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Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nobody: 1:58pm On Dec 31, 2017
why are these uncircumcised cursed mallams stealing and claiming every available piece of land that belong to other religion as if all the desert around the world never full them... one day they will claim my village shrine as Muham-MAD raping site before flight took him to aljanna... Ndi Ara... Thank God Israeli will give them the trouble in full

Obviously not a Christian!
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by BetaThings: 1:59pm On Dec 31, 2017
You call a son of Abraham a bastard? You have mind sha, I pray you don't end badly.

Kindly refrain from debating anyone who insults Allah and His Messenger. We belong to a religion of akhlaq.
We don't insult anyone worshipped by others. And we are to shun those who do.


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by GoodGovernance: 2:00pm On Dec 31, 2017
History says that Jerusalem was a city built by the Jebusites, and a covetous King David invaded it and stole it from them and then made it his capital city.

Christians shouldn't lie. Unless lying is a core part of your christianity. Along with hatefulness and envy.



Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by AFONJAPIG(m): 2:00pm On Dec 31, 2017
You call a son of Abraham a bastard? You have mind sha, I pray you don't end badly.
if he is not a bastardized son of Abraham then what is he


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by sorom4: 2:00pm On Dec 31, 2017
well brainwashed people think they are not brainwashed you can't find even one verse in the Revelation that says Christians will fight for Jews nope you can't, compare America today and when it did not support Israel, Does it look blessed or cursed?
Are you aware that most Americans are Jews? Are you also aware that the vast economy of America is dependent on American Jews? The Jews run America


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by RedPanda: 2:01pm On Dec 31, 2017
Let us some simple logic.

Imagine if you and your ancestors have been living on a stretch of land for over a 1000 years and then a group of people come to show you a book that suggests the land you are living on belongs to them and therefore you have to uproot your entire families, farms, cattle, and sheep, property, and businesses, and relocate into a slum or a small parcel of land shared by millions akin to living a Ghetto.

How would you react, say the truth ??

This is an inaccurate presentation of the facts. Read this to get some historical perspective

A common misperception is that the Jews were forced into the diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. and then, 1,800 years later, suddenly returned to Palestine demanding their country back. In reality, the Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years. A national language and a distinct civilization have been maintained.

The Jewish people base their claim to the land of Israel on at least four premises: 1) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham; 2) the Jewish people settled and developed the land; 3) the international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people and 4) the territory was captured in defensive wars.

The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century B.C., settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century A.D., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.

The Twelve Tribes of Israel formed the first constitutional monarchy in Palestine about 1000 B.C. The second king, David, first made Jerusalem the nation's capital. Although eventually Palestine was split into two separate kingdoms, Jewish independence there lasted for 212 years. This is almost as long as Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.

Even after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the beginning of the exile, Jewish life in Palestine continued and often flourished. Large communities were reestablished in Jerusalem and Tiberias by the ninth century. In the 11th century, Jewish communities grew in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea.

Many Jews were massacred by the Crusaders during the 12th century, but the community rebounded in the next two centuries as large numbers of rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem and the Galilee. Prominent rabbis established communities in Safed, Jerusalem and elsewhere during the next 300 years. By the early 19th century-years before the birth of the modern Zionist movement-more than 10,000 Jews lived throughout what is today Israel.

When Jews began to immigrate to Palestine in large numbers in 1882, fewer than 250,000 Arabs lived there, and the majority of them had arrived in recent decades. Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not." In fact, Palestine is never explicitly mentioned in the Koran, rather it is called "the holy land" (al-Arad al-Muqaddash).

Prior to partition, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:

We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.

In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.

Israel's international "birth certificate" was validated by the promise of the Bible; uninterrupted Jewish settlement from the time of Joshua onward; the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; Israel's admission to the UN in 1949; the recognition of Israel by most other states; and, most of all, the society created by Israel's people in decades of thriving, dynamic national existence.

