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Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed - Religion - Nairaland

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Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by folafola(m): 6:15am On Oct 29, 2017


Chapter 5 if the Quran is among the last three chapters (Suras) which were revealed to muhammad before his death.

In chapter 5 we read the following concerning the Gospel and its followers:

“And let the people of the Gospel judge according to what ALLAH has revealed therein, and whoso judges not by what ALLAH has revealed, these it is who are the transgressors.” - Q5:47

It is obvious from this passage (Q5:47) that the people of the Gospel are commanded to follow the Gospel (aka Injil or NT). Otherwise, if they fail to do so, they will be called”transgressors.” Not to mention, that according to the Quran, the Gospel is revealedby Allah, who commanded the followers of the Gospel to follow it.

Our simple question to our Muslim friends is:

Can you show us any verse in the Quran that was revealed after chapter 5 was revealed, which apolished or abrogated the Gospel or Injil and cancelled it?

Al Fadi is an ex Muslim from Saudi Arabia

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Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Nobody: 7:10am On Oct 29, 2017
observing and noting
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by modash(m): 7:10am On Oct 29, 2017
The Injil is not the New Testament. The NT of today is not the gospel of Jesus but it's the gospel of mark, matthew, John and luke


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by alBHAGDADI: 7:22am On Oct 29, 2017
The Injil is not the New Testament. The NT of today is not the gospel of Jesus but it's the gospel of mark, matthew, John and luke
Okay, where is the injil?

Show us now, cos failure to do so will only prove that you have believed in a lie sold to you by imams.


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by folafola(m): 3:03pm On Oct 29, 2017
The Injil is not the New Testament. The NT of today is not the gospel of Jesus but it's the gospel of mark, matthew, John and luke

Ok if the Injil is not NT pls tell us about the Injil people of the gospel must obey!!!
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by modash(m): 7:09pm On Oct 29, 2017

Ok if the Injil is not NT pls tell us about the Injil people of the gospel must obey!!!

My scriptures said eesa came with the injeel (the goodness) which he preached at the time I know that the new testament came years after eesa.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by folafola(m): 5:32am On Oct 30, 2017

My scriptures said eesa came with the injeel (the goodness) which he preached at the time I know that the new testament came years after eesa.

where is that injil brought by jesus and is it a physical book or in the memory of eesa?


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by modash(m): 8:10am On Oct 30, 2017

where is that injil brought by jesus and is it a physical book or in the memory of eesa?

King James version 4:23
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

The gospel Jesus himself was preaching was the injil

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Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by enilove(m): 10:01am On Oct 30, 2017

King James version 4:23
And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

The gospel Jesus himself was preaching was the injil

Here is why you need to read the quran and hadiths for yourself . That is when you can have a clear mind of your religion :

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48:

Narrated Hisham's father:

Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet for marriage. 'Aisha said, "Doesn't a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?" But when the Verse: "(O Muhammad) You may postpone (the turn of) any of them (your wives) that you please,' (33.51) was revealed, " 'Aisha said, 'O Allah's Apostle! I do not see, but, that your Lord HURRIES in PLEASING you.' "

The above simply means muhamed used to google revelations to please his actions . Just like when he took his adopted son's wْife.

"And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished."
(QS. Al-Ahzaab: Verse 37)

It is expected of a good person , talkless of Prophet, to unite a marriage where there is a dispute .

How can you believe such a person is a Prophet. No signs and wonders like the Prophets of the Bible. Moses said:

Exodus 4:1-9 KJV
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee. [2] And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. [3] And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. [4] And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: [5] That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. [6] And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. [7] And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. [8] And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. [9] And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land : and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land .

God is a God of signs , wonders and miracles. Allah and muhammed could not show signs and miracles to make people believe without killings of innocent souls . That is why there is so much violence terrorism in most muslim nations. Muha started it all.

Jesus follwers got people converted by signs and wongers:

Acts 19:10-12 KJV
And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. [11] And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: [12] So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

Allah is not your Creator. Pls pray and ask God ,your Creator , if it is true that allah is your a true God.

