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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by Seun(m): 1:36pm On Jul 08, 2017
What is the ultimate meaning of life?
That's really a terrible question. Meaning is a human concept, not a natural concept. Meaning is something we create. Something we choose. It's not something imposed upon us by a fictional creator. The question you ought to ask is, "what should we do to find fulfilment in our lives?"


Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by winner01(m): 1:41pm On Jul 08, 2017
Same old! Same old!
3 pages of attempts on the question "WHY". No reasonable answer.

If the universe is inconsequential or mankind is hopelessly existent. Then I don't think anyone who claims to be atheist will be here in the first place.
One simply can't live life as an atheist, it's impracticable. However you can leave God out of your life or pretend like there isn't any.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 1:50pm On Jul 08, 2017

That's really a terrible question. Meaning is a human concept, not a natural concept. Meaning is something we create. Something we choose. It's not something imposed upon us by a fictional creator. The question you ought to ask is, "what should we do to find fulfilment in our lives?"

This is an opinion , everyone is entitled to one . You see it as a terrible question, we don't.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by HegenIkomkeh(m): 5:03pm On Jul 08, 2017

Muslims believe that Christian beliefs are false. Christians believe that Muslim beliefs are false. Atheists agree with both groups on that .
Bye bye.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by ALAYORMII: 6:16pm On Jul 08, 2017

Muslims believe that Christian beliefs are false. Christians believe that Muslim beliefs are false. Atheists agree with both groups on that issue!

Because false beliefs cause real harm. For example, if you truly believe that you can fly, you might jump off a skyscraper and fall to your death.

The vast majority of atheists have no problem with admitting that they don't know for sure that no God exists. Sometimes we get tired of using the word "probably" in every sentence, just because it's repetitive, but that's no excuse for misrepresenting our actual position.

How's that supposed to be ur business??

Anybody that wants to do what he/she wants is free to do so.

Just like I won't have issue with you being an atheist, I don't think you should bother urself with what ever I decide to believe in.

Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by bennyann: 8:04pm On Jul 08, 2017
first off, "Biblical Christianity" is a meaningless term cuz I'm pretty sure you're a "biblical Christian" and many other christian sects are not "biblical Christians" *according to you*

now to the main question

What country do you live in? I'm going to assume you're in Nigeria like most other people here. When most of the population is Christian in one form or another it means that they're the ones most likely for us to run into on a daily basis. It's a numbers game really when you get down to it.

But you can also think of it this way. When was the last time a Jew came to your door, gave you a pamphlet and asked you to join their congregation? When was the last time a Buddhist stood on a street corner and yelled at everybody that they were all going to be punished if they didn't repent and follow the ways of the Buddha? When was the last time a Muslim got offended because you didn't pray towards Mecca five times a day like he had?

I'm going to assume that the answers to that is zero. Now the last time a Christian came to my door, gave me a pamphlet and wanted me to join their congregation was literally LAST NIGHT when some Jehova's Witnesses came by. I told them I was Jewish, which I'm not, and they left rather quickly. When was the last time a Christian stood on a street corner and said I and everybody else was going to hell if we didn't repent of our sins and convert to Christianity? That was TODAY as I was out and about getting stuff done and had to go downtown. And when was the last time a Christian got offended because I didn't say grace before eating my lunch? That was TWO DAYS AGO at a dinner on Monday. According to her I need to thank God for my food before eating it. I told her to mind her own business because it doesn't involve her.

I haven't even talked about witnessing Christians ridiculing one another many times, face to face, and even on these very pages. I've seen articles written by Christians about other Christians. They can get pretty nasty about it.

In truth, I have no problem with a person's religion or religious views until they take it upon themselves to try and push it on me. I've got close friends that are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and one really weird one who likes to say he's a Pagan and I don't have problem with them cuz they don't get in my face. You can wear purple robes eat cardboard and worship the almighty chia pet in your home or church and I have no problem with what you believe. The minute you think that because you worship the almighty chia pet you can pass laws and restrict the rights of others and everyone must join you in doing whatever you do, then I have a problem with your beliefs. You don't like how people live their lives because it is not how the almighty chia pet wants you to live your life? take a clue from the Amish go isolate yourself somewhere and leave everyone else alone.