Sources: Moshe Kohn, “The Arabs’ ‘Lie’ of the Land,” Jerusalem Post, (October 18, 1991); Avner Yaniv, PLO, (Jerusalem: Israel Universities Study Group of Middle Eastern Affairs, August 1974), p. 5; Encyclopaedia Judaica.

For more historical reading, check this


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by danvon(m): 2:04pm On Dec 31, 2017

Are you aware that most Americans are Jews? Are also aware that the vast economy of America is dependent on American Jews? The Jews run America
That's why it's a mess
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Adminisher: 2:04pm On Dec 31, 2017
Who is a JEW?. Genetically, Only God himself knows. Except if we are referring to Jewish religion.

I have heard very credible information that the rulling family in Saudi Arabia has Jewish blood. There are jews in Morocco and Tunisia. People are very shallow in reading the bible.

The current state of Israel was a UK creation but history is so distorted about origins of various people when not less than six great empires have conquered the holy land. Who is a JEW?

My advice to Nigeria . Take the Christian standpoint on issues not the Jewish. Jews killed Jesus. They serially followed other god's throughout their history even though the were God's chosen people.
David was a murderer and Solomon was the greatest black magic guy the world ever knew.

Christianity is for gentiles although most Jews will give their lives to Christ before he comes again.

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by buffalowings: 2:05pm On Dec 31, 2017
These Muslims sef
Islam came 600yrs after Christianity

I don't know why they think they own Jerusalem

Even at that the people the Jews displaced originally from their supposed promised land were not muslims grin


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Neddyogu(m): 2:06pm On Dec 31, 2017
where did you see that curse in the Bible?
Gen 16: 10-12

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nobody: 2:08pm On Dec 31, 2017
Jerusalem belong to all of Humanity and will remain so.

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by danvon(m): 2:10pm On Dec 31, 2017

Gen 16: 10-12
Was that a curse?
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nakuza(m): 2:10pm On Dec 31, 2017
Jerusalem belongs to Ethiopia first and Israel second grin
point of correction Sir, after the Holocaust, that is the killing of six millions Jews by Adolf Hitler of Germany. The whole world took pity on what befell the Jews and proposed a nationality of Jews should be created to avoid another onslaught on them. Then the first place that the world suggested for their settlement was Ethiopia which the Jews rejected and said they prefer to go back to their ancestry city Jerusalem. I would advise you to do research on Zionists Movement to have a clear picture of the whole story. Tnks.


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Malawian(m): 2:11pm On Dec 31, 2017
Let us be honest with ourselves because archeology and ethnography doesn't super this. The most important aspect of Israelis tradition are mostly written in the Bible and Torah and does not support the ancient Canaan as Hebrew people before the new one(isrealis) emerged. The worship of God and animals associated with Israelis made them different. The Israelis used Heifer as sacrifice by house of prophet, which started from Aaronic dynasty, while the house of David uses Ram as sacrifice for replacement for a son that needed to die as a sacrifice to God. This does not change the fact that all ancient Israel uses ram as a form of sacrifice I'm one way or the other. Furthermore, the Islamic religion has adopted this tradition as a yearly sacrifice in their own religion. The first set of Canaanites were offshoot of Cush. The historical Israelis weren't Canaanites but adopted many names due to their migration pattern to the different locations they found themselves. And on the exodus out of Egypt was true even if different conquest had existed in Egypt, with different ethnic groups, which had erased many historical connection to Israel. Till date, the land of Onias still exist in Egypt even if the location had been destroyed because there were written document in Aramaic. Below is an attach document.
Oga, leave super story and go carry your "palestinians" return to Jordan. Haba!