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Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Rashduct4luv(m): 12:54pm On Oct 30, 2017

Here is why you need to read the quran and hadiths for yourself . That is when you can have a clear mind of your religion :

Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48:

Narrated Hisham's father:

Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet for marriage. 'Aisha said, "Doesn't a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?" But when the Verse: "(O Muhammad) You may postpone (the turn of) any of them (your wives) that you please,' (33.51) was revealed, " 'Aisha said, 'O Allah's Apostle! I do not see, but, that your Lord HURRIES in PLEASING you.' "

The above simply means muhamed used to google revelations to please his actions . Just like when he took his adopted son's wْife.

"And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished."
(QS. Al-Ahzaab: Verse 37)

It is expected of a good person , talkless of Prophet, to unite a marriage where there is a dispute .

How can you believe such a person is a Prophet. No signs and wonders like the Prophets of the Bible. Moses said:

Exodus 4:1-9 KJV
And Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared unto thee. [2] And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. [3] And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. [4] And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: [5] That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee. [6] And the Lord said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow. [7] And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom again. And he put his hand into his bosom again; and plucked it out of his bosom, and, behold, it was turned again as his other flesh. [8] And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign. [9] And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land : and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land .

God is a God of signs , wonders and miracles. Allah and muhammed could not show signs and miracles to make people believe without killings of innocent souls . That is why there is so much violence terrorism in most muslim nations. Muha started it all.

Jesus follwers got people converted by signs and wongers:

Acts 19:10-12 KJV
And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. [11] And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: [12] So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

Allah is not your Creator. Pls pray and ask God ,your Creator , if it is true that allah is your a true God.

Why do you need to always derail threads? And if one gives u the answers to this, you still go to another thread to ask the same questions!

Why not create a thread instead of messing up others!
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Rashduct4luv(m): 1:27pm On Oct 30, 2017
Imam Ibn Hazm (may Allaah have mercy on him) says in al-Fasl fi’l-Milal (2/2):

We do not need to try hard to prove that the Gospels and all the books of the Christians did not come from God or from the Messiah (peace be upon him), as we needed to do with regard to the Torah and the books attributed to the Prophets that the Jews have, because the Jews claim that the Torah that they have was revealed from God to Moosa, so we needed to establish proof that this claim of theirs is false. With regard to the Christians, they have taken care of the issue themselves, because they do not believe that the Gospels were revealed from God to the Messiah, or that the Messiah brought them, rather all of them from first to last, peasants and kings, Nestorians, Jacobites, Maronites and Orthodox are all agreed that there are four historical accounts written by four known men at different times. The first of them is the account written by Matthew the Levite who was a disciple of the Messiah, nine years after the Messiah was taken up into heaven. He wrote it in Hebrew in Judaea in Palestine, and it filled approximately twenty-eight pages in a medium-sized script. The next account was written by Mark, a disciple of Simon ben Yuna, who was called Peter, twenty-two years after the Messiah was taken up into heaven. He wrote it in Greek in Antioch in the land of the Byzantines. They say that the Simon mentioned is the one who wrote it, then he erased his name from the beginning of it and attributed it to his disciple Mark. It filled twenty-four pages written in a medium-sized script. This Simon was a disciple of the Messiah. The third account written was that of Luke, a physician of Antioch who was also a disciple of Simon Peter. He wrote it in Greek after Mark had written his account, and is similar in length to the Gospel of Matthew. The fourth account was written by John the son of Zebedee, another disciple of the Messiah, sixty-odd years after the Messiah has been taken up into heaven. He wrote it in Greek, and it filled twenty-four pages in a medium-sized script. End quote.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by enilove(m): 2:50pm On Oct 30, 2017

Why do you need to always derail threads? And if one gives u the answers to this, you still go to another thread to ask the same questions!

Why not create a thread instead of messing up others!

I have never derailed any thread. If I have the Op would have cautioned me.

The point I was making is that because muhammed said in quran that the Bible was corrupted , most muslims believe it as so without actually asking themselves which part was corrupt.

Allah could have just given muhammed the uplifted part rather than creating something totally diff from the Bible .

I am now saying must you believe such allegations when there is no hand of divinity in the life of Muhammed .

