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Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by chakula: 4:59pm On Apr 28, 2010
Salam to you all muslim.   
  Some Muslims try to hide their Islamic identity for fear of being labeled as “fundamentalist”. Men are shaving their beard and women are trying to make their hijab look like the latest fall fashion. If presented with food or drink that is haram, they say we are full at the moment, or they say we do not like the particular food.

Only few say that they cannot eat it because it is unlawful in Islam. This is not the way of the companions of the Prophet, (Salla Allah Alihi Wa Sallam), behaved. When the companions accepted Islam, they became proud of it and felt that all other ideologies and ways of life are inferior to what has been revealed to them from above seven heavens.

In the battle between the Muslims and the Persians, Rostom, the leader of the Persian army, asked to negotiate with the Muslims. Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqas, the Muslim leader in that battle, sent a group of companions among which was Rabi`e ibn Amir.
The Persian leader prepared a magnificent reception in order to impress those “Bedouins” and weaken their position. The Persians asked Rabi`e to enter without his arms. HE refused and entered with his arms and his horse and tied his horse next to Rostom. Rstom asked: “What brings you?” Rabi`e said: “Allah has sent us to convert mankind from the worship of people to the worship of Allah and from the narrowness of this life to its wideness and from the oppression of the religions to the justice of Islam.

Allah has sent us to His creatures with His religion. Whoever accepts it, we accept from him and whoever refuses, we fight him until we get the Promise of Allah?” “And what is His Promise?” asked Rostom. “Paradise for those who die and victory for those who survive” answered Rabi`e. Rostom said: “Can you delay this matter until we think about it?” Rabi`e answered: “Yes. How many days you need, one or two?” Rostom said: “More. Until I write to my people.” Rabi`e said: “We can’t. Our Prophet does not authorize us to delay our enemies more than three days. So make up your mind."

This companion came from a society which was materially far behind the Persian empire. Nevertheless he had in himself the seed of Truth and righteousness that allowed him not to be distracted or impressed with the glamour surrounding the Disbelievers.
Civilization starts with the correct belief and faith. The material aspects of civilization will come later as a by-product. On the other hand, the disbeliever, no matter how materially advanced he might be, is an uncivilized person and bears in his soul the germs of his own destruction. This is why you should take pride in your religion. This is why you should take pride in Islam.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by chakula: 5:03pm On Apr 28, 2010
Alhamdulil-lah being i'm Muslim.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by babs787(m): 7:03pm On Apr 28, 2010
I love being a MUSLIM
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by alimat2(f): 6:18pm On Apr 30, 2010
Muslims are the best of Mankind.

Proud to be a muslim.
Muslims are those that submit willing and totally to the laws of God Almighty
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by bindex(m): 2:06am On May 01, 2010
alimat 2:

Muslims are the best of Mankind.

Proud to be a muslim.
Muslims are those that submit willing and totally to the laws of God Almighty

Are you trying to say that submitting willingly and totally to the will of a god that tells you to kill others for their unbelief is a good thing to do? Muslims are not the best of mankind no matter how long you keep lying to yourself.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by ymozay: 11:44am On May 01, 2010
Alhamdulillah!without Islam life would have been meaningless
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by Jarus(m): 8:20pm On May 01, 2010
I am proud to be a Muslim and I don't hide it anywhere.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by dexmond: 7:47pm On May 02, 2010
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by dexmond: 7:48pm On May 02, 2010
The reason why they feel ashamed of their religion may not be unconnected to the recent happenings across the globe traceable to islam. Terrorism, child marriage, intolerance of others faith. My humble advice is to----------------
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by Nobody: 1:22pm On May 03, 2010
I was actually discussing this issue with one of my school mates. The way muslims hide their faith is not really helping us. We once had a rally in my school for our jihad week where we had to move in a large groug through almost the entire school in order to raise awareness about it. The turnout for that rally was embarrassingly low, considering the large number of muslims we have in that school. To make matters worse, some members or participants of the rally joined only after we had proceeded past hostels/students residential areas.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by nadiamalik: 8:00pm On May 03, 2010
Bisimillahi Rahmanu Rahim!!

