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Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Nobody: 3:44pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
chisco82: Cleave unto the word of God and flee these demons.... Run.... |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by MuttleyLaff: 6:05pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
obailala: chisco82:Yes we can. We can support the bolded with scriptural backup and pleased to say the bolded is not just assumptions nor figment of imaginations chisco82:26When you arrive, you may use the money to buy any kind of food you want - cattle, sheep, goats, wine, or other alcoholic drink. Then feast there in the presence of the LORD your God and celebrate with your household. 27And do not neglect the Levites in your town, for they will receive no allotment of land among you. (i.e. they have no land of their own as you have) - Deutronomy 14:26-27 There is too much to unlearn from and a lot more to learn that's beyond the scope of this thread, but will you a brief summary For starters, non~farming activities dont require tithing Artisans and/or non~farming activities are not required to tithe. Secondly, Israel is a nation, with storehouses, and these for obvious reasons, were strategically positioned all over Israel The distances to the storehouse or the temple in Jerusalem might be too far for transporting the tithes there So because of the challenges of the logistics, one was allowed to turn tithes into money however upon arriving at any paticular designated storehouse or the temple in Jerusalem, you promptly exchange the money, as stated in Deutronomy 14:26, on anything you want: cattle, sheep, wine, beer or anything else you desire chisco82:Trust me, if Jesus, for a casual visit, was to come back to earth here, now, just for second, He will condem tithing He will frown at ecclesiastical tithe, where christian gatherings, taxes its members tenth, 1/10, 10% and possibly 0.1 too, of their financial income He will ask: Do you know what the gospel means and is? Gospel means good news and it typifies FREEDOM, from any type or form of obligatory or imposed tithing. |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by aribisala0(m): 6:14pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
Jesus never condemned kidnapping |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by petra1(m): 10:34pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
aribisala0: God Really ? when did Babylonian civilization start? Civilization began in Egypt . Later, later Babylon rose .simply means tenth. Which may be given as tax to government,share of profits ,to God etc. Tithe as a form of taxation existed long before Abraham and in the land that Abraham and his father lived If Jacob knew about the act of tithing from his father or not we are not told by the bible that is a guess. Tax is to govern,ent ,tithe is to God Matthew 22:21 . . ., Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's He certainly knew about circumcision.Why did he not make a vow about circumcision? That was a clear commandment. Maybe the lesser is in the greater. You tell us If there was a commandment about tithes then what sense is there in making a vow about it What you forgot is that he didn't vow about tithe only . He also said God will be his God. Was God not his God already? Hope you're getting the point . It was like an affirmation . If a ,an says " GOD IF YOU DEKIVER ME FROM THIS TROUBLE I WILL SERVE YOU FOREVER . Does that mean he wasn't serving God? Jews do not make vows to keep the Sabbath or not eat pork and so on but they still make vows. They made vows Many times |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by petra1(m): 10:35pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
aribisala0: Nice one, whatever is not condemn or fulfilled in Christ still stands |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Ubiquity: 10:42pm On Nov 26, 2017 |
NwaAmaikpe:I think you should become a comedian, you'll thrive... 1 Like |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by buragidi(m): 5:23pm On Nov 27, 2017 |
Your argument is quite incoherent with the issue on ground. Giving to God has nothing to do with tithe or giving in the church. Mathew 25 is very clear on the way to give to God. The issue here is that there is no tithing in Christianity. Christianity started after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Did he pay or receive tithe? NO. Our first pastors-the apostles, did they pay or receive tithe? No. Everything is wrong in giving tithes to the Pastor when millions of people are in genuine need of that money. Those who cannot pay their hospital bills, those who cannot pay their school fees, those who have legal issues, but cannot hire a lawyer. These are the people God directed us to give money. You do not give to God by paying tithe. That is crass ignorance and misconception. You give to God when you give to the poor and the needy. That is the verdict in Mathew 25. May God grant you understanding. derecho: 1 Like |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by derecho(m): 6:16pm On Nov 27, 2017 |
First, I discuss I don't argue and "coherence" is partly dependent on the ability/willingness/sometimes the humility of the decoder to see it.When a sighted person decides to walk with his eyes closed,who will you blame? I am done with the tithe issue...Like I said,There are weightier issues.Tnx. buragidi: 1 Like |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by openmine(m): 1:29am On Dec 02, 2017 |