So what it comes down to is so long as you pray in your own way and don't try to get in my face and don't try to push your beliefs into the secular world I've got no issue with you or any other religious dude. And this counts for most atheists I've met as well.

Brother, give your life to Christ, Jesus loves you o. Give your soul to the one who owns it before it's too late.

I've pushed it down your throat lipsrsealed

I'm in my house, come and beat me

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by hopefulLandlord: 8:14pm On Jul 08, 2017

Brother, give your life to Christ, Jesus loves you o. Give your soul to the one who owns it before it's too late.

I've pushed it down your throat lipsrsealed

I'm in my house, come and beat me


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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by jonbellion(m): 8:19pm On Jul 08, 2017
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by jonbellion(m): 8:24pm On Jul 08, 2017
If as atheists say, God doesn't exist and life has no ultimate meaning, why then do they get so passionate when it comes to fighting biblical Christianity? Why do they care?
athiests are not fighting Christianity
To be best of my knowledge they are trying to promote tolerance that is why they are outspoken and give salient reasons for not believing so that you can see their point and also think through it. The militant athiests take it too far anyway those ones are intolerant and agnostics like myself don't care much
Why do your threads always make zero sense

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by Nobody: 9:55pm On Jul 08, 2017

Brother, give your life to Christ, Jesus loves you o. Give your soul to the one who owns it before it's too late.

I've pushed it down your throat lipsrsealed

I'm in my house, come and beat me

kwakwakwakwakwakwakwakwa grin
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:02am On Jul 09, 2017

I believe you should learn the difference between biblical Christianity and religion before you begin to derail this thread. cool

The bible:
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:04am On Jul 09, 2017

Psychiatrists bother with the delusions of psychotics because it is a mental illness but when Atheists bother with what they think doesn't exist even though they believe it exists it then becomes intellectual schizophrenia which only the Great Physician can cure. cool

Who needs psychiatrist? Somebody who says without any sense of contradiction that someone can think something doesn't exist and think it exists at the same time.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:06am On Jul 09, 2017

Biblical creation is not an allegory it is an historical event recorded in the book of Genesis. smiley

Where in the. Bible did it say it is. It an allegory?
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:09am On Jul 09, 2017

Why don't you carry ur own cross and let anyone that wants to believe in anything that pleases them be.

Oh how wonderful it would be if you could ask this beautiful question to your evangelical friends.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:24am On Jul 09, 2017

On this point I feel you are being narrow.
A christian believes strongly in Judgement of Sin and thus, he is compelled to WARN others.

Let's assume we all discover after death that hell is real. What happens if you see your best friend who knew this truth but didnt tell you who happens to make heaven,
1. Can he truely rejoice knowing that you are on the other side?
2. As far as you are concerned, would you say je is a true friend?

A close friend who invests in a high yield business without your knowledge cannot with excitement face you with his profit.

That is the motivation my friend.

Interestingly, how well you preach doesn't take any christian to heaven.

And this is why I say that you are jiving and don't truly believe in any heaven.
Are we not all Nigerians? Look at the state of our country. When was the last time a 'friend' share information for financial salvation? When someone cannot even help you with 50kobo but insists that he loves you so much that he must disturb your life with obnoxious behaviour, does that not expose this preaching as sheer bedevilment.

2) you raise an interesting point. If two friends go separate ways, one to heaven the other to hell then can the one in heaven truly enjoy his heaven? Heaven cannot be a place of peace.

Heaven can only exist alongside hell if the inhabitants have absolutely no empathy, no love, no heart.
The notion itself comes out of the imagination of some quite hateful personalities.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by shadeyinka(m): 12:39pm On Jul 09, 2017

And this is why I say that you are jiving and don't truly believe in any heaven.
Are we not all Nigerians? Look at the state of our country. When was the last time a 'friend' share information for financial salvation? When someone cannot even help you with 50kobo but insists that he loves you so much that he must disturb your life with obnoxious behaviour, does that not expose this preaching as sheer bedevilment.

