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Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross - Religion - Nairaland

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Jesus Was Never A Christian, Nor God, He Wasn't Even Jesus Christ - Reno Omokri / Jesus Didn't Die for Anyone's Sin nor to save everyone from sin / Biblical Proofs Jesus Didn't Die On The Cross. Part 1 (2) (3) (4)

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Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 12:19pm On Apr 19, 2019
The topic above looks strange but it isn't. It is a statement all Muslims in the world believe because that is the position of almighty Allah.

Christians Position:
1. Jesus was betrayed and Arrested
2. Jesus was Tried in the courts
3. He was found worthy of death even when not Guilty
4. He was crucified in-between two criminals
5. There were witnesses to his crucifixion
6. His knee bones were not broken because he was already dead
7. A spear was thrust into his side (ribs) to confirm his death.
8. His corpse was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea
9. On the third day he resurrected
10. He showed Himself to His disciples over a period of 40 days explaining to them why Christ must die
11. He asked the disciples to farther themselves at Galilee for His final meeting with them
12. At Galilee, Jesus was taken up to heaven in the presence of the Disciples

I would have posted this in the Islamic section except that I don't want to swear to what I am not.

Qur’an, 4:157-158
That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”—but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not—nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”

What can we see here?
1. The Jews boast that they killed Jesus
2. Allah corrects them that
a. Jesus wasn't killed
b. Jesus wasn't crucified
c. The Jews were confused as per Jesus's fate
d. Jesus was taken bodily to Allah

The Ahmadias have their own theory: they say Jesus fainted on the cross and the cool air of the tomb brought him back to life. Their argument is that Jesus didn't spend more than 8hours on the cross (which is shorter than usual)

Traditionally, Islamic commentators have taught that :
Jesus was substituted for someone else (some say it was Judas others say an innocent bystander).

There are are several questions that need to be answered because the Qur'an was written almost 600years after the events in question.

For the Muslim Scholars: What really happened?
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Fathertony: 12:27pm On Apr 19, 2019
The topic above looks strange but it isn't. It is a statement all Muslims in the world believe because that is the position of almighty Allah.

Christians Position:
1. Jesus was betrayed and Arrested
2. Jesus was Tried in the courts
3. He was found worthy of death even when not Guilty
4. He was crucified in-between two criminals
5. There were witnesses to his crucifixion
6. His knee bones were not broken because he was already dead
7. A spear was thrust into his side (ribs) to confirm his death.
8. His corpse was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea
9. On the third day he resurrected
10. He showed Himself to His disciples over a period of 40 days explaining to them why Christ must die
11. He asked the disciples to farther themselves at Galilee for His final meeting with them
12. At Galilee, Jesus was taken up to heaven in the presence of the Disciples

I would have posted this in the Islamic section except that I don't want to swear to what I am not.

Qur’an, 4:157-158
That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”—but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not—nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”

What can we see here?
1. The Jews boast that they killed Jesus
2. Allah corrects them that
a. Jesus wasn't killed
b. Jesus wasn't crucified
c. The Jews were confused as per Jesus's fate
d. Jesus was taken bodily to Allah

The Ahmadias have their own theory: they say Jesus fainted on the cross and the cool air of the tomb brought him back to life. Their argument is that Jesus didn't spend more than 8hours on the cross (which is shorter than usual)

Traditionally, Islamic commentators have taught that :
Jesus was substituted for someone else (some say it was Judas others say an innocent bystander).

There are are several questions that need to be answered because the Qur'an was written almost 600years after the events in question.

For the Muslim Scholars: What really happened?
[/s] Thrash


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by eneojoedu(m): 12:31pm On Apr 19, 2019
[s][/s] Thrash


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 12:33pm On Apr 19, 2019
[s][/s] Thrash
Why your outburst of aggressive anger?
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Oshin56(m): 12:56pm On Apr 19, 2019
Jesus didn't die and crucify but can you tell People his current location
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Kamxin(m): 1:01pm On Apr 19, 2019


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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Funaki: 1:08pm On Apr 19, 2019
Jesus didn't die and crucify but can you tell People his current location

Manchester City grin grin


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by thorpido(m): 1:19pm On Apr 19, 2019
The topic above looks strange but it isn't. It is a statement all Muslims in the world believe because that is the position of almighty Allah.

