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How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by vislabraye(m): 4:28pm On Apr 20, 2010
Are the ladies good enough? Pls you ladies should learn to work on yourselves well and you'll attract whom you deserve.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by edujoy(m): 4:32pm On Apr 20, 2010
If your heart doesn't speak you may not be alive. You should always listen to your heart.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by edujoy(m): 4:35pm On Apr 20, 2010
The question should have been, HOW CAN A MAN SPOT A GOOD WOMAN. I am speaking for the men, good women are HAAAAAAARRRRRRD to come by these days
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by dayokanu(m): 4:44pm On Apr 20, 2010
To find a good woman is the most difficult thing. Its easier to find snow in Kano
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by AYODEJI4LOVE(m): 4:54pm On Apr 20, 2010
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by maedan(f): 5:31pm On Apr 20, 2010
Don't understand why pple have to turn it round all the time. Topic is referring to guys, but instead, they twist it into spotting the right woman. It's just not on.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by realgaff: 5:32pm On Apr 20, 2010
nice post
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by chic2pimp(m): 5:36pm On Apr 20, 2010

To find a good woman is the most difficult thing. Its easier to find snow in Kano

You can say that again
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by frebike: 5:51pm On Apr 20, 2010
Good man can be spotted base on the kind of spirit he possess.[color=Black][/color]
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by frebike: 5:51pm On Apr 20, 2010
Good man can be spotted base on the kind of spirit he possess.[color=Black][/color]
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by rawswagga(m): 5:55pm On Apr 20, 2010
Ayeety u can neva knw a man xcept after 3months of dating him.so don't start looking for a real man on d face
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by rusky(m): 5:59pm On Apr 20, 2010
my dear,

first you define what you mean by a good man then you ask if you are a good lady. there are many good men who may not be rich enough for you or fine enough for you. If I was to put up a post it would read

Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by madlady(f): 6:03pm On Apr 20, 2010

Don't understand why pple have to turn it round all the time. Topic is referring to guys, but instead, they twist it into spotting the right woman. It's just not on.

Oh my gosh, I totally  agree. shocked
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by Nobody: 6:06pm On Apr 20, 2010
i cant agree more with those who say "the man u date is a reflection of the woman u are" u see even the most slutty girls complaining they cant find a good man tongue look within you girl the reason u cant attract a good man is because u aint no good woman either. like attracts like period cool
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by SirMo(m): 6:07pm On Apr 20, 2010
Samuel Sir'Mo Ogundipe I can't believe this is happening in Nigeria, 5 bucks for thousands?? people are taking this huge internet opportunity http://www.i5dollarswealth..com/. It's happening for real my co face bookers.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by MUZBO(m): 6:09pm On Apr 20, 2010
Funny thread! You want to know how to get a good man yet most girls prefer the 'bad ones'. My days of being good were over a long time ago n 'good girls' like y'all love me!
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by sulad82i(m): 6:55pm On Apr 20, 2010
For all those women looking for good men, put on some googles so u can search the man well well. Then you know how good of a man he is. Or else, a man that's been recently dumped for having a tiny winny can pose to be good too. grin shocked
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by na2day2(m): 7:15pm On Apr 20, 2010

Don't understand why pple have to turn it round all the time. Topic is referring to guys, but instead, they twist it into spotting the right woman. It's just not on.

same way u girls turn topics about girls to start blaming guys. tongue tongue tongue


Oh my gosh, I totally  agree. shocked

why won't u agree, shior! angry angry angry angry
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by madlady(f): 7:19pm On Apr 20, 2010
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by na2day2(m): 7:25pm On Apr 20, 2010

You are a prime example of a "BAD GUY" angry angry tongue tongue tongue

i try! i try! cool cool and u are? undecided undecided
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by madlady(f): 7:30pm On Apr 20, 2010
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by proudly9ja(m): 8:08pm On Apr 20, 2010
In my honest opinion and I must first confess I am not an expert in this field cheesy, but Il say that from the little I know, a guy can hide his true self for as long as he is yet to get what he wants from the girl (sex, marriage(?)). So its up to the girl not to go 'blindly' into the relationship.

Don't 'fall in love' too quickly. First be friends with the guy. Know his friends (most likely, the kind of friends he keeps will to an extent, describe him), know his family (brothers, sisters, not all but one or two of them, especially his sisters), his convo with friends is also important. Do not discard the tell tale signs when you notice them. We may be able to hide our true colours but once in a while, we slip (afterall, we are only human, lol)

Just my tots.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by na2day2(m): 8:37pm On Apr 20, 2010

I am certainly not perfect but "nothing na do me" wink

so is that ur last line so that i can accept u as mine? lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by labiyemmy(m): 8:38pm On Apr 20, 2010
by the size of his bulge when she sees him for the first time.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by mecussey(m): 8:49pm On Apr 20, 2010
most shy guys are good guys but they lack some masculine character, which every woman wants
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by adconline(m): 9:15pm On Apr 20, 2010
Yes I agree, I really cannot understand how discussions can turn into battles.
Maybe you have not been to a lot of Naija events. From church service to naming ceremony. You would think that they are fighting, praying is like fighting, discussion is like fighting, makes u wonder how's an argument going to look like? Harsh tone mentality permeates our  discourse.
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by Amjustme: 9:27pm On Apr 20, 2010
The fear of the Lord is d beginning of knowlegde. In a nutshell, foolishness is not giving reverence for GOD in our lives
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by DYnamis: 9:27pm On Apr 20, 2010
who is a good man?
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by yme1(f): 9:44pm On Apr 20, 2010
really enjoyed reading some people"s post wink
will sure be on the look out for the good guy kiss cheesy
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by nnewa: 9:48pm On Apr 20, 2010
It depends on hw far ur good means.u may nt control who comes into ur zone of comunicatn,bt u can control who's ur frend.u cant say hw long u hang out wit a guy b4 opening up t him & d fmly.true pple can fail & change,at least we can c d handwritn on d wall b4 getn 2 serious.bt hw many persons do u taste & test b4 u take a plunge.God guide us!
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by KBright(m): 10:14pm On Apr 20, 2010
Are u scare to date?
Re: How Can A Woman Spot A Genuine Man? by AYODEJI4LOVE(m): 10:19pm On Apr 20, 2010

most shy guys are good guys but they lack some masculine character, which every woman wants
that the fact of the fact.i strongly support your opinion.the same thing somebody i know is passing through.some even call him girl boy

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