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Marriage, Money And Happiness! by jumie(f): 2:15pm On Mar 23, 2010
I have always wondered whether it is really true that having so much money (more than you can spend) guarantees happiness in marriage. A lot of marriages have been dissolved because of lack of it. Is money however the sole factor that determines happiness in a marriage?

What do you all think?
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by martin1(m): 3:55pm On Mar 23, 2010
poster--B4 i reply,what do u think?
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by jumie(f): 5:01pm On Mar 23, 2010
I think money plays a vital role but I am yet to understand whether happiness should be tied to money or not! What happens when the money stops rolling in. Does it mean that happiness ends!
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by rerute1(m): 7:58pm On Mar 23, 2010
The lack of money is d root of all evil, For how long can u continue to stay (or even enjoy) without money?
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by coolier(f): 8:57pm On Mar 23, 2010

Is money however the sole factor that determines happiness in a marriage?

Money doesn't guaranty happiness in marriage. I've seen a lot of extremely wealthy couples break up because they were not happy in the relationship.


Whether some people will agree or not, money is a vital tool in experiencing complete happiness.

"The rich also cry!"
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by rerute1(m): 9:26pm On Mar 23, 2010
, In dat instance, wats happiness if some rich people break up and if rich people still cry? And i guess u've seen or heard of more people breaking up because of lack of money
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by usbcable(m): 9:53pm On Mar 23, 2010
I am of the view that money is of high importanc in marital life.

Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) said;"A man marries a woman for four reasons: for her property(money inclusive), for her rank, for her beauty, and for her religion (and character). So marry the one who is best in the religion and character and prosper

So although we dont make it the paramount reason for going into it, its quite important you put it into consideration.since it is one of the pivot (if not the most important) of a happy life.At least no single human being will be really happy living an impoverished life, so why want someone to share such a life wif you.

Even if one or both of the spouses looses his/her source of livelihood they will still work something out since they must have likely have the basic foundation of wealth creation which is knowledge.(remember the maxim KNOWLEDGE IS POWER)

So a happy married life is also dependent upon a regular or foreseable source of wealth.

Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by coolier(f): 11:17pm On Mar 23, 2010

I am of the view that money is of high importanc in marital life.
So a happy married life is also dependent upon a regular or foreseable source of wealth.

A happy married life is dependent on love, trust, loyalty and understanding. If you have all these you'll both be able to stand the test of time and weather all storms. We cannot all be millionaires, we must learn to live within our means and cut our coats according to our sizes. Money is not a yardstick for a happy married life. My point is you can have all the monies of this world and still be terribly unhappy.
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by usbcable(m): 12:19am On Mar 24, 2010

A happy married life is dependent on love, trust, loyalty and understanding. If you have all these you'll both be able to stand the test of time and weather all storms. We cannot all be millionaires, we must learn to live within our means and cut our coats according to our sizes. Money is not a yardstick for a happy married life. My point is you can have all the monies of this world and still be terribly unhappy.

I dint say with money a happy marriage is guaranteed. Its just that its also imporant.as a preventive(unwanted hardship) and cementing(undying love) measure.

Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by rerute1(m): 6:32am On Mar 24, 2010
We are not saying they must be millionaires but they should live an average life. How far can u go with love, loyalty, understanding and all dat without money lol
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by JajaZ: 6:54am On Mar 24, 2010

We are not saying they must be millionaires but they should live an average life. How far can u go with love, loyalty, understanding and all dat without money lol
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by jumie(f): 9:28am On Mar 24, 2010

The lack of money is d root of all evil, For how long can u continue to stay (or even enjoy) without money?

I know of a couple the husband was a highly paid bank manager and the wife was a house wife. He lost his job recently. Does that mean the wife should leave him and become unhappy because there is no more money?


Money doesn't guaranty happiness in marriage. I've seen a lot of extremely wealthy couples break up because they were not happy in the relationship.

"The rich also cry!"