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by JFT24(m): 2:12pm On Dec 31, 2017
I know how stubborn you are and won't want to hear the truth, two wrongs don't make a right both Jews and Arabs reject Jesus, you call Ishmael a bastard remember that God promised to make him a great nation, Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of SATAN, which say they are JEWS, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." There's only one religion that uses synagogues and it's those who call themselves Jews, you can be Jewish if you accept Judaism, stop talking about Jews like they are saints the world isn't divided into Jews and Arabs.
Subhanalillah. Muslims never rejected Jesus (ASW), just that we see him for what he is (Prophet), while you people refer to him as Son of God Subhanallah. Meanwhile, La ilaha ilallah Muhammad Salallahu Alayhim Wa Salam
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by buffalowings: 2:16pm On Dec 31, 2017

I believe Analize701 is talking of Yathrib (modern day city of Medina), however, this person's understanding of the story is rather very unsophisticated. First of all, Medina is an oasis, but of course, naturally formed. It was not converted by the jews as (s)he claims. Also, I'm not sure about the day Muhammed attacked, but the outcome of that attack was devastating. In some ways also, inevitable. During their stay in Yathrib, the tensions between the Muslim and the leaders of some local Jewish tribes simmered and eroded the trust that allowed the Muslims into Medina in the first instance. I guess the Muslims felt betrayed also, because, in spite of them acknowledging the Jews as among god's chosen, and even praising all their prophets and what not, the Jewish leadership in these tribes, though accepting Muhammed's political leadership, refused to acknowledge the supremacy of his religion. Some did convert to Islam, but many didn't make it a secret that they considered Muhammed's message a fraudulent rip off! On several occasions, they would rebuff his attempts to convert them by asking him difficult questions. So, in spite of his wide acceptance in Medina, he wasn't universally liked by all the leading tribes there.
For some reason, Muhammed chronicled his frustrations with this set of Jews in several parts of the Qur'an, apparently, as god's response to them. This is just one of his responses below:

So what happened?
Before the Muslims arrived Yathrib, it was a relatively stable free market economy with no real leadership, just a bunch of tribes, each having their own tribal representative in a sort of community congress. These tribes were a mix of Arabized Jewish tribes like banu Aws, core Jewish ones like banu Qurayzah and Banu Nadir; as well as other core Arab tribes and perhaps others that were unrecorded. Around the year 622AD, Muhammed was invited to Medina to come and settle a dispute between two of the leading tribes then, Banu Aws and Banu Khazraj, as he was seen as trust worthy. Among the conditions for his participation was that as an independent arbiter, he was to become the de facto leader of Medina, and his decisions would be final. Made sense, as many found his judgements fair; and even became Muslims as a result. He also instituted a representative theocratic government in which Jews were expressly allowed to govern themselves in accordance with their own legal codes, but they were still subject to state taxes instituted for the welfare of the state.

Unfortunately, during one of the battles with the pagans of Mecca, the battle of the trenches (so named because the Muslims were grossly outnumbered and decided to protect themselves by digging trenches around their city),one of the Jewish tribes, Banu Qurayzah, conspired with the Meccans to attack the Muslims from behind, perhaps because they weren't happy with their new subordinate status or maybe their mistrust for the divine claims of Muhammed had reached its climax. Either way, they grossly miscalculated. The Meccans had planned to weaken the Muslims by siege; and then Qurayzah would finish them off, but the siege didn't last long, as the arid climate with its treacherous sand storms frustrated the Meccans. Meanwhile, the Muslims got wind of the intentions of Banu Qurayzah, and marched on them as soon as the battle was over. The leadership of banu Qurayzah had betrayed one of the key provisions in the Medina constitution, and Muhammed, knowing the punishment for this kind of betrayal according to Jewish traditions would be severe; and at the same time, navigating around a tense political situation (at this point, the Jews of Yathrib were still vastly more influential in the city than the Muslims), he appointed the leader of banu Aws who had converted to Islam, to pronounce judgement on banu Qurayzah according to the Torah. The judgement was severe: Kill all male members of the tribe that have attained the age of puberty; and enslave women and children. This was a politically deft move! He at once, eliminated his political opponents, while not incurring the wrath of the powerful Arabised Jewish tribes in Medina. But it was just as stupendously atrocious. Nevertheless, it solidified the Muslims' stronghold on Yathrib and allowed then to subsequently institute more severe strains of their theology.

