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Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by stane007: 12:44pm On May 12, 2018
Earlier today, we reported that Nigerian media personality, Noble Igwe called on the EFCC to do more, as he listed some major fraud fronts in Nigeria. However it seems his tweets didn't go down well with motivational speaker, Oyemykke who called him out for it.

According to Oyemykke who called Noble Igwe a snitch, he has only known him from a distance but his tweets shows that he is a stupid man who only knows how to 'colour riot'.

He wrote as he shared his video;

Noble Igwe Is A Stupid Snitch & I Don’t Care.
I’m Not Here To Justify The Acts Of The People In That Are Being Hunted But
A Snitch Regardless Of Their Motive Remains A Snitch!

Noble Igwe had called on EFCC to do more in the fight against financial crimes, as he listed some major fraud fronts in Nigerian which include; Record labels, Estate/Property Business, Car selling businesses among others.

His tweets was a reaction to the report of EFCC operatives raid at Club 57 In Ikoyi, which led to the arrest of 12 ‘Yahoo Boys’. His tweets reads;

Record label Estate/ Property Business Car Selling business The Above are major 419 /fraud fronts in Nigeria.

EFCC needs to have a waiter stationed at every club within Lekki & VI. After last night,club owners are going to record low sales and Uber drivers will be busy tonight.

Online stores and stores on Admiralty/Fola Osibo are used for money laundering.

Armed robbers on instagram are regarded as G boys but in reality,their’s a different type of stealing.

People steal and then turn around to blame the government for making them criminals. Anyone that defends a criminal is a criminal and while we have a list for people advocating rape culture,we should also have one for such people.

An armed robber is an armed robber. You are a thief armed with a computer.



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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Afroreporter: 1:15pm On May 12, 2018
Snitch is a word used by black Americans to glorify cowardice. You have a criminal in your community who you are too afraid to expose stealing from you, shooting up the neighbourhood and engaging in drug related crimes but you justify your silence by claiming not to be a snitch. Which other communities apart from that of the African Americans glorify this self destructive culture?

We are Africans. If you are brave enough to expose crimes while putting your safety at risk, all we can do is applaud you.
Noble igwe, we thank you very much!!!

343 Likes 24 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Pabloosas(m): 2:11pm On May 12, 2018
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by BiggerbossAmani(m): 2:11pm On May 12, 2018

If you doubt me, go and ask your ancestors why we beat them with only local made weapons during the Nigeria civil war

I love this quote from my brother oyatunder

Yes. let me correct you. Even the best of weapons of war are still manufactured from some locations. That a weapon was made in Igboland did not make it local. A lion in Asaba is a Lion in Chicago.

22 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by MadeInTokyo: 2:11pm On May 12, 2018
grin grin grin

Noble igwe better relocate from Nigeria, he is an EFCC snitch and whistle blower......Boys are not smiling

7 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Skepticus: 2:13pm On May 12, 2018

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Decapo: 2:13pm On May 12, 2018
Snitch is a word used by black Americans to glorify cowardice. You have a criminal in your community who you are too afraid to expose stealing from you, shooting up the neighbourhood and engaging in drug related crimes but you justify your silence by claiming not to be a snitch. Which other communities apart from that of the African Americans glorify this self destructive culture?

We are Africans. If you are brave enough to expose crimes while putting your safety at risk, all we can do is applaud you.
Noble igwe, we thank you very much!!!

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by WebSurfer(m): 2:13pm On May 12, 2018
Of course we already know truth hurts those it affects,
What bothers me mostly is the amount of people who sold their conscience to defend these criminal elements who forgot “Whatever is wrong can never be right”

Go to instablog to see how the thieves, girlfriends and benefactors are insulting Noble

39 Likes 1 Share

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Notmyproblem: 2:14pm On May 12, 2018
We always wonder why we haven't made much impact in our fight against corruption and other form of social vices, this is the simple reason. Black men condoning evil in their community under the presence of he/she is my relative and I can't snitch on someone.

If you don't report those fraudsters in your midst sooner or later you or someone close to your will fall victim to them or to the army of young kids who saw crime as the new in-thing.

Save yourself tomorrow's trouble by reporting today's criminal in your community.

