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The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog - Romance - Nairaland

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The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by bamisepeters(m): 6:41pm On Aug 26, 2017
It is a known fact that Relationship Is For Those Who Are Willing And Ready To Forgive Each other but there must be limit to the extent of forgiveness as it will be taken for granted.

Apart from one or more characters of your spouse that you might find uneasy to contend with, i think cheating is the greatest crime one's spouse can commit which can warrant that extra ordinary spirit of forgiveness.

I know of someone whose women cheated on him for up to four times and he has been forgiving her, four times is nit cheating any more, it has become an attitude.

There is limit to everything in life, so also in relationship there is limitations to everything you do to your spouse.

If you cheat ones and your spouse forgives you, you should just count yourself to be lucky because many cannot forgive a cheating spouse.

It is not because of ego or anything but because there is limit to what everyone can accept.

For someone who cheated just ones it takes the intervention of the supernatural forces to be forgiven, and it shouldn't pass just that once.

If it is more than once, believe me it will continue because it has turned to attitude as your spouse will always have it at the back of his or her mind that you are a legend when it comes to forgiving.

Like i said in a post that divorce should not be the last resort to all marital troubles it doesn't mean that you should now turn yourself to complete fool all in the name of keeping your home.

Divorce may not be the last resort to marriage issues, but it is the ultimate solution to many other people's matrimonial challenges and no matter how hard they try to defend the union in the face of persecution they can never win that battle.

If your spouse cheat on you for the first time I think they deserve another opportunity to make it right.

Like a colleague made mention of a quote sometimes ago that fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me.

And you will continue to be that lovely and romantic fool if you listen to another reason why your spouse cheated on you again when you know you are up and doing when it comes to your union.

I know that for some people the idea and reality of cheating is innate, hence, they will never stop even after you forgive them, if you know you cannot cope just give yourself a final break.

You are not worth that torment that comes along with a cheating spouse.
The thought of someone else over-smooching a woman you deal with gently in bed or the thought of another lady over-satisfying your man to the brim to the extent that he finds it hard to satisfy you when you are in the mood alone is enough to deal with you greatly.

I trust you will not try that 77×77 times that the Holy book preaches for forgiveness as this is not that kind of offence you can apply such law for as you even find it so hard to forgive just once let alone 7 times.

After one more chance I don't think someone in his or her right senses should even smell cheat anymore, else, you will be taken for granted for life.

This is my opinion, kindly add your contributions as it is important to me.

Source: http://www.bamisepeter.com/2017/08/the-amount-of-times-you-can-forgive.html

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by iamJ(m): 8:00pm On Aug 26, 2017
Doesnt make sense to forgive

cause she will think that ure weak and do it again, if she cheats run for ur life

no time to use candle boil beans oooo

55 Likes 4 Shares

Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by babyfaceafrica: 8:27pm On Aug 26, 2017
Never..if I don't cheat,why should.the person cheat?....dem swear for them?...my rule...no forgiveness for cheaters

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Nobody: 8:33pm On Aug 26, 2017
Actually, there are forgivable crimes even in law that all that requires is a fine for the offender of such laws for normalcy to return, while there are grievous crimes that the offender needs put in jail for life, and I see cheating in marriage as one of such crimes.

By the reason of that union, cheating shouldn't be part of it.

The moment a spouse cheats, there's 99.9% possibility that he'd do it again, and the moment you forgive you're opening the door to be cheated on 'cause he'd assume that after pleading if caught you're likely to forgive. The moment you do it twice it becomes a norm for him to cheat with reckless abandon.

I can't forgive a cheating man and can't be with one.

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Narldon: 10:15pm On Aug 26, 2017

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by sonnie10: 10:16pm On Aug 26, 2017
Zero. Or better minus 1


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by MzHolly(f): 10:16pm On Aug 26, 2017
I cheat back as revenge always


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by obo389(m): 10:17pm On Aug 26, 2017

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Nobody: 10:17pm On Aug 26, 2017


Don't ever forgive a cheating partner

a person who cheats on you is not worth your time or effort

when someone truly loves another they will never cause pain to that person

a cheating partner is detrimental to your mental health

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by kayojosephy(m): 10:18pm On Aug 26, 2017
It all depends on my mood in proportion to her state of true repentance..


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by tigeress2011: 10:18pm On Aug 26, 2017

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by muller101(m): 10:18pm On Aug 26, 2017
Nonsense thread


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by soberdrunk(m): 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017
There is nothing i hate hearing more than "I dont know how it happened". If you are a man or woman and you think your partner is going to stay faithful 'forever', you are under the biggest illusion ever! I have made up my mind that my future bae and i are going to be 1000% honest with each other and cheating will only be a crime if she doesnt tell me about it 'before' and after it happens and i catch her myself..... angry


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Moving4: 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Zeze06(m): 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017

I can't even tolerate a cheating girlfriend, how much less a wife? undecided


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Nobody: 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017
Why should a cheating wife be forgiven? Thunder fire them all

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Moving4: 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017
7 * 70times...As long as u can, 4giv


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Boyooosa(m): 10:19pm On Aug 26, 2017
As much as possible in as much we r not together again on the first catch sad


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Veeflow(m): 10:21pm On Aug 26, 2017
Real love don't cheat. The memory will be there. But sometimes sha u have to forgive. Depends on what happened

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Divay22(f): 10:25pm On Aug 26, 2017
It can only be once for me....
But with the cold feet, it will be more better if i didn't forgive at all.
Once trust is broken it can never be whole again.

