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Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos - Crime - Nairaland

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Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Angelanest: 5:42pm On Apr 22, 2018
Another Nigerian has been killed again in South Africa amid cries of segregation and xenophobia trailing the country. According to reports, the latest victim was attacked yesterday inside his furniture shop in South Africa but died early this morning after sustaining injuries from the attack.

It was gathered that the deceased of Igbo descent was married to a South African woman and blessed with two kids. He was allegedly killed following a 'targeted' attack by an envy South African mob which happened right inside his shop.

His corpse have been recovered by the Igbo community in South Africa.

Reports indicate that over 117 Nigerians have been killed in South Africa from February 2016 till date.

Source; https://www.nationalhelm.co/2018/04/another-nigerian-man-killed-in-south-africa.html

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Redoil: 5:47pm On Apr 22, 2018
Even the one killed every day in nigeria dont get justice in return


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by christejames(m): 5:47pm On Apr 22, 2018
Why are these South Africans xenophobic towards other Africans especially Nigerians?

they will answer you that Nigerians are drug peddlers as if those people selling those drugs sell them to themselves, is it not to their fellow South Africans? if the demand ain't there then there won't be any supply.

Left for me I will say most south Africans are battling with extreme case of paranoia.

RIP Bro.

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by victrick105: 6:06pm On Apr 22, 2018
I know it's the handy work of those big headed, empty skull, sex loving, good for nothing black south africans...black man with a black soul...if only we knew the whites were doing us a favour when they were been oppressed, lazy southafrican youths, all they know is sex and how to make babies...mtcheeeew! angry

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by ipobarecriminals: 7:07pm On Apr 22, 2018
sad the other day we read how a scumbag. of a policewan plant a gun in a Nigerian car.And now this..Those HIV/AIDS carrier people sef.Dog dnt eat dog oo


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by IME1: 7:07pm On Apr 22, 2018
Xenophobia is real
And I'm disappointed with the way the Nigerian government and indeed a couple of Nigerians are handling this matter.

They say the Nigerians being killed are Igbos who are drug dealers and crooks.
The Italian mafia in the US never gave rise to the killing of Italians nor did the bad treatment of Indians, Chinese and even South Africans in Nigeria give rise to us killing them here in Nigeria.

Killing these "criminal" Nigerians is extra judicial and a slap to the face of Nigerians.
Charge them to court or deport them, jail them after trial but don't kill them and spit on our face as Nigerians as weakling who don't love our own because it's not a Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, Edo or Igala man that is being killed
Imagine the Lagos police saying they are treading cautiously withe that late musicians husband who killed her and their daughter because he is Dutch?!

Whereas the SA police are "jokingly" planting guns by Nigerians to falsely charge and kill them.
A death of any Nigerian within or outside the country is important and must be investigated, further prevented and thoroughly condemned.

No matter what we as Nigerians must stand by our own in the midst of rejecting their crimes and bad image of Nigeria.
USA, Russia, Japan, the Arabs and so many others stand by their citizens no matter what. cry

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 7:08pm On Apr 22, 2018
And one man would be referring to us Nigerian youths as lazy. Just that here we lack enabling environment and good government policy for development of skills, that’s why we have compatriots leaving this nation everyday. I once asked myself that’s what’s the benefit of being a Nigerian even while you’re in Nigeria? . From Medicaid to social security to food pantries to disability assistance to unemployment payment and many more are being enjoyed by some people just because they are citizen of a good country with good leaders yet no one call them lazy!.I pray God bless all Nigerian youths trying to make a living and a difference


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by dokyOloye: 7:08pm On Apr 22, 2018
Wanted to abuse South Africa and South Africans but I remembered Nigerians kill Nigerians in Nigeria even more.
Herdsmen,boko boys,etc.Hell,Buratai and Buhari regularly turn their machine guns on d people they swore to protect.
Did they not kill 1000 shias over 2 days recently,no outrage,no protest.
Certainly a bad time to be a Nigerian.
Haunted at home and abroad.


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by popsyleo1: 7:08pm On Apr 22, 2018
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by EarthXmetahuman: 7:09pm On Apr 22, 2018
Stop going to south africa..

It's a giant Shithole.
Just like the rest of the countries in africa.