I agree, Money should not be the basis for happiness in marriage.
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by tEsLim(m): 10:24am On Mar 24, 2010
Money makes everyone happy to some extent. Money buys you comfort, comfort is big deal. THere will always be problems money can't solve so just think. But its more terrible not to have money and still have other problems in marriage like communication, cheating, backstabbing, terrible inlaws. Some problems are constant in most marraiges. So you can have 99 problems in a marriage make sure money is not one of them. That marriage will be complete failure. My friends wife cheats now and I can't tell him , he'll die to know its because of money.
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by usbcable(m): 11:10am On Mar 24, 2010

My friends wife cheats now and I can't tell him , he'll die to know its because of money.


My friend now about this, and he is soo hating me for not telling him. grin grin grin

Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by coolier(f): 8:09pm On Mar 24, 2010

My friends wife cheats now and I can't tell him , he'll die to know its because of money.

And I read the story of a popular multi billionaire polygamist business mogul in Lagos some years back, whose supposedly favorite wife cheated on him times without number right under his nose, and actually had one of her husband's children fathered by her lover. It was a big scandal and they finally broke up. And what about the other multi millionaire that passed away, who left instructions that all his children do DNA tests to determine who is actually who, before his estate is shared. You know how many of them failed the test? Does it ever occur to you that these people are extremely wealthy and comfortable but still cheat on their husbands: reason, they are unhappy! And the husband continue to take on as many wives as his money can buy! Reason again, he is not happy! Now would you still say money guarantees happiness?
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by raintree: 1:30am On Mar 25, 2010
@ coolier

I hope you find your poverty-stricken man and enjoy your poor + happy kind of life!
Happy now! Geezzzzzz,
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by harakiri(m): 6:55am On Mar 25, 2010

@ coolier

I hope you find your poverty-stricken man and enjoy your poor + happy kind of life! 
Happy now!  Geezzzzzz,

Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by harakiri(m): 7:03am On Mar 25, 2010

And I read the story of a popular multi billionaire polygamist business mogul in Lagos some years back, whose supposedly favorite wife cheated on him times without number right under his nose, and actually had one of her husband's children fathered by her lover. It was a big scandal and they finally broke up. And what about the other multi millionaire that passed away, who left instructions that all his children do DNA tests to determine who is actually who, before his estate is shared. You know how many of them failed the test? Does it ever occur to you that these people are extremely wealthy and comfortable but still cheat on their husbands: reason, they are unhappy! And the husband continue to take on as many wives as his money can buy! Reason again, he is not happy! Now would you still say money guarantees happiness?

I just couldn't resist replying the bolded part above.What's with women are this "happiness" issue they never seem to find? In some poor marriages,the woman uses the poverty issue as an excuse.In a rich marriage, the woman says she's not "happy".A cousin of mine in the US just lost most of what he struggled to acquire for years simply becoz his wife wasn't "happy".This dude did everything under the sun to keep her happy and i'm not talking about money issues.He was what you could refer to as the "perfect husband" and yet. . .she still left him.He is back to living in tenement buildings while his ex-wife has turned his house into a haven for her boyfriends.He has to beg to see his kids. . .kids who would even prefer to be with their dad than their mom who wants to be "happy".This is what scares me about the whole marriage thing.Can women ever find this "happiness" they seek?Even in a very comfortable and happy union, they will still be looking for something. . .and this leads to cheating.They can never be satisfied.This is why a lot of guys treat their women like trash! If they meet a good man,they wish he was a bad man.If the meet a loyal man, they wished he was the cheating type (to keep them on their toes).If he professes his love all the time, they think he's a sissy. . .if he doesn't,they think he no longer loves them.

Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by coolier(f): 8:20am On Mar 25, 2010

@ coolier

I hope you find your poverty-stricken man and enjoy your poor + happy kind of life! 
Happy now!  Geezzzzzz,

1st post? what a friendly way to start on Nairaland! and 'am pleased to meet you too! grin Just a word of advice on this forum, always "be yourself" and you can never go wrong!
Re: Marriage, Money And Happiness! by Nobody: 6:36pm On Mar 25, 2010
if money can fulfill ALL YOUR DESIRES in marriage/life then yes money will buy you happiness.

so it all depends on what your desires are. if driving a Benz and having shopping spree with no expenses spared are your upmost desires in life then $500K will probably buy you happiness.

on the other hand, if to you happiness means: having good health, wise happy children, fantastic spouse that truly loves you for you and not your wealth, honesty and respect, freedom to do what you want when you want etc etc then no money could get you that.

to each their own!

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