2) you raise an interesting point. If two friends go separate ways, one to heaven the other to hell then can the one in heaven truly enjoy his heaven? Heaven cannot be a place of peace.

Heaven can only exist alongside hell if the inhabitants have absolutely no empathy, no love, no heart.
The notion itself comes out of the imagination of some quite hateful personalities.

1. In this world, you atheists will ultimately win. In those days when I read the book of Revelations, I thought these things were impossible. But now, I know better.

The fact that we still have unrepentant Christians is a proof that they believe in heaven. If heaven doesn't exist, then God doesn't exist.

2. Are there perfect Christians? No! Perfect Christians do not exist anywhere neither would they exist. The perfection we receive from God is unmerited favour from God because we asked for His gift.
3. Unfortunately, the bond of biological or marital relationship breaks down in heaven. You become member of a new family. In heaven, language or tribe or colour doesn't make any meaning.

Interestingly, hell seems to have compartments. It isn't one blanket judgment for everyone. There may be a slight consolation that a loved one is at the "fringe" of hell.... LOL!

The interesting case is you.
Will you be in the very center -5 star compartment or the fringe? Do you know that you are a man of serious faith. It is easier to believe in the existence of God/spirits than otherwise. If God and the spirit realm is physical, I would have assumed that you were being rational but since God isn't physical, then you must be operating by faith.

Faith is a spiritual force. I respect una!
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by orunto27: 5:07pm On Jul 09, 2017
Satan tried Job to keep him upright 24 hours.
God keeps Satan to uphold Righteousness in Christ Jesus.
So Atheists and Agnostics flourish to constantly remind Believers that God is Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Success. Atheists don't know any care or bother about anything. God gives them the Assignment to keep Believers on their toes.
In practical term, Biafra like Atheists and the Fulanis like agnostics are doing what they are doing to get Yorubas out of their complacency and make them tow the path that Awo laid for them. The Igbos are treacherous, mischievous and rebellious. The Hausa are immoral and the Fulanis are disloyal and vandalous.
Happy Sunday!!!
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by urheme: 4:19pm On Jul 11, 2017

I thank God for your life. wink

Thanks dearie.....God is real and His power is awesome.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 6:45pm On Jul 11, 2017

1. In this world, you atheists will ultimately win. In those days when I read the book of Revelations, I thought these things were impossible. But now, I know better.

The fact that we still have unrepentant Christians is a proof that they believe in heaven. If heaven doesn't exist, then God doesn't exist.

2. Are there perfect Christians? No! Perfect Christians do not exist anywhere neither would they exist. The perfection we receive from God is unmerited favour from God because we asked for His gift.
3. Unfortunately, the bond of biological or marital relationship breaks down in heaven. You become member of a new family. In heaven, language or tribe or colour doesn't make any meaning.

Interestingly, hell seems to have compartments. It isn't one blanket judgment for everyone. There may be a slight consolation that a loved one is at the "fringe" of hell.... LOL!

The interesting case is you.
Will you be in the very center -5 star compartment or the fringe? Do you know that you are a man of serious faith. It is easier to believe in the existence of God/spirits than otherwise. If God and the spirit realm is physical, I would have assumed that you were being rational but since God isn't physical, then you must be operating by faith.

Faith is a spiritual force. I respect una!

I don't get what most of what you wrote up there has to do with my post that you seem to be responding to.

You said Christians are compelled to preach to save people from hell which they believe in. You raised the example of 2 friends, one went to hell the other went to heaven and could not be content in heaven because of his friend in hell.

I agreed with you. I said that your reasoning shows us clearly that Hell and Heaven are incompatible if not even Mutually exclusive.

How can anyone enjoy in heaven knowing that there are people burning in hell unless a requirement to enter heaven is to be heartless.

Of course I suspect that this whole concept of hell comes precisely out of your heartlessness and it is an expression of the wickedness that you secretly wish on others that are at odds with your way of thinking.

As if you demonstrate my point and prove me right, you have now gone on a tirade of hateful desires:

Interestingly, hell seems to have compartments. It isn't one blanket judgment for everyone. There may be a slight consolation that a loved one is at the "fringe" of hell.... LOL!