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Jaykolo10(m): 7:09pm On Apr 22, 2018
Even Nigerians outside Nigeria are still suffering... Na God dey save ooo

Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by emeijeh(m): 7:10pm On Apr 22, 2018
Why will people not migrate to other countries, when our president cannot talk good of his citizens?


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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by CaptainBUGGY: 7:10pm On Apr 22, 2018
This South African blacks be killing their fellow blacks and white in that country, they kill poor white farmers and poor blacks hustling from other countries................ Soon they will ruin that country and their eyes will come down Awon idiots oshi


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by pat077: 7:11pm On Apr 22, 2018
This is bad. Can't someone hustle in peace again

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by ahukannakate(f): 7:11pm On Apr 22, 2018
It's a pity
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by ishowdotgmail(m): 7:11pm On Apr 22, 2018
Libya and Sudan is a better place to live than SA

Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by CYBERGHOST007(m): 7:11pm On Apr 22, 2018

Blacks the wicked creature on earth
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by IMASTEX: 7:11pm On Apr 22, 2018
Too bad
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by congorasta: 7:12pm On Apr 22, 2018
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by tollytexy(m): 7:14pm On Apr 22, 2018
Get the full story

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by millomaniac: 7:17pm On Apr 22, 2018
Nigeria does not really have a functioning government for now.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Clyod: 7:17pm On Apr 22, 2018
Stop going to south africa..

It's a giant Shithole.
Just like the rest of the countries in cafrica.

Yet BBN is in SA.

We never ready for change


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by doctokwus: 7:17pm On Apr 22, 2018
Apartheid era was better than this South Africa that has been ruled for several years by the blacks.
Soon they would destroy that beautiful country with their black,backward mentality.

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 7:21pm On Apr 22, 2018
And the funny thing is that Whites still own majority of the assets in that country, yet they won't attack them


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by oyetunder(m): 7:24pm On Apr 22, 2018
Our Lazy leaders are too soft when it comes to protecting people at home not to talk of diaspora. Until we are ready to confront these South Africans rogues who were humiliated by the minority whites for countless years in their own land, they will not stop the killings. No wonder God allowed them to be enslaved for so long...they are nothing but music loving snakes.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by EarthXmetahuman: 7:31pm On Apr 22, 2018

Yet BBN is in SA.

We never ready for change
so what?

How does that make south africa less a Shithole?

Do you expect bbn organizers to create another studio in every country they are holding big brother?

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 7:31pm On Apr 22, 2018
no go south Africa .dem no go gree. Well karma is a bitch
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by jameyjaggs: 7:33pm On Apr 22, 2018
i despise south africans,they ar d definition of wicked,,wen my brother who is studyin in pretoria came home december last year he said sout africans hate nigerians more dan ani african in south africa,,he said u dare not answer a question corectly in class or u risk bein maimed in some cases lose ur life,,a nigerian in sout africa lives in total fear,,u dare not walk heads up along d street if u see sout africans especially d (unemployed ones)along dat route,,u do not answer or make a fone call close to groups of sout african,, u dont talk to sout african girls,,u dont complain,, if ur a nigerian girl then to survive in SA u must b very experienced in handlin n talking to boys..in one case of how one peter chidi my brodas frend whu was new in skool he said chidi answerd a question correctly nd d teacher made a remark dat chidi is very inteligent after classes dat day chidi was beaten to death by group of boys in his class.......i pray everyday for my big bro in SA everiday,bcaus d hostilities nigerians especially students in SA face jst bcaus of being intelligent is very bad......RIP to d deacesed..nigerians pray for our people in SA they live in fear..........I knw 2 wrongs dnt make a right but if a south african ever comes to my neighborhood,,i'll make sure he/is not comfortable bcause dat xenophobia is jst bcomin somtin else....

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by davillian(m): 7:34pm On Apr 22, 2018
I know it's the handy work of those big headed, empty skull, sex loving, good for nothing black south africans...black man with a black soul...if only we knew the whites were doing us a favour when they were been oppressed, lazy southafrican youths, all they know is sex and how to make babies...mtcheeeew! angry
Na Kenyans get sex o
South Africans Na only to sing and dance they know
When the white were busy killing them
They were busy dancing and singing instead of them to fight back grin

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