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Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed - Celebrities - Nairaland

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Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Walamu(m): 7:19pm On Sep 05, 2018

Now you've got to know this one and I don't care how it hurts yet African American elites are helping these Illuminati White Supremacists to deceive you. Evil Africans are always siding with their oppressor, it hurts yet its truth and truth heals. Europe was inhabited by Africans before the Caucasian. According to the latest DNA, the Neanderthal Project of May, 2010, Africans were the only people 100% human. Did you get that? That's not racist. Caucasians and Asians have Neanderthals as their primary ancestor, a neanderthal is a hominid and a hominid is a primate that appears human yet has no human DNA. Anything not human is an animal so some where in the long millions of years history of Africa some Africans went into the Caucasus mountains and crossbreed with neanderthals about 6000 years ago, which is sodomy to sleep with animals, and that is how the other races began as human hybrids. So sodomy is rising and DNA knowledge are all coming out at the same time because of this ancient connection including satanic worship which started in Africa with the worship of Set. There are some Africans unfortunately born with no soul and these type of Africans always siding with their oppressor. This is fact some of you are much, much, too immature spiritually to even deal with. With all the advanced spirituality in Africa many of you discard it for Christianity, Islam and Jewish teachings which is dumb religion. Ifa is the most advanced spiritual system on Earth and you put it down, discard it, misuse it and yet if you consulted Ifa you would have never strayed away from your civilization. You wouldn't have corruption because IFA would tell you who the corruptors were and show you where they live. grin So I know that some of you have strayed far away from the divine roots of Africa. Michelle Obama is a man and Meghan Markle is a man, Omorosa Manigault is a man, Aretha Franklin is a man, and there are lot of Black males involved in satanic worship via the Freemasonry. The real Europeans were Africans, the Celts and Vikings were Africans and the first Kings of England were Africans. The Roman Catholic Empire cleanse the truth of Europe and replaced the African royalty with Caucasian and that is why Prince Harry married the transgender man Meghan Markle to continue this deception. George Washington the first president of the United States was a Moor. Caucasians are only indigenous to the Caucasus Mountains just like Asians who share the same DNA of Neanderthal. The First Chinese and Japanese were Africans too as the Asians like the Caucasians are only indigenous to the Caucasus Mountains as their ancestors were the animals called Neanderthals.



The first Chinese, Japanese, & Martial Artist were black! African Presence in Early Asia



Is Michelle Obama a man? I do not know but I have heard the reports and watching this moment of the inauguration makes me believe it is true. The expressions on the faces here is precious!. I read this on Youtube... you judge Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964




Nothing about the Homosexual Agenda is what it seems.

Founder of LGBT is the same father of the National Association of Men Loving Boys

Harry Hay founder of LGBT and the modern homosexual movement was a sex magick practicing ritualist who sacrificed children and sexually exploited them. Harry Hay was Jewish as if that matters in the context of satanic White Supremacy. Read below.


Sodomy exists among Europeans, Jews and Arabs. They are all really one group people with the same sick perverted culture of White Supremacy via domination through sex because they have a feeling of inadequacy to the Afrikan due to the fear of genetic annihilation.

A. Europeans are the descendants of Rome and Greece, which had pedophile culture and sodomy.

B. Jews are descendants of the mountain ranges above Italy between Germany, France, etc, they also have the same culture of domination through sexual abuse, conjuring evil spirits, and making brutality a ritual.

C. Arabs are confusing to people because they appear sort of brownish so people think they are a minority like Afrikans. Arabs are descendants of Roman and Greek invaders who settled near Egypt after being run out by our ancestors of Kushite empire during the 25th dynasty. The reside in the deserts of NorthEast Afrika which is being called the MiddleEast today but they are descendants of Romans and Greek invaders mixed with the Afrikans of the area giving them a little brown tint. But that's about all it is, they are culturally Romans and Greeks!