- March 2002, Mecca Saudi Arabia. 15 girls were burnt to death because Saudi religious police (Mutaween) beat and prevented them from leaving a burning building as they weren’t wearing Abaya – the unsightly tent-like black garment Muslim girls/women compelled to wear in that backward Sharia country.

- April 1994, Gujranwala Pakistan. Hafiz Sajjad Tariq, a devout Muslim accidentally dropped a copy of the Koran in a fireplace. Local Mullahs instantly issued a Fatwa of apostasy and he was attacked by an irate mob stoned then burnt to death.

- Oct 2008, Kismayo Somalia. Before 1000 spectators, Aisha Duhulow, a 13 year old gang-rape victim was buried up to her neck and stoned to death by Al-Shabaab (Somalia’s Sharia Islamists) for indulging in extra-marital sex. Her rapists went scot free.

- United States Commission on International Religious Freedom reports that Sharia courts in Pakistan and Bangladesh flogged or imprisoned thousands of raped Muslim girls and women. Three out four women in Pakistani prisons are rape victims…as rape is equated with fornication under Sharia law.

- April 2009, Sindh Pakistan. 18 Hindu girls were abducted and forcibly converted to Islam. Their Hindu parents were then forbidden to see or talk to their “Muslim” daughters.

- International Religious Freedom report (2005-2009), Helsinki Commission Report (2006) and Human Rights Watch Report (2007/ 2009) all condemn numerous cases of abduction, forced Islamization and marriage of Coptic Christian girls in Egypt.

- October 2009, Mogadishu. Somalia’s Al-Shabaab Islamists ban push-up bras because they are “deceptive”. UK’s Daily Mail reports that women who appeared to have firm busts were rounded up and “inspected” to see if the firmness was natural.

- Dec 2007, Mississauga Ontario, Canada. 16 year old Aqsa Parvez was strangled by her Pakistani father for not wearing Hijab – the hideous head/neck-covering Muslim women are obliged to wear.

- July 2006; UN Population Fund estimates 5000 honor killing annually, most which occur in Muslim countries. Pakistan leads the Islamic world with over 1000 honor killings annually.

- May 2009, Gloucester UK: 42 year old Muslim chemist, Sahnoun Daifallah was convicted of contaminating goods sold to non-Muslims with his own faeces and urine.

- May 2009, Khalapur India. Amandeep Banwait, a14-year-old Hindu schoolboy was murdered for befriending a Muslim girl.

- November 2007, Khartoum Sudan. Gillian Gibbons, 54 year old English teacher was sentenced to 40 lashes of flogging because her Muslim primary pupils named the class teddy bear “Mohammed”. Islamic clerics and thousands of protesting Muslims wielding knives & clubs denounced the “lenient verdict” and demanded for her execution.

- April 2010, Shueba Yemen. Elham Assi, 13 year old child bride bled to death after being raped by her paedophile “husband”. Islamic paedophillia is grounded in “Prophet” Mohammed’s sexual assault of 9 year old Aisha, his favourite “wife” - Sahih Bukhari 7:62:64, 88; 5:55:236.

- April 2010, Toronto Canada. Federal Immigration officials complain about Muslims smuggling in child brides from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.

- April 2010, Abuja Nigeria. In accordance with the Quranic injunction allowing Muslim men to discard older wives and replace them with new ones (Q 4:20), 50 year old Muslim Senator, Ahmed Sani Yerima divorces his 15 year old 2nd of 4 wives in other to “marry” a 13 year old child. In Nigeria’s Islamist north, thousands of underage child-wives are abandoned by their paedophile husbands when these little girls develop VVF (vesico-vaginal fistula) and dribble urine - a complication of obstructed labour during underage child birth.

- March 2002, Abuja Nigeria. Muslims in our National Assembly blocked ratification of the UN convention against child marriages, wife beating and gender discrimination, on the grounds that the provisions of the treaty were contrary to Islam. Accordingly, eleven Islamist northern states refuse to endorse Nigeria’s Child Right’s Act 2003, which among other provisions bans marriage to child brides.

- 2005, Njamena Chad. Muslim clerics blocked a law banning wife-beating, describing the legislation as unIslamic (Q 4:34).

