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What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. - Family - Nairaland

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What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. by Prognose: 12:10pm On Feb 07, 2018
We've all heard the saying.

What a man can do, a woman can do better.

And some of us actually take this saying seriously.

I mean, it's pretty obvious it's a lie. Why do we like to believe such blatant lies.

I guess it's a way to try and kick up the morale of the female species. Make that feel powerful and relevant in all spheres of life apart from the kitchen and the oza room.

But seriously I think we have grown psychologically as a race to the point where we know that there are things men do best and there are things specially designed for women to do. Like give birth. Or cook. Or take care of the kids.

They can even help in a little manual labour, but pets face it, when it comes to physical output most women are not equipped at all.

I'm sitting in my office looking out at the construction of a parking lot taking place on the ground below. Some bank offered to tile the parking space and hired this C5 construction company. All the manual labour I'd being done by youths. Every day about a hundred youths show up by 8am and they work till 2pm or thereabouts and then they get paid and leave. The youths comprise of about 70% females and 30% males, about 3 females to every male. Out of curiosity I asked the manager why this was so. She said it had to do with gender cachement or some other, I didn't quite get it. But the funny thing is this.

Every morning the ladies come to work by 8am. In fact the females are more punctual than the males. The guys start arriving by 8.30 -9. The work does not start until then. The ladies hang around and gist and paint their nails until the guys come.

Then all the females gather round the males and watch them mix the cement and carry sand. One or two females help but that's it. Then the guys mix the sand and cement and begin to lay it out on the floor day by day while the ladies go back to sitting in herds and pointing at their favorite male labourer (the most popular one is Akpan , a muscular fellow grin).

Once three girls attempted mixing the cement and laying it on the floor. It was comical to watch. After three trips the first one lay on the floor exhausted. The others quietly dropped their buckets and shovels and winked at some of the guys who immediately sprang to their aid.
At the end of the day the supervisor comes to mark register and all the females rush to mark their names while the males wait wearily behind.

But the funny thing is, no one is complaining. The males get a chance to show off their muscles to the girls and the females gist and make their nails and generally have a good time. And maybe Akpan gets a happier ending at home with a lady later that night. That is the natural order of things and all is right with the world.
Did you actually read this to the end? You deserve a prize! Go out and buy yourself something grin


Re: What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. by XX01(f): 10:24pm On Feb 07, 2018
We've all heard the saying.

What a man can do, a woman can do better.

And some of us actually take this saying seriously.

I mean, it's pretty obvious it's a lie. Why do we like to believe such blatant lies.

I guess it's a way to try and kick up the morale of the female species. Make that feel powerful and relevant in all spheres of life apart from the kitchen and the oza room.

But seriously I think we have grown psychologically as a race to the point where we know that there are things men do best and there are things specially designed for women to do. Like give birth. Or cook. Or take care of the kids.

They can even help in a little manual labour, but pets face it, when it comes to physical output most women are not equipped at all.

I'm sitting in my office looking out at the construction of a parking lot taking place on the ground below. Some bank offered to tile the parking space and hired this C5 construction company. All the manual labour I'd being done by youths. Every day about a hundred youths show up by 8am and they work till 2pm or thereabouts and then they get paid and leave. The youths comprise of about 70% females and 30% males, about 3 females to every male. Out of curiosity I asked the manager why this was so. She said it had to do with gender cachement or some other, I didn't quite get it. But the funny thing is this.

Every morning the ladies come to work by 8am. In fact the females are more punctual than the males. The guys start arriving by 8.30 -9. The work does not start until then. The ladies hang around and gist and paint their nails until the guys come.

Then all the females gather round the males and watch them mix the cement and carry sand. One or two females help but that's it. Then the guys mix the sand and cement and begin to lay it out on the floor day by day while the ladies go back to sitting in herds and pointing at their favorite male labourer (the most popular one is Akpan , a muscular fellow grin).

Once three girls attempted mixing the cement and laying it on the floor. It was comical to watch. After three trips the first one lay on the floor exhausted. The others quietly dropped their buckets and shovels and winked at some of the guys who immediately sprang to their aid.
At the end of the day the supervisor comes to mark register and all the females rush to mark their names while the males wait wearily behind.

But the funny thing is, no one is complaining. The males get a chance to show off their muscles to the girls and the females gist and make their nails and generally have a good time. And maybe Akpan gets a happier ending at home with a lady later that night. That is the natural order of things and all is right with the world.
Did you actually read this to the end? You deserve a prize! Go out and buy yourself something grin

You obviously have not seen a Nigerian construction site. Women carry pan as well as the men. Who will pay u for sitting around admiring your nails?


Re: What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. by pocohantas(f): 10:43pm On Feb 07, 2018
What a woman can do, a man can do far better.
I hope that solves it.

Byebye grin

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Re: What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. by Nobody: 12:29pm On Feb 08, 2018

You obviously have not seen a Nigerian construction site. Women carry pan as well as the men. Who will pay u for sitting around admiring your nails?
let him come down to OZ where in a construction site, u see 80% women working and their husbands sits at poll offices. it happens everywhere, in some homes, husband's are as lasy as poo while wife struggle to sustain d home. in others, husband struggle really hard and wife's lifestyle will just render his efforts useless

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Re: What A Man Can Do A Woman Cannot Do Better. by bigfrancis21: 12:53am On May 14, 2018
Reality of life.

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