Isn't it wonderful that the premise of the quran is mostly based on the torah
Isn't it wonderful that Islam came to beign 600yrs after Christianity

If I'm to be a religious person wouldn't it be better to go with the original rather that following the dumbed down version cool


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nobody: 2:16pm On Dec 31, 2017
Jerusalem is the root of Ife whence cameth Adua progeny of the Yrva/Yoruba race...hence Jerusalem is the second holiest place to the Yrva.... grin Moosies can form lie chai!

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Diesel1(m): 2:16pm On Dec 31, 2017

Your dishonesty stinks. You want Bethlehem given to the Arabs but stand against me for saying No.

Hahaha... you're just killing these niggaz with facts


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nobody: 2:17pm On Dec 31, 2017
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by NotComplaining: 2:19pm On Dec 31, 2017
Abram wasn't an Hebrew name because he wasn't an Hebrew in the first place but his descendants were identified with such name. In fact, ISRAEL WAS THEIR ORIGINAL, which was borne out Jacob's name being changed by God. His father was Terah and was of Chaldean origin. Secondly there were account on archaeological that were found to have mentioned the dates I referred. Even your reference whom you acknowledge so dearly, in the person of Ben Tor on the same information on . The most important of Israelis tradition were borne out contact with Eli/Elohim/YHWH,through Abram. And one of the contact with God ; “And when Abram asked whereby he might know that he should inherit it, God said to him, "Take me an heifer of three years old, and a she-goat of three years old, and a ram of three years old, and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon." .These were the animals firstly associated with Abram and his descendants. In fact, you are quite funny, because identifying someone's place of origin that history has record of it has nothing incoherent about it as you seem not to be very widely read on this. Below is a journal that mentioned sixth century info and check out the YouTube info about them which has same dates I referred. Lastly, Christianity is a way of life. I know my ancestors tradition and before Jesus came, no human being took away from my ancestors their tradition and until the coming of Jesus Christ, no one will take away from my descendants and family. Christ Jesus was the promise of God to Israel.
There was ancient history , if you have no knowledge of it, doesn't matter. I hope you will agree with the archaeological information you see in it. Kindly let go of the postulation but focus on the archeology.

Check this out :https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yc5kKSzzUI

I agree that Abram was neither a jew or a xtian. He Abram was one who submitted to the will of God and that in arabic is 'Tasleem', and the one who submits is a Muslim. Abram was a Muslim as Islam was was the first of all religions on the planet.

Culturally, Abram was a persian. His name originates from the persian Farsi language, not Hebrew, Aramaic or Latin. So linguistically you christians have no claim to the name neither does the Torah, Thalmud or New Testament.

Whenever you mount an attack on Islam and Muslims you are mounting a greater attack on xianity. Jesus never ever called his followers christians! Remember he was always a jew!

Christianity is not a way of life, we know this because Jesus only came to implement the laws that came before him. So you mean Judaism is a way of life. And we know today that Judaism is obsolete, irrelevent and unrobust.

All the people of the past were Muslims. You cant bring a point without showing bias. Why cant we call Jesus a Muslim?

And Jesus spoke of one that will come after him that his name will be Ahmed (praise worthy) and Muhammed is the praise worthy one. Is Ahmed not mentioned in Barnabos gospel? How many Ahmeds came after Jesus that achieved the feat of Muhammed?

You guy lack sincerity and dont know history.

Please dont let me start because if I do you will run..If you dont know your religion abstain from debate.


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by lakesider(m): 2:19pm On Dec 31, 2017
How will this affect Nigerians and Nigeria
Why are Nigerian Op and bloggers very stupid people ?
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Mujtahida: 2:20pm On Dec 31, 2017

Okay, let's see who the angry, hateful liar is here.

Please compare and contrast the following posts.

