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Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical - Religion (20) - Nairaland

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 6:34pm On Nov 25, 2017

All this revelation you are shouting upandan is at best a fraudulent manipulation to me. Fact is that Melchizedek was a King priest and Kings used to collect a tithe as taxes in those days.

So be it to you. Your opinions are inconsequential. Tithing is scriptural. It started with Abraham. Deal with it.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 6:37pm On Nov 25, 2017

So be it to you. Your opinions are inconsequential. Tithing is scriptural. It started with Abraham. Deal with it.
You have said nothing

Taking people's wives is scriptural King David did it deal with it
That a thing is scriptural does not mean it is good or a commandment

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 6:40pm On Nov 25, 2017
Omoonile's have their own formula for sharing largesse

As did the raiding tribes of the middle East.

If you plundered you settled.

Abraham settled the King of Salem Mechilzedek who was also a priest

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by MrPristine: 7:09pm On Nov 25, 2017

So be it to you. Your opinions are inconsequential. Tithing is scriptural. It started with Abraham. Deal with it.

Abraham also slept with and impregnated his house maid which makes it scriptural. Going by your twisted logic, as Christians we should be free to sleep with whoever suits our fancy. That is apart from the fact that the version of tithes preached and practiced today is different from the obsolete biblical type.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by slimghost(m): 7:15pm On Nov 25, 2017

You have said nothing

Taking people's wives is scriptural King David did it deal with it
That a thing is scriptural does not mean it is good or a commandment

Guy stop wasting your time with that clown.
Either he is a pastor fighting for his source of income or he has been heavily brainwashed!
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 10:42pm On Nov 25, 2017

You have said nothing

Taking people's wives is scriptural King David did it deal with it
That a thing is scriptural does not mean it is good or a commandment

Suit yourself. It won't stop or change anything. Tithing is very scriptural and has its own blessings.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 10:43pm On Nov 25, 2017

Suit yourself. It won't stop or change anything. Tithing is very scriptural and has its own blessings.
Killing women and children is very scriptural,So is taking other people's wives,having dozens of concubines etc

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 10:49pm On Nov 25, 2017

Abraham also slept with and impregnated his house maid which makes it scriptural. Going by your twisted logic, as Christians we should be free to sleep with whoever suits our fancy. That is apart from the fact that the version of tithes preached and practiced today is different from the obsolete biblical type.

See how obviously INCOHERENT you are, attempting to relate tithing to sleeping with a maid.... Your itching ear is quite obvious.... You cant stop tithing because it comes with its own blessing. No body is forcing you to pay tithes. Your noise will soon fade.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 10:52pm On Nov 25, 2017

Killing women and children is very scriptural,So is taking other people's wives,having dozens of concubines etc

Never mind eh... Don't bother yourself. No one is forcing you to pay tithes. You don't have to turn the scriptures upside down in order to crucify tithing.

It is well.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 10:54pm On Nov 25, 2017

Never mind eh... Don't bother yourself. No one is forcing you to pay tithes. You don't have to turn the scriptures upside down in order to crucify tithing.

It is well.
Tithing is okay if it is voluntary.I have no problem with that We would not be having this discusssion if that principle is respected

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by HeavenIsSoReall: 3:50am On Nov 26, 2017

You have said nothing

Taking people's wives is scriptural King David did it deal with it
That a thing is scriptural does not mean it is good or a commandment

When David took someone's wife God rebuked him through Prophet Natan and he paid heavily.... goan look it up. But God never rebuked Ibraham for paying tithe.

Pls balance the scripture.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by HeavenIsSoReall: 3:53am On Nov 26, 2017

Abraham also slept with and impregnated his house maid which makes it scriptural. Going by your twisted logic, as Christians we should be free to sleep with whoever suits our fancy. That is apart from the fact that the version of tithes preached and practiced today is different from the obsolete biblical type.

There was consequences for what Abraham did, God wasn't pleased with him but the tithe he paid was accepted by God.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 8:08am On Nov 26, 2017

When David took someone's wife God rebuked him through Prophet Natan and he paid heavily.... goan look it up. But God never rebuked Ibraham for paying tithe.