If a company comes today to Nigeria and says that the product " Cocacola " we have in nigeria is a fake and the company starts producing another soft drink , black like coke, but purges people , you should know that the company only bad mouth the Cocacola to sell its own fake product. Simple. That was what muhammed did.

I mentioned Khaula and marriage of muhammed to zaid to inform you that when you read things like that it should create in you an inqusitive mind , then , you read your quran and hadith to get more facts.

That is my point of view.


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Rashduct4luv(m): 3:50pm On Oct 30, 2017

I have never derailed any thread. If I have the Op would have cautioned me.

The point I was making is that because muhammed said in quran that the Bible was corrupted , most muslims believe it as so without actually asking themselves which part was corrupt.

Allah could have just given muhammed the uplifted part rather than creating something totally diff from the Bible .

I am now saying must you believe such allegations when there is no hand of divinity in the life of Muhammed .

If a company comes today to Nigeria and says that the product " Cocacola " we have in nigeria is a fake and the company starts producing another soft drink , black like coke, but purges people , you should know that the company only bad mouth the Cocacola to sell its own fake product. Simple. That was what muhammed did.

I mentioned Khaula and marriage of muhammed to zaid to inform you that when you read things like that it should create in you an inqusitive mind , then , you read your quran and hadith to get more facts.

That is my point of view.

This question you are asking is similar to "why did God gave the Jews the Old testament and later gave the Christians the new testament? Shouldn't He had given the New Testament to Moses straight forward...i guess u never saw this coming.

Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam was the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah while Adam was the first Prophet, Noah was the first Prophet & Messenger. All of them brought the worship of one God only to their followers not trinity!

To cap it all, there are evidences that Qur'an was compiled as a Book by the foremost companion of the Prophet, Abu Bakr, though it was formerly on patchment, leaves, etc before that. Also a lot of the companions memorised it.

The Book of Mattew, Mark, Luke and John can not pass through this test as it was clearly not written by Jesus. No record of any written Gospel during the time of Jesus. These Books can best be called an hearsay account as Luke says below:

Luke 1:1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled[a] among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by enilove(m): 5:43pm On Oct 30, 2017

This question you are asking is similar to "why did God gave the Jews the Old testament and later gave the Christians the new testament? Shouldn't He had given the New Testament to Moses straight forward...i guess u never saw this coming.

Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa salam was the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah while Adam was the first Prophet, Noah was the first Prophet & Messenger. All of them brought the worship of one God only to their followers not trinity!

To cap it all, there are evidences that Qur'an was compiled as a Book by the foremost companion of the Prophet, Abu Bakr, though it was formerly on patchment, leaves, etc before that. Also a lot of the companions memorised it.

The Book of Mattew, Mark, Luke and John can not pass through this test as it was clearly not written by Jesus. No record of any written Gospel during the time of Jesus. These Books can best be called an hearsay account as Luke says below:

Luke 1:1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled[a] among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

You qouted something but did not read the contents.

Did you not read in that verse 2 that " Even as they delivered them unto us , WHICH FROM THE BIGINNING WERE EYEWITNESSES , AND MINISTER OF THE WORD.

Who were the ministers of the word and eyewitnesses? Were they not the apostles.

Mathew was a desciple of Jesus he was among the twelve disciples , he was a tax collector when Jesus called him.

Matthew 9:9 KJV
And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

Mark was a close friend of Paul and Barnabas .

Luke was also a missionary conmpanion of Paul.

John. John and his brother James used to follow John the Batist until Jesus called them to follow him. John ,Peter and James were close to Jesus.

For a matter to be established in court as right or wrong there must be at least two witnesses. Here we have even 4 witnesses. Even Bible says in :

Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

How ignorant can anyone be to believe the account of a non eye witness living in a different country and 600 years after the account to that of a witness present at the venue of the account in the same time period.

What you quoted says EYEWITNESSES. So , someone who is not biase would choose that of Jesus apostles. Moreover ,muhammed had a religious motives.
He did and said that to elevate himself. He bad mouthed the true religion to put forward his religion. That was why he mentioned names of Prophets in the Bible who were all Israelites except him .
But the mode of worship and the name of the god are different from that of Prophets of the Bible but the same with the idol worshpers of arabs even till today.

How can you believe someone who could not differentiate btw God's message and Satanic message

Why was the first quran compiled by Abu bakr destroyed by the caliphs .

Read this , and I will continue with why quran was destroyed .

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Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by enilove(m): 5:57pm On Oct 30, 2017
You asked why God gave the Israelites the old testament and the christians the new testament.

You are wrong. No christian would tell you that the new testament is for him and old for the Israelites.

There is no church were you will see them making use of only the new or old testament. They are two in one. You cannot do without the new or old testament as a child of God. The two are related and jointly together.

I would like to here your reply why you assumed that @ Rashduct4luv

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Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Rashduct4luv(m): 10:46am On Oct 31, 2017

You qouted something but did not read the contents.

Did you not read in that verse 2 that " Even as they delivered them unto us , WHICH FROM THE BIGINNING WERE EYEWITNESSES , AND MINISTER OF THE WORD.

Who were the ministers of the word and eyewitnesses? Were they not the apostles.

Mathew was a desciple of Jesus he was among the twelve disciples , he was a tax collector when Jesus called him.

Matthew 9:9 KJV
And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

Mark was a close friend of Paul and Barnabas .

Luke was also a missionary conmpanion of Paul.

John. John and his brother James used to follow John the Batist until Jesus called them to follow him. John ,Peter and James were close to Jesus.

For a matter to be established in court as right or wrong there must be at least two witnesses. Here we have even 4 witnesses. Even Bible says in :

Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

How ignorant can anyone be to believe the account of a non eye witness living in a different country and 600 years after the account to that of a witness present at the venue of the account in the same time period.

What you quoted says EYEWITNESSES. So , someone who is not biase would choose that of Jesus apostles. Moreover ,muhammed had a religious motives.
He did and said that to elevate himself. He bad mouthed the true religion to put forward his religion. That was why he mentioned names of Prophets in the Bible who were all Israelites except him .
But the mode of worship and the name of the god are different from that of Prophets of the Bible but the same with the idol worshpers of arabs even till today.

How can you believe someone who could not differentiate btw God's message and Satanic message

Why was the first quran compiled by Abu bakr destroyed by the caliphs .

Read this , and I will continue with why quran was destroyed .

Luke 1:1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, If many have written an account, why does he have to write again? Probably they lied or he just wanted to copy one of the former writers.

Luke 1:2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.

i said it was hearsay but you said na lie!

How can Matthew be the author of Matthew when he was not here when Jesus was born? How can they have reported what they did not see?
Matthew was calling himself by name Matthew in his book.

Matt 9 vs 9...As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” And he got up and followed him.

This verse should be like this if it was Matthew really writing:

As Jesus was walking along, he saw me sitting at the tax booth; and he said to me, "Follow me" and i got up and followed him.

This book was not written by Matthew or probably may have been written by others as well.

This is how the Bible goes!
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by Rashduct4luv(m): 11:06am On Oct 31, 2017
You asked why God gave the Israelites the old testament and the christians the new testament.

You are wrong. No christian would tell you that the new testament is for him and old for the Israelites.

There is no church were you will see them making use of only the new or old testament. They are two in one. You cannot do without the new or old testament as a child of God. The two are related and jointly together.

I would like to here your reply why you assumed that @ Rashduct4luv

This is a lie again.

You Christians cherry-pick from the Bible to suit your whims and desires.

Leviticus 19:27-28 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

27 You shall not round off the hair on your temples or mar the edges of your beard.

28 You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

You follow verse 28 above leaving verse 27 not to cut off your beard!

No human blood atonement for the old testament people but it was specially for the new testament people.

In the old testament i wonder if you can tell me what Ezra was doing: Nehemiah 8 vs 6

Then Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God, and all the people answered, “Amen, Amen,” lifting up their hands. Then they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.

How many churches do this like Ezra?

Well the Holy spirit has guided them to the new testament....old Testament has passed away!

I am sick of Bible stories and lies! How can God in the Bible save Lot and his daughters only for them to sleep with him and have babies.
This is gross!
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by plainbibletruth: 11:43am On Oct 31, 2017

I am sick of Bible stories and lies! How can God in the Bible save Lot and his daughters only for them to sleep with him and have babies.
This is gross!

1. But Mohamed marrying a six year old and consummating the marriage with her at nine (9) is not gross!

2. Mohamed murdering a man in Khaybar and forcibly having sex with his wife that same day is not gross!

3. Mohamed's slaughtering of 900 unarmed Jews in one day is not gross!

4. Mohamed sleeping with a dead woman is not gross!

If these are not gross then your head must be composed of alien matter.


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 3:22pm On Oct 31, 2017

Mohamed murdering a man in Khaybar and forcibly having sex with his wife that same day is not gross!

Mohamed's slaughtering of 900 unarmed Jews in one day is not gross!

Mohamed sleeping with a dead woman is not gross!

If these are not gross then your head must be composed of alien matter.
u this lyon when will stop this ur habit of lying

Ok where are ur reference
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by enilove(m): 3:55pm On Oct 31, 2017
@Rashduct4luv, you said you are tired of the Bible stories etc .
If you are not an hypocrite, you should have developed stroke or hypertension because of the stories of Quran,hadiths and life style of Muhammed.

If God had killed Lot , your type or ,even you , will complain. Lot chose to live in a cave not because God ordered him to. He was afraid of the nearby cities and also decided not to go back to Abraham and be respectful to him so as to live peacefully with him . God did not ask the daughters to get their father drunk. It was part of the character polution they inherited or copied when living in Sodom that got hold of them.

Ezra account. Let read in context :

Nehemiah 8:4-8 KJV
And Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood, which they had made for the purpose; and beside him stood Mattithiah, and Shema, and Anaiah, and Urijah, and Hilkiah, and Maaseiah, on his right hand; and on his left hand, Pedaiah, and Mishael, and Malchiah, and Hashum, and Hashbadana, Zechariah, and Meshullam. [5] And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people; (for he was above all the peoplewink and when he opened it, all the people stood up: [6] And Ezra blessed the Lord , the great God. And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, with lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worshipped the Lord with their faces to the ground. [7] Also Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodijah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, caused the people to understand the law: and the people stood in their place. [8] So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.

Ezra stood up to read the books of the Lord to the Israelites by by climbing the pulpit which was made for THAT PURPOSE and beside him were 6 elders to the right and 7 elders to the left. When he stood up to read the books , he started by praising the Lord and the people stood up bow their heads ( not knees ) with their faces towards the ground .....

The above did not say they prayed like the muslim. They were standing and their faces were to the ground. For the muslims it is their heads that hits the groung, and in kneeling position not when standing.

Also they were not about to pray but to listen to the words of God that Ezra was going to read. They did not do ablution neither were they holding anything in their hands for counting.

The Idol worshippers in Nigeria do bow their knees and hit their heads on the ground . Are they muslims too.
Most Idol worshippers do bow down with their heads on the ground while facing their gods or idols . They are the same with Muslims.

Don't look for approval of Islam in the Bible , you can't get it there . The only and best places are in the hadiths and Quran. There , you will discover that the pre Islam arabians pagans used to worshipped god allah and they used to pray towards mecca 7 times a day; making pilgmage to mecca; running around the temple of the moon god allah; kissing the black stone ; killing animals in sacrifice to the moon god; they used to throw stones at the devil; fasting for the month which begins and ends with the crescent moon; they used to Tawaf etc.
These were incorporated into Islam and the modern day muslims practice these very rituals.
You muslims have been innocently tricked to worship the same false god that the pre Islamic pagan worshippers used to worshipped.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by plainbibletruth: 5:00pm On Oct 31, 2017
u this lyon when will stop this ur habit of lying

Ok where are ur reference

Are you a Moslem and you don't know these things?

If I show you any of these things I stated will you retract your comment and apologize?
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 5:32pm On Oct 31, 2017

Are you a Moslem and you don't know these things?

If I show you any of these things I stated will you retract your comment and apologize?
post am first nah lyon
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by plainbibletruth: 5:32pm On Oct 31, 2017
u this lyon when will stop this ur habit of lying

Ok where are ur reference

Take one of the things i pointed out:

Mohamed murdering a man in Khaybar and forcibly having sex with his wife that same day is not gross!

Sahih al-Bukhari 371— When Allah's Messenger invaded Khaibar, we offered the Fajr prayer there (early in the morning) when it was still dark. Allah's Prophet rode and Abu Talha rode, too, and I was riding behind Abu Talha. Allah's Prophet passed through the lane of Khaibar quickly and my knee was touching the thigh of Allah's Prophet. Then his thigh was uncovered by the shift of his Izar (waist-sheet), and I saw the whiteness of the thigh of Allah's Prophet. When he entered the town, he said, "Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined. Whenever we approach near a (hostile) nation (to fight) then evil will be the morning of those who have been warned." He repeated this thrice. The people came out for their jobs and some of them said, "Muhammad (has come) along with his army." We conquered Khaibar, (took the captives), and the booty was collected. Dihya came and said, "O Allah's Prophet! Give me a slave-girl from the captives." The Prophet said, "Go and take any slave-girl." He took Safiyya bint Huyai.

Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, 511— We came to Khaybar by night, and the apostle passed the night there; and when morning came he did not hear the call to prayer, so he rode and we rode with him, and I rode behind Abu Talha with my foot touching the apostle's foot. We met the workers of Khaybar coming out in the morning with their spades and baskets. When they saw the apostle and the army they cried, "Muhammad with his force," and turned tail and fled. The apostle said, "Allah akbar! Khaybar is destroyed. When we arrive in a people's square it is a bad morning for those who have been warned." . . . The apostle seized the property piece by piece and conquered the forts one by one as he came to them. . . . The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims.

Sahih Muslim 3328— Anas reported: I was sitting behind Abu Talha on the Day of Khaibar and my feet touched the foot of Allah's Messenger, and we came (to the people of Khaibar) when the sun had risen and they had driven out their cattle, and had themselves come out with their axes, large baskets and hatchets, and they said: (Here come) Muhammad and the army. Allah's Messenger said: Khaibar is ruined. Verily when we get down in the valley of a people, evil is the morning of the warned ones (al-Qur'an, xxxvii. 177). Allah, the Majestic and the Glorious, defeated them (the inhabitants of Khaibar), and there fell to the lot of Dihya a beautiful girl, and Allah's Messenger got her in exchange of seven heads, and then entrusted her to Umm Sulaim so that she might embellish her and prepare her (for marriage) with him.

Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, 515— Kinana b. al-Rabi, who had the custody of the treasure of B. al-Nadir, was brought to the apostle who asked him about it. A Jew came to the apostle and said that he had seen Kinana going round a certain ruin every morning early. When the apostle said to Kinana, "Do you know that if we find you have it I shall kill you?" he said Yes. The apostle gave orders that the ruin was to be excavated and some of the treasure was found. When he asked him about the rest he refused to produce it, so the apostle gave orders to al-Zubayr bin al-Awwam, "Torture him until you extract what he has, so he kindled a fire with flint and steel on his chest until he was nearly dead. Then the apostle delivered him to Muhammad bin Maslama and he struck off his head, in revenge for his brother Mahmud.

The History of al-Tabari, Volume 39, 185— While the Prophet was lying with Safiyyah, Abu Ayyub stayed the night at his door. When he saw the Prophet in the morning, he said, “Allahu Akbar.” He had a sword with him; he said to the Prophet, “O Messenger of Allah, this young woman had just been married, and you killed her father, her brother, and her husband, so I did not trust her (not to harm) you.”

Ibn Sa’d, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, Volume II, 252— The Apostle of Allah sent for Zaynab Bint al-Harith [that’s the woman who poisoned him] and said to her: What induced you to do what you have done? She replied: You have done to my people what you have done. You have killed my father, my uncle, and my husband, so I said to myself: If you are a prophet, the foreleg will inform you; and others have said: If you are a king, we will get rid of you.

