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There Are No Atheists (real)- For Christian Edification and atheistic criticisms - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: There Are No Atheists (real)- For Christian Edification and atheistic criticisms by hopefulLandlord: 8:02pm On Feb 23, 2018

When men were primitive their God was with them proving himself to them, now that men have advanced the said God ran away.
Re: There Are No Atheists (real)- For Christian Edification and atheistic criticisms by hopefulLandlord: 8:14pm On Feb 23, 2018

Mr man everything you wrote in the OP was copied word for word from the answers in Genesis article. Instead of admitting and moving on, you are still here trying to tell more lies.
Funny enough he seems to be fighting a lost battle, a battle which is not even worth it

I'm not even against people copying and pasting, I'm against people copying and pasting from totally unreliable source(s). I distrust AiG so much that if I read on their website "Buhari is the president of Nigeria" I start doubting the validity of that statement, almost everything there is full of lies due to the assumption on which they create their articles (The Bible is true)

If Ferisidowu were very discerning he would've realised I'm criticising those assumptions but since he didn't write the article himself he didn't know the article is built on assumptions eg he started the article with the below

The Bible teaches that atheists are not really atheists. That is, those who profess to be atheists do ultimately believe in God in their heart-of-hearts. The Bible teaches that everyone knows God, because God has revealed Himself to all (Romans 1:19). In fact, the Bible tells us that God’s existence is so obvious that anyone who suppresses this truth is “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). The atheist denies with his lips what he knows in his heart. But if they know God, then why do atheists claim that they do not believe in God? The answer may be found in Romans 1:18. God is angry at unbelievers for their wickedness

everything typed up there is totally based on the Bible being true and moving from there
If he was the one that took his time to create this OR he understood what he was copying and pasting, he would've seen how my pastafarian references actually showed how illogical his OP was but sadly for him, he couldn't see it but ranted more and more

Ferisidowu if you want to copy and paste, understand fully well what you're copying and pasting so you don't make a fool of yourself when someone addresses what you copied

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Re: There Are No Atheists (real)- For Christian Edification and atheistic criticisms by dalaman: 8:54pm On Feb 23, 2018

Funny enough he seems to be fighting a lost battle, a battle which is not even worth it

I'm not even against people copying and pasting, I'm against people copying and pasting from totally unreliable source(s). I distrust AiG so much that if I read on their website "Buhari is the president of Nigeria" I start doubting the validity of that statement, almost everything there is full of lies due to the assumption on which they create their articles (The Bible is true)

If Ferisidowu were very discerning he would've realised I'm criticising those assumptions but since he didn't write the article himself he didn't know the article is built on assumptions eg he started the article with the below

everything typed up there is totally based on the Bible being true and moving from there
If he was the one that took his time to create this OR he understood what he was copying and pasting, he would've seen how my pastafarian references actually showed how illogical his OP was but sadly for him, he couldn't see it but ranted more and more

Ferisidowu if you want to copy and paste, understand fully well what you're copying and pasting so you don't make a fool of yourself when someone addresses what you copied

Answers in Genesis and their childish propagabda are no different from those that believe or belong to the flat earth society.
Re: There Are No Atheists (real)- For Christian Edification and atheistic criticisms by CAPSLOCKED: 9:35pm On Feb 23, 2018

Answers in Genesis and their childish propagabda are no different from those that believe or belong to the flat earth society.




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