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Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Consequences Of Zina: A Grave Sin Requiring Repentance / Another Look At The Critics Of The Punishment Of Fornication/adultery In Islam / Fornication With A Married Woman (2) (3) (4)

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Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 7:23pm On Mar 08, 2018
There’re several situations and reasons that can easily drag anyone into it. This is regardless of your marital status and the level of your religious commitment. The more you associate yourself with these factors, the easier it is for you to fall to the trap of zina.

Here, I’m not specifically indicating any cause that could lead one to it. I’m rather saying, any activity, situation or interaction that provokes your sexual desires can lead to zina. Unless the person involved is your legal spouse, it’s necessary to take preventive measures in such situations. That’s if you can’t avoid such situations altogether.

For instance, delaying marriage where one’s urge for sex is strong could lead him or her to it. Also, if you are easily attracted to the opposite gender (and who is not?), then you should minimize your interactions with them, unless there’s a need. And when you have to, and must interact with the opposite gender, it should be in the open; in a professional setting. One should try as much as possible to ensure the presence of a third party. Just not only the two of you in a secluded place!

If you live in the Internet (and you know what it means to live in the internet. Don’t you?), then be cautious of your usage of social media. Let your use for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram be for good. Do not allow them to lead you to pornography which leads to it or the secret habit. Similarly, movies, dramas and some media materials can be damaging to the modesty of the Muslim, in many ways that could lead him or her to zina.

The Qur’an explicitly indicates that it is immoral and an evil way. It is such dangerous that, the Qur’an doesn’t only command us to refrain from it. In fact, it warns us from getting near to it, in any manner. This is what is understood in the verse of Sūrah al-Isrā’, 17:32:

“And do not even approach zina, for it is an outrageous act, and an evil way…’’

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by skeleboty: 9:31am On Mar 09, 2018
May Allah protect us from zina.. ameen


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by skealoo: 9:36am On Mar 09, 2018


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by abatisegun: 9:42am On Mar 09, 2018
جزاكم الله خيرا


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by anibirelawal(m): 9:42am On Mar 09, 2018
ZINA is a SIN.


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Bimpe29: 9:43am On Mar 09, 2018
Ops have said it all. All those things that provokes ones sexual urge are catalyst for Zina. We must particularly be weary of social media and indulgence of private conservation with opposite sex (who is not our mahram).
Zina is a global challenge and we must not take it lightly as it leads to wrath of Allah. May Allah help not to be in the swim of this immorality and protect us all from it.


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by gidado14(m): 9:45am On Mar 09, 2018
There’re several situations and reasons that can easily drag anyone into it. This is regardless of your marital status and the level of your religious commitment. The more you associate yourself with these factors, the easier it is for you to fall to the trap of zina.

Here, I’m not specifically indicating any cause that could lead one to it. I’m rather saying, any activity, situation or interaction that provokes your sexual desires can lead to zina. Unless the person involved is your legal spouse, it’s necessary to take preventive measures in such situations. That’s if you can’t avoid such situations altogether.

For instance, delaying marriage where one’s urge for sex is strong could lead him or her to it. Also, if you are easily attracted to the opposite gender (and who is not?), then you should minimize your interactions with them, unless there’s a need. And when you have to, and must interact with the opposite gender, it should be in the open; in a professional setting. One should try as much as possible to ensure the presence of a third party. Just not only the two of you in a secluded place!

If you live in the Internet (and you know what it means to live in the internet. Don’t you?), then be cautious of your usage of social media. Let your use for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram be for good. Do not allow them to lead you to pornography which leads to it or the secret habit. Similarly, movies, dramas and some media materials can be damaging to the modesty of the Muslim, in many ways that could lead him or her to zina.

The Qur’an explicitly indicates that it is immoral and an evil way. It is such dangerous that, the Qur’an doesn’t only command us to refrain from it. In fact, it warns us from getting near to it, in any manner. This is what is understood in the verse of Sūrah al-Isrā’, 17:32:

“And do not even approach zina, for it is an outrageous act, and an evil way…’’


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Promismike(m): 9:48am On Mar 09, 2018
Zina! Lolsss.

And that's someone's name.


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by muthmayinnah: 10:01am On Mar 09, 2018


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Manobravo09(m): 10:04am On Mar 09, 2018
Thank u brother. the society we live thisday is all abt zina , everyday u see some women naked around you. May Allah 4give us all.


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by faridpac2: 10:15am On Mar 09, 2018
There’re several situations and reasons that can easily drag anyone into it. This is regardless of your marital status and the level of your religious commitment. The more you associate yourself with these factors, the easier it is for you to fall to the trap of zina.

Here, I’m not specifically indicating any cause that could lead one to it. I’m rather saying, any activity, situation or interaction that provokes your sexual desires can lead to zina. Unless the person involved is your legal spouse, it’s necessary to take preventive measures in such situations. That’s if you can’t avoid such situations altogether.

