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Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Why I Demanded Return Of Tithe From My Former Church – Abuja Man / Should I Pay Tithe From My 20k Stimulus I Got From Government? / Pastor Adeboye: "Anyone Not Paying His Tithe Won't Go To Heaven" - Freeze Reacts (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by kayjay007(m): 1:10am On Dec 04, 2017
It is obvious that suleiman was referring to frz as the Satan. Put in another form, 'I just increased my tithe to 30%, frz, go and die' grin
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by felixomor: 1:10am On Dec 04, 2017
Abraham didn't even pay tithe, rather he disbursed all he got from the war...he said, he keep none so u won't say Abram got rich through your wealth..he kept none... Gave mek tenth of it in appreciation to the most high, then disbursed others

Abraham paid "tithes of all" his belongings
While He disbursed what he recovered for king of Sodom to sodom.

Go and read it properly.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:11am On Dec 04, 2017

Sentiments as usual.

Just two question for you : If the apostles despite reading that Malachi u mentioned still didn't collect tithe , are your pastors wiser than them ?

Act 2 vs 42 said Christians devote themselves to the teachings of the apostles , show us where this apostles collect tithe ?
Giving to God might not necessarily be tagged tithe. Apostles did give to God. Ananaias story is what what you can read up. Tithe is just a guide to giving to God. You can give 100% or 0%. during Christ's time, there were no Christian... Does that negate having Christians now? Don't let us subscribe to trivialities based on a sheepish encumbrances.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by felixomor: 1:14am On Dec 04, 2017
this one na mumu... U lack understanding... Thus quoting Malachi. Also, re u a Christian or Jew? If Christian no need for tithe cos of Christ like, if Jew no more tithe cos temple not yet rebuild thus no priest to take it. Learn mumu
Its easy to know a foool

After U translated "storehouse" to mean "levite"
And u are calling mumu on yourself.
The joke is on u

Even Revelation was addressed to seven churches in asia minor, etc
Its people like u who will say it doesn't apply to us.
Afterall, we are in Nigeria

Receive sense in Jesus name
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by brightalo17: 1:14am On Dec 04, 2017

Just because you have decided to do things the way it is stated and it doesn't mean that people with more zeal for providence don't exist...
Tithing is 10% but within you and a purpose can go on a ratio above... I don't pay 10% because it is too poor being that i want extra-ordinary grace for providence though i know the recommended is 10%...
We all can't do same and want or need same magnitude of providence.

Seek you first the kingdom of God and every other things will be Added unto it. I never hear Pay tithe first.

Who I'll bless I'll bless, I never hear God say only those who paid tithe that I'll bless.

God said our souls is all that matters to him. He never said our tithes.

Abraham never paid tithe every other month end.

King James Bible version
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:7.

2 Corinthians 9:6-15New King James Version (NKJV)

God never blessed or increases the Widow in the bible according to the amount she was able to give but the heart in which she gave it.

Deuteronomy 4:2,Deuteronomy
God said we should not add or subtract , Tithe was 10% but you're adding it which means you're disobeying God. Revelation 22:19.

Listen read on your own at times and stop waiting for pastors to only read to you the places that favors them.

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by dukecharles(m): 1:14am On Dec 04, 2017
[quote author=Mac2016 post=62956315]Confused OAP...like a newspaper is now the scriptures. I tot the book of Malachi was clear on tithe... Why all these confusionists and attention seekers mauling "tithes".
Freeze should do other things for popularity and stop pandering to aggrieved tithe payers' emotions. Your anger on how many offerings including tithes are supposedly being expended on luxuries by some pastors at the expense of dying church goers may be justified but who are you to judge. Nobody is forcing tithe on anyone... You may package yours and deliver it straight to God if you find that necessary. Foolish Freeze [/quot0e]

So you 're now Malachist instead of Christian? Who sealed the New covenant? Christ. Malachi is even among the less prophets . If you Pratice Christianity, you should follow Christ footsteps only. He paid Tax to govt, we do ; he acknowledged a sincere offering of a widow, we do . He castigated the pharessies for paying tithe in Mt 23 vs 23 and he never spoke in favour of tithing or collected tithe himself, so we don't.
Tell me apart from tithing, tell me any other thing in the old testament that you are practicing? Your pastor cannot pick and choose. Jesus, the apostles and early Christians never paid,preached or collected tithe so we as Christian under the new covenant of Christ can't pay tithe.

