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Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos - Crime (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 1:34am On Apr 23, 2018
the problem with nigerians is that you think you're too important that everytime one of you is murdered it HAS to be xenophobia. xenophobia doesnt even exist anymore. people of ALL countries are getting murdered in SA and every nation takes the murder of its own like its some xenophobia thing. SA people themselves murder each other MORE than they do foreigners and the SA violence will NEVER equal the violence of yahoo boys, boho haram and the Fulani Herdsmen happening in Nigeria but its fun seeing everyone comment here about how SA is a war zone etc. which country has school children abducted monthly? SA or naija? ignorance wont get you anywhere.
the only restrictions nigerians live under in SA is that they're not allowed in the locations/townships. and thats becoz of 2 reasons1. the (often true stereotype) of the nigerians as drug dealers and 2. the way nigerians use money to get girls. in SA other men talk to girls normally its only nigerians who use money and guys in SA aay nigerians are teaching their girls to be golddiggers. but as for xenophobia that no longer exists. sometimes a murder or a robbery is just that. nothing more.
come to SA and see dont believe everything you read on the internet.

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MduZA: 3:56am On Apr 23, 2018
the problem with nigerians is that you think you're too important that everytime one of you is murdered it HAS to be xenophobia. xenophobia doesnt even exist anymore. people of ALL countries are getting murdered in SA and every nation takes the murder of its own like its some xenophobia thing. SA people themselves murder each other MORE than they do foreigners and the SA violence will NEVER equal the violence of yahoo boys, boho haram and the Fulani Herdsmen happening in Nigeria but its fun seeing everyone comment here about how SA is a war zone etc. which country has school children abducted monthly? SA or naija? ignorance wont get you anywhere.
the only restrictions nigerians live under in SA is that they're not allowed in the locations/townships. and thats becoz of 2 reasons1. the (often true stereotype) of the nigerians as drug dealers and 2. the way nigerians use money to get girls. in SA other men talk to girls normally its only nigerians who use money and guys in SA aay nigerians are teaching their girls to be golddiggers. but as for xenophobia that no longer exists. sometimes a murder or a robbery is just that. nothing more.
come to SA and see dont believe everything you read on the internet.

Case closed...


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by ymaruf01: 7:02am On Apr 23, 2018
it is bcs Nigerian are not lazy, Dt Wat took d man to South Africa all in d name of job ND hard working just to hustle for money I wish our government provide enough for d country ds man could he stay in is home country call Nigeria but now d president say Nigeria youth are lazy.RIP
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by IME1: 9:25am On Apr 23, 2018

Please show us where the Nigerian government said the person murdered is a criminal

Are you following the xenophobia matter at all angry

Have you heard the foreign affairs minister, Abike Dabiri-Erewa or the national assembly committees talk?
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Elxandre(m): 10:46am On Apr 23, 2018
the problem with nigerians is that you think you're too important that everytime one of you is murdered it HAS to be xenophobia. xenophobia doesnt even exist anymore. people of ALL countries are getting murdered in SA and every nation takes the murder of its own like its some xenophobia thing. SA people themselves murder each other MORE than they do foreigners and the SA violence will NEVER equal the violence of yahoo boys, boho haram and the Fulani Herdsmen happening in Nigeria but its fun seeing everyone comment here about how SA is a war zone etc. which country has school children abducted monthly? SA or naija? ignorance wont get you anywhere.
the only restrictions nigerians live under in SA is that they're not allowed in the locations/townships. and thats becoz of 2 reasons1. the (often true stereotype) of the nigerians as drug dealers and 2. the way nigerians use money to get girls. in SA other men talk to girls normally its only nigerians who use money and guys in SA aay nigerians are teaching their girls to be golddiggers. but as for xenophobia that no longer exists. sometimes a murder or a robbery is just that. nothing more.
come to SA and see dont believe everything you read on the internet.
How stupid of South Africans to banish a set of people from access to a particular locations, for the most silly reasons ever.

You say Nigerians are not targeted, but you just confessed they are targeted in Townships obviously?

You lots are neanderthals who have no place in a civilized world.

Nelson Mandela would be ashamed of what you lots have turned to.

I just pity the silly ones who keep wasting their lives living in a morally backward society devoid of love and human sympathy.

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 11:31am On Apr 23, 2018

How stupid of South Africans to banish a set of people from access to a particular locations, for the most silly reasons ever.

You say Nigerians are not targeted, but you just confessed they are targeted in Townships obviously?

You lots are neanderthals who have no place in a civilized world.

Nelson Mandela would be ashamed of what you lots have turned to.

I just pity the silly ones who keep wasting their lives living in a morally backward society devoid of love and human sympathy.
im a foreigner also. im from Zimbabwe. but i cant let your ignorance go unchallanged. nigerians deal with drugs in SA and no society can let that slide. as for the nigerians' tendency to throw cash at girls stop that shit. just keep that habit in nigeria with your money-hungry women, women in other countries are not like that. thats why the men of SA cant let that habit fly. STOP USING MONEY TO GET GIRLS. have balls and talk to girls like all of us.