hardasan: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() U just complicated urself....that scripture said the law was abolished....but U are saying some laws were not abolished... ![]() ![]() 12 For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well. 18 For on the one hand, a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness 19 (for the law made nothing perfect); but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. Remember the bible says the law and not some laws like U claim. |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by openmine(m): 3:18am On Dec 02, 2017 |
hardasan: What are U saying? ![]() ![]() vs 12: For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law In other words,If there is a new priesthood,there is also a NEW LAW! How is that hard to understand for U to say this below . This statement of urs makes absolutely no sense at all.... U quoted a verse which states explicitly about a change from an obsolete law to a new law according to Hebrews 7:12 Romans 13:8-10 agrees with the scripture 8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by obailala(m): 11:29pm On Dec 02, 2017 |
chisco82:Gal 3:13 - Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law. The curses mentioned in the old testament which comes with non-tithing (e.g. the tag of robbing God) were parts of the consequences of not keeping to the laws. If Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, how come believers (even non-Jewish/Gentile believers) in 2017 are still being threatened with Malachi 3? The fact of the matter is that it is next to IMPOSSIBLE for anyone in 2017 to keep to the harsh requirements of the Mosaic laws. The religious 'extremists' at a time, i.e. the Pharisees, kept tormenting people for being unable to keep the laws to the letter, and Jesus constantly rebuked them for this... Jesus rebuked them for holding and pressing onto what He termed 'the unimportant components of the law' (i.e. tithing). Jesus also went out of his way to prove his point by healing the sick on a sabbath to the chagrin of the pharisees. But here we are today in 2017, Gentile believers who were never even subject to the LAW are are now being threatened/blackmailed with 'curses of the law' if they dont bring 10% of their earnings to a particular church. (Just noticed I didnt push the 'send' button on this response a week ago) |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Nobody: 3:09pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
obailala:It is wrong for anybody or pastor to treating anyone with the scripture. The tithing to me is good but of choice, if you want to obey God fine and if you don't want it is a choice that one need to make. I pay my tithe because i want to tap to that convenant blessing attarched to it, not because of what any man of God say. |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by obailala(m): 3:43pm On Dec 03, 2017 |
chisco82:Yeah but that's exactly where I have a problem with the pulpit messages of today, teaching that it is a 'command' from God when it should rather be a personal choice of the individual. Abraham paid a tithe out of his own volition, God did not instruct or command Abraham to pay it. When you use the phrase "obey God", you are simply implying that paying a tenth regularly is a command from God to all believers; that is the point preached in messages today which I dont agree with. And the reason this little (but mighty) oversight in the gospel today is dangerous is because quite a large number of people who pay tithes today in all honesty do not do so out of a genuine desire to honour God, they rather do so out of a fear of the consequences for not obeying God's command and that's the reason many do not receive the benefits that follow 'free giving' as highlighted ib 2Cor 9:7.... The key question is, did God actually command all believers (including Gentile believers) under the new covenant to mandatorily pay a tenth of their income? The bible certainly doesnt have that message anywhere, so why is it being preached on the pulpits today? 1 Like |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by Nobody: 4:56am On Dec 04, 2017 |
obailala:No, actually i see it as a command from God but never instruct anyone to enforce it on people, he gave us free will to make our choices. Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: So the choice is ours to make. |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by obailala(m): 9:22am On Dec 04, 2017 |
chisco82:If you say it was a command from God, a command to who exactly?... The bible has no record of God (through the apostles) commanding Gentile Christians under the new covenant to pay any particular amount or percentage in the form of the old Jewish laws. The bible records Paul delivering the message of Christ to the Galatians, Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians etc. In all of those missionary journeys, the bible never recorded anywhere the apostles commanded new covenant Gentile believers to pay any particular percentage of their income; on the contrary, Paul consistently admonished gentile believers wherever he went to to "give freely and without compulsion, whatever they made out in their hearts" (2Cor 9:7). So my brother, where exactly was this command you talk of recorded in the bible to Christian believers (especially Gentiles which Nigeria is part of) under the new covenant?... Where did Christ or the apostles ever receive tithing?... If not from the old Jewish mosaic laws which Christ has redeemed us from, where exactly is this message coming from in the modern day church? 1 Like |
Re: Paying Your Tithe Is Biblical by lovetruth(m): 9:49am On Dec 28, 2017 |
nairanaira12:you did not answer my simple question and ur point is false accusation |
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