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Peacefullove: 1:15am On Dec 04, 2017

Giving to God might not necessarily be tagged tithe. Apostles did give to God. Ananaias story is what what you can read up. Tithe is just a guide to giving to God. You can give 100% or 0%. during Christ's time, there were no Christian... Does that negate having Christians now? Don't let us subscribe to trivialities based on a sheepish encumbrances.

They practice voluntary giving NOT tithe . that is the point !

So anyone who use tithe as blackmail today is a fraud .
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:15am On Dec 04, 2017
The holy Bible is complete. And only the spirit filled can decipher things of the Spirit. Many are being misled.
I wish you argue with an atheist or a "spiritual" gay, you will find reasons to adopt their reasoning because they are very "reasonable" and logical.
Mere logic can't holistically evaluate the holy Bible

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:16am On Dec 04, 2017

They practice voluntary giving NOT tithe . that is the point !

So anyone who use tithe as blackmail today is a fraud .
Tithe is not compulsory bro. I guess you didn't read my two initial posts well
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:18am On Dec 04, 2017
Every kid wants to go to school... Why? Is it because it's compulsory?
Most graduates opt for nysc.. Is it because it is compulsory?
Tithe has NEVER been compulsory even salvation is not compulsory why tithe?
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Peacefullove: 1:23am On Dec 04, 2017

Tithe is not compulsory bro. I guess you didn't read my two initial posts well

I did, its like you don't know how many so called pastors blackmail and threaten their members for tithe . some even report that their pastor place curse on those who don't pay tithe saying they are robbing God ? Uh ? Something even the apostles didn't pravtice . while others threaten with their imaginary hellfire . just to make people fear and see tithe as something A CHRISTIAN MUST DO .

So don't come here and say tithe is not compulsory when the reverse is what is happening in most churches .

A tradition. Not even found among early staters of the Christian Religion whom are much closer to Jesus himself .

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by nairanaira12: 1:23am On Dec 04, 2017
My guy, its not ur money... let him pay whatever suits him as his tithe... E no concern u ooooooo...

Your comment shows that Pentecostal churches are not really spiritual gatherings. They are just ordinary gathering of people deceiving themselves with big big phonetics based on human wisdom.

Initially, you were claiming the Bible support tithing, but now that so-called sinners have exposed the lies of so-called pastors using the same bible your pastors claim they are using, you have now changed your song to "it is not your money". It is now, I understand why Jesus said "when the son of man cometh, will he find faith on earth?"

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:25am On Dec 04, 2017
[quote author=dukecharles post=62957602][/quote]
You're a BIG FOOL. you referred me to this verse... See NLT translation. You're as confused as Freeze, teachers of heresies.
Read up below. This is Jesus speaking..
Matthew 23
[23]“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by IsaacBuchi(m): 1:27am On Dec 04, 2017

Genesis 14:20 And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.

I guess your brain will rest now.

Funny you.

In Heb 7:4-10 Apostle Paul refered to that incidence when he said that Christ priesthood was greater than those paid by the Levi, who were assumed to have paid tithes as being of the loins of Abraham.

Note that Abraham did what he did not as a custom or religious obligation. He did not also oblige his descendants to it. So calling it a tithe or a compulsory 10% giving is out of the way.

And yet, apostle Paul still reminded them that Christ priesthood was greater which annulled tithes.

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:28am On Dec 04, 2017

I did, its like you don't know how many so called pastors blackmail and threaten their members for tithe . some even report that their pastor place curse on those who don't pay tithe saying they are robbing God ? Uh ? Something even the apostles didn't pravtice . while others threaten with their imaginary hellfire . just to make people fear and see tithe as something A CHRISTIAN MUST DO .