So from the above, who is the person that has been lying from her father of lies since the beginning of this thread? Is it not you. I believe that is about 3 or 4 directly contradicting statements that you have made out of one single mouth. Jesus said when you right hand is doing something don't let your left hand know, but I think he will be shocked to see that you've taken that to the extreme of when your mouth says something immediately the same mouth will be ignorant of it and say something totally contradictory in the next breath.

I kind of feel sorry for you because I can tell that you have a lot of angst and to seek relief you are just lashing out incoherently and islam is one of the things that serves as your kind of punchbag to give you a little bit of relief from your violent torment.
That female is a psychopath full of anger and hatred. She literally poisons everywhere she goes with her foul stench. I have never seen a Christian so full of hatred. Her soul is diseased

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by danvon(m): 2:23pm On Dec 31, 2017
How will this affect Nigerians and Nigeria
Why are Nigerian Op and bloggers very stupid people ?
In a country where people claim to be Jews, where people practice Sharia law, where we have boko haram you really asked this question?

Flag of Nigeria before independence

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by RedPanda: 2:23pm On Dec 31, 2017

I agree that Abram was neither a jew or a xtian. He Abram was one who submitted to the will of God and that in arabic is 'Tasleem', and the one who submits is a Muslim. Abram was a Muslim as Islam was was the first of all religions on the planet.

Culturally, Abram was a persian. His name originates from the persian Farsi language, not Hebrew, Aramaic or Latin. So linguistically you christians have no claim to the name neither does the Torah, Thalmud or New Testament.

Whenever you mount an attack on Islam and Muslims you are mounting a greater attack on xianity. Jesus never ever called his followers christians! Remember he was always a jew!

Christianity is not a way of life, we know this because Jesus only came to implement the laws that came before him. So you mean Judaism is a way of life. And we know today that Judaism is obsolete, irrelevent and unrobust.

All the people of the past were Muslims. You cant bring a point without showing bias. Why cant we call Jesus a Muslim?

And Jesus spoke of one that will come after him that his name will be Ahmed (praise worthy) and Muhammed is the praise worthy one. Is Ahmed not mentioned in Barnabos gospel? How many Ahmeds came after Jesus that achieved the feat of Muhammed?

You guy lack sincerity and dont know history.

Please dont let me start because if I do you will run..If you dont know your religion abstain from debate.
This is a very twisted understanding of scriptures no wonder muslims are as confused as anything. This is just plain rubbish

How can Jesus speak of muhammed when Islam came in 1000 years after Judaism. My God....such delusions

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by pressplay411(m): 2:25pm On Dec 31, 2017
I know how stubborn you are and won't want to hear the truth, two wrongs don't make a right both Jews and Arabs reject Jesus, you call Ishmael a bastard remember that God promised to make him a great nation, Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of SATAN, which say they are JEWS, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." There's only one religion that uses synagogues and it's those who call themselves Jews, you can be Jewish if you accept Judaism, stop talking about Jews like they are saints the world isn't divided into Jews and Arabs.

Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by maestroferddi: 2:27pm On Dec 31, 2017
Then let them (the Jews) fight Mohammed it's not your war
Be careful with what you wish for...

The last I checked, over 20 so-called Arab nations allied themselves against Israel in 1957 and 1970.
Yet tiny Israel with less than three decades of nationhood easily took them out.

If not for this mistake called the United Nations, Israel had the might and was ready to take Cairo, Damascus, Amman and you have it Mecca, Riyadh and Medina