Pls balance the scripture.
Did God Rebuke Solomon for having 700 concubines?

I guess that is OK then

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 8:10am On Nov 26, 2017

There was consequences for what Abraham did, God wasn't pleased with him but the tithe he paid was accepted by God.
God was not pleased? how do we know this?

Consequences? How do we know this?

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 8:24am On Nov 26, 2017

Did God Rebuke Solomon for having 700 concubines?

I guess that is OK then

Yes God rebuked Solomon. The Bible said "Solomon loved women....." so much that they made him yield to worshipping foreign gods. 700 concubines and about 300 wives was enough evidence to prove that Solomon was a womanizer.

God warned him severally through dreams, but Solomon heeded to none of it, he was hooked already.

All these however has no correlation with tithing. See eh.... It dosent really bother me where you stand, but pray sincerely that God should lead you.

I rest my case. God bless you sir.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 8:40am On Nov 26, 2017

Yes God rebuked Solomon. The Bible said "Solomon loved women....." so much that they made him yield to worshipping foreign gods. 700 concubines and about 300 wives was enough evidence to prove that Solomon was a womanizer.

God warned him severally through dreams, but Solomon heeded to none of it, he was hooked already.

All these however has no correlation with tithing. See eh.... It dosent really bother me where you stand, but pray sincerely that God should lead you.

I rest my case. God bless you sir.
Guy you will not get away with fictitious quotes .What is wrong with "loving" women are we supposed to hate them

There is no where God rebuked Solomon forhaving many women.
It has correlation wwith the irreleance you brought up that I responded to

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 8:49am On Nov 26, 2017

Guy you will not get away with fictitious quotes .What is wrong with "loving" women are we supposed to hate them

There is no where God rebuked Solomon forhaving many women.
It has correlation wwith the irreleance you brought up that I responded to

Don't just read the scriptures, STUDY the scriptures.

Its embarassing that as a Christian supposedly who claim to know the scripture, you don't see the correlation between Solomon's overindulgence with women and idol worship of which God warned him.

All these have NOTHING to do with tithes.

I won't go any further, God bless you.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by petra1(m): 8:56am On Nov 26, 2017
Omoonile's have their own formula for sharing largesse

As did the raiding tribes of the middle East.

If you plundered you settled.

Abraham settled the King of Salem Mechilzedek who was also a priest

Is it an angel that told you this or the Bible . God says clearly he gave tithe . Tithe is a spiritual act given to God . Jacob also promise God his tithe .

Genesis 28:22 (NLT)
22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 9:00am On Nov 26, 2017

Don't just read the scriptures, STUDY the scriptures.

Its embarassing that as a Christian supposedly who claim to know the scripture, you don't see the correlation between Solomon's overindulgence with women and idol worship of which God warned him.

All these have NOTHING to do with tithes.

I won't go any further, God bless you.
Stop the sentiments what is overindulgence. 2 20 100 or 300?
You are the one tying to tell us that because a an in the bible did something once then "it is scriptural". I am telling you that hundreds of things were done in the bible that does not mean we muut do them. Abraham circumcised his children.We are under no obligation to do so.Why then this fixation with tithing compulsorily. Let those who wish to tithe and leave those who don't alone .Dn't threaten or blackmail them or telll them it is a commandment from God.
When did I tell you I a Christian,Muuslim,Hindu or babalawo? And how is that relevant?

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Peacefullove: 9:02am On Nov 26, 2017

"Voluntary contributions" is an ambiguous term for tithes and offerings. They are not given compulsively.

Please study your bible along with seasoned bible commentaries. It will help you.

Its like something is affecting you . Can't you see question mark (?) grin

Let me help your comprehension, How were early minister's of Christianity like Paul , Peter etc catered for ? Was it through TITHE ?

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 9:05am On Nov 26, 2017

Is it an angel that told you this or the Bible . God says clearly he gave tithe . Tithe is a spiritual act given to God . Jacob also promise God his tithe .