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MduZA: 12:01pm On Apr 23, 2018

im a foreigner also. im from Zimbabwe. but i cant let your ignorance go unchallanged. nigerians deal with drugs in SA and no society can let that slide. as for the nigerians' tendency to throw cash at girls stop that shit. just keep that habit in nigeria with your money-hungry women, women in other countries are not like that. thats why the men of SA cant let that habit fly. STOP USING MONEY TO GET GIRLS. have balls and talk to girls like all of us.

Tell them comrade...


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by skallion7(m): 12:10pm On Apr 23, 2018

im a foreigner also. im from Zimbabwe. but i cant let your ignorance go unchallanged. nigerians deal with drugs in SA and no society can let that slide. as for the nigerians' tendency to throw cash at girls stop that shit. just keep that habit in nigeria with your money-hungry women, women in other countries are not like that. thats why the men of SA cant let that habit fly. STOP USING MONEY TO GET GIRLS. have balls and talk to girls like all of us.
Trash, Emotional Ranting!!

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Elxandre(m): 12:21pm On Apr 23, 2018

im a foreigner also. im from Zimbabwe. but i cant let your ignorance go unchallanged. nigerians deal with drugs in SA and no society can let that slide. as for the nigerians' tendency to throw cash at girls stop that shit. just keep that habit in nigeria with your money-hungry women, women in other countries are not like that. thats why the men of SA cant let that habit fly. STOP USING MONEY TO GET GIRLS. have balls and talk to girls like all of us.
I don't understand what you mean by using money to get girls.
Girls are attracted to money regardless of nationality or source of income.

I understand if you're pissed at the source of income, but being bitter over people attracting women with money is insecure and childish, as it shows an unintelligent grasp about how the world works.

I can easily list money Hungry women from South Africa to West Africa, so it's you Southern Africans in general obviously suffer from inferiority complex and Jealousy issues.

Shame on all Africans migrating to such a disrespectful region.

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Elxandre(m): 12:22pm On Apr 23, 2018
Trash, Emotional Ranting!!
No wonder they are jealous of others.

With a brain like that, nothing sub-human is beneath them.
I've not seen any reasoning more shallow.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 1:38pm On Apr 23, 2018

I don't understand what you mean by using money to get girls.
Girls are attracted to money regardless of nationality or source of income.

I understand if you're pissed at the source of income, but being bitter over people attracting women with money is insecure and childish, as it shows an unintelligent grasp about how the world works.

I can easily list money Hungry women from South Africa to West Africa, so it's you Southern Africans in general obviously suffer from inferiority complex and Jealousy issues.

Shame on all Africans migrating to such a disrespectful region.
its Ok coz you admit you dont understand.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 1:51pm On Apr 23, 2018

Are you high on meth or flacka and who first quoted each other between you and i? I dont have time for immature absurd swine.
u are not a Nigeria but South Africa be proud of ur country don't be a coward

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 1:54pm On Apr 23, 2018
the problem with nigerians is that you think you're too important that everytime one of you is murdered it HAS to be xenophobia. xenophobia doesnt even exist anymore. people of ALL countries are getting murdered in SA and every nation takes the murder of its own like its some xenophobia thing. SA people themselves murder each other MORE than they do foreigners and the SA violence will NEVER equal the violence of yahoo boys, boho haram and the Fulani Herdsmen happening in Nigeria but its fun seeing everyone comment here about how SA is a war zone etc. which country has school children abducted monthly? SA or naija? ignorance wont get you anywhere. Shut up and go Zimbabwe a 10 world country
the only restrictions nigerians live under in SA is that they're not allowed in the locations/townships. and thats becoz of 2 reasons1. the (often true stereotype) of the nigerians as drug dealers and 2. the way nigerians use money to get girls. in SA other men talk to girls normally its only nigerians who use money and guys in SA aay nigerians are teaching their girls to be golddiggers. but as for xenophobia that no longer exists. sometimes a murder or a robbery is just that. nothing more.
come to SA and see dont believe everything you read on the internet.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 1:58pm On Apr 23, 2018
[quote author=Saviour22 post=66959654][/quote]
truth hurts i know.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 2:01pm On Apr 23, 2018
the problem with nigerians is that you think you're too important that everytime one of you is murdered it HAS to be xenophobia. xenophobia doesnt even exist anymore. people of ALL countries are getting murdered in SA and every nation takes the murder of its own like its some xenophobia thing. SA people themselves murder each other MORE than they do foreigners and the SA violence will NEVER equal the violence of yahoo boys, boho haram and the Fulani Herdsmen happening in Nigeria but its fun seeing everyone comment here about how SA is a war zone etc. which country has school children abducted monthly? SA or naija? ignorance wont get you anywhere.
the only restrictions nigerians live under in SA is that they're not allowed in the locations/townships. and thats becoz of 2 reasons1. the (often true stereotype) of the nigerians as drug dealers and 2. the way nigerians use money to get girls. in SA other men talk to girls normally its only nigerians who use money and guys in SA aay nigerians are teaching their girls to be golddiggers. but as for xenophobia that no longer exists. sometimes a murder or a robbery is just that. nothing more.
come to SA and see dont believe everything you read on the internet.
look at this Zimbabwean fool, all u kmow how do is to type nonsense bush fool from a 10 world slum