- May 2009, Prestwick UK. Muslim dentist, Omer Butt refuses to treat women not wearing the Hijab.

- December 2009 Saudi Arabia. Khamisa Mohammed Sawadi, a 75 year old granny was sentenced to 40 lashes of flogging because she kindly accommodated two homeless young men.

- February 2010, Peshawar Pakistan. Taliban beheads 3 Sikhs for refusing to convert to Islam.

- UK 2007. Female Muslim medical students in Leicester, Sheffield and Birmingham Universities refuse to wash their wrists and forearms in accordance with Department of Health guidelines to prevent MRSA infection. Dr Abdul Katme of UK’s Islamic Medical Association, explains it is unIslamic for women to bare their arms below the elbow.

- November 2009, Fort Hood Texas, USA. After distributing free copies of Quran, US Army Major Nidal Hassan embarks on shooting spree as he shouted Allahu Akbar; killing 13 and wounding 30 of his fellow American soldiers.

- Since 9/11 there has been over 10,000 Islamic terrorist acts globally, and Muslims are the major victims, although attacks against non-Muslims often more sensational.

- February 2009, Kabul Afghanistan. An Afghan court sentences 2 Afghans (Ghows Zalmay, Qari Ahmad) to 20 years imprisonment for translating the Quran from the Arabic to Dari, a supposedly inferior local language. The prosecutor and Mullahs in that Islamist backwater actually wanted the translators executed.

- April 2009, Kalkilya West bank. Palestinian Authority officials discover Hamas bomb factory inside a mosque. If Israel had attacked the mosque, it would have been a propaganda coup for the protagonists of media-hyped “Israeli atrocities” against “innocent” Palestinians.

- May 2007, Cairo Egypt. Sheik Ezzat Atiya, president of Hadith department at Al-Azhar University - Sunni Islam’s most authoritative think tank - issues a fatwa instructing females in mixed gender workplace to breastfeed their unrelated male adult co-workers so that it becomes Islamically permissible for them to work together. The fatwa was in accordance with a Hadith directive from none other than Islam’s founder – Mohammed (Sahih Muslim 8:3425).

- January 2009, Saudi Arabia. Hamoud Saleh Al-Amri, a Saudi Christian convert was arrested, but international outrage compelled his release, only after being declared mentally unstable. Apparently no sane person can leave Islam. If he were sane, he would have to be executed for apostasy.

- March 2010, Saudi Arabia. Ali Sabat, a Lebanese Muslim pilgrim was sentenced to death by beheading for the offence of “witchcraft”, because he did what our own pastors TB Joshua and Tunji Bakare regularly do here in Naija – make predict the future. In November 2007, Mustafa Ibrahim, an Egyptian working in Saudi Arabia was similarly beheaded for sorcery.

- July 2009, Islamabad Pakistan. Pakistani military uncovers Taliban scheme for buying children used as expendable suicide bombers. The price was $7000 -10,000/child.

- March 2009, Samira Jassim, 51 year old Iraqi woman recruited female suicide bombers by first orchestrating their rape, and then convincing the raped ladies the family shame can only be cleansed by martyrdom.

- March 2009 Kabul Afghanistan. Afghan Supreme Court upholds 20-year jail term for blasphemy handed to 28 year old Afghan journalist Sayed Kambakhsh because he campaigned for gender equality. "If a Muslim man can have 4 wives, why shouldn't a wife have 4 husbands?" he blasphemed on his internet blog.

- March 2009, 300 Afghan women protesting a new Islamic law legitimizing rape in marriage were stoned by Muslim men chanting “death to slaves of the Christians”.

- February 2009, Pakistan. Dawn News reports that Taliban in Pakistan’s Swat valley announced that families with unmarried females should come forward in mosques so that the women/girls be compulsorily married off. In accordance with the wicked Fatwa, the Taliban publicly lashed a 17 year-old girl who she refused to marry a Taliban soldier.

- March 2010, Hawalli governorate, Kuwait. A Muslim Kuwaiti woman was arrested and charged because she broke Ramadan fast by chewing gum. Queried by her law enforcement captors, she responded that she was simply exercising her personal freedom – a concept clearly alien to Islam.