Sango says the truth to you today, the Bible doesn't speak to homosexuals in Romans 1 but Sodomites. Sodomites are cult prostitutes like the worshipers of Cybelle, the mother goddess, a satanic spirit that they performed all sorts of sodomy rites in order to fuel their local economy. In Greece it was the worship of Alphoditess that spawn their rebellion to the Most High, engaging in sodomy, which is oral, anal sex, along with sex with animals. This is what sodomy is, it's legal definition. Sodomization, an occult ritual, is what corrupts the society. Cult prostitutes are the propagators of sexual deviance, sexual disease and corruption high places, they are temple prostitutes.

Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
American psychiatrist
Frances Cress Welsing was an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist. Her 1970 essay, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, offered her interpretation on the origins of what she described as white supremacy culture. Wikipedia
Born: March 18, 1935, Chicago, IL
Died: January 2, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Books: The Isis (Yssis) papers
Movies: 500 Years Later
Education: Howard University (1962), Wendell Phillips Academy High School, Antioch College

The Feminization of The Black Man


Temple prostitutes as spoken of by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing when she points out the 9 areas of human activity controlled by the sodomites cults of Roman empire under Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, SkullnBones, Bohemian Grove, Greek Letter Organizations, Catholic Anglican, Episcopal Church Nuns and Priesthoods, College cults formed at Universities under Greek deity worship. White Supremacy is hidden satanic worship.

The Sodomites, cult prostitutes scatted out in all the 9 areas and are in control of:

1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labor
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War

Freemasonry and Jesuit devils in the pulpit.

The 9 Keys By Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

We must overthrow this system and replace it with a system of justice. We must do cultural awakening to achieve this so the Alaafin of Oyo is correct in giving this command to Yorubas. Afrikan culture treats sex as holy which it is just the same as religion. War is holy and must not be misused unless given no choice. All labor is holy and all laborers should make a good living like those in other occupations under a system of justice.


War/Counter War








I list them backwards, rather in order of the most influential, sex has more influence than all the rest so sex control comes first. White Supremacy Racism is obsessed with sexual energy, sexual abuse, sexual perversion, sex scandals, sex prostitution, etc All their Illuminati handsigns are most sex related symbols. The OK hand sign people call the 3 6s or 666, which is 9 in numerology, evolved in Greece as a man's way of letting another man know he was into sodomy. This is how the homosexual war being acted upon Afrika is genocide when you go back and study what I just wrote.

Dr Frances Cress Welsing - The War Against Afrikan Youth



1 Like

Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Walamu(m): 7:30pm On Sep 05, 2018
Hate me yet its the truth. I only do what I do, my duty, for the Kings and Queens of Africa, as I am just a servant who time will pass when these bad times cease yet the royal divine bloodlines of Africa will remain forever.
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Walamu(m): 7:52pm On Sep 05, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie.
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Walamu(m): 10:41pm On Sep 05, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie.
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Walamu(m): 12:36am On Sep 06, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie.
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 12:26pm On Sep 06, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie.
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 11:41pm On Sep 06, 2018
it is really sad how most mankind equate satan with freedom
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 3:28pm On Sep 07, 2018
it is really sad how most mankind equate satan with freedom
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 7:31pm On Sep 07, 2018
Michelle Obama is a man
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 2:56pm On Sep 08, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 6:21pm On Sep 09, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 10:29pm On Sep 11, 2018
Sexual Abuse of Power in the Black Church: Sexual Misconduct in the African American Churches

by PhD Donald H. Matthews

This book deals specifically with the topic of the sexual abuse of power in black churches. This problem has been estimated to be three times as prevalent in the black churches, yet scant attention has been brought to bear on this subject

Aretha Franklin Death is uncovering Pedophilia in Black Churches
Witch Patrol
Published on Sep 1, 2018
Touching on the shift of Civil Rights supposed leaders - reaction to Aretha Franklin's last recorded video


Black church and pedophilia
Published on Nov 10, 2013


Phinheas The Zealot
Published on Jan 18, 2017
Bernice King, just as most black people, especially black women, promote, condone, and facilitate wickedness.



Is Michelle Obama a man? I do not know but I have heard the reports and watching this moment of the inauguration makes me believe it is true. The expressions on the faces here is precious!. I read this on Youtube... you judge Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964




Nothing about the Homosexual Agenda is what it seems.