For instance, delaying marriage where one’s urge for sex is strong could lead him or her to it. Also, if you are easily attracted to the opposite gender (and who is not?), then you should minimize your interactions with them, unless there’s a need. And when you have to, and must interact with the opposite gender, it should be in the open; in a professional setting. One should try as much as possible to ensure the presence of a third party. Just not only the two of you in a secluded place!

If you live in the Internet (and you know what it means to live in the internet. Don’t you?), then be cautious of your usage of social media. Let your use for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram be for good. Do not allow them to lead you to pornography which leads to it or the secret habit. Similarly, movies, dramas and some media materials can be damaging to the modesty of the Muslim, in many ways that could lead him or her to zina.

The Qur’an explicitly indicates that it is immoral and an evil way. It is such dangerous that, the Qur’an doesn’t only command us to refrain from it. In fact, it warns us from getting near to it, in any manner. This is what is understood in the verse of Sūrah al-Isrā’, 17:32:

“And do not even approach zina, for it is an outrageous act, and an evil way…’’
Jazakallahu khair

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Quality20(m): 10:18am On Mar 09, 2018
nice write-up. Zina is now so rampant that ppl now give it sweet names. Any normal unmarried person who is observed not to be into zina is called names like ustaz, afaa, mallam or even boko haram. Guys and even some married women now openly hang out on d streets and discuss how they shag without any iota of shame or fear that children may be hearing them. Well anyway, I can't be shocked ,cos d noble prophet already told us that a time would come where ppl would be openly having sex by the street while ppl are passing by - I pray not to witness that or that it shd even happen in our generation - ameen

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by mustybaba55(m): 10:29am On Mar 09, 2018
Allahuma Ameen, Hmmm Duniya. may Allah help us because rufa asiri sai Allah

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Rashduct4luv(m): 10:39am On Mar 09, 2018
Let's lower our gaze!
Bury yourself in acts of worship! Even as you are typing u can still be saying adhkars.
Run from things that could arouse you.
Associate with pious Muslims.
Marry early!
Read beneficial books/ watch beneficial lectures we keep learning as Muslims!
Fear Allah! Fear Allah! Fear Allah! Always remember there are two angels recording our deeds! and whoever does any evil as small as an atom shall see it.


Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Nobody: 11:06am On Mar 09, 2018
Jazaka Lahu Khaeran

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 12:44pm On Mar 09, 2018
May Allah protect us from zina.. ameen
ameeeeen ya rabbih
Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 12:45pm On Mar 09, 2018
Zina! Lolsss.

And that's someone's name.
Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 12:46pm On Mar 09, 2018
Thank u brother. the society we live thisday is all abt zina , everyday u see some women naked around you. May Allah 4give us all.
ameeeen ya *
Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 12:47pm On Mar 09, 2018
Let's lower our gaze!
Bury yourself in acts of worship! Even as you are typing u can still be saying adhkars.
Run from things that could arouse you.
Associate with pious Muslims.
Marry early!
Read beneficial books/ watch beneficial lectures we keep learning as Muslims!
Fear Allah! Fear Allah! Fear Allah! Always remember there are two angels recording our deeds! and whoever does any evil as small as an atom shall see it.
Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by kzubyar(m): 12:57pm On Mar 09, 2018
Ops have said it all. All those things that provokes ones sexual urge are catalyst for Zina. We must particularly be weary of social media and indulgence of private conservation with opposite sex (who is not our mahram).
Zina is a global challenge and we must not take it lightly as it leads to wrath of Allah. May Allah help not to be in the swim of this immorality and protect us all from it.
. See the little analysis I did

Do u know that marriage is the cheapest way of having sex? According to my research. ‪U pay N50000 bride price once off and you stay with the woman for 20 years which is N2500 per year. Meaning per month, you are paying N208.3 and N52. per week while daily, all you pay is N7.4. So why would men pay Prostitutes for N5000 or more only for one round of sex, When you can get N7.4 per day for as many rounds as you want. This is a big discount

5 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by Bimpe29: 3:16pm On Mar 09, 2018
Spot on. Marriage is the only means that avails one the cheapest, safest, fullest and sweetest rounds of sex.
. See the little analysis I did

Do u know that marriage is the cheapest way of having sex? According to my research. ‪U pay N50000 bride price once off and you stay with the woman for 20 years which is N2500 per year. Meaning per month, you are paying N208.3 and N52. per week while daily, all you pay is N7.4. So why would men pay Prostitutes for N5000 or more only for one round of sex, When you can get N7.4 per day for as many rounds as you want. This is a big discount

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Re: Major Causes Of Zina (fornication) by error4040: 4:54pm On Mar 09, 2018
. See the little analysis I did

Do u know that marriage is the cheapest way of having sex? According to my research. ‪U pay N50000 bride price once off and you stay with the woman for 20 years which is N2500 per year. Meaning per month, you are paying N208.3 and N52. per week while daily, all you pay is N7.4. So why would men pay Prostitutes for N5000 or more only for one round of sex, When you can get N7.4 per day for as many rounds as you want. This is a big discount
grin grin grin Brother your analysis is so on point!!! LoL

Jumaat kareem

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