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Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) - Religion - Nairaland

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Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by joshnes(m): 3:37pm On Nov 25, 2017
Dr Paul Enenche's teaching on the tithe at Kingdom Power & Glory World Conference 2017 On Tithe. (summarised). " Beware of being pastored by social media. One reason why tithing is controversial is because of the grip money has on people Luke 16:13. What Is The Tithe? 1. Tithe is one-tenth of a person's income. 2. Tithe existed before the law Gen 14:18-20. If the tithe did not come with the law, it can't go with the law. 3. The tithe did not begin as a commandment, it began as a kingdom principle delivered to Abraham by revelation. Abraham was the first to pay tithe, he did not read it from anywhere, he got it by revelation. 4. Kingdom principles and revelations are universal in application. Mark 13:37. Time does not change principles or divine revelations. 5. Believers are the seed of Abraham and are commanded to walk in his steps Galatians 3:16-17 Romans 4:12 (including tithing). Abraham was paying tithe when no one else was paying tithe, why should you now look at who is paying or not?... [continues below]

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Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by Peacefullove: 3:41pm On Nov 25, 2017
grin grin are u saying Jesus apostlez are so daft not to know all these things as they never implement tithing among the early followers of Christianity ?


Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by joshnes(m): 3:58pm On Nov 25, 2017
....Contd.... 6. Tithing was approved, confirmed and commended by the master Jesus in the New Testament. Jesus speaking in Matthew 23:23 (TLB/NLT) "Yes, woe unto you, Pharisees, and you other religious teachers - hypocrites! For you tithe down to the last mint leaf in your garden, but ignore the important things - justice and mercy and faith. YES, YOU SHOULD TITHE, but you shouldn't leave the more important things undone." 7. Tithe was also validated by Apostle Paul Hebrews 7:1-8. If He liveth, He receiveth. 8. The New Testament believers exist beyond the tithe realm. Our realm is the realm of sacrifice, where we give our all to God and not just ten percent. Prov 23:26 Rom 12:1-2 2Cor 8:1-5. FACTS ABOUT THE TITHE 1. The tithe belongs to God, not the pastor; no true man of God looks to tithe for survival. 2. Tithe is paid at the place of one's spiritual covering. 3. The tithe is to be paid of ALL income. 4. The tithe is to be paid in whole. 5. Everybody should pay tithe, no pastor is too big to pay tithe."

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Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by plainbibletruth: 4:31pm On Nov 25, 2017
....Contd.... 6. Tithing was approved, confirmed and commended by the master Jesus in the New Testament. Jesus speaking in Matthew 23:23 (TLB/NLT) "Yes, woe unto you, Pharisees, and you other religious teachers - hypocrites! For you tithe down to the last mint leaf in your garden, but ignore the important things - justice and mercy and faith. YES, YOU SHOULD TITHE, but you shouldn't leave the more important things

FACTS ABOUT THE TITHE 1. The tithe belongs to God, not the pastor; no true man of God looks to tithe for survival. 2. Tithe is paid at the place of one's spiritual covering. 3. The tithe is to be paid of ALL income. 4. The tithe is to be paid in whole. 5. Everybody should pay tithe, no pastor is too big to pay tithe."

1. What did Jesus say that the Pharisees were tithing from your above Bible passage quoted?
They were tithing plants from their gardens. This does not amount today's gimmick of tithing money.

2. PLEASE! Where is the "New Testament Proof" for ALL those points you listed?
You've only succeeded in showing us that you're as gullible as others. You're given a few Bible verses laced with human viewpoint and you immediately accept it as PROOF!.

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Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by joshnes(m): 4:35pm On Nov 25, 2017

1. What did Jesus say that the Pharisees were tithing from your above Bible passage quoted?
They were tithing plants from their gardens. This does not amount today's gimmick of tithing money.

2. PLEASE! Where is the "New Testament Proof" for ALL those points you listed?
You've only succeeded in showing us that you're as gullible as others. You're given a few Bible verses laced with human viewpoint and you immediately accept it as PROOF!.
as much as I will love to answer you, you've drawn up your conclusions so no thanks.
Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by plainbibletruth: 4:40pm On Nov 25, 2017
as much as I will love to answer you, you've drawn up your conclusions so no thanks.

Colossians 2:8:
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.


Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by joshnes(m): 4:42pm On Nov 25, 2017

Colossians 2:8:
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.
Re: Dr Paul Enenche: JESUS CONFIRMS The Tithe (with New Testament Proof) by drwebs: 5:27pm On Nov 25, 2017
We are instructed to pay tithes.
Just as the speaker above said, tithing is a principle, not of the law.

TITHING before the Law
Abraham first gave tithes to Malchizadec.
Melchizadec was a man who had no biginning or end. He was a man who can appear and disappear at will.
He appeared to Abraham during one of the wars Abraham won and had a great spoit( properties he could gather from those he defeated) and Abraham been a man of the Spirit recognised him and gave him a tenth of all he gathered.

Now the Bible describes Melchizadec as a priest.

TITHING Under the Law
When the Law(10 commandments) came, Things became organised and Moses appointed the Levites to collect tithes.
The Levites could collect tithes because they were made the Priests.
Only Priests collects tithes and they were permitted to do what they wished with the tithes.

TITHING after the law
When Jesus Christ came, He fulfilled the requirements of the law and abolished it because it was not perfect enough to take us to God.
When He died, He became the HIGH Priest. The Bible refered to Jesus as the HIGH Priest because we (christians) are all priest.
The Bible not only refered to Jesus as the HIGH Priest but also went further to say He is a priest after the order of Melchizadec, the same man whom Abraham gave tithe of all.

As new creatures, we pay tithe to Jesus Christ because He is the High Priest and He alone collects tithes.
If you believe that Jesus Christ is still alive and He'll protect you and devour the devourer(the devil) for your sake, you have to pay tithe.

SCRIPTURE references
Pls read Hebrew Chapters 7 to 8 for a better understanding.

If you are a Christian and is still arguing about paying Tithes or not, be careful, because The Bible said, He will put his Law( Commandments) in the Mind(Heart) of the new creatures(christians) so that you won't be taught by your neighbour but you will just know them.

This is true.
If you are a Christian, the Holy spirit always speaks to you. Atimes you have answers to questions asked but you dont know the section of the Bible those answers are located.
This happens because the Law is in your Heart now as a Christian, and not in tablets.

Is TITHE crops, animals or Money?
I dont have to answer this because if you're a Christian, you should know the answer.
Pls click like if you got some revelation reading the scriptures i listed above and dont forget to share with others.
God bless and protect all tithers in this forum.
For your information, I'm not a pastor, I'm just a Christian.

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