You even punctuate your hate speech with a 'LOL' showing that you are feeling glee at the deluded prospect of another human being burning.

This is why is it clear that you have a rotten soul, and a demonically crazed mind.

The rest of your post, I don't understand. Are you saying I have faith? What has that got to do with anything?

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by shadeyinka(m): 8:48pm On Jul 11, 2017

I don't get what most of what you wrote up there has to do with my post that you seem to be responding to.

You said Christians are compelled to preach to save people from hell which they believe in. You raised the example of 2 friends, one went to hell the other went to heaven and could not be content in heaven because of his friend in hell.

I agreed with you. I said that your reasoning shows us clearly that Hell and Heaven are compatible if not even Mutually exclusive.

How can anyone enjoy in heaven knowing that there are people burning in hell unless a requirement to enter heaven is to be heartless.

Of course I suspect that this whole concept of hell comes precisely out of your heartlessness and it is an expression of the wickedness that you secretly wish on others that are at odds with your way of thinking.

As if you demonstrate my point and prove me right, you have now gone on a tirade of hateful desires:

You even punctuate your hate speech with a 'LOL' showing that you are feeling glee at the deluded prospect of another human being burning.

This is why is it clear that you have a rotten soul, and a demonically crazed mind.

The rest of your post, I don't understand. Are you saying I have faith? What has that got to do with anything?

For suach a one like you with this serious Faith, I cannot help but marvel.

I sincerely pray my Faith exceed that which you exude. I marvel how to you, the most heartless people are those who make heaven. If that is true, those who don't are the most loving and caring?

How can I hate you? Its not possible and you know that.

Who are you serving?
What is the purpose of your Atheistic Evangelism?

Could it be hatred? (Of those myopic thinking weaklings, ..Christians: weak, in disarray yet stubbornly strong). They should be squashed out so that everyone will be like you (intelligent, strong and organized).

Great is your reward...faithful worker

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 9:02pm On Jul 11, 2017

For suach a one like you with this serious Faith, I cannot help but marvel.

I sincerely pray my Faith exceed that which you exude. I marvel how to you, the most heartless people are those who make heaven. If that is true, those who don't are the most loving and caring?

What is biting you about this my faith my faith which you are going on about? It is worrying you so much that you cannot even read english anymore and understand what you are reading. Furthermore you cannot even think logically too.

There is nowhere that I said the most heartless people will go to heaven. I said in order to enjoy your heaven you must be heartless because the person enjoying heaven closes his mind to the fact that at the very same time there are people burning for eternity.

Abeg, this na simple comprehension matter.

Secondly, Logic. Your reasoning is faulty. It does not mean that loving and caring must be the people going into hell just because the denizens of heaven are so nasty. I'm tempted to break down why your reasoning lacks logic step by step, but the thought of it alone is so tiring.


Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 9:08pm On Jul 11, 2017

How can I hate you? Its not possible and you know that.

Who are you serving?
What is the purpose of your Atheistic Evangelism?

Could it be hatred? (Of those myopic thinking weaklings, ..Christians: weak, in disarray yet stubbornly strong). They should be squashed out so that everyone will be like you (intelligent, strong and organized).

Great is your reward...faithful worker

Only you can answer the question of why you hate me. All I know is that you post hate speech directed at me. I'm not your psychiatrist. I don't know what is motivating you, or pushing you though I strongly suspect that it is demons.
You probably don't think so because when you were getting possessed you forgot that demons masquerade as angels of light so you probably thought you were getting into something good. But by their fruits ye shall know them.

Where did 'atheistic evangelism' come from? Is it your dirty unholy spirit that revealed that one to you?

Look at you, after wishing evil on your fellow man, you are now trying to play victim. you are now a weak, myopic but strong cristian. You're pathetic!


Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by shadeyinka(m): 10:04pm On Jul 11, 2017

Only you can answer the question of why you hate me. All I know is that you post hate speech directed at me. I'm not your psychiatrist. I don't know what is motivating you, or pushing you though I strongly suspect that it is demons.
You probably don't think so because when you were getting possessed you forgot that demons masquerade as angels of light so you probably thought you were getting into something good. But by their fruits ye shall know them.

