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How To Turn Negative Photo Films Into Positive - Business - Nairaland

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How To Turn Negative Photo Films Into Positive by Nobody: 11:47am On Jul 31, 2017
Hello.Today i would like to quickly talk on how you can turn negative photo films to positive.Since the digital revolution began,most stuffs done on analogues have gradually fizzled out to pave way for the more better digital ones.

Photography has not been left out of this as the world goes digital.Before now,pictures where taken with analogue cameras,these are cameras that do not possess the capability of "snap and delete";they function as snap and print.These camera have had their good sides as they allow user to use a film within spaces provided,thereaafter take films in its negative form to photo labs,that in turn convert these films to positive easily.

For example in Nigeria this was very popular before the arrival of digital cameras into the market.Most people possessing analogue cameras carry them along for photographic purpose in weddings,school graduation,other ceremonies or as a way of simply having to capture the fun of the moment.Analogue also came with its own hazzles like having to buy and fix the film,running to a standard lab to get it printed etc.

As soon as the digital hit the market,analogue began to lose patronage.This was due to certain reasons:

1.While analogue compels you to use a film,digital uses no film.

2.While analogue has a specific capture per film,digital has no capture cap on it.

3.Analogue after a capture or snap can't be deleted but digital can be deleted

4.Analogue required a standard photo lab,digital can be printed by individual photographers using inexpensive machines.

These left alot of people including yours faithfully stranded,�lol.Obvious reasons where analogue films have been placed in their negative forms without a lab to turn them into positive.For some people who still have such negative films from the analogue past,how to turn negative photo films to positive must have finally come as a relief.

And now,here is how to turn negative photo films to positive:

Read more @https://greatideasunveiler..com/2017/07/turning-negatives-into-digital-im.html?m=0#more

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