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Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:17am On Jan 14, 2018
Linger around the threads of nairaland for a while, and you're bound to find some smart quips from the enlightened atheists lurking around. It's not just nairaland, atheism is now a global phenomenon. With millions of wise and rational minds dedicated to tearing down the foundations of religion.

But, if you look at things constructively, you could come to the conclusion that atheists, are in fact more religious than adherents of the religions that they detest. And you would be right, because atheism is actually a religion.

Now before the atheists on this thread, go down to the comments to call me an ignorant fool. Let me list out a couple definitions of religion that I found in dictionaries.

01. An organized set of beliefs about a deity or deities.

02. A personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.

03. A particular system of faith and worship.

04. The belief in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, especially a personal god or gods.

05. A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.

Let's briefly take a look at the first definition, which talks about "an organized set of beliefs about a deity". Take note that it did not say in a deity.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:18am On Jan 14, 2018
Atheists claim to be non-religious by saying that they don't believe in God or gods. Well, lack of beliefs in God is a philosophy shared by all atheists. That makes atheism a religion, according to the first definition.

You should also note that you don't have to believe in a deity to be religious. There are such things as non-theistic religions. Buddhists don't believe in any particular god, but would you say Buddhism is not a religion?. Obviously not.

Non-theistic religion


Comparisons Between Atheism And Other Religions

01. An Organized Set Of Beliefs

Every religion, has a collection of principles and beliefs that are shared by adherents of that particular religion. These beliefs often form the foundations of the religion, and any sects that don't believe in them are considered heretics or unbelievers.

Christianity has God, Jesus, the resurrection, baptism etc

Islam has Allah, Sharia, Ramadan etc

Chapter 2 vs 1 to the end of the "Atheist Scriptural Handbook", states that "Thou shalt believe in"

a. The non-existence of God (there is no God, everything is an accident

b. The big bang (in the beginning nothing exploded and created everything)

c. Abiogenesis (non-living things gave life to living organisms)

d. Evolution (and everything arose as a result of countless accidents over billions of years)

e. Deep time (the Earth is billions of years old, if you think otherwise you must be madly ignorant)

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:20am On Jan 14, 2018
02. Faith

All religions require faith, atheism included. Despite what the atheists wants us to believe, it does require a great deal of faith to believe that in the beginning nothing exploded and created something. And something expanded and one day created the Earth.

And someway, somehow for no reason whatsoever, the Earth happened to be in the right spot for life to thrive. And later on, non-living materials have birth to the first living cell. And this cell, mysteriously rearranged itself, became more complex and reproduced. And one day, these complex cells turned into fishes.

And one day these fishes decided to live on land. In time, the amphibious offspring of these fishes gave birth to reptiles, and these reptiles gave birth to mammals.

These mammals then gave birth to apes, and the apes have birth to your human ancestors, who have birth to you. I don't know about you, but for me the entire scenario above, sounds like a plot device from a terrible sci-fi novel.

Despite the odds stacked against it, atheists are still die hard believers of evolution. Despite the frequent dismissals of evolution for lack of evidence, despite the theory defying logic and common sense. Despite atheists not knowing all there is to know about evolution, they still believe that evolution is true.

Why?, you might ask. It's because of a feeling that's been with us since the beginning, a feeling that's part and parcel of every religion the world has as will ever know. That feeling is called faith.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:21am On Jan 14, 2018
03. A Promise Of A Reward

Every religion promises a reward to it's faithful followers.

Christianity promises salvation and heaven

Islam promises heaven, unlimited alcohol when you get there. 72 virgins etc

Scientology promises the world global peace if it were to follow it's teachings

Buddhism promises enlightenment, and achieving higher states of consciousness

Atheism promise a wise, logical and rational mind. Which is a step above the ignorant masses who still believe in God, gods, and other delusions

04. The Presence Of Spiritual Leaders

Every religion, has it's great philosophers or spiritual leaders whose ideas shaped the religion. In some cases, the religion would not exist or enjoy mass appeal without that particular leader.

Christianity has Jesus

Islam has Mohammed

Judaism has Moses

Buddhism has Siddharta Gautama (the Buddha)

Scientology has L. Ron Hubbard

Atheism has Richard Dawkins

05. The Creation Of Organizations

In the course of spreading their religion, atheists have created a number of tools to assist them. They have websites, forums, blogs, YouTube channels, they've written books on theology etc. Every other major religion makes use of these same tools.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:21am On Jan 14, 2018
06. Evangelism

All major religions evangelize, atheism included. Atheists make financial contributions to spread their message, they hold rallies. They used the internet to get their beliefs across, they publish books on atheism.