Christians Position:
1. Jesus was betrayed and Arrested
2. Jesus was Tried in the courts
3. He was found worthy of death even when not Guilty
4. He was crucified in-between two criminals
5. There were witnesses to his crucifixion
6. His knee bones were not broken because he was already dead
7. A spear was thrust into his side (ribs) to confirm his death.
8. His corpse was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea
9. On the third day he resurrected
10. He showed Himself to His disciples over a period of 40 days explaining to them why Christ must die
11. He asked the disciples to farther themselves at Galilee for His final meeting with them
12. At Galilee, Jesus was taken up to heaven in the presence of the Disciples

I would have posted this in the Islamic section except that I don't want to swear to what I am not.

Qur’an, 4:157-158
That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah”—but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not—nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.”

What can we see here?
1. The Jews boast that they killed Jesus
2. Allah corrects them that
a. Jesus wasn't killed
b. Jesus wasn't crucified
c. The Jews were confused as per Jesus's fate
d. Jesus was taken bodily to Allah

The Ahmadias have their own theory: they say Jesus fainted on the cross and the cool air of the tomb brought him back to life. Their argument is that Jesus didn't spend more than 8hours on the cross (which is shorter than usual)

Traditionally, Islamic commentators have taught that :
Jesus was substituted for someone else (some say it was Judas others say an innocent bystander).

There are are several questions that need to be answered because the Qur'an was written almost 600years after the events in question.

For the Muslim Scholars: What really happened?
Absolute trash!
If i was at Ibadan yesterday,don't you think it's so easy to come up today and say no,I was not.I must have been in Abeokuta.
It's so easy for a lie to come after a truth.

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 3:00pm On Apr 19, 2019
Absolute trash!
If i was at Ibadan yesterday,don't you think it's so easy to come up today and say no,I was not.I must have been in Abeokuta.
It's so easy for a lie to come after a truth.
Of course.
But the major weakness of Muslims is that they don't question the Qur'an on issues even when it contradicts sound judgement.
If the Qur'an is from Allah, it must be the truth!
No problem!
But is the Qur'an really from Allah?


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by thorpido(m): 3:49pm On Apr 19, 2019

Of course.
But the major weakness of Muslims is that they don't question the Qur'an on issues even when it contradicts sound judgement.
If the Qur'an is from Allah, it must be the truth!
No problem!
But is the Qur'an really from Allah?,
That's the issue.


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by UceeGod: 4:31pm On Apr 19, 2019
I've said this several times that the sole reason Quran and Islam exist is to discredit the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Anyone who has the Spirit of God and understands the works of Satan should already know this.


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Nopeace4dwicked: 5:59pm On Apr 19, 2019
Christianity is a religion
Islam is a religion
Hinduism is a religion
Buddhism is a religion
Religion doesn't have solution to mankind's problems.

The KINGDOM OF GOD is not a religion . mankind lost d kingdom of GOD wen Adam disobeyed GOD in d garden of Eden. So, GOD put man away from his presence.
Jesus came 2bring back dat kingdom which mankind lost. When Jesus started preaching He said change d way u tink 4dat Kingdom which mankind lost, I have come 2bring it back again. The kingdom of GOD gives u power of every circumstance on earth, it gives power over all demonic & satanic powers. It gives power of sickness, power over ur finances.
Seek, Search 4 or luk for the Kingdom of GOD 1ST and everytin u need in ur life shall b added 2u

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Perfectbeing(m): 6:03pm On Apr 19, 2019
I've said this several times that the sole reason Quran and Islam exist is to discredit the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Anyone who has the Spirit of God and understands the works of Satan should already know this.