Genesis 28:22 (NLT)
22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.

Tithe is not a spiritual act. Tithe is an old English word for tenth. =10%

Tithe is the same as tenth given to anyone.
If we are gang members in robbery. Depending on seniority your share could be a tithe
Tithe was a tax standard in the Middle East area of Babylon for centuries and in the general area that Abraham came from.

He went to war looted and gave a tithe to a local king Mechilzedek who came to him afte the fighting, who was also a priest

Jacob decided to give a tithe VOLUNTARILY. God did not command him to do so.

The question you should ask is how did Jacob give his tithe? Was it to a priest or temple or was it in burnt offerings


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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Peacefullove: 9:05am On Nov 26, 2017
Stop the sentiments what is overindulgence. 2 20 100 or 300?
You are the one tying to tell us that because a an in the bible did something once then "it is scriptural". I am telling you that hundreds of things were done in the bible that does not mean we muut do them. Abraham circumcised his children.We are under no obligation to do so.Why then this fixation with tithing compulsorily. Let those who wish to tithe and leave those who don't alone .Dn't threaten or blackmail them or telll them it is a commandment from God.
When did I tell you I a Christian,Muuslim,Hindu or babalawo? And how is that relevant?

People like him would have ignored the apostle's stance on Circumcision , they would say it predates the Law , so should not be annulled .
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 9:09am On Nov 26, 2017
Stop the sentiments what is overindulgence. 2 20 100 or 300?
You are the one tying to tell us that because a an in the bible did something once then "it is scriptural". I am telling you that hundreds of things were done in the bible that does not mean we muut do them. Abraham circumcised his children.We are under no obligation to do so.Why then this fixation with tithing compulsorily. Let those who wish to tithe and leave those who don't alone .Dn't threaten or blackmail them or telll them it is a commandment from God.
When did I tell you I a Christian,Muuslim,Hindu or babalawo? And how is that relevant?

God bless you still.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 9:11am On Nov 26, 2017

Its like something is affecting you . Can't you see question mark (?) grin

Let me help your comprehension, How were early minister's of Christianity like Paul , Peter etc catered for ? Was it through TITHE ?

God bless you.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by petra1(m): 9:23am On Nov 26, 2017

Tithe is not a spiritual act.

Tithes and offering are given to God in worship

Leviticus 27:30
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord

Tithe is an old English word for tenth. =10%[/quote]

Wrong , the Bible was not written in English

Tithe is the same as tenth given to anyone.
If we are gang members in robbery. Depending on seniority your share could be a tithe
Tithe was a tax standard in the Middle East area of Babylon for centuries and in the general area that Abraham came from.

Wrong. Tithe existed before Babylonia civilization . It is given to God .

The question you should ask is how did Jacob give his tithe? Was it to a priest or temple or was it in burnt offerings


He gave it to whom he promised to give it to -GOD

Genesis 28:22 (NLT)
22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.”

The question you should rather be asking yourself is how Jacob knew about the act of tithing to God - through isaac his father and how did isaac got to know about tithe , through Abraham his father. Because God already testified for Abraham faithfulness to preserve the principles of God in his linage .

Genesis 18:19 (NIV)
19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by ofai: 9:28am On Nov 26, 2017

Tithes and offering are given to God in worship

Leviticus 27:30
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord

Tithe is an old English word for tenth. =10%

Wrong , the Bible was not written in English

Tithe is the same as tenth given to anyone.
If we are gang members in robbery. Depending on seniority your share could be a tithe
Tithe was a tax standard in the Middle East area of Babylon for centuries and in the general area that Abraham came from.

Wrong. Tithe existed before Babylonia civilization . It is given to God .

The question you should ask is how did Jacob give his tithe? Was it to a priest or temple or was it in burnt offerings


He gave it to whom he promised to give it to -GOD

Genesis 28:22 (NLT)
22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.”

The question you should rather be asking yourself is how Jacob knew about the act of tithing to God - through isaac his father and how did isaac got to know about tithe , through Abraham his father. Because God already testified for Abraham faithfulness to preserve the principles of God in his linage .

