepticalPyrrho: 6:07pm On Jul 07, 2017

What makes your "biblical christian" tag any different?

Are there "unbiblical" christians?
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:22pm On Jul 07, 2017

I don't understand

The fact that God created all things in 6 days. smiley

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