You said nothing but the truth


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 6:17pm On Apr 19, 2019
I've said this several times that the sole reason Quran and Islam exist is to discredit the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Anyone who has the Spirit of God and understands the works of Satan should already know this.
I agree with you.
Islam agrees with most things of Christianity that is not essential to salvation BUT denies and rejects those things that matter to eternal life.

It's like a Deliberate attempt to mislead people to hell


Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 6:19pm On Apr 19, 2019
Christianity is a religion
Islam is a religion
Hinduism is a religion
Buddhism is a religion
Religion doesn't have solution to mankind's problems.

The KINGDOM OF GOD is not a religion . mankind lost d kingdom of GOD wen Adam disobeyed GOD in d garden of Eden. So, GOD put man away from his presence.
Jesus came 2bring back dat kingdom which mankind lost. When Jesus started preaching He said change d way u tink 4dat Kingdom which mankind lost, I have come 2bring it back again. The kingdom of GOD gives u power of every circumstance on earth, it gives power over all demonic & satanic powers. It gives power of sickness, power over ur finances.
Seek, Search 4 or luk for the Kingdom of GOD 1ST and everytin u need in ur life shall b added 2u
The kingdom of God is not Religion.
However if a man is NOT bornagain, he cannot see the kingdom of God
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by malvisguy212: 8:23pm On Apr 19, 2019
Surah 21:35: Every soul must taste of death, and We
try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto
Us ye will be returned.

Muslims say Jesus is just an ordinary prophet, and He is just a man who according to the above Quranic verse will test DEATH. if I may ask, why did Allah leave ALL other prophet to die and save only JESUS on the cross ?

Surah 4:157: And their saying: Surely we have
killed the MESSIAH,Isa son of Marium, the messenger
of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they
crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only
in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge
respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and
they killed him not for sure.

If you read this account in its entirety from Surah 4:153 to Surah 4:162, you will understand who they
are that are saying, “Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the messenger of Allah.” According to the Qur’an, it is the Jews saying this.
Think! Would the hostile Jews call jesus the “Messiah” when they have rejected him as the Messiah? It must
be remembered that the Jewish religious leaders even objected when Pilate wrote a title saying, “King of
the Jews.” (John 19:19-22 ). It is, therefore, illogical for the Jews to boastfully say that “we have killed the
Messiah” when they did not accept Jesus as the Messiah in the first place. And if they did recognize him as the Messiah as this verse implies would they have killed him? whether they accept Jesus or not, the
Jews will never make such a statement, sarcastically or otherwise, regarding the Messiah because the
Messiah is a reverential figure for whom they waiting for deliverance. No Jews will boast that they have
killed the Messiah. And the Jews are still devotedly waiting for the Messiah.

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by Smony: 9:16pm On Apr 19, 2019
contradiction evrywhere
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 9:25pm On Apr 19, 2019
Surah 21:35: Every soul must taste of death, and We
try you with evil and with good, for ordeal. And unto
Us ye will be returned.

Muslims say Jesus is just an ordinary prophet, and He is just a man who according to the above Quranic verse will test DEATH. if I may ask, why did Allah leave ALL other prophet to die and save only JESUS on the cross ?

Surah 4:157: And their saying: Surely we have
killed the MESSIAH,Isa son of Marium, the messenger
of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they
crucify him, but it appeared to them so (like Isa) and most surely those who differ therein are only
in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge
respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and
they killed him not for sure.

If you read this account in its entirety from Surah 4:153 to Surah 4:162, you will understand who they
are that are saying, “Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the messenger of Allah.” According to the Qur’an, it is the Jews saying this.
Think! Would the hostile Jews call jesus the “Messiah” when they have rejected him as the Messiah? It must
be remembered that the Jewish religious leaders even objected when Pilate wrote a title saying, “King of
the Jews.” (John 19:19-22 ). It is, therefore, illogical for the Jews to boastfully say that “we have killed the
Messiah” when they did not accept Jesus as the Messiah in the first place. And if they did recognize him as the Messiah as this verse implies would they have killed him? whether they accept Jesus or not, the
Jews will never make such a statement, sarcastically or otherwise, regarding the Messiah because the
Messiah is a reverential figure for whom they waiting for deliverance. No Jews will boast that they have
killed the Messiah. And the Jews are still devotedly waiting for the Messiah.
You said it well bro!
But would they ever read to understand?
Would they ever put their faith to the test of reason?