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 2:02pm On Apr 23, 2018
look at this Zimbabwean fool, all u kmow how do is to type nonsense bush fool from a 10 world slum
and all you know is to reply to my nonsense
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 2:03pm On Apr 23, 2018

truth hurts i know.
u are a stupid fool let me see u cteated nonsense thread on romance section Zimbabwe's bitch

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 2:05pm On Apr 23, 2018
u are a stupid fool let me see cteated nonsense thread on romance section Zimbabwe's bitch
did i hurt your feelings nigerian guy?
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 2:08pm On Apr 23, 2018

did i hurt your feelings nigerian guy?
u are a Zimbabwean fool ,fools like u can't hurt my feelings

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by MISEDUCATIONS: 2:09pm On Apr 23, 2018
u are a Zimbabwean fool ,fools like u can't hurt my feelings [color
so let it go. we have established we have different views. no need for insults. no need for long exchanges that wont change anything.
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 2:12pm On Apr 23, 2018

so let it go. we have established we have different views. no need for insults. no need for long exchanges that wont change anything.
u are a stupid senseless fool, so stop typing nonsense

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by NwaJozi: 2:38pm On Apr 23, 2018
The attitude of some of our brothers here too sef nawa, always understand that you are in a foreign l;and, this people can kill you because of woman, one dirty woman ooo
The girls can lie for Africa, they wil tell you they dont have a man, when the man fid out a foreigner is choping his kpekus na to plan for You because he knows he can't compete.
Im thinking of importing a girl from Nigeria o
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by IronGalaxy: 9:04pm On Apr 23, 2018
look at this Zimbabwean fool, all u kmow how do is to type nonsense bush fool from a 10 world slum
actually, if you were clued up you would know that Zimbabwe is much much better than your country, notwithstanding their current problems. The Zimbabwean was telling the truth..you think you're too special

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by SlayerForever: 9:09pm On Apr 23, 2018

Nobody invited Nigerians to South Africa it is by choice that they decided to infest South Africa so they must live with the consequences of their infestation!

Myndd44 did you see this?
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by LeSudAfricaine: 9:10pm On Apr 23, 2018
actually, if you were clued up you would know that Zimbabwe is much much better than your country, notwithstanding their current problems. The Zimbabwean was telling the truth..you think you're too special
they don't know, these people live in fool's paradise Galaxy

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by LeSudAfricaine: 9:13pm On Apr 23, 2018

I don't understand what you mean by using money to get girls.
Girls are attracted to money regardless of nationality or source of income.

I understand if you're pissed at the source of income, but being bitter over people attracting women with money is insecure and childish, as it shows an unintelligent grasp about how the world works.

I can easily list money Hungry women from South Africa to West Africa, so it's you Southern Africans in general obviously suffer from inferiority complex and Jealousy issues.

Shame on all Africans migrating to such a disrespectful region.
jealous of what? I'm yet to get a proper answer if this supposed " jealousy"

1 Like

Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 10:15pm On Apr 23, 2018
actually, if you were clued up you would know that Zimbabwe is much much better than your country, notwithstanding their current problems. The Zimbabwean was telling the truth..you think you're too special
South African fool looking so hard for my attention mugu

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Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by BlackAdam55(m): 10:27pm On Apr 23, 2018
South African fool looking so hard for my attention mugu
he's not just a fool but a stupid one for that matter, the slowpoke is aways looking for Nigerians attention.


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by Nobody: 10:40pm On Apr 23, 2018
he's not just a fool but a stupid one for that matter, the idoit is aways looking for nigeria attention.
of course the slowpoke is looking for our attention the fool keep posting pictures of his hiv aids hippopotamus women rubbish


Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by LeSudAfricaine: 11:14pm On Apr 23, 2018
South African fool looking so hard for my attention mugu
Typical response. Argue his points
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by zinaunreal(m): 11:39pm On Apr 23, 2018
Typical response. Argue his points

When ever there is evil against Nigerians this blood thirsty idiot pops up. Im sure you were physically involved in the slaughter of that Nigerian. Damn you and all your south african killing brothers. Evil black slaves. Youre such a disgust and a disgrace to the black race. Killing your fellow black man because he is in your country. Cheapest form of cowardice
Re: Another Nigerian Man Killed In South Africa After Attack In His Shop. Photos by LeSudAfricaine: 12:04am On Apr 24, 2018
[quote author=zinaunreal post=66974210]

When ever there is evil against Nigerians this blood thirsty idiot pops up. Im sure you were physically involved in the slaughter of that Nigerian. Damn you and all your south african killing brothers. Evil black slaves. Youre such a disgust and a disgrace to the black race. Killing your fellow black man because he is in your country. Cheapest form of cowardice [/quote) dude! in case you haven't noticed,... You bore the hell out of me

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