Founder of LGBT is the same father of the National Association of Men Loving Boys

Harry Hay founder of LGBT and the modern homosexual movement was a sex magick practicing ritualist who sacrificed children and sexually exploited them. Harry Hay was Jewish as if that matters in the context of satanic White Supremacy. Harry Hay is member of OTO Freemasonry, as is Aleister Crowely the Beast, Anton Levay Founder of the Satan Temple of America, R. L Hubbard Founder of Scientology disciple of Crowely, Read below.


PEDOGATE Freemasons Involved
Upper Bandwidth
Published on Apr 10, 2017
Secret society networks are heavily involved in the destruction of children.


The Roman Catholic Church Head of the Illuminati, University Cults, Christian Churches and Freemasonry


Sodomy exists among Europeans, Jews and Arabs. They are all really one group people with the same sick perverted culture of White Supremacy via domination through sex because they have a feeling of inadequacy to the Afrikan due to the fear of genetic annihilation.

A. Europeans are the descendants of Rome and Greece, which had pedophile culture and sodomy.

B. Jews are descendants of the mountain ranges above Italy between Germany, France, etc, they also have the same culture of domination through sexual abuse, conjuring evil spirits, and making brutality a ritual.

C. Arabs are confusing to people because they appear sort of brownish so people think they are a minority like Afrikans. Arabs are descendants of Roman and Greek invaders who settled near Egypt after being run out by our ancestors of Kushite empire during the 25th dynasty. The reside in the deserts of NorthEast Afrika which is being called the MiddleEast today but they are descendants of Romans and Greek invaders mixed with the Afrikans of the area giving them a little brown tint. But that's about all it is, they are culturally Romans and Greeks!

Sango says the truth to you today, the Bible doesn't speak to homosexuals in Romans 1 but Sodomites. Sodomites are cult prostitutes like the worshipers of Cybelle, the mother goddess, a satanic spirit that they performed all sorts of sodomy rites in order to fuel their local economy. In Greece it was the worship of Alphoditess that spawn their rebellion to the Most High, engaging in sodomy, which is oral, anal sex, along with sex with animals. This is what sodomy is, it's legal definition. Sodomization, an occult ritual, is what corrupts the society. Cult prostitutes are the propagators of sexual deviance, sexual disease and corruption high places, they are temple prostitutes.

Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
American psychiatrist
Frances Cress Welsing was an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist. Her 1970 essay, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, offered her interpretation on the origins of what she described as white supremacy culture. Wikipedia
Born: March 18, 1935, Chicago, IL
Died: January 2, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Books: The Isis (Yssis) papers
Movies: 500 Years Later
Education: Howard University (1962), Wendell Phillips Academy High School, Antioch College

The Feminization of The Black Man


Temple prostitutes as spoken of by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing when she points out the 9 areas of human activity controlled by the sodomites cults of Roman empire under Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, SkullnBones, Bohemian Grove, Greek Letter Organizations, Catholic Anglican, Episcopal Church Nuns and Priesthoods, College cults formed at Universities under Greek deity worship. White Supremacy is hidden satanic worship.

The Sodomites, cult prostitutes scatted out in all the 9 areas and are in control of:

1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labor
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War

Freemasonry and Jesuit devils in the pulpit.

The 9 Keys By Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

We must overthrow this system and replace it with a system of justice. We must do cultural awakening to achieve this so the Alaafin of Oyo is correct in giving this command to Yorubas. Afrikan culture treats sex as holy which it is just the same as religion. War is holy and must not be misused unless given no choice. All labor is holy and all laborers should make a good living like those in other occupations under a system of justice.


War/Counter War








I list them backwards, rather in order of the most influential, sex has more influence than all the rest so sex control comes first. White Supremacy Racism is obsessed with sexual energy, sexual abuse, sexual perversion, sex scandals, sex prostitution, etc All their Illuminati handsigns are most sex related symbols. The OK hand sign people call the 3 6s or 666, which is 9 in numerology, evolved in Greece as a man's way of letting another man know he was into sodomy. This is how the homosexual war being acted upon Afrika is genocide when you go back and study what I just wrote.