- Irving Texas, January 1st 2008; Amina (18) and her sister Sarah (17) Said were gunned down by their father, Yaser Abdel Said for having non-Muslim boyfriends.

- November 2006, Riaz Ahmed, a British immigrant from Pakistan, burned his whole family alive (his wife, 39, and their four daughters, 3-16 years of age) for their Western lifestyle and his wife’s refusal of arranged Islamic marriages for their daughters.

- October 1991, Kano Nigeria. Simon Ibrahim, former Muslim turned pastor was attacked by rioting Muslim mob, beaten, castrated and his right eye gouged out then left to die.

- November 2009, Mallawi Egypt. Mina Emad Shoyeb, a 23-year-old Coptic Christian was attacked by a Muslim mob for patronizing a Muslim brothel.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by JIjaya: 1:13pm On May 04, 2010
Im really proud being a muslim and im enthusiastic learning the perfect religion which teaches me how to live a perfect life.Alhamdulillahi tahala.Being a muslim is not enough but indeed a mumin,that strive to acheive the requirement of a mumin.May allah bestow his mercy on us so that we shall be a practicing muslim till death.Amin.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by miftaudeen(m): 9:25pm On May 05, 2010
im proud being a muslim and i love it like that. JAZAKUM LLAHU KHAIRAN to all muslim.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by isalegan2: 3:49am On May 08, 2010
La Ilaha Illallah Muhammaduh Rasulallah.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by zayhal(f): 8:38pm On May 18, 2010
Islam is a complete way of life. Each morning I wake up, I thank Allah for keeping me on the path o Islam.

Those who hide do not know Islam well enough. If they do, they'll flaunt it.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by Nobody: 10:25am On May 29, 2010

I'ld rather become a monkey.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by tunde1200(m): 5:01pm On May 29, 2010
anhi hahba muslim, dhiman muslimin
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by 123jml: 1:46pm On Jun 01, 2010
Alhamdulil-lah, I am proud with my Religion (Islam)and on no account i won't hide it.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by deols(f): 3:48pm On Jun 01, 2010
The only reason the word religion exists is because ISLAM exists. Am proud of being muslim
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by nadiamalik: 1:02pm On Jun 02, 2010
you mean you are proud of suicide bombers and terrorists
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by Nobody: 1:43pm On Jun 02, 2010

you mean you are proud of suicide bombers and terrorists

before nko? whats Islam all about
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by chakula: 2:04pm On Jun 02, 2010


whats Islam all about
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by MUNEER2(m): 6:37pm On Jun 02, 2010
Jazakumullahu khairan, may Allah increase you in knowledge.

The write up is nothing but the truth, may Allah help our brothers and sisters, amin,
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by Jaideyone(m): 9:34am On Jun 12, 2010
@kayus you're a bloody retard. Why did u edit my post? Was that what i typed?
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by say4gunit(m): 1:00am On Jun 14, 2010

before nko? whats Islam all about
I strongly believe you dont go to church, when last did you go for service. From ur post one can be able classify you as an illiterate, the only difference between you and an illiterate is that you know how to write(rubbish). By seeing your comments in the forum one can detect how irresponsible you are, i believe a real christian that goes to church and make use of his bible responsibly can never at your age behave the way you live your mysterious life. I believe you are not properly brought up. Or you have no or a litte knowledge of your religion. The funny thing about you is you can boldly say you are educated, right? I'm really sorry for you that at your age you still behave like a fool. You are one of the worst uneducated (uncivilised) people i came across with. So you think you have the ability to wrongfoot my muslims brothers and sisters?
There is no compulsion in
religion, for the right way is
clearly from the wrong way.
whoever rejects evil and
believes in God hath grasped
the most trustworthy hand-
hold, that never breaks. And
God heareth and knoweth all
things. (Quran 2:256)
I believe you are in DARKNESS
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by dexmond: 5:26am On Jun 14, 2010
@Last poster
If there is no compulsion in religion, why then did Islam spread by violent Jihads?
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by 123jml: 2:16pm On Jun 30, 2010
Shame for you, and at all why have you been jugding a case while your knowledge is not up to there, please would you share with me the fact about crusade?the blow link also will help and clear away your ignorance.