Genesis 18:19 (NIV)
19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

Thank you my dear.

Do your best to make them understand, but don't let them push you off as it is clear that many of them are itchy in wanting to have a balanced understanding. Some just don't like the idea of tithing.

Don't stress yourself. Let them be.

Remain lifted.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by MrPristine: 10:15am On Nov 26, 2017

See how obviously INCOHERENT you are, attempting to relate tithing to sleeping with a maid.... Your itching ear is quite obvious.... You cant stop tithing because it comes with its own blessing. No body is forcing you to pay tithes. Your noise will soon fade.

See your double standards, if you can justify tithing because of Abraham's one off voluntary tithes then you should be able to justify sleeping with house maids going by your dubious logic.
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 10:16am On Nov 26, 2017

Tithes and offering are given to God in worship

Leviticus 27:30
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord

Tithe is an old English word for tenth. =10%

Wrong , the Bible was not written in English

Tithe is the same as tenth given to anyone.
If we are gang members in robbery. Depending on seniority your share could be a tithe
Tithe was a tax standard in the Middle East area of Babylon for centuries and in the general area that Abraham came from.

Wrong. Tithe existed before Babylonia civilization . It is given to God .

The question you should ask is how did Jacob give his tithe? Was it to a priest or temple or was it in burnt offerings


He gave it to whom he promised to give it to -GOD

Genesis 28:22 (NLT)
22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.”

The question you should rather be asking yourself is how Jacob knew about the act of tithing to God - through isaac his father and how did isaac got to know about tithe , through Abraham his father. Because God already testified for Abraham faithfulness to preserve the principles of God in his linage .

Genesis 18:19 (NIV)
19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

Don't be clever by half.

WHO dd Jacob pay tithes to ?

Did God coe down to receive the tithes or not

How exactly were those tithes received

"Tithes existed before Babylonian civilization"

Really ? when did Babylonian civilization start?

Which came first Babylon or Israel?

Tithe simply means tenth. Which may be given as tax to government,share of profits ,to God etc.

Tithe as a form of taxation existed long before Abraham and in the land that Abraham and his father lived
If Jacob knew about the act of tithing from his father or not we are not told by the bible that is a guess.

He certainly knew about circumcision.Why did he not make a vow about circumcision? That was a clear commandment.

If there was a commandment about tithes then what sense is there in making a vow about it.
Jews do not make vows to keep the Sabbath or not eat pork and so on but they still make vows.

Jacob was not under the Mosaic law but already they were a people apart.
Infact his mother insisted on him marrying one of her own and not to do as Esau had done so as to ensure he followed her God.
Jacob vowed to tithe if God ................did some things in return
Just like the mother of Samuel vowed to dedicate her child to God when she was childless.
It was a conditional voluntary vow and not a commandment

Clearly there was no commandment for him to do so othewise that would make his vow redundant


Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by MrPristine: 10:20am On Nov 26, 2017

There was consequences for what Abraham did, God wasn't pleased with him but the tithe he paid was accepted by God.

Which yeye consequences It's on record that God even blessed the product of that union even though he wasn't the covenant child. And stop adding to scriptures were did you read that Abraham tithed to God or that God accepted his tithe Abraham's tithe was to Melchizedek who was the king of Salem, there is no suggestion in the bible that he was tithing to God.

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Peacefullove: 11:06am On Nov 26, 2017

God bless you.

You wanna run ? grin

Were the early ministers of Christianity catered for through tithes ? grin grin

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by MrPristine: 11:45am On Nov 26, 2017
Very good questionsmiley

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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by petra1(m): 1:38pm On Nov 26, 2017

Thank you my dear.

Do your best to make them understand, but don't let them push you off as it is clear that many of them are itchy in wanting to have a balanced understanding. Some just don't like the idea of tithing.

Don't stress yourself. Let them be.

Remain lifted.

Our responses are not just for them sir . You can’t convince a man who ha made up his mind not to believe . But the response is for posterity and other viewers .

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