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by bettercreature(m): 10:26pm On Aug 26, 2017
grin grin grin grin

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Boyooosa(m): 10:26pm On Aug 26, 2017
Why should a cheating wife boe forgiven? Thunder fire them all
I guess ur woman is not with u


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by KKKWHITE(m): 10:31pm On Aug 26, 2017
If someone cheats on you end the relationship immediately Because we are whom we are Can never change

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by lacruz12(m): 10:32pm On Aug 26, 2017
Once a cheat always a cheat..... No juju can change that


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by menxer: 10:32pm On Aug 26, 2017
Life is an illusion, as long as you maintain that illusion you will be fine. grin


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by declaro(m): 10:33pm On Aug 26, 2017
It is a known fact that Relationship Is For Those Who Are Willing And Ready To Forgive Each other but there must be limit to the extent of forgiveness as it will be taken for granted.

Apart from one or more characters of your spouse that you might find uneasy to contend with, i think cheating is the greatest crime one's spouse can commit which can warrant that extra ordinary spirit of forgiveness.

I know of someone whose women cheated on him for up to four times and he has been forgiving her, four times is nit cheating any more, it has become an attitude.

There is limit to everything in life, so also in relationship there is limitations to everything you do to your spouse.

If you cheat ones and your spouse forgives you, you should just count yourself to be lucky because many cannot forgive a cheating spouse.

It is not because of ego or anything but because there is limit to what everyone can accept.

For someone who cheated just ones it takes the intervention of the supernatural forces to be forgiven, and it shouldn't pass just that once.

If it is more than once, believe me it will continue because it has turned to attitude as your spouse will always have it at the back of his or her mind that you are a legend when it comes to forgiving.

Like i said in a post that divorce should not be the last resort to all marital troubles it doesn't mean that you should now turn yourself to complete fool all in the name of keeping your home.

Divorce may not be the last resort to marriage issues, but it is the ultimate solution to many other people's matrimonial challenges and no matter how hard they try to defend the union in the face of persecution they can never win that battle.

If your spouse cheat on you for the first time I think they deserve another opportunity to make it right.

Like a colleague made mention of a quote sometimes ago that fool me once, shame on you. Fool me again, shame on me.

And you will continue to be that lovely and romantic fool if you listen to another reason why your spouse cheated on you again when you know you are up and doing when it comes to your union.

I know that for some people the idea and reality of cheating is innate, hence, they will never stop even after you forgive them, if you know you cannot cope just give yourself a final break.

You are not worth that torment that comes along with a cheating spouse.
The thought of someone else over-smooching a woman you deal with gently in bed or the thought of another lady over-satisfying your man to the brim to the extent that he finds it hard to satisfy you when you are in the mood alone is enough to deal with you greatly.

I trust you will not try that 77×77 times that the Holy book preaches for forgiveness as this is not that kind of offence you can apply such law for as you even find it so hard to forgive just once let alone 7 times.

After one more chance I don't think someone in his or her right senses should even smell cheat anymore, else, you will be taken for granted for life.

This is my opinion, kindly add your contributions as it is important to me.

Source: http://www.bamisepeter.com/2017/08/the-amount-of-times-you-can-forgive.html

You can forgive your spouse once for cheating. For me, I will definitely forgive but I will never marry her again, never.


Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by KKKWHITE(m): 10:33pm On Aug 26, 2017
7 * 70times...As long as u can, 4giv
does not applies in the case of cheating A certificate of divorce should be issued immediately

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by braine(m): 10:34pm On Aug 26, 2017
I'd say 0 times.

But then...

...in as much as I think cheating is horrible, I feel we'll have to deal with it whether we like it or not. Almost every girl I've dated cheated which led to breakups. Now it's like we have to accept it, else one may stay single forever.

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by tomdon(m): 10:35pm On Aug 26, 2017
What is cheating? Sleeping with someone else?
How's that cheating??

Even singles will be saying cheating this and that, if it's a sin, then by fukking outside marriage you're already sinning

Your spouse slept with another person, so fukking what!!!
Fukk him or her harder next time, they Won't have the time to go fukk another next time

What's the fuss about forgiveness Are you God??

You're not talking about important issues that make people bad. It is sex

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Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by Amberon11: 10:35pm On Aug 26, 2017
Re: The Amount Of Times You Can Forgive A Cheating Spouse - Bamisepeter's Blog by macanu(m): 10:39pm On Aug 26, 2017
D issues of a man and a woman who cheat more is an aged argument since 1900,it very painful to imagine it and feel it wen u remember the betray,forgiveness is far 4rm dis

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