Dr Frances Cress Welsing - The War Against Afrikan Youth


Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 11:53pm On Sep 12, 2018

Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 3:08pm On Sep 13, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 9:02pm On Sep 13, 2018
Sexual Abuse of Power in the Black Church: Sexual Misconduct in the African American Churches

by PhD Donald H. Matthews

This book deals specifically with the topic of the sexual abuse of power in black churches. This problem has been estimated to be three times as prevalent in the black churches, yet scant attention has been brought to bear on this subject

Aretha Franklin Death is uncovering Pedophilia in Black Churches
Witch Patrol
Published on Sep 1, 2018
Touching on the shift of Civil Rights supposed leaders - reaction to Aretha Franklin's last recorded video


Black church and pedophilia
Published on Nov 10, 2013


Phinheas The Zealot
Published on Jan 18, 2017
Bernice King, just as most black people, especially black women, promote, condone, and facilitate wickedness.



Is Michelle Obama a man? I do not know but I have heard the reports and watching this moment of the inauguration makes me believe it is true. The expressions on the faces here is precious!. I read this on Youtube... you judge Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964




Nothing about the Homosexual Agenda is what it seems.

Founder of LGBT is the same father of the National Association of Men Loving Boys

Harry Hay founder of LGBT and the modern homosexual movement was a sex magick practicing ritualist who sacrificed children and sexually exploited them. Harry Hay was Jewish as if that matters in the context of satanic White Supremacy. Harry Hay is member of OTO Freemasonry, as is Aleister Crowely the Beast, Anton Levay Founder of the Satan Temple of America, R. L Hubbard Founder of Scientology disciple of Crowely, Read below.


PEDOGATE Freemasons Involved
Upper Bandwidth
Published on Apr 10, 2017
Secret society networks are heavily involved in the destruction of children.


The Roman Catholic Church Head of the Illuminati, University Cults, Christian Churches and Freemasonry


Sodomy exists among Europeans, Jews and Arabs. They are all really one group people with the same sick perverted culture of White Supremacy via domination through sex because they have a feeling of inadequacy to the Afrikan due to the fear of genetic annihilation.

A. Europeans are the descendants of Rome and Greece, which had pedophile culture and sodomy.

B. Jews are descendants of the mountain ranges above Italy between Germany, France, etc, they also have the same culture of domination through sexual abuse, conjuring evil spirits, and making brutality a ritual.

C. Arabs are confusing to people because they appear sort of brownish so people think they are a minority like Afrikans. Arabs are descendants of Roman and Greek invaders who settled near Egypt after being run out by our ancestors of Kushite empire during the 25th dynasty. The reside in the deserts of NorthEast Afrika which is being called the MiddleEast today but they are descendants of Romans and Greek invaders mixed with the Afrikans of the area giving them a little brown tint. But that's about all it is, they are culturally Romans and Greeks!

Sango says the truth to you today, the Bible doesn't speak to homosexuals in Romans 1 but Sodomites. Sodomites are cult prostitutes like the worshipers of Cybelle, the mother goddess, a satanic spirit that they performed all sorts of sodomy rites in order to fuel their local economy. In Greece it was the worship of Alphoditess that spawn their rebellion to the Most High, engaging in sodomy, which is oral, anal sex, along with sex with animals. This is what sodomy is, it's legal definition. Sodomization, an occult ritual, is what corrupts the society. Cult prostitutes are the propagators of sexual deviance, sexual disease and corruption high places, they are temple prostitutes.

Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
American psychiatrist
Frances Cress Welsing was an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist. Her 1970 essay, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, offered her interpretation on the origins of what she described as white supremacy culture. Wikipedia
Born: March 18, 1935, Chicago, IL
Died: January 2, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Books: The Isis (Yssis) papers
Movies: 500 Years Later
Education: Howard University (1962), Wendell Phillips Academy High School, Antioch College

The Feminization of The Black Man


Temple prostitutes as spoken of by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing when she points out the 9 areas of human activity controlled by the sodomites cults of Roman empire under Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, SkullnBones, Bohemian Grove, Greek Letter Organizations, Catholic Anglican, Episcopal Church Nuns and Priesthoods, College cults formed at Universities under Greek deity worship. White Supremacy is hidden satanic worship.