They say "Mohammed is the last and final Prophet" and I say, if Jesus is not dead but alive till today with Allah, is He not the final Prophet?
I ask them, if Jesus would have to die in the future after killing the Daajjal, doesn't it imply that He has not completed His assignment and prophethood?

Who is the greatest Prophet? And they go round like broken record "...la illa illa la"!

I just pray for grace and mercy for them to find the truth that will set them free

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 9:27pm On Apr 19, 2019
contradiction evrywhere
And every Christian must know a little of what Islam teaches so that they would not employ methods of deception to make us believe we serve the same God

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by power50: 9:30pm On Apr 19, 2019
If you own a church in Nigeria, you can list your church on Nigerian church directory at http://naijachurches.com.ng/
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by malvisguy212: 10:20pm On Apr 19, 2019

You said it well bro!
But would they ever read to understand?
Would they ever put their faith to the test of reason?

They say "Mohammed is the last and final Prophet" and I say, if Jesus is not dead but alive till today with Allah, is He not the final Prophet?
I ask them, if Jesus would have to die in the future after killing the Daajjal, doesn't it imply that He has not completed His assignment and prophethood?

Who is the greatest Prophet? And they go round like broken record "...la illa illa la"!

I just pray for grace and mercy for them to find the truth that will set them free
it baffled me bro, here is this one:
the Qur'an record Jesus saying :

Surah 19:33: Peace on me
the day I was born, and the
day I die, and the day I
shall be raised alive!

the chronological sequence of event is Clearly understood here, " born, die, and raised alive" They try to explain away this Qur’anic verse by saying
that Jesus will die when he comes back the second time and then be raised back to life. They say this
with no rhyme or reason except to evade an obvious contradiction in the Qur’an.

but the same wording is use concerning the death of john the Baptist:

Surah 19:15: And peace on
him on the day he was born,
and on the day he dies, and
on the day he is raised to

However, in the case of John the Baptist, Muslims scholars have no trouble recognizing the fact that this
verse is speaking about his immediate death.
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by sonmvayina(m): 10:43pm On Apr 19, 2019

The kingdom of God is not Religion.
However if a man is NOT bornagain, he cannot see the kingdom of God
The kingdom of God that is within or where?.... They shall indeed look but not see, read but not understand...
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by malvisguy212: 10:46pm On Apr 19, 2019
can we put our trust on ONE man who lived on hundred of miles away from the place of event and 600 years after the event , and who by his own word was an illiterate ? some Muslims believed he was taking to the torture stake, some believed he was not taking to the torture stake, believed his face was made to look like Judas Iscariot, doesn't this sound like the account of an illiterate man who lived miles away from the event ?
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by sonmvayina(m): 10:47pm On Apr 19, 2019
Read psalm 104 :29-31 and ecclesiastes 12:9....you will understand that death is an illusion and that jesus if at all he existed which I seriously doubt, dying has no benefit whatsoever.. To anything..

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 10:59pm On Apr 19, 2019

The kingdom of God that is within or where?.... They shall indeed look but not see, read but not understand...
The kingdom of God is where Gods Spirit Rules as King. It is first inside and spreads over both the new heavens and the new earth!
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 11:06pm On Apr 19, 2019
it baffled me bro, here is this one:
the Qur'an record Jesus saying :

Surah 19:33: Peace on me
the day I was born, and the
day I die, and the day I
shall be raised alive!

the chronological sequence of event is Clearly understood here, " born, die, and raised alive" They try to explain away this Qur’anic verse by saying
that Jesus will die when he comes back the second time and then be raised back to life. They say this
with no rhyme or reason except to evade an obvious contradiction in the Qur’an.

but the same wording is use concerning the death of john the Baptist:

Surah 19:15: And peace on
him on the day he was born,
and on the day he dies, and
on the day he is raised to

However, in the case of John the Baptist, Muslims scholars have no trouble recognizing the fact that this
verse is speaking about his immediate death.
The two phases of the Qur'an at play. The first was when Mohammed didn't have power. He was desperately looking for support from the Jews and Christians. Then he spoke that which agreed with them.