@Last poster
If there is no compulsion in religion, why then did Islam spread by violent Jihads?
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by dexmond: 10:20pm On Jul 01, 2010
The crusade was fought to take back Jerusalem from Muslims.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by kasimangel: 7:35am On Jul 08, 2010
Alhamdulilah,de first & best of gift is been a muslim.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by dexmond: 8:48pm On Jul 25, 2010

Im really proud being a muslim and im enthusiastic learning the perfect religion which teaches me how to live a perfect life.Alhamdulillahi tahala.Being a muslim is not enough but indeed a mumin,that strive to acheive the requirement of a mumin.May allah bestow his mercy on us so that we shall be a practicing muslim till death.Amin.

To attain perfection you have to live without sin! Does Islam teach hatred for sin and love of righteousness? What is sin to a Moslem? Does sin includes killing Christians in the name of God? Does it include hating Jesus whom you say is in your Quran? Have you ever tried to find out what Prophet Issa (Jesus) taught when he was in the earth? Where will you find his teaching? You need to find out what he said when he came to this world since the Quran said he was a Spirit ( RUHULLAH) from God.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by vedaxcool(m): 2:07pm On Jul 28, 2010


To attain perfection you have to live without sin! Does Islam teach hatred for sin and love of righteousness? What is sin to a Moslem? Does sin includes killing Christians in the name of God? Does it include hating Jesus whom you say is in your Quran? Have you ever tried to find out what Prophet Issa (Jesus) taught when he was in the earth? Where will you find his teaching? You need to find out what he said when he came to this world since the Quran said he was a Spirit ( RUHULLAH) from God.

Does this your same religion equate the hatred of the Jews with being virtous? let me give you some quote of your supremely "kind" religion
* he Epistle of Barnabus shows the Church exalted at the expense of the synagogue and the deadly word "Deicide" (the killing of God) appeared in Christian writings.

* Justin Martyr charged that the Jews crucified Christ in the highest pitch of their wickedness. It was during this time (150 A.D.) that the first encounter with Replacement Theology was embraced where the church replaced the Jews as God's chosen people.

* Tertullian argued that divine judgment is upon Israel, and Jews are destined to suffer for the crucifixion.------------>
"Satan has striven against the TRUTH in manifold ways, he has even tried to destroy it by defending it". . . Tetuillian.

* New ideas opposing "law" sprang up as early as 160-320 A.D. Marcion, 2nd century, adopted Matthew 5:17 as key theme to ending God's law and taught that the grace of God superseded it, rejecting the Old Testament.

* Several Church Councils from 341 A.D. to 626 A.D. prohibited Christians from celebrating the Sabbath, festivals, and even eating with the Jews. It seemed that the greatest concern with Judaism on the part of Christians leaders was the attraction that it held for Christians. . . . These rules do not come out of bad relations between Jews and Christians (what would now be called, erroneously, antisemitism), but rather were enacted because relations were good and the authorities wanted to separate the two peoples. God has always had a remnant who has followed the Torah.

* John Chrysostom, 344-407 A.D., preached: "The Jews , are worse than wild beasts , lower than the vilest animals. Debauchery and drunkenness had brought them to the level of the lusty goat and the pig. They know only , to satisfy their stomachs, to get drunk, to kill and beat each other up , I hate the Jews , I hate the Synagogue , it is the duty of all Christians to hate the Jews.

Origen, 185-254 A.D., was most responsible for changing the way the Church interpreted prophecy, creating the atmosphere

At the Bürgerbräukeller on April 12, 1922, Hitler said:I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. , How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison.
This is how antisemitism became part and parcel of Christianity in Europe and later influnced Hitler with his rabid hatred of jews.
Re: Be Proud Of Islam: Do Not Hide It. by vedaxcool(m): 2:05pm On Jul 29, 2010
The crusade was fought to take back Jerusalem from Muslims.

Wasn't Jerusalem the Jews land, why fight over what was never theirs, it was forcefully taken from the Jews. The crusaders were Criminals in capital letters C.R.I.M.I.N.A.LS.

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