The Sodomites, cult prostitutes scatted out in all the 9 areas and are in control of:

1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labor
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War

Freemasonry and Jesuit devils in the pulpit.

The 9 Keys By Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

We must overthrow this system and replace it with a system of justice. We must do cultural awakening to achieve this so the Alaafin of Oyo is correct in giving this command to Yorubas. Afrikan culture treats sex as holy which it is just the same as religion. War is holy and must not be misused unless given no choice. All labor is holy and all laborers should make a good living like those in other occupations under a system of justice.


War/Counter War








I list them backwards, rather in order of the most influential, sex has more influence than all the rest so sex control comes first. White Supremacy Racism is obsessed with sexual energy, sexual abuse, sexual perversion, sex scandals, sex prostitution, etc All their Illuminati handsigns are most sex related symbols. The OK hand sign people call the 3 6s or 666, which is 9 in numerology, evolved in Greece as a man's way of letting another man know he was into sodomy. This is how the homosexual war being acted upon Afrika is genocide when you go back and study what I just wrote.

Dr Frances Cress Welsing - The War Against Afrikan Youth


Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 1:32am On Sep 14, 2018
Michelle obama is a man
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 11:22am On Sep 14, 2018
Sodomy is misery
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 12:02am On Sep 17, 2018
Civil Rights was a shameless lie
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 10:25am On Sep 17, 2018
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 12:45am On Sep 18, 2018
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 3:46pm On Sep 18, 2018
Michelle obama is a man
Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by zohuxox: 3:52pm On Sep 18, 2018

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Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 10:15pm On Sep 18, 2018

Is Michelle Obama a man? I do not know but I have heard the reports and watching this moment of the inauguration makes me believe it is true. The expressions on the faces here is precious!. I read this on Youtube... you judge Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964






Nothing about the Homosexual Agenda is what it seems.

Founder of LGBT is the same father of the National Association of Men Loving Boys

Harry Hay founder of LGBT and the modern homosexual movement was a sex magick practicing ritualist who sacrificed children and sexually exploited them. Harry Hay was Jewish as if that matters in the context of satanic White Supremacy. Harry Hay is member of OTO Freemasonry, as is Aleister Crowely the Beast, Anton Levay Founder of the Satan Temple of America, R. L Hubbard Founder of Scientology disciple of Crowely, Read below.


PEDOGATE Freemasons Involved
Upper Bandwidth
Published on Apr 10, 2017
Secret society networks are heavily involved in the destruction of children.


The Roman Catholic Church Head of the Illuminati, University Cults, Christian Churches and Freemasonry


Sodomy exists among Europeans, Jews and Arabs. They are all really one group people with the same sick perverted culture of White Supremacy via domination through sex because they have a feeling of inadequacy to the Afrikan due to the fear of genetic annihilation.

A. Europeans are the descendants of Rome and Greece, which had pedophile culture and sodomy.

B. Jews are descendants of the mountain ranges above Italy between Germany, France, etc, they also have the same culture of domination through sexual abuse, conjuring evil spirits, and making brutality a ritual.

C. Arabs are confusing to people because they appear sort of brownish so people think they are a minority like Afrikans. Arabs are descendants of Roman and Greek invaders who settled near Egypt after being run out by our ancestors of Kushite empire during the 25th dynasty. The reside in the deserts of NorthEast Afrika which is being called the MiddleEast today but they are descendants of Romans and Greek invaders mixed with the Afrikans of the area giving them a little brown tint. But that's about all it is, they are culturally Romans and Greeks!

Sango says the truth to you today, the Bible doesn't speak to homosexuals in Romans 1 but Sodomites. Sodomites are cult prostitutes like the worshipers of Cybelle, the mother goddess, a satanic spirit that they performed all sorts of sodomy rites in order to fuel their local economy. In Greece it was the worship of Alphoditess that spawn their rebellion to the Most High, engaging in sodomy, which is oral, anal sex, along with sex with animals. This is what sodomy is, it's legal definition. Sodomization, an occult ritual, is what corrupts the society. Cult prostitutes are the propagators of sexual deviance, sexual disease and corruption high places, they are temple prostitutes.

Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite

Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
American psychiatrist
Frances Cress Welsing was an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist. Her 1970 essay, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, offered her interpretation on the origins of what she described as white supremacy culture. Wikipedia
Born: March 18, 1935, Chicago, IL
Died: January 2, 2016, Washington, D.C.
Books: The Isis (Yssis) papers
Movies: 500 Years Later
Education: Howard University (1962), Wendell Phillips Academy High School, Antioch College

The Feminization of The Black Man


Temple prostitutes as spoken of by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing when she points out the 9 areas of human activity controlled by the sodomites cults of Roman empire under Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, SkullnBones, Bohemian Grove, Greek Letter Organizations, Catholic Anglican, Episcopal Church Nuns and Priesthoods, College cults formed at Universities under Greek deity worship. White Supremacy is hidden satanic worship.

The Sodomites, cult prostitutes scatted out in all the 9 areas and are in control of:

1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labor
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War/Counter-War

Freemasonry and Jesuit devils in the pulpit.

The 9 Keys By Dr. Frances Cress Welsing

We must overthrow this system and replace it with a system of justice. We must do cultural awakening to achieve this so the Alaafin of Oyo is correct in giving this command to Yorubas. Afrikan culture treats sex as holy which it is just the same as religion. War is holy and must not be misused unless given no choice. All labor is holy and all laborers should make a good living like those in other occupations under a system of justice.


War/Counter War








I list them backwards, rather in order of the most influential, sex has more influence than all the rest so sex control comes first. White Supremacy Racism is obsessed with sexual energy, sexual abuse, sexual perversion, sex scandals, sex prostitution, etc All their Illuminati handsigns are most sex related symbols. The OK hand sign people call the 3 6s or 666, which is 9 in numerology, evolved in Greece as a man's way of letting another man know he was into sodomy. This is how the homosexual war being acted upon Afrika is genocide when you go back and study what I just wrote.

Dr Frances Cress Welsing - The War Against Afrikan Youth


Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 10:23pm On Sep 18, 2018

Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 1:11am On Sep 19, 2018


Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 11:04am On Sep 19, 2018
Mind wars

1 Like

Re: Occult War Against Africans Meghan Markle Is A Man Illuminate Deception Exposed by Obakuso: 3:32pm On Sep 19, 2018
Here is a Catholic priest, the Archbishop of Durban in South Africa saying paedophilia is NOT a crime. No little kids back side is safe from people with this kind of world view.


This is not about sexual desire. Raping children is another way of attacking the bloodline of people you want to conquer. So they set up their Churches in lands of Africa where their armies have just destroyed all the infrastructure of the African Kingdom that once flourished. Because of the war and slavery, the people have no food, they burned down farms so the King couldn't continue to raise an army. They destroyed the seamstress where clothes were being made, they killed the blacksmith and his sons, they killed the herbalists, they destroyed the trade acquisition schools set up by the Kings, they kill the traditional priests so there's no one to go to when the people get sick. Then they tell you to take your children to them at 3 and 4 years old so they can rape them and indoctrinate them. The Christian and Catholics have been raping children worldwide for centuries. And I'm telling you what the ancestors told me that they are only interested in destroying African civilization. Stop calling it sexual desire for this is nothing more than warfare. These priests are trained to rape children because many of them were adopted as children and raped by priests. There's no appealing to this class of African people who just do not have no soul because they've been robbed of it at a young age. Many of them are fighting for LGBT and I've proven to you its a satanist's founded movement.

You see a man doesn't want to marry an adult woman who can easily take his joystick and not do her any damage. Yet he would rather put his joystick into the anus of a little boy or girl and ruin their body for life. This is pure satanic. Africa needs to directly confront this issue of Christians, Catholics and Muslims who practice this sort of way around child sacrifice. It is child sacrifice to rape a child because that child now ruined for life. If not for the grace of the Almighty a few of them that recover never would have a normal human life where they live out their destiny that God gave them.

There is only one God. We can't allow these satanic people to define what God is and what he approves and doesn't approve of.

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