They try to influence society and governments, to pass laws that favour their belief system. They are actively trying to convert the works to atheism. These actions are mirrored by all religions with the intention of spreading.

07. Behavioral Changes

Followers, or new converts to a religion tend to change their behaviour in order to match the teachings of their religion.

A man converted to Christianity would start praying, reading the Bible, attending church etc.

A man converted to Islam would read the Koran, pray 5 times a day, grow a beard etc.

A man converted to Atheism would stop attending churches, adopt nihilism, join an atheist forum, blame God for the world's problems etc.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:22am On Jan 14, 2018
Religion As A Pillar Of Society

According to legend, Rome was founded by Romulus. A distant descendant of Aeneas, who sailed the Mediterranean with a tiny band of survivors after the fall of Troy. These survivors settled at Latium, where they established a settlement and intermingled with the Latin population.

After defeating a tyrant King and learning of their royal heritage, Romulus and his twin brother Remus decided to found a city in the land where they were raised. A heated argument broke out between the brother's regarding the naming of the city. After a bloody duel, Romulus triumphed killing his twin brother.

Romulus and his followers worked to organize the government of the newly created city. One of the first things Romulus did was to establish the religious rights of Rome.

Romulus identified a constellation of gods and set a rough spiritual course for his tribe, before advertising Rome as an asylum for all men to start a new life.

Lacking women, the Romans waged war and made deals with their neighbours to acquire wives for themselves, thereby ensuring the survival of Rome.

The creation story of Rome makes it clear that religion and family are two fundamental pillars of society. There is no civilization that has or can exist properly, without these foundational pillars.

Every human being with the ability to think and reason is religious. Any misguided atheistic attempt at destroying religion, is nothing more than an attack on the pillars of civilization.

Wise, rational minds build instead of destroy civilizations. Barbarians on the other hand burnt down Rome.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 11:23am On Jan 14, 2018

Now that we've established the fact that atheism is nothing more than a religion, I would like to talk about tolerance. Personally I've got nothing against a Christian going to church, putting his arms in the air and saying "thank you Jesus".

I've also got nothing against a Muslim knelling in a mosque and saying "Allah Akbar". I'm also cool with an atheist not subscribing to a higher power, believing his ancestors are apes, and viewing his/her existence as a purposeless, meaningless accident.

But, the thing is you can do all that without being so obnoxious about it. News flash people: you can be an atheist without bashing other religions!.

I know that for some people I'm preaching to the wind, I know that I've angered some atheists with this article. I know that some of you will go down to the comments and call me an ignorant buffoon.

But it doesn't matter. I'm religious, you're religious and whether you like it or not, that's the truth. We were all religious in the beginning, we are religious now, and we will be religious at the end. Get used to it.

Happy New year everyone (this is my first article of 2018)


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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Seun(m): 11:24am On Jan 14, 2018
I don’t care to debate this. If atheism is a religion, then it is the best religion. If it’s a religion, then it’s the only religion that is likely to be true based on the evidence that we have.

Calling atheism a religion doesn’t win any points for religion. If you think being called a religion discredits atheism, the fact that Christianity and Islam are actually religions should also discredit them.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by swegiedon(m): 11:24am On Jan 14, 2018
you won't be the first to make this assumption.it has been debated here alot

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by yanabasee(m): 11:29am On Jan 14, 2018
They're never smart quips!!

What's smart about atheist always criticizing Christianity?

We've got many religions out there but Atheist to me seems like its a practice of christian-criticism.

They do not criticize Islam,Hindus or Buddhism, Taoism or even the Shinto....

Atheistism is more of Protestantism and Confucianism... Take it or leave it!!!


Re: Atheism Is A Religion by yanabasee(m): 11:30am On Jan 14, 2018
I don’t care to debate this. If atheism is a religion, then it is the best religion. If it’s a religion, then it’s the only religion that is likely to be true based on the evidence that we have.

Calling atheism a religion doesn’t win any points for religion. If you think being called a religion discredits atheism, the fact that Christianity and Islam are actually religions should also discredit them.

What evidence do you have?