The second phase was when he had conquered Mecca and had become powerful. That was when Christians and Jews became enemies to him.

This same character also was visible when idol worshippers came from Mecca to visit him. He was ready to go along with the three daughters of Allah with them. He seemed not to know the difference between Jubril voice and Shaitans voice

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Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by sonmvayina(m): 11:09pm On Apr 19, 2019

The kingdom of God is where Gods Spirit Rules as King. It is first inside and spreads over both the new heavens and the new earth!
Where did you get all these ideas from?...strange to me.. We are the spirit of God having a human experience.. Read psalm 104 :29-31 or ecclesiastes 12 :7....we are Gods breath dwelling inside a body made from dust... At death, we go back being Gods breath and the body returns to dust.... So what do you not understand?
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 11:11pm On Apr 19, 2019
can we put our trust on ONE man who lived on hundred of miles away from the place of event and 600 years after the event , and who by his own word was an illiterate ? some Muslims believed he was taking to the torture stake, some believed he was not taking to the torture stake, believed his face was made to look like Judas Iscariot, doesn't this sound like the account of an illiterate man who lived miles away from the event ?
You'll notice that Muslims would not come to this thread because there actually is no convincing response to biblical arguments. The Ahmadias are even willing to distort their Qur'an to show that Jesus was crucified but fell into a swoon!
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by sonmvayina(m): 11:12pm On Apr 19, 2019

The kingdom of God is where Gods Spirit Rules as King. It is first inside and spreads over both the new heavens and the new earth!
God is the universal divine consciousness.. Both good and evil spirit comes from "him'... It is the source for everything.... At least that is what the Tanakh says.. Before the Romans came to make mockery of the creator by inventing a man God or demi God...
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 11:13pm On Apr 19, 2019
Read psalm 104 :29-31 and ecclesiastes 12:9....you will understand that death is an illusion and that jesus if at all he existed which I seriously doubt, dying has no benefit whatsoever.. To anything..
What do you mean that "...if at all he exists...!".

It's like saying "Alexander the Great" or Aristotle did not exist!

Death is not a de-existence. It is a disconnection!
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by sonmvayina(m): 11:17pm On Apr 19, 2019

What do you mean that "...if at all he exists...!".

It's like saying "Alexander the Great" or Aristotle did not exist!
is somebody asking you to worship them?.. We just read it and move on... They don't have any beating on anything..

It is different when some men get together and create a character and forge document to support their story and force people to believe it.. Story that go against the laws of God.. Then it becomes a problem..
Re: Jesus Didn't Die: He Wasn't Even Crucified On The Cross by shadeyinka(m): 11:23pm On Apr 19, 2019
God is the universal divine consciousness.. Both good and evil spirit comes from "him'... It is the source for everything.... At least that is what the Tanakh says.. Before the Romans came to make mockery of the creator by inventing a man God or demi God...
The Romans didn't invent a "man God" as you put it. The Romans persecuted the church remember!?

Gen 18:1-5:
"Again God appeared to him at the Oak grove of Mambre. As he was sitting at the door of his tent at noon, he raised his eyes and looked, and lo! three men stood above him. And when he saw them he ran to meet them from the door of his tent; and having made obeisance to the ground, he said, My Lord, if I have found favour in thy sight, pass not by thy servant. Let water, I pray thee, be brought and let your feet be washed ; and refresh yourselves under this tree; and I will fetch bread that you may eat. And after that you may proceed on your journey, in as much as you have turned aside to your servant. Whereupon he said, Do as thou hast said."

The Romans were at least 3000 years away from this you know!

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