64 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by bignero: 2:16pm On May 12, 2018

thief spotted

[quote author=Decapo post=67498247]

you are a thief

Snitch is a word used by black Americans to glorify cowardice. You have a criminal in your community who you are too afraid to expose stealing from you, shooting up the neighbourhood and engaging in drug related crimes but you justify your silence by claiming not to be a snitch. Which other communities apart from that of the African Americans glorify this self destructive culture?

We are Africans. If you are brave enough to expose crimes while putting your safety at risk, all we can do is applaud you.
Noble igwe, we thank you very much!!!

well said africareporter...you wrote like a real civil person, but i must warn you, humans raised in animal like conditions aka zoo will come with insults for you, am sure you know the best answer for fools

21 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by SAMBARRY: 2:17pm On May 12, 2018
Snitch is a word used by black Americans to glorify cowardice. You have a criminal in your community who you are too afraid to expose stealing from you, shooting up the neighbourhood and engaging in drug related crimes but you justify your silence by claiming not to be a snitch. Which other communities apart from that of the African Americans glorify this self destructive culture?

We are Africans. If you are brave enough to expose crimes while putting your safety at risk, all we can do is applaud you.
Noble igwe, we thank you very much!!!
as in hen. This country sef has taya me. Good has now become bad while bad is the new good

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by blakky97(m): 2:17pm On May 12, 2018
not until you see through the eyes of the victim, you wont join us to fight crime and corruption......lucky dube


Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by thesicilian: 2:17pm On May 12, 2018
A good motivational speaker does not use such language.

14 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Nobody: 2:18pm On May 12, 2018
I don't think what Noble did is right. Man must survive in this country. So if they didn't do you anything, let them be.

Stop acting like a patriotic citizen.

Try snitching on government officials who have stolen millions already.

15 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Jinyjagz(m): 2:18pm On May 12, 2018
Snitches are stupid bitches who deserve stitches.
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by emmaBS(m): 2:19pm On May 12, 2018
The so called motivational speaker is probably benefiting from crime/fraud in one way or the other.
Trust no one!

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Dyt(f): 2:20pm On May 12, 2018


1 Like

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by flyingdutchman(m): 2:21pm On May 12, 2018
[quote author=Decapo post=67498247][/quote]
See one of them oo! Her Heff Ceec come oo
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by ThinkWISELY(m): 2:21pm On May 12, 2018
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by AODT(m): 2:22pm On May 12, 2018
And to think that it is a motivational speaker calling him out and justifying criminal acts shocked shocked

Just imagine what he dishes out to his audience. NAIJA!!!

31 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by GavelSlam: 2:22pm On May 12, 2018
How can someone who supports crime be regarded a motivational speaker?

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by flyingdutchman(m): 2:22pm On May 12, 2018
Snitches are stupid bitches who deserve stitches.
Hee Hef Ceec , come and see some of them here oo! Cone to naira land
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by GuyfawkesAB(m): 2:22pm On May 12, 2018
Noble has lived up to his name. God bless his father.

He did a noble thing by calling out what is wrong in our society.

I underwent an Anti-money laundering training conducted by Efcc, ndlea and Sfiu (CBN) and these were the very fronts mentioned by the facilitators which fraudsters and drug barons use to launder dirty money.

These agencies too are aware of these tactics by the criminals.

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Nobody: 2:23pm On May 12, 2018
Onyemyke go just deh shout up and down for instagram, say em be motivational speaker.

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Nobody: 2:23pm On May 12, 2018
Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by Nobody: 2:23pm On May 12, 2018
This one is a thief parading as a motivational speaker.

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by slegerman(m): 2:23pm On May 12, 2018
In as much as I don't support crime but can someone show me a Nigerian who is not a thief or have no intention of doing so if opportunity presents itself.

If you haven't done anything to better people lives, please don't blame them for what they become.... Survival is everything.

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by SamuelAnyawu(m): 2:23pm On May 12, 2018

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Re: Oyemykke Slams Noble Igwe For Snitching On Fraudsters by bedspread: 2:23pm On May 12, 2018
There was a Country Indeed

To Do Good is Now Abnormal ..
While Evil is Normal....

Mene Mene Ooooo NIGERIANS

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