So don't come here and say tithe is not compulsory when the reverse is what is happening in most churches .

A tradition. Not even found among early staters of the Christian Religion whom are much closer to Jesus himself .
Jesus was clear on deceptive pastors. He foresaw it.... "my people are destroyed for lack of understanding".... Scripture is whole. Get understanding and you can never be a victim of" wolves "
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Peacefullove: 1:29am On Dec 04, 2017

You're a BIG FOOL. you referred me to this verse... See NLT translation. You're as confused as Freeze
Read up below.
Matthew 23
[23]“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.

Yet later u will come and tell me tithing is not compulsory , calling people fool because their opinion on tithe differs .

And honestly , I don't just know what you are trying to prove with that Mat 23 vs 23 , is it that tithe is compulsory or what ? Don't be double tongued .

As at when Jesus said this , Jews still have a temple and Levite's are still at work . so its understandable .

So the apostles didn't know Matthew 23:23 abi ? I wonder if you guys are wiser than them .

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Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Peacefullove: 1:30am On Dec 04, 2017

Jesus was clear on deceptive pastors. He foresaw it.... "my people are destroyed for lack of understanding".... Scripture is whole. Get understanding and you can never be a victim of" wolves "

Those who quote Matthew 23:23 to make people see tithe as compulsory nko ? They are wolves too right ?
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:33am On Dec 04, 2017

Yet later u will come and tell me tithing is not compulsory , calling people fool because their opinion on tithe differs .

And honestly , I don't just know what you are trying to prove with that Mat 23 vs 23 , is it that tithe is compulsory or what ? Don't be double tongued .

As at when Jesus said this , Jews still have a temple and Levite's are still at work . so its understandable .

So the apostles didn't know Matthew 23:23 abi ? I wonder if you guys are wiser than them .
You're mixing something up. Paying tithe as that Matthew verse said it... It's not as important as justice... Etc.
That means it is not compulsory. Salvation is not compulsory too. They are only encouraged. Can you spot the difference now. I am not double tongued
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by oruma19: 1:35am On Dec 04, 2017
He said "I just increased my tithe to 30%.satan, go and die"...

So does that mean one can increase or decrease der tithe at will?

my brother, all this tells u they are a bunch of thieves. u can see clearly . oooo, people can change their tithe percentage now abi? it is well.....we don catch dem
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by felixomor: 1:35am On Dec 04, 2017

Funny you.

In Heb 7:4-10 Apostle Paul refered to that incidence when he said that Christ priesthood was greater than those paid by the Levi, who were assumed to have paid tithes as being of the loins of Abraham.

Note that Abraham did what he did not as a custom or religious obligation. He did not also oblige his descendants to it. So calling it a tithe or a compulsory 10% giving is out of the way.

And yet, apostle Paul still reminded them that Christ priesthood was greater which annulled tithes.

The bolded statement your own addition to scripture
Besides Jesus priesthood is Same as Melchizedek.....

But somehow you went back to Levi priesthood
And u are still trying to sandwich it with Abraham - Melchizedek priesthood which is same as Jesus priest hood.

Anwway, as I said.
Your mind is made up.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Mac2016(m): 1:37am On Dec 04, 2017
Ten commandments are there, people are not discussing them. Yet, we don't fulfill them all but tithe is discussed extensively cos it's tied to finance. Tithe is not compulsory as it won't take you to heaven. People should get this right.
You don't need to tithe to enter the kingdom of God... Keep your money and God will decide on how show his mercy unto you. It is just wise to give...
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by nep2ra(m): 1:40am On Dec 04, 2017
Otobolizer!!! grin grin grin
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by oruma19: 1:41am On Dec 04, 2017

Your comments though grammatical OK are quite irresponsible.
His decision is simply for him to follow. Have you not heard of someone who gave 90% of his money to God?
All those things are personal and is dependent on an individual's personal relationship with God. The most important thing is to Repent from Sin, accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour in your life and live a holy life. Those are the things that matter most in the sight of God. Not another persons choice
he gave 90 percent , he didnt pay tithe of 90 percent. get that clear. tithe is 10 percent and not applicable to the new testament church.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by IsaacBuchi(m): 1:47am On Dec 04, 2017

The bolded statement your own addition to scripture.