These are all Islamic sites but I'm waiting for you to DENY them as is common with you guys.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 5:45pm On Oct 31, 2017
didn't u said unarmed jews from the hadith u posted u just shot urself in the leg

the lady u said he raped didn't even sleep in his room
"laughing grin"or perhaps he raped her using Wi-Fi "
so FYI u r a lyon
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 6:03pm On Oct 31, 2017
u Don run
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by plainbibletruth: 6:22pm On Oct 31, 2017
didn't u said unarmed jews from the hadith u posted u just shot urself in the leg

the lady u said he raped didn't even sleep in his room
"laughing grin"or perhaps he raped her using Wi-Fi "
so FYI u r a lyon

I have numbered my previous points to help you comprehend things better.

This last post of mine was on ONE of the listed items not on all.

It was not even about unarmed Jews; that is yet to come. So, where "didn't u said unarmed jews from the hadith u posted u just shot urself in the leg" came from i don't get.

Mohamed murdered a man and forcibly slept with his wife, and to you that is not gross?

I know you guys: You want to EVADE the issues. You will not address the thing i posted but instead will resort to smear tactic. Those who are reading us will see through your tricks.

ADDRESS the issue if you can without resorting to your ridiculous tactics. Stick to what i have presented.
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by shadeyinka(m): 6:36pm On Oct 31, 2017

My scriptures said eesa came with the injeel (the goodness) which he preached at the time I know that the new testament came years after eesa.

You seem to have sincerely believed this.

In the time of Prophet Mohammed, we had the people of the books
1. Jews (Taurat, Zabura,.....OLD Testament)
2. Christians ()

What was their book?
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 7:17pm On Oct 31, 2017

I have numbered my previous points to help you comprehend things better.

This last post of mine was on ONE of the listed items not on all.

It was not even about unarmed Jews; that is yet to come. So, where "didn't u said unarmed jews from the hadith u posted u just shot urself in the leg" came from i don't get.

Mohamed murdered a man and forcibly slept with his wife, and to you that is not gross?

I know you guys: You want to EVADE the issues. You will not address the thing i posted but instead will resort to smear tactic. Those who are reading us will see through your tricks.

ADDRESS the issue if you can without resorting to your ridiculous tactics. Stick to what i have presented.
y waste my time explaining anything to you when I can just twist and retwist context to suit me BTW I learnt that(smear tactic) from you
u r still a lyon

one bottle of zamzam for u Lyon cheers!!!
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by plainbibletruth: 8:41pm On Oct 31, 2017
y waste my time explaining anything to you when I can just twist and retwist context to suit me BTW I learnt that(smear tactic) from you
u r still a lyon

one bottle of zamzam for u Lyon cheers!!!

I know that this is what you enjoy - throwing banters, anything else but face the real issue. It's actually a psychological thing. In the face of what you see about Islam's defects you're still hoping that it is not all these shortcomings.

You said I lied. I challenged you prove it and instead you want to get drunk. You've been unable to prove me wrong.

If you choose to follow a lie that is your cup of tea. But we have offered you the unblemished, sinless Saviour - Jesus Christ. He guarantees eternity with God. He is the ONLY way to God. Leave UNCERTAINTY for CERTAINTY.


Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 9:46pm On Oct 31, 2017

I know that this is what you enjoy - throwing banters, anything else but face the real issue. It's actually a psychological thing. In the face of what you see about Islam's defects you're still hoping that it is not all these shortcomings.

You said I lied. I challenged you prove it and instead you want to get drunk. You've been unable to prove me wrong.

If you choose to follow a lie that is your cup of tea. But we have offered you the unblemished, sinless Saviour - Jesus Christ. He guarantees eternity with God. He is the ONLY way to God. Leave UNCERTAINTY for CERTAINTY.
hey I don't need any useless link to pray to God when I can. Pray to God dIrectly
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 9:50pm On Oct 31, 2017
Allah Is Only light he is d only one dat will provide shade for u on day the sun will b lowered to level ur heads
Re: Is The Injeel Of Eesa Corrupted Or Must Be Obeyed by UmarIbnShittu(m): 10:00pm On Oct 31, 2017


Watch that maybe you'll wake up from your slumber

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