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Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? - Foreign Affairs (969) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 6:47pm On Jul 16, 2014

excuse me but do I look like doctor Phil to you. if you are mentally depressed, visit a mental hospital fool. you are nohhing but an angry reject and it smells badly on you.

don't cry us a river, cry us a lagoon. you are a reject who's lost his identity and struggles with inferiority complex.

you have declared your father and his ancestors as failures, fools and imbeciles. live with the reality of your foolishness.

I agree.

To think he's probably an Adult is very unfortunate.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 8:49pm On Jul 16, 2014

Na for underground below sea level SSS go keep am in that stronghold HQ. Him dungeon door go get PIN code sef, no ordinary person go fit open am grin

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 2:50am On Jul 17, 2014

[size=14pt] Nigerian intelligence in action :

DSS/SSS and DMI operation 1

Five Abuja suburb actual bombers sniffed out, arrested in Abuja


DSS/SSS and DMI operation 2

Five suspects 'drilled' and confess in Abuja that Ogwuche is their mastermind.

Nigerian intelligence tracks Oguwche worldwide, sniffs him out in Sudan

Interpol informed, Sudan forced to extradite Boko Haram top rank b.ombing expert

Ogwuche deported, enters Nigerian intelligence trap...landed in Abuja

Nigerian air force flies in Ogwuche...Judgement day has come for the Boko Kingpin.


The fear of Nigerian military/paramilitary intelligence is the beginning of wisdom



Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:12am On Jul 17, 2014

These are not men on training drama, these are not photogenic Hollywood South African forces, these are....

Africa's best soldiers, Africa's best intelligence operatives...







Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 7:22am On Jul 17, 2014

Your identity crisis is eating you up! You need a counsellor! Pity.

You are all failure in Nigeria. You can only think to a distance of 10 metres.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Msauza(m): 7:49am On Jul 17, 2014

excuse me but do I look like doctor Phil to you. if you are mentally depressed, visit a mental hospital fool. you are nohhing but an angry reject and it smells badly on you.

don't cry us a river, cry us a lagoon. you are a reject who's lost his identity and struggles with inferiority complex.

you have declared your father and his ancestors as failures, fools and imbeciles. live with the reality of your foolishness.

There is no nation as foolish as that of Nigeria in the world. Ever since they gained independence from the British, they haven't been able to stop preying on one other. They kill one of their own like flies and they do it with passion. All of the presidents they ever had are all disasters. Nigerians are so s,tupid that they would never accept their incompetence in public as South Africans do and instead they like beating their chest with zeal concealing every act of their cowardice. As in today, they have the weakest military in Africa, but none would ever come out of the closet and admit publicly. That's who they are, living a lie. Anyway, it does not take a rocket science to see how weak is their army, thanks to boko haram.

One thing about South Africans is that they do not like to tell lies much as Nigerians do. Wherever you see a Nigerian raised up in Nigeria, one thing that you must know about that person is that he/she can tell lies with passion. That's who Nigerians are and they would never change from living in the world of fantasy.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by juniormomoh(m): 8:08am On Jul 17, 2014
agaugust: .

These are not men on training drama, these are not photogenic Hollywood South African forces, these are....

Africa's best soldiers, Africa's best intelligence operatives...






are the children in photos 3 and 4 children of operatives of the DSS?
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 8:10am On Jul 17, 2014
south african national defence force


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 9:38am On Jul 17, 2014
At least 26 people were killed when suspected Islamist Boko Haram militants stormed a village in northeast Nigeria and a government warplane opened fire to repel the attackers, local residents and a security source said on Tuesday.

The aircraft strafed Boko Haram fighters fleeing in pick-up trucks after raiding Dille, near Lassa in the south of Borno State, for several hours on Monday. The attackers fired on inhabitants and burned homes and churches.

"I counted 26 corpses yesterday (Monday) evening," one of the residents, Dauda Illiya, said.

Most of the deaths occurred during the raid but cannon fire from the government jet also killed at least six civilians — four women and two children — residents said.

"The pilot was just spraying bullets anywhere, people were running here and there. Many people were injured from the bullets," said a local man, Suleiman Haruna.