Hebrews 7:5,18 says tithes has been annulled for Christians. How hard is that to understand?

Besides Jesus priesthood is Same as Melchizedek.....

But somehow you went back to Levi priesthood
And u are still trying to sandwich it with Abraham - Melchizedek priesthood which is same as Jesus priest hood.
You didn't say anything here. I said Christ priesthood was higher than any other priesthood which annulled tithes. Simple.

Anwway, as I said.
Your mind is made up.

You've not given me fresh reasons yet, that forces tithe payment on the throat of Christians when they are not Jews.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by felixomor: 1:52am On Dec 04, 2017

Hebrews 7:5,18 says tithes has been annulled for Christians. How hard is that to understand?

You didn't say anything here. I said Christ priesthood was higher than any other priesthood which annulled tithes. Simple.

You've not given me fresh reasons yet, that forces tithe payment on the throat of Christians when they are not Jews.

Nobody forced tithe payment.
Tithe is not guarantee for heaven.
Nobody teaches that.
Get that first.

Second. Jesus priest hood is the same as Melchizedek priesthood. Not "higher than"

Its written right there in the same hebrew u quoted.
But as usual, your eyes wont reach there.
We know why
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Peacefullove: 2:00am On Dec 04, 2017

You're mixing something up. Paying tithe as that Matthew verse said it... It's not as important as justice... Etc.
That means it is not compulsory. Salvation is not compulsory too. They are only encouraged. Can you spot the difference now. I am not double tongued

So therefore permit those who stand against Pastors terrorizing people to pay tithe to voice the facts , so both pastor and church members can know the real truth about tithe issue .
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Slayer2: 2:00am On Dec 04, 2017
He means he is getting a PAY RISE !
Oniranu undecided

Lala I don't know why most of your comments always go of topic, hope you don't drive o, I think you will have a really hard time staying on the road with your vehicle grin grin

Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by nairanaira12: 2:01am On Dec 04, 2017

It happens that the person you are trying to put down knows the Bible than you and your pastors.

If an "unbeliever", according to you, knows Bible more than you, don't you think that is a big shame on you? It only means a demon can defeat you and your pastors in a spiritual battle.

To show how useless you and your pastors are, you fail to support your tithe claim with the Bible. You only turn to destroying freeze's image.

By so doing, you are agreeing that you have no scriptural basis for your tithe doctrine. Shame on you and your empty pastors
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by IsaacBuchi(m): 2:02am On Dec 04, 2017

Nobody forced tithe payment.
Tithe is not guarantee for heaven.
Nobody teaches that.
Get that first.

So you're saying tithe is not compulsory for christians, is that it?

Second. Jesus priest hood is the same as Melchizedek priesthood. Not "higher than"

Its written right there in the same hebrew u quoted.
But as usual, your eyes wont reach there.
We know why

As your eyes reach there, can you kindly show me the part that says it is the same? What do you also mean by the Melchizedek, the same as Christ priesthood?
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by felixomor: 2:11am On Dec 04, 2017

So you're saying tithe is not compulsory for christians, is that it?

As your eyes reach there, can you kindly show me the part that says it is the same? What do you also mean by the Melchizedek, the same as Christ priesthood?

Psalms 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Heb 7:15 [/b]And it is yet far more evident: for that [b]after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest,

And yes, tithe is not compulsory.
What is compulsory is giving your life to Christ

And if really you have the love for Christ, 10% for his work wont be a debate for you.
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by Jokovic1(m): 2:17am On Dec 04, 2017
Freeze na devil. YAWEH will pay him a visit this week �
Re: Daddy Freeze Reacts As Apostle Suleman Increases His Tithe From 10% To 30% by larrysiku20(m): 2:28am On Dec 04, 2017
Finally nigerians, are wise now

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