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Blakjewelry(m): 2:28pm On Dec 31, 2017
Let us be honest with ourselves because archeology and ethnography doesn't super this. The most important aspect of Israelis tradition are mostly written in the Bible and Torah and does not support the ancient Canaan as Hebrew people before the new one(isrealis) emerged. The worship of God and animals associated with Israelis made them different. The Israelis used Heifer as sacrifice by house of prophet, which started from Aaronic dynasty, while the house of David uses Ram as sacrifice for replacement for a son that needed to die as a sacrifice to God. This does not change the fact that all ancient Israel uses ram as a form of sacrifice I'm one way or the other. Furthermore, the Islamic religion has adopted this tradition as a yearly sacrifice in their own religion. The first set of Canaanites were offshoot of Cush. The historical Israelis weren't Canaanites but adopted many names due to their migration pattern to the different locations they found themselves. And on the exodus out of Egypt was true even if different conquest had existed in Egypt, with different ethnic groups, which had erased many historical connection to Israel. Till date, the land of Onias still exist in Egypt even if the location had been destroyed because there were written document in Aramaic. Below is an attach document.
Outside the Bible, genetically they are all from the same stock. And all archeological evidence proof same... Find the documentary Moses the man and the myth. So if is religion which is causing this riff until tomorrow
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by jrusky(m): 2:28pm On Dec 31, 2017
I know how stubborn you are and won't want to hear the truth, two wrongs don't make a right both Jews and Arabs reject Jesus, you call Ishmael a bastard remember that God promised to make him a great nation, Revelation 3:9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of SATAN, which say they are JEWS, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." There's only one religion that uses synagogues and it's those who call themselves Jews, you can be Jewish if you accept Judaism, stop talking about Jews like they are saints the world isn't divided into Jews and Arabs.

Pls who is this which book of Revelation told you all these crap bro? But wait a minute why can't you Muslim just leave this matter to rest? Either you accept it or not Jerusaleum belong to Jews simple as that.

Your prophet came to part of Jerusaleum fought war and took over that part of the city . Pls may I asked you can you tell me who were the ones your prophet fought and conquered Did he fought ghost, goats, monkeys and conquered? Bro which simply means some people occupied that land before he came with war monger so I put it to you who are those people living in that city before he came

Bro receive sense pls because Jew can not be drunk and claim they owned Jeddah so get life or pls f e c k off.


Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by maestroferddi: 2:32pm On Dec 31, 2017

This is a very twisted understanding of scriptures no wonder muslims are as confused as anything. This is just plain rubbish

How can Jesus speak of muhammed when Islam came in 1000 years after Judaism. My God....such delusions
Anybody with even elementary knowledge of history and

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by musicwriter(m): 2:32pm On Dec 31, 2017
In Muhammad's lifetime, it was a fairly unimportant city in the Byzantine Empire. It was a Christian city without a single mosque.

Indeed, not just Palestinians, but the entire Middle East were the first Christians. They're still the same people in Palestine today, but simply changed religion when Rome hijacked and corrupted Christianity. So, Jerusalem remains a Palestinian land. Someone doesn't lose his property because he changed religion.

However, they were originally black and have lightened out over time. Most of them ran into Africa around 70 AD, and still live among us today. Most were also sold into slavery.

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Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by Nobody: 2:33pm On Dec 31, 2017
point of correction Sir, after the Holocaust, that is the killing of six millions Jews by Adolf Hitler of Germany. The whole world took pity on what befell the Jews and proposed a nationality of Jews should be created to avoid another onslaught on them. Then the first place that the world suggested for their settlement was Ethiopia which the Jews rejected and said they prefer to go back to their ancestry city Jerusalem. I would advise you to do research on Zionists Movement to have a clear picture of the whole story. Tnks.
What I said above is me just joking.

Yeah Israel was created after Hitler slaughtered them, but the idea to create a Jew country was already put forward before WWII.

I didn't know that the world first suggested for all Jews to settle in Ethiopia (thanks for the info). But even if Jews had accepted this move, we Ethiopians here won't allow it.

Question - why the world though of creating a Jew country in Ethiopia back then?
Re: Why History Says Jerusalem Belongs To The Jews by yusluvlove(m): 2:34pm On Dec 31, 2017
Jerusalem is the future capital of Palestine. Alhamdulillah that UN opposed the move by US president to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. either u Kufur like it or no Allah wish shall prevail. POTUS is bias. he's a monster.

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