Where did 'atheistic evangelism' come from? Is it your dirty unholy spirit that revealed that one to you?

Look at you, after wishing evil on your fellow man, you are now trying to play victim. you are now a weak, myopic but strong cristian. You're pathetic!

You made me smile so wide.
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:24pm On Jul 15, 2017

That's really a terrible question. Meaning is a human concept, not a natural concept. Meaning is something we create. Something we choose. It's not something imposed upon us by a fictional creator. The question you ought to ask is, "what should we do to find fulfilment in our lives?"

"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them" (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

A car without the use of the manual book will have more purpose than a man who has not discovered his relationship with his Creator. Remember now your Creator. smiley

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:34pm On Jul 15, 2017

athiests are not fighting Christianity
To be best of my knowledge they are trying to promote tolerance that is why they are outspoken and give salient reasons for not believing so that you can see their point and also think through it. The militant athiests take it too far anyway those ones are intolerant and agnostics like myself don't care much

It is only tolerance when it opposes Christianity but you are certainly intolerant towards Biblical Christianity. Take a peep at the subjects making the front page for instance.


Why do your threads always make zero sense

I don't expect them to make sense to those who believe the universe came from nothing.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:37pm On Jul 15, 2017

The bible:
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

And how is this related to the one you divided into two aspects in the front page? undecided
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:45pm On Jul 15, 2017

Who needs psychiatrist? Somebody who says without any sense of contradiction that someone can think something doesn't exist and think it exists at the same time.

Do you know what is called an iterated belief? It's a belief about a belief. Can you crack that? undecided
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 8:46pm On Jul 15, 2017

Thanks dearie.....God is real and His power is awesome.

To God be the glory. Jesus is alive! cheesy
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 9:41pm On Jul 15, 2017

And how is this related to the one you divided into two aspects in the front page? undecided

The relation is not the point. The point is that you claim that biblical christianity (whatever that is ) is NOT religion. And I agree with you. Those of you that claiming that what you are doing is not religion are absolutely right. It is NOT religion.

Furthermore that bible that you seem to be worshipping actually clearly states what it believes pure religion is. This all demonstrates the confusion in your mind. You claim to not be religious but biblical, yet the bible that you adhere to so much itself extols religion and guides christians (real christians) in the true practice of religion.

Conclusion: 1) You are wrong in dismissing religion. 2) You are right in claiming that what you do is NOT religion.

You do not practice religion and your raison d'etre is just to mislead people.

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Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:00pm On Jul 15, 2017

The relation is not the point. The point is that you claim that biblical christianity (whatever that is ) is NOT religion. And I agree with you. Those of you that claiming that what you are doing is not religion are absolutely right. It is NOT religion.

Furthermore that bible that you seem to be worshipping actually clearly states what it believes pure religion is. This all demonstrates the confusion in your mind. You claim to not be religious but biblical, yet the bible that you adhere to so much itself extols religion and guides christians (real christians) in the true practice of religion.

Conclusion: 1) You are wrong in dismissing religion. 2) You are right in claiming that what you do is NOT religion.

You do not practice religion and your raison d'etre is just to mislead people.

Do you even believe in the Bible you are using to explain what religion is? Don't confuse yourself on what you don't know or believe. cool
Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by PastorAIO: 10:13pm On Jul 15, 2017

Do you even believe in the Bible you are using to explain what religion is? Don't confuse yourself on what you don't know or believe. cool

What I believe is not the point here. You came here trying to denigrate religion. Yet your bible which you claim to believe so much itself extols religion and tells us what is the pure and undefiled religion before God.

You obviously don't believe the bible but only use it to the extent that it can help to promote your hateful thoughts and beliefs.


Re: Why Do Atheists Bother? by OLAADEGBU(m): 10:16pm On Jul 15, 2017

What I believe is not the point here. You came here trying to denigrate religion. Yet your bible which you claim to believe so much itself extols religion and tells us what is the pure and undefiled religion before God.

You obviously don't believe the bible but only use it to the extent that it can help to promote your hateful thoughts and beliefs.

You are making the point of the OP. You don't believe in the Christian God or Bible and yet you are here talking about what you don't believe in. undecided

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