Re: Atheism Is A Religion by johnydon22(m): 1:19pm On Jan 14, 2018
God, people are dumb

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Seun(m): 1:51pm On Jan 14, 2018
What evidence do you have?
The utter lack of objective evidence for the existence of God suggests that he probably doesn’t exist. If God existed and wanted to be worshipped, he would not hide himself to such an extent that there would be no objective evidence of his existence whatsoever. What for?

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Uyi168: 1:54pm On Jan 14, 2018
why christianity is not a religion...
Re: Atheism Is A Religion by orisa37: 2:03pm On Jan 14, 2018
Atheistism is "Myopic Superstition"


Re: Atheism Is A Religion by tartar9(m): 2:16pm On Jan 14, 2018
I don’t care to debate this. If atheism is a religion, then it is the best religion. If it’s a religion, then it’s the only religion that is likely to be true based on the evidence that we have.

Calling atheism a religion doesn’t win any points for religion. If you think being called a religion discredits atheism, the fact that Christianity and Islam are actually religions should also discredit them.
Of course,adherents of a religion call theirs the best


Re: Atheism Is A Religion by yanabasee(m): 5:49pm On Jan 14, 2018

The utter lack of objective evidence for the existence of God suggests that he probably don’t exist. If God existed and wanted to be worshipped, he would not hide himself to such an extent that there would be no objective evidence of his existence whatsoever. What for?

What for?.... Everyone does a thing best known to them for a reason....

I asked a friend ones, why God is keeping quiet over everything and he said, "maybe he chose to let things be that way for reasons best known to him alone"

I believe you have reasons why you employ a specific number of moderators rather than employing as many as you could...

God do exist and it's my personal cognitive content which I uphold to be true...

If I should ask you, what give life to a cell? Why can't scientist create a cell that can give life to their robots? Don't tell me about bigbang theory about particles colliding and releasing energy strong enough to make the universe....

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 10:40am On Jan 15, 2018
I don’t care to debate this. If atheism is a religion, then it is the best religion. If it’s a religion, then it’s the only religion that is likely to be true based on the evidence that we have.

That's the same thing a follower of any other religion would say.

Calling atheism a religion doesn’t win any points for religion. If you think being called a religion discredits atheism, the fact that Christianity and Islam are actually religions should also discredit them.

You don't win points for atheism by bashing other religions, while being an atheistic religious fundamentalist.

Atheism 0 : Other religions 0

I guess we're all equal then.


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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 10:42am On Jan 15, 2018
God, people are dumb

Which people?, atheists who drop insults instead of points?.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by JacksonD7: 9:05am On Jan 20, 2018
They're never smart quips!!

What's smart about atheist always criticizing Christianity?

We've got many religions out there but Atheist to me seems like its a practice of christian-criticism.

They do not criticize Islam,Hindus or Buddhism, Taoism or even the Shinto....

Atheistism is more of Protestantism and Confucianism... Take it or leave it!!!

I was being sarcastic about the smart quips. Nice observation on Christian criticism by atheists.

For them Christianity is synonymous with religion.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Fvcknames: 9:58am On Jan 20, 2018
I'm not talking on behalf of all atheists, but I used to argue against religion, but mostly Christianity.
I had my reasons
I live in a Christian environment, my parents are Christians, and it affects me so much, from my point of view, it has it's benefits but has it's disadvantages (which I think is more[personal opinion]).
I'm forced to go to church, I don't force people not to go to church, my mum is the most religious person I know, she can pay her full salary in church with no back up 4 the month, it affects her.I'm forced to stay up 4 vigils cuz of something I don't believe in.If I tell my parents I'm an atheist, our relationship is as good as dead. Everything is taken in the spiritual context. You are busy during the weekdays, you have just Saturdays and Sundays to relax or do whatever, but one of the days would be sacrificed, you might even go 4 one practice or the other on Saturday too. I know other people that'll be doing far better without christianity, so I just try to make people see reason. I don't really know any Muslims so I tried to reason with the religious people around me(who were Christians).
I bet if I came from a Muslim background and I became an atheist I'd be arguing against Islam and all.
But then everything is a waste of time. Everyone thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong. I might be wrong 4 all I care, I'm an atheist because I feel the evidence points to the fact that there is no God, but I could be wrong, no one knows 4 sure.
I think it's very rare 4 an atheist to become a Christian and vice versa from just arguments, cuz everyone is just trying to defend their own view no matter what. The argument is started with the attitude of I'm right and you're wrong. I feel anyone that becomes an atheist or Christian has to do his own thinking, so all this is a waste of time(my opinion)


Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Seun(m): 10:02am On Jan 20, 2018

Of course,adherents of a religion call theirs the best
Whether atheism is a religion or not, the fact is that there is no objective evidence for the existence of God, therefore it makes sense to refrain from believing in any God that people preach to you about until they provide you with some objective evidence that the God actually exists.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Martinez19(m): 10:15am On Jan 20, 2018
Olodo rabata, here is what religion is.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by butterflyl1on: 10:17am On Jan 20, 2018

Whether atheism is a religion or not, the fact is that there is no objective evidence for the existence of God, therefore it makes sense to refrain from believing in any God that people preach to you about until they provide you with some objective evidence that the God actually exists.

Nobody needs to provide any evidence for you especially since none would suffice (as you would always try to find a way around it). The only one who can convince you IS YOU. So you alone can source for what you can convincingly term as "evidence" for God.

Ironically a lot of what we painstakingly want to look for as evidence in far places have actually been right in front of us all along.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Humanistme: 10:18am On Jan 20, 2018
atheism and theism are just philosophical positions on the existence of God.

so an atheist may or may not be religious
as there are atheistic religions.

same way a person may not be religious but believe there is a god.

atheism is not a religion.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by butterflyl1on: 10:29am On Jan 20, 2018
Olodo rabata, here is what religion is.

The olodo rabata is actually you (as always).

If you check definition 4 and 5 on what religion is you will see how atheism is a religion.

Number 4 says "any practice that someone or some group is seriously devoted to.

Are you devoted to atheism and the practices they come with like

1. No harm in premarital sex
2. Deception is cool if you can get away with it.
3. Life is nothing but to live and die since there is no after life
And so on. Are atheists devoted to these things, YES
So atheism is a religion.

Number 5 makes it even simpler for it says faithfulness to a given principle. Number 4 is the modern version of number 5 so both are talking about devotion to a cause, a practice, a principle.

Atheism is a religion.

You see when you read dictionary meanings don't just stop there. Dissect them so you can be better informed and not deformed as you currently seem to be.

Check the definitions of principle and practice I attached to buttress my above pointers. Look carefully at the number 1 definitions from each screengrab.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by hakeem4(m): 10:43am On Jan 20, 2018
Wow I’ve never seen someone so dumb. Lack of belief is now religion.
Re: Atheism Is A Religion by vaxx: 10:44am On Jan 20, 2018

The utter lack of objective evidence for the existence of God suggests that he probably doesn’t exist. If God existed and wanted to be worshipped, he would not hide himself to such an extent that there would be no objective evidence of his existence whatsoever. What for?

waiting for objective evidence of GOD will steal your future,objective evidence is a subjective process, hence the rely on objective evidence to substantiate the reality of GOD is an invalid logic . Instead, try to measure consistency and experience. Consistent reality is experienced.

only you can experience the real truth.....butterfly1ion ,you are rightly on point.....

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
― George Carlin

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by butterflyl1on: 10:49am On Jan 20, 2018

waiting for objective evidence of GOD will steal your future,objective evidence is a subjective process, hence the rely on objective evidence to substantiate the reality of GOD is an invalid logic . Instead, try to measure consistency and experience. Consistent reality is experienced.

only you can experience the real truth.....butterfly1ion ,you are rightly on point.....

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
― George Carlin

Truer words have never been said (at the words in bold) .

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by butterflyl1on: 10:53am On Jan 20, 2018
Wow I’ve never seen someone so dumb. Lack of belief is now religion.

Please don't pollute this thread with deep ignorance. Your comment above shows how limited your reasoning is and how you find extremely impossible to reason outside the box.

Lack of belief is not religion because religion is not based on belief ALONE.

atheism is a religion because it is not based on a lack of belief alone.

I hope you can link the two if you really try.

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Re: Atheism Is A Religion by Fvcknames: 11:12am On Jan 20, 2018
If you've been converted to Christianity or become an atheist from any of these arguments pls signify.
Re: Atheism Is A Religion by hopefulLandlord: 11:50am On Jan 20, 2018

God do exist and it's my personal cognitive content which I uphold to be true...


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