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 9:39am On Jul 17, 2014

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 9:45am On Jul 17, 2014
hahhahahhahh what a professional outfit??

WHEN Islamist militants raided the northeastern Nigerian village of Izghe, killing 90 people, some government troops dropped their weapons, stripped off uniforms and fled in civilian clothes, said two soldiers at the scene.

The soldiers said the troops were angry their monthly pay had been cut in half to 15,000 naira ($92) without explanation, heightening their belief that money meant for them and their frontline fight against Islamist militant group Boko Haram was being siphoned off by officials in Abuja.

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 9:49am On Jul 17, 2014


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by HandOfChukwu: 11:36am On Jul 17, 2014
South Africa is a disgrace to Africa, you have so called big and proud Zulu warriors being made to wear skirts by the Afrikaans in your own military, all your SF are white boys, all of your air pilots are white boys, all of your navy marshals are white boys, all the rich in your land are white boys and girls, your capital is named after the Afrikaan version of Hitler, they even made you incorporate them and their language into your flag and your national anthem. South Africans are a DISGRACE to the ENTIRE continent of Africa you are a DISGRACE to every African man & woman to ever grace the earth, you disgust me, if you all kill yourselves, no one will miss any of you.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 11:40am On Jul 17, 2014
agaugust: .

These are not men on training drama, these are not photogenic Hollywood South African forces, these are....

Africa's best soldiers, Africa's best intelligence operatives...






what you mean the guy with the RPK/ RPD standing in-front of a soft skinned vehicle?
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 11:45am On Jul 17, 2014
Scream louder,your gods are listening....

HandOfChukwu: South Africa is a disgrace to Africa, you have so called big and proud Zulu warriors being made to wear skirts by the Afrikaans in your own military, all your SF are white boys, all of your air pilots are white boys, all of your navy marshals are white boys, all the rich in your land are white boys and girls, your capital is named after the Afrikaan version of Hitler, they even made you incorporate them and their language into your flag and your national anthem. South Africans are a DISGRACE to the ENTIRE continent of Africa you are a DISGRACE to every African man & woman to ever grace the earth, you disgust me, if you all kill yourselves, no one will miss any of you.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 11:54am On Jul 17, 2014
HandOfChukwu: South Africa is a disgrace to Africa, you have so called big and proud Zulu warriors being made to wear skirts by the Afrikaans in your own military, all your SF are white boys, all of your air pilots are white boys, all of your navy marshals are white boys, all the rich in your land are white boys and girls, your capital is named after the Afrikaan version of Hitler, they even made you incorporate them and their language into your flag and your national anthem. South Africans are a DISGRACE to the ENTIRE continent of Africa you are a DISGRACE to every African man & woman to ever grace the earth, you disgust me, if you all kill yourselves, no one will miss any of you.


Whats wrong? The White devil burn down your sh1tty village? Steve Hofmeyer fvck your mom?

I guess some people just cannot handle our freedom.

(and pics to prove everything you said was false)

South Africa is a developed and stable nation. Our leaders, both white and black are amongst the most respected in the world (Tutu, Mbeki, Mandela, De Klerk and Smuts)

Nigeria (and most of the rest of sub-Saharan africa) is a giant disease ridden, impoverished, undeveloped, uneducated, sh1t-fest. whos greatest contribution to the world was cheap labor and AIDS. Rember, boy, that west African blacks sold their brothers into slavery.

So tell me, whom is the embarrassment to Africans?

btw, Pretoria was named after Andries Pretorius who was in no way a "afrikaans hitler"

Keep getting butthurt over the multi-ethnic, multi-racial, free, fair and equal nation that is the most glorious and eternal Republic of South Africa


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by patches689: 12:54pm On Jul 17, 2014
Leaders of the BRICS emerging market nations launched a $100 billion (£58.36 billion) development bank and a currency reserve pool on Tuesday in their first concrete step towards reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system.

South Africa: Playing with the big-dogs

Nigeria: Sitting on the sidelines looking for its missing cheerleaders


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Helghast: 1:17pm On Jul 17, 2014

Olodo, you call Boko Haram cowards? They do S.uicide B.ombing and k.ill themselves with the target, Boko Haram is braver than the whole South African armed forces combined.

Lost 200 girls kidnapped, well we know where they are held. We are just too smart to use force to free them. We will use Israeli tactics....slow but smart is the name of the game in hostage drama. How well did Kenyan army special forces perform in Nairobi shopping mall hostage crisis? Yet the failed Kenyan army is still more experienced in battle than today's South African army, all we read is past glory of long dead Recces of old apartheid SADF....nation of cowards as at today grin

Yes they are cowards they use Cowardice tactics, and where does this newly found respect for Bokoharam come from, is it because they are proving to be better opponents then you originally thought? And funny enough a few months ago you were here ranting and claiming that Bokoharam fighters are cowards, when they get captured they start crying and asking for, forgiveness, so this shows that you're a lair who cannot stick to his word, you immediately change your views when you're backed into a corner, or just to win an argument.. But anyway what you're saying is BullSh'it "SLOW & STEADY" Do you even think sometimes, Let me ask you this, how long did it take the British to locate and rescue its people from ther 'West Side Boys'

Since you claim to have "the Best special Forces in the world" why couldn't you do better than the S.A.S and Rescue your Children within a month, and we all know that N.A doesn't know where those Girls are, because its is better to take a risk and rescue a hostage than to go on and let them continue suffering.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by saengine: 1:17pm On Jul 17, 2014

Nigeria's Goodluck Jonathan seeks $1bn to fight Boko Haram

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan wants the government to borrow $1bn (£580m) to strengthen the military's capability to fight militant Islamists.Mr Jonathan wrote to parliament, asking for the expenditure to be approved.Nigeria has a military budget of about $6.3bn a year but large sums are lost to corruption, critics say.


Mr Jonathan said there was an "urgent need" to upgrade the equipment, training and logistics of the armed forces and security services to help them confront the "serious threat" posed by Boko Haram."For this reason, I seek the concurrence of the National Assembly for external borrowing of not more than $1bn," he said.


I'll just leave this here :-)


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 1:17pm On Jul 17, 2014
Yes South Africa has multi cultural and racial composition....A TRUE UNITED NATION UNLIKE NIGERIA....who is building railways in Nigeria..... Chinese, who is building roads, dams and factories....Chinese,,, Who is selling military hardware to Nigeria....White Europeans and White Americans.....and who is helping Nigerian Army....white European, White Israelies, White AmericanS.......who are truely racists....NIGERIANS


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Thiza: 1:18pm On Jul 17, 2014


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Helghast: 1:24pm On Jul 17, 2014
HandOfChukwu: South Africa is a disgrace to Africa, you have so called big and proud Zulu warriors being made to wear skirts by the Afrikaans in your own military, all your SF are white boys, all of your air pilots are white boys, all of your navy marshals are white boys, all the rich in your land are white boys and girls, your capital is named after the Afrikaan version of Hitler, they even made you incorporate them and their language into your flag and your national anthem. South Africans are a DISGRACE to the ENTIRE continent of Africa you are a DISGRACE to every African man & woman to ever grace the earth, you disgust me, if you all kill yourselves, no one will miss any of you.

The Recces

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 1:47pm On Jul 17, 2014

are the children in photos 3 and 4 children of operatives of the DSS?

Yes ! http://gbemigaolamikan..ca/2012/04/health-promotion-for-staffs-of-state.html

Nigerian women will delete South African women in battle.

Nigerian men will delete South African men in battle.

Nigerian children will delete South African children in battle.

FACT !!![/size]

Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 2:07pm On Jul 17, 2014
agaugust: .

[size=14pt] Nigerian intelligence in action :

DSS/SSS and DMI operation 1

Five Abuja suburb actual bombers sniffed out, arrested in Abuja


DSS/SSS and DMI operation 2

Five suspects 'drilled' and confess in Abuja that Ogwuche is their mastermind.

Nigerian intelligence tracks Oguwche worldwide, sniffs him out in Sudan

Interpol informed, Sudan forced to extradite Boko Haram top rank b.ombing expert

Ogwuche deported, enters Nigerian intelligence trap...landed in Abuja

Nigerian air force flies in Ogwuche...Judgement day has come for the Boko Kingpin.


The fear on Nigerian military/paramilitary intelligence is the beginning of wisdom


Yes, the same intelligence that needed South Africa to arrest and convict Henry Okah.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 3:18pm On Jul 17, 2014
patches689: Leaders of the BRICS emerging market nations launched a $100 billion (£58.36 billion) development bank and a currency reserve pool on Tuesday in their first concrete step towards reshaping the Western-dominated international financial system.

South Africa: Playing with the big-dogs

Nigeria: Sitting on the sidelines looking for its missing cheerleaders

It's the slow shifting of the tectonic plates. Others are busy 'rebasing'.


BRICS meet South American leaders after bank deal

Brasília (AFP) - The BRICS group of emerging powers met Wednesday with South American presidents as they justified the creation of a development bank seen as an alternative to Western-dominated global financial organizations.

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa held closed-door talks in Brasilia with counterparts from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and other Latin American nations.


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:29pm On Jul 17, 2014

Yes, the same intelligence that needed South Africa to arrest and convict Henry Okah.

South Africa was stupiid enough to let a criminal enter your country, no wonder your nation is the crime capital and crime head quarters of Africa.

You should have kept Herny Okah in Pretoria and let him turn your weak nation upside down with militant tactics, be will teach the Zulus/Xhosas how to reduce Boer whitemen population by 50% overnight .

Blind eyed-poor intelligence-weak security South Africa was busy making military and police photos for @THIZA to post on internet while a V.I.P. Rwandan public figure man was assassinated by enemies that penetrated South Africa with guns from Rwanda to k.ill a visitor in your country in broad day light and the assassins where never found till they escaped.

No wonder Lucky Dube did not reach age 50 years before he entered his grave.

Nation of PEACE TIME assasins...South Africa !



Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 3:31pm On Jul 17, 2014

South Africa was stupiid enough to let a criminal enter your country, no wonder you nation is the crime capital and head quarters of Africa.

In which case Naai-geria was stûpid and useless enough to let a criminal who committed a crime IN NAA-GERIA leave your country.

In which case Naai-geria was useless enough to omit convicting its OWN criminal.
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 3:48pm On Jul 17, 2014

In which case Naai-geria was stûpid and useless enough to let a criminal who committed a crime IN NAA-GERIA leave your country.

In which case Naai-geria was useless enough to omit convicting its OWN criminal.

Nigeria was too hot for him to stay. He found a cool spot in South Africa
Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by CraigB: 4:12pm On Jul 17, 2014

Nigeria was too hot for him to stay. He found a cool spot in South Africa

In other words, he committed a crime in Naai-geria and was able to evade capture.

Only to be captured in South Africa - where the crime wasn't even committed in the first place.

Yeah. Aren't you simply the brightest.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by agaugust: 4:30pm On Jul 17, 2014

In other words, he committed a crime in Naai-geria and was able to evade capture.

Only to be captured in South Africa - where the crime wasn't even committed in the first place.

Yeah. Aren't you simply the brightest.

He was in jail in Nigeria 2008. Released on general amnesty in 2009. Traveled to South Africa after release to commit crime again on South African soil in 2010. Henry Okah found Nigeria too hot, he moved base to cool spot crime paradise South Africa. It's your country that is not too smart, they hungrily collect visa application money from any good or bad human being and open the gates of Pretoria airport very wide for every devil that pays your embassy visa money to Shout Afrikaa.


Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 6:52pm On Jul 17, 2014
Thiza: SANDF

Stop posting these same photos over and over and over like you're fvcking retarrded.

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Re: Who Has The Strongest Military In Africa? by Nobody: 7:03pm On Jul 17, 2014
South-Africans, your imaginary defence review, poject biro and multiple day dreaming are all dead.

Your president is currently investigating thabo mbeki on the corrupt deals that got you submarines, gripen jets when most of the population lack proper sanitation, electricity and shit in the buckets. According to zuma and the panel investigating thabo mbeki over the corruption tainted deals, the money used on frigates and Gripen jets should have